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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Carl giggled as James called him flash. " no need, there is already a boar above the fire, Eden should have it ready soon. I am quite hungry."
James shrugged as he said,"Well, your loss then. I thought we could get something like a surplus of meat going." He then shook his fur out a little bit and said,"You never know when we might need one."
Eitan continued his search to learn things , for now he could climb a tree very easily but he needed more things , because of this he wasted his time trying to search for animals in the island , but for some reason he couldnt fine any so he returned again to beach where everyone else was
Éden came back, the bucket nearly overflowing as she set it over the fire. "You can put her in the bed of grass inside my shelter, if you like." She said quietly to Kat. "It's clean and cool, so I think it might be more comfortable in there than out here." She sat down and grabbed a giant leaf from a pile she had in the back and sat in front of the fire, beginning to weave it into another water tight basket.
"Well, if you want to hunt, you can, it's up to you really." Carl said to James. He then sat down by the fire, looking at everyone in the group. "Is the boar almost ready?" He asked Eden
James looked at Eden and said,"Hey, I exist too you know..." He then picked up Saki with surprising strength and began to walk to the shelter. It was nice, but James wasn't sure if he'd be able to sleep in it or if it was just Eden's. He then put Saki down on the grass and came back out. He then looked at the boar that Carl had killed and said,"If everyone gets some we'll be out of meat. I'll go out and hunt." He then turned around and began to walk out into the wilderness.
Éden nodded at James and stood up to check the boar. "It's about ready...if anyone wants some, feel free to tear pieces off it. There's no need for manners in the wilderness." She sat down and picked up the boiling water, working on seperatimg the fresh water from the salt.
Carl quickly went to the boar and tore a bit off. He then sat down a few feet away from the fire and tucked in, clearly enjoying his meal. "Tastes like.......survival, with a hint of boar"
Éden looked around at all the people in the tiny camp. "I'm guessing you guys don't have a base yet?" She said quietly, filling one of her weaved buckets with water and filling another with all the salt she's collected.
Jennifer realized she accidentally fell asleep in Eden's shelter with the leaf bed she made in a corner. When she saw Saki on Eden's leaf bed with a leaf around her leg. When she remembered that her leg was also injured but not wanting to interupt she kept it to herself. Wondering if anyone would even notice her
"I've been with you almost the whole time, so you know what I've done." Said carl. He eventually finished his hunk of meat and rubbed his greasy hand on the sand, he then lay back and closed his eyes.
Éden smiled a bit. "I guess so." She looked at everyone. "I'm just nervous. I made my camp secluded in case I turned unexpectedly into my usual form, so as much as I would love to help out with making this our base, I don't want risk anyone getting hurt because of me." She looked around. "I can help make a bigger base for everyone, so untill then, you are all more than welcome to stay here. I don't think I'll be turning any time soon, anyway." She stood and began to gather sticks, poking Carl with one. "Could you come help me gather supplies so I can make more huts for everyone?"
Carl groaned and turned over, hoping he could avoid this task by being silent. He didn't want to have to do anything else tonight, he had already done enough. Carl was really hot in his coat, he had forgotten to take it off, so he undid it and lay on it as a makeshift bed, now with a shirt on instead.
Jennifer soon realized it was useless to wait to be noticed and decided to go get some supplies. She soon realized that was a horrible idea. Her leg was in so much pain that she tripped and soon (with golden eyes) started to cry.
Éden turned to see a girl falling to the ground with a seemingly injured leg. She stepped forward and helper back to the hut. "Do you need anything? Are you in pain?" She asked her quietly.
Carl slowly opened his eyes and sat up, groaning. "ffffiiiiiinnne" he complained, "i'll go and get some stuff for huts, but don't expect me to be in a great mood when i come back, Flash needs his beauty sleep." He smirked cheekily at Eden, before casualy jogging at high speed into the jungle.
"It's not that bad" she told Eden, feeling really embarrassed. "Except it hurts a lot and it may or may not be broken?" She really didn't want to worry the girl. She waited for the girls response while trying to hold back tears.
"That's okay. I can help you heal it, but it'll be sore to walk on for a while." Éden took hold of her leg and closed her eyes, a bit of darkness seeping in and sealing the wounded bone

Ike a band aid. "It's still broken, but it's most likely to heal faster now. You don't need a cast anymore." She said with a small smile. "I can look for a walking stick or make crutches for you, if you like."
"Thank you!" she told Eden. It still hurt but not nearly like it was before. "How do u make Crutches? I really don't want to bother you anymore" she explained, as her eyes returned to their electric blue color.
James eventually came back with a large boar slung over his shoulder. He tossed it down onto the ground and said,"Now THAT'S a meal fit for a king right there!" He had blood on his muzzle, but seemed to be alright. A piece of the boar's neck was missing, but James looked at the hut and said,"I think we could start our own neighborhood here."
Niko had just come back from hunting and had four rabbits, a small boar, three wild chickens and a turkey slung over her shoulder on a piece of sappers twine. She smiled at everyone. "I got food!" She said, putting them next to the boar and frowning. "I knew I should've shot a bigger one.." She muttered.
James smiled at Niko and said,"Too bad I got it before you even showed up." He then smiled as he took a seat on the ground and said,"This guy looks like....maybe 250? He's all nice and big for a king sized meal!" He then looked at Niko again and said,"But chicken sounds good."
Carl plodded out of the forest with a pile of large sticks and some leaves in his arms. He was slouched as he walked to the camp and his eyes were half closed. He dropped the supplies by the hut. "There you go Eden." He said. He glanced at the large pile of food, they could probably use the salt on what they couldn't eat just now and sun dry it to preserve it.
Niko smirked. "Just cause you're a great hunter doesn't mean I can't try." She teased, laughing. She put her bow and arrows on the ground and looked at him. She created a small platform of stone and laid her kills out on it. She put her hand to the ground and lifted it up, a small iron knife with a stone handle rose up with her hand. She grabbed it and started cutting the turkey, separating the bits and ignoring the blood.

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