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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

"Ahem?" said a voice that James heard behind him. "Are you lost?" A man stepped out of the bushes to greet James. "I'm Marcus, but you can just call me Mark."
Éden saw Carl drag in stuff and watched him collapse. She approached him and leaned over him. "I think you've done enough for today, mister." She said with a smile as she patted his head, then casting a dark veil to cover him from the sun. She stood and took the rest of the small boar from fire, and began to use her large pile of salt to preserve the meat. Once that was done, she head to her the veil of darkness and sat under it close to Carl, having grabbed two giant leaves and beginning to make a type of sun hat.
James heard a voice coming from the outside of his hut as he changed back to his human form and walked out before saying,"No, I'm not lost. Mark was it? I just need some time away from everyone else."

After a long hour, little Jennifer was able to make stable crutches. "Yay!" She said excitedly. Since she was finally able to control her telekinesis correctly she decided to make cabin for everyone out of small branches, mud, and huge leaves.

It took forever like another 2 hours and soon her telekinesis was starting to make her weak (she is 12) she was able to make a long house out of whatever she could find. But she pushed herself to much that as soon as she was done... She fainted in front of her new shelter.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.8eda828f9fe82b1c4230b236c9b9ee2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.8eda828f9fe82b1c4230b236c9b9ee2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Zane yawned as he attempted to open his eyes, the sand he was laying on was soft and warm, though he began to fall into panic as all he could see was darkness.Though his hands were in twine he quickly began tearing off the duck tape that kept his blindfold on. After a few seconds he finally tore it off and as the light hit his eyes he gasped as if coming to this surface of water to breath in air.

With his left arm straining an his right hand twitching he bathed himself in the sunlight for a few seconds, letting the tendril touch of his inhuman passion interact with his life source. After he had let himself get acquainted and he saw that the inhuman parts of his body began to obey him once more he began to assess his surroundings. He was on a beach, not the normal place he was use to but it confused him, was it another test they subjected him to or was he finally dead. Letting the thought pass he saw a small bag to his right made of leather, with his blank facial expression he squatted down and began looking through the bag. Inside all there was to be found was a flashlight, three packs of batteries, and thick black sunglasses,"Know me so well, doctor," he mumbled as he slipped the batteries in his deep pockets and tossed the bag away. Seeing he had no need for staying here, he slipped the sunglasses on his face, hiding his inhuman eye and walked toward the treeline.

(Zane believes this to be another one of the tests the doctors that torture him made him do, he won't hurt you but he'll lie to you and fuck with you :P )
"I know how you feel, but... I think you'll need a better hut than that. I could build you one in no time if you want!" Mark offered, crouching down to look for possible supplies. "What's your name, kid?"
James looked at Mark and said,"Thank you very much, my name is James." He then watched as he began to search for supplies and quickly added,"If you need any kind of extra strength or need me to lug supplies I'd be more than happy to."

Mark chuckled. "Thanks, James, but I think I'm good for now. I'll be back, most of what I need is back at my hut." He said. He strained for a minute, clutching his fists and arching his back as two large wings sprouted from it. "Think you could wait here until I come back?" He panted.
James nodded as he said,"Of course!" He then sat down on the ground and watched as Mark grew wings. He looked at them in awe, too bad his beast form didn't have wings. Then it hit him, what if James had come out in his beast form? How would Mark have reacted to that?

Kat watched all of the commotion and everyone going back to their routine of survival. Kat suddenly remembered the dead body she had found.

You have to tell them. There is something on this island...something horrible...you have to...NOW! the voices in her head echoed.

Kat gritted her teeth and held her hands on her head, trying to block them out. But she knew that it was the truth. So she looked around to find the first person to tell...she could not tell Saki or Jennifer, they would get too scared and paranoid. She could not tell Eden, for Eden already seemed too stressed with fitting all of these people in the camp. Everyone else seemed too oppupied with hunting and surviving...then she remembered one person that she did not see in a while. He had a strong sense like her...and he seems strong too.

James. She had to find him.

Sniffing the air, Kat leaped into the distance without a word. She ran into the forest, hearing his voice clearer and clearer as she got closer. Finally, she found him and another boy talking. Maybe this wasn't a good time...but she needed to tell someone. Someone could die tonight.

"Um...James?" she softly spoke, tapping on his shoulder.
James looked at Kat and merely sighed as he gave her a glance and said,"What...do...you...want?"
Kat sensed his slight annoyance. She felt a pinch of interference on her part, but she had no choice.

"Um...I need to talk to you about something. I don't think this island is safe. And I am not talking boars, tigers, bears, or anything of the sort. Something bigger is here...and I found something to prove it. I really am sorry for bothering you. I think I must tell you in private. Again, I am sorry..." Kat said quietly, not meeting his eyes.
James shook his head and told Kat,"You're insane, there's nothing like that here. There's only animals, plants, and others. You have nothing to worry about, now let me be." He then turned away from Kat and said,"Go back to your camp."

((Please tell me you aren't actually planning to put something like that in, because I kinda want to keep the island as a normal island.))
(So...basically we are just stuck here on a normal island? What are you planning on using as the villain? Just animals? What about the government using experiments on the "others"? Shouldn't that be put on the island and then the "others" fight for survival against them?)
((Look, for the time being I just want everyone to have a chance to get to know everyone, but I don't need all of this crazy stuff happening right off the bat. Not to mention, I had a idea for something already)
Éden finished her sun hat and put it on. She decided to start working on replenishing her power while she waited for Carl to wake up. Since he was the only person she actually felt comfortable around, she stayed where she was, but made her side of the veil into an intense darkness, completley enveloping herself in pitch black.
During Jennifer's unconsciousness she had a flashback.

It was the day after her 12th birthday when she decided it was time to let her smarter older brother know about her power. She had not told anyone not even their parents, so she really thought about it. He was her best friend, she looked up to him. So she went up to him and told him everything, she knew he would think that she was crazy or just playing so she proved it by picking up his 110 pound desk. Which was the heaviest thing she ever lifted. His reaction was horrible.

He hid from her, avoided her for the next month. She was devastated, she couldn't believe it. The first person she told, the one she trusted the most,was scared of her. She didn't mean to cause that she just wanted to have someone there. She had ruined that. She last time that she tried to hug him, he freaked and he picked her up while also pushing her away, accidently making her fall down the last few steps on the stairs, nothing to bad happened. She just twisted her ankle, which seemed to completely brake their friendship maybe even their sibling trust.

Jennifer woke to a startle, eyes quickly turned golden as tears poured down her delicate cheeks. "I'm sorry!" She cried out before realizing where she was.
Éden opened her eyes, or black orbs, to be more specific. She heard Jennifer scream and blinked again, her eyes appearing back to normal. The veil lightened up and she stood, brushing her hands against her legs as she cleared off the sand and made her way to Jennifer. "Jennifer," she murmered gently as she noticed her crying. "Are you all right?" She crouched down and wiped her tears, unknowingly gaining power from her negative emotions.
"Yea, I just had a horrible flashback of before the helicopter" suddenly feeling a little more tired. She stopped crying, as her eyes turned back to their electric blue color. "Look what I made before blacking out" she pointed to the long house that she made but it drained all her energy and she was hoping to at least impress someone.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.7e918780df81b2d3788f7af5dd2ef2ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.7e918780df81b2d3788f7af5dd2ef2ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((note it's not this perfect imagine it a little bit less stable and not as neatly weaved))



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Isune said:
((Look, for the time being I just want everyone to have a chance to get to know everyone, but I don't need all of this crazy stuff happening right off the bat. Not to mention, I had a idea for something already)
(I am so sorry. From now on, I will let you do the plot. I just felt like contributing. I did not mean any harm to the RP. I am sorry! Tomorrow I will write something to integrate into the story so it erases what I have written before about my planned plot. Sorry for the trouble. Please continue!)

Kat saw the annoyance flare in his eyes and felt really sad. She felt tears well up in her eyes and ran away without a word. She could not take it anymore.

(I will figure it out tomorrow. I have to go...bai!)
AliceLiddell17 said:
(I am so sorry. From now on, I will let you do the plot. I just felt like contributing. I did not mean any harm to the RP. I am sorry! Tomorrow I will write something to integrate into the story so it erases what I have written before about my planned plot. Sorry for the trouble. Please continue!)
Kat saw the annoyance flare in his eyes and felt really sad. She felt tears well up in her eyes and ran away without a word. She could not take it anymore.

(I will figure it out tomorrow. I have to go...bai!)
Good Bai
Zane had spent the last thirty minutes walking around in the woods, after finding what seemed to be a cave he decided he'd mark the spot and keep moving. After carving "Do Not Enter, trolls are afoot." he decided to keep moving. Every so often stains of blood, moved branches, and foot like prints proved evermore discouraging, someone was on the island here aswell. With a tight grin he picked up a piece of cloth which looked like it was torn off of someone's jeans. After looking it over for several minutes he turned to his right and began walking toward what he could believe a trail. After hearing screaming he began a jog, every so often to look up at the sky and watch the sun, after a few more minutes he stopped himself behind a large tree and looked forward to see a clearing. A large hut like building was in the clearing and scattered around were a handful of people, though to his concern non of them looked like others he had encountered in his tests. Always he had encountered men clad in body armor and guns, but these were just teenagers, a lot like him to his disbelief. He twisted his head as he watched them interact with one another, after a bit one began running away in his general direction and he ducked behind the tree. Of which he thought was quite comfortable for a tree.

After a few seconds he poked his head out, his sunglasses glaring off of the sun.



(That glare doe)
Jennifer was suprised to see an older boy, who she had not met yet, walked towards her and Eden. Waiting for him to say something, She just stood there on her crutches.
Éden stood up,and laid her hand on her head. "Stay low." She stood and exited the hut, beginning to walk towards a glare that reflected into her eyes. She moved her dark hair behind her ears to see better, not sure if she was seeing things or not. "Hello?"
Moment of truth, Zane walked out from behind the tree. With his right hand he scratched his other, inhuman arm. "Hey there," Zane mumbled as he looked the girl over, his eyes hidden behind his dark sunglasses. "You wouldn't happen to know the doctor would you," he said aloud with a happy tone.

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