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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

James shrugged at Mark as he said,"Hey, as long as I can get some R&R." He then sat on the ground as he waited for Mark to do whatever he was going to do, or for him to call him over.

Éden was about to fill her bucket when she saw a bright raft flow onto the beach. "What...?" She went ahead and peered in, her eyes widening as she saw a girl laying unconsious in the boat. "Oh my...!" She quickly and swiftly picked her up into her arms and ran back to the camp. "Quick! Someone help me get her into the hut, we need to help her!" She said, darkness flickering around her as she stumbled towards the camp, not used to carrying the weight of another person.
Zane watched as Eden carried the girl and his glare wasn't attached to the girl but the darkness that she emitted,"Disgusting," he mumbled. "She's probably not used to it here, especially that she's one of us. Put her in the hut or something, you people can get sick and tired from too much sunlight." Zane forced the words out, trying his best to keep himself restrained from action.
Otakar was getting bored of doing nothing and started to go in the jungle and make make a makeshift coyote house and lays down and sleep
jole875 said:
Zane watched as Eden carried the girl and his glare wasn't attached to the girl but the darkness that she emitted,"Disgusting," he mumbled. "She's probably not used to it here, especially that she's one of us. Put her in the hut or something, you people can get sick and tired from too much sunlight." Zane forced the words out, trying his best to keep himself restrained from action.
(( Aerons character is emitting darkness, my character weaken and dies without light.. ))
Nicholai slowly opened his eyes as the bright sun was beating down on him. He sat up not knowing where he was, he looked around. He frantically started shouting "Eli" as he ran to the group of people he seen.
Nicholai reached the group in front of him out of breath with every word "Has anyone seen Eli? He's a little boy only 2 he was ripped from my arms. where am I" He paused trying to catch his breath.

(sorry i'm not sure who everyone is yet.)
Before long, Mark had made a wooden hut with a sturdy roof made of leaves, an opening as an entrance in the front. "This should hold you for...however long you're planning to stay. Let me know if you'll need anymore help!" he said, brushing himself off, and waving goodbye as he prepared to take off again.

((this'll be my last post, it's past midnight where I am.))
Éden noticed her weakening and tried to reign in her darkness. She laid her out on a bed of grass in the sand. "S-someone help her, I can't...I have to go!" She put her down and ran into the woods to search for a place to let her demon release darkness. She found a small waterfall and sat a bit always from it, a hazey cloud of dark fog omitting from her. She was still learning how to control her demons reaction when under a lot of pressure, but was still unable to cooperate with it.
Aeron said:
Éden noticed her weakening and tried to reign in her darkness. She laid her out on a bed of grass in the sand. "S-someone help her, I can't...I have to go!" She put her down and ran into the woods to search for a place to let her demon release darkness. She found a small waterfall and sat a bit always from it, a hazey cloud of dark fog omitting from her. She was still learning how to control her demons reaction when under a lot of pressure, but was still unable to cooperate with it.
After catching his breath. Nicholi walked over to the girl sitting down. "I'm sorry to bother you, have you seen Eli? He's only 2 he was ripped from me and I don't know where I am"


Aeron said:
Éden noticed her weakening and tried to reign in her darkness. She laid her out on a bed of grass in the sand. "S-someone help her, I can't...I have to go!" She put her down and ran into the woods to search for a place to let her demon release darkness. She found a small waterfall and sat a bit always from it, a hazey cloud of dark fog omitting from her. She was still learning how to control her demons reaction when under a lot of pressure, but was still unable to cooperate with it.
After catching his breath. Nicholi walked over to the girl sitting down. "I'm sorry to bother you, have you seen Eli? He's only 2 he was ripped from me and I don't know where I am"
lette said:
After catching his breath. Nicholi walked over to the girl sitting down. "I'm sorry to bother you, have you seen Eli? He's only 2 he was ripped from me and I don't know where I am"

After catching his breath. Nicholi walked over to the girl sitting down. "I'm sorry to bother you, have you seen Eli? He's only 2 he was ripped from me and I don't know where I am"
Éden scotched away, waving her head no. "Be careful...a demons darkness is dangerous and I'm not done with it." (Night everyone)
Carl suddenly woke up in the camp and looked up, he looked dazed, he had probably slept for a little too long. He saw some familiar faces and some unfamiliar.

(I won't be on for much of today, i have a swimming gala, but i will be on later, UK time, that is)

Carl slowly got up and began to jog about(his jogging is very fast), making sure everyone was okay, he was a little bored and was hoping to find someone to talk to or do something with.
Meanwhile, Kat ran away from James, thinking of how his reaction was.

Out of all people...out of all people I chose to tell, I chose him. And he calls me insane?! He is the one who is insane. I am the one who helped his god damn "sister". He is the one who decided to get all angry and then take it out on me just because I am from the camp like Niko. And for him to leave Saki out there when something could eat her up in a minute...or kill her...how dare he...HOW DARE HE?!

Kat's eyes turned red as she was running, her angry thoughts running away from her. Tears of rage started spilling down her cheeks, her arms turning furry in seconds. Her claws begin to come out.

No...no...not now! Not now!

Kat decided to stop. She plopped down on the ground and began to sob in anger and hurt. Her face began to grow fur, a snout beginning to grow. Her eyes became a lot more cat-like. She started growling. She wanted to scream in rage so bad.

Then, something caught Kat's eye.

It was the dead body. Kat moved closer to it, no longer afraid of it anymore. She held his head and looked into his dead, cold eyes and his torn ears. Her eyes traced his dead, almost dismembered body. The bruises...the cuts...the injection marks...

The injection marks...?

Wait. Something was different about these marks. She looked at it closer and saw these these were not injection marks.

They were puncture marks...of an animal.

So all this time...she thought that there was a camp here other than hers. She thought the government was still with her, waiting to kill her and her new friends...she jumped to conclusions all this time, thinking that the government was still after her. And it has destroyed her trust in others. It has caused her to overthink and get angry.

This made Kat even more angry and mortified. But...she still felt for this person. The person who had powers like her. He was probably stranded here...alone...and this animal got him and tore him to shambles. Kat began to cry in misery. "I am such a fool..." she said, wishing she had not warned James so quickly. She was still angry for him calling her insane. And she was not insane for wanting to protect the others. But still...she felt like such an embarrassment to the whole camp.

Kat sobbed there silently next to the dead body, wishing she were dead too.
Carl spotted Kat as he was running and quickly came to a halt, staring in horror at the dead body, then at Kat. "Are you okay?" He asked her.
Kat saw Carl and shook her head. "He was just like me..." Kat said, tears running down her cheeks. "And worse, I thought that he was another experiment...which he probably was. But I thought these puncture marks were injection marks..James told me I was insane for thinking that the island still had government waiting for us on here. And I was."

"I am sorry for crying like this. There is probably no reason to cry. I am relieved that the government is not on this island." Kat said, jolting up and wiping her tears quickly. "I just got emotional because I finally found someone who could have lived...and he had the same powers as me. I have not seen someone like that in my whole life. I always thought that I was the only one."
"You're just scared." He said, sounding as nice as possible, "i was scared too, we are on an island alone, but, soon, things will be better. Just, try not to worry about it, you are not insane. Come back to camp with me and have a drink, worrying about his death won't help us i'm afraid." Carl stepped closer to her and laid his hand on her shoulder, subtly smiling at her.

"Being the only one is great, we are all one of a kind, but not alone, you are one of the only people in the world that can do what you can do, can anyone else transform into a cat? No, maybe 1 or 2." He added
"Yeah...I know...I guess I am just scared." Kat said, calming down a bit. "But I can't just leave him here. Can we at least bury him so he doesn't lay here rotting? I am sure whatever happened to him, he fought hard against it. I would like to at least give him that respect."
Selena coughed as she started to wake up. She sat up quickly looking at her hands.. "This is...My body....My name is....My....Selena Ray...I cant...remember...Where...Where am I?" Selena said to herself, trying to make sense of the new sensations she was feeling.
Saki woke up and found herself in Éden's camp on a bed made of leaves. 'Huh?' She thought to herself, as she heard muttering coming from outside Éden's camp. Saki used her power to turn herself invisible and went out of Éden's hut thing to look at the strange person with a burning blue eye. As she did she saw another person, a girl, on a leaf bed beside her waking up. Not wanting to disturb her she went by her to look at the strange person outside. It was weird, not his appearance but how he looked at everyone, through Saki couldn't explain to herself why. Saki ended up trying to sneak past him, looking for James or someone she knew.

@TerrinX @jole875
Carl replied "okay, sure. Now......how are we going to do this?" Carl kneeled and tried to scrap at the dirt with his hands, aided by his speed. He flung loads of dirt through his legs and into the forest behind him. He soon stopped, flicking his hand "AAAAHH!! That hurts", he complained.

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