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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

"No, it's fine" He said, waving his hand dismissively, "it just, like a carpet burn, but for mud, and i may have caught one of my fingers on a stone, but it's really nothing." In front of carl was now a pretty deep pit, about 50 cm, but it wasn't wide nor long yet, not enough for a grave. He stepped away from his pit and looked at Kat. "Would transforming into a cat and digging this be faster and easier?" He suggested, trying to see if a cat could dig quicker, and also desperate to see her transform.
"Well...I guess I could. If someone comes in though, let them know it is me. Otherwise, I am pretty much screwed." Kat said, sighing. She was hesitant and only transformed if she had to. But she knew that this body needed to be burried.

The fur on her skin grew longer and longer as her claws grew sharper. Her hands turned into paws as her long hair shortened and her snout grew. Whiskers grew on her face and the slits in her eyes grew skinnier-almost as if you couldn't see pupils at all. Before she knew it, she was sitting there as a black panther.

Carl's jaw dropped, "woah, that's awesome, and don't worry, people will know what's happening, in any normal situation i would be wrestling you, anyway, dig away, if you need to stop, if it doesn't work, i can carry on." Carl watched Kat closely, he thought this was cool, really cool.
Kat gave a low purr in approval. Although still having a human mind, she used her animal instincts to estimate how deep the hole should go. She still looked at the body sorrowfully every now and again, but remembered to keep digging before the flies and maggots would get to the body.

She kept digging, her paws scraping every bit of dirt out as best as they could. It was much better since she had bigger claws to dig with. It was going a lot faster than expected...but she knew she had to hurry since it was almost sunset.
"You need to do that more often!" Carl exclaimed, sounding like an excited little kid, "and one day, come hunting with me, we could be hunting buddies!" He added, jokingly. (I might answer a little late now, more swimming stuff)
Aeron said:
Éden scotched away, waving her head no. "Be careful...a demons darkness is dangerous and I'm not done with it." (Night everyone)
Nicholai stared in amazement he knew he should probably walk away but he couldn't his curiosity got the better of him and he wondered of he could tap into her thoughts. He concentrated hard.
(Kat found a dead body thinking the government killed someone and that they were still on the island. So she told James, but James called her insane and did not believe her. So she got angry and almost transformed when she ran into the body again. She noticed that the marks were not injection marks, but in fact puncture marks. She felt ashamed. Carl found her and they both decided to bury the body. She transformed into a panther in front of him and burried the body. Meanwhile, Eden is in the forest dealing with her demons while Saki and Jennifer are back at the camp meeting this boy named Zaine, who has one glowing blue eye and is pretty mysterious but friendly to them. James also met a dude named Mark and they became friends. And that is what you missed!)

Kat purred again in response, finishing up the hole. She turned to the dead body, giving one last sorrowful look at him. She went closer and pressed her paws on the dead boy's eye-lids, making them close.

You are free now...she thought.

She jolted out of her thoughts and picked the boy up by his collar with her mouth and gently dragged him into the hole, laying him down face up. She looked up at Carl sadly. She motioned for him to help put the dirt back on the boy to finish the burial.

Niko was wandering around and came across James and another person, talking. She watched from the shadows and listened intently. She waited for the opportunity to pop in and apologise to James

@Isune @jadafun
Carl began to use his feet to push mid back into the grave, he could see how sad Kat was about this, he wondered if she actually knew him before, Carl didn't real feel anything.
lette said:
Nicholai stared in amazement he knew he should probably walk away but he couldn't his curiosity got the better of him and he wondered of he could tap into her thoughts. He concentrated hard.
Eden's eyes suddenly turned jet black. She sensed him probing into her brain and shoved him out. "No! What are you doing?!" She got up, panicked, but frozen where she was.
James waved to Mark as he walked into his new hut and changed to his beast form before curling up on the new carpet and began to nap, occasionally letting out a snore.
Aeron said:
Eden's eyes suddenly turned jet black. She sensed him probing into her brain and shoved him out. "No! What are you doing?!" She got up, panicked, but frozen where she was.
Nicholai stared he sent a thought "calm down, you can fight this" into her head. He looked at the girl frozen in front of him and waited hoping she would act upon the thought
Kat kept pushing the dirt back into the hole until it was flat. She stared at the ground where the body used to be. It looked as if it had never touched the ground at all...and none of it ever happened.

Mommy, where are we going?

We are going somewhere safe, honey...

But Mom, I thought we were safe...? And what are they doing to my friends over there?

There he was...Oliver...the boy she found dead on the island today. He was a pretty brown haired boy with ice blue eyes and cat ears and tail like her. His father got bitten by a radio-active cat as well. And he was just like her.

Your name is Kat, huh? She remembered him saying.

Yeah...it is kinda funny because I am a cat...she remembered replying.

They used to play together a little bit...but his parents did not let them do that too much because they were too much alike. His parents were hiding him too. And the government was looking to make these cat people extinct. But then it happened.

The genocide.

The government would go from house to house finding the "others"...especially if they looked different than the normal people. And Kat and Oliver were no exception.

That evening, the military spread through the African neighborhoods like crazy. Sometimes the African government would join in with their rifles and snipers. They would order every parent to step out with their children, teenager or kid. Kat's parents did not obey and put Kat in the basement to hide. She was left there with only one hole in the wall. That hole faced Oliver's house. They used to use the hole to communicate...but this time, she looked through the hole and saw the most horrific thing yet. Guns shot off everywhere, parents carrying their children away from the violence so they could keep them safe. And other times, the parents would just hand their children over like gifts.

They picked out the "others" one by one and either captured them or shot them. But out of the corner of her eye, she saw Oliver running away. He looked at the hole she was looking through. She could have sworn he saw her there.

That same night, Kat saw her parents shot. And she escaped and never saw a human being, nor even a cat person like herself in years.

Kat sighed and slowly turned back into her human-like form. She smiled at Carl slightly and said, "I am not scared anymore. Now...how about that drink of water you offered? It still sounds pretty enticing to me."
lette said:
Nicholai stared he sent a thought "calm down, you can fight this" into her head. He looked at the girl frozen in front of him and waited hoping she would act upon the thought
Éden began to tremble, grabbing the sides of her head. "No! Get out! You have no....no...YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE THERE!" Éden's voice took a turn to deeper, more demonic measures. She gasped at the sound of her voice and backed up into the stone, clutching her head. "I'm sorry...I just don't like it when people get in my head..." She fell to her knees, tears beginning to run down her cheeks.
Carl pointed in the direction of the camp,"this way" he said, "the crate should have a few bottles left." He began to walk in that direction, gesturing for Kat to come, smiling, happy that she was okay now, or at least appeared so.
Kat followed, feeling just a little bit better. She decided to leave her memories behind just for tonight. She walked beside Carl and still felt a little awkward for crying in front of someone she barely knows. But she decided it didn't matter and that he probably was just as scared too and spoke to him.

"So...what is your story?" she asked.
((Kat and Carl finished burying a cat person, Éden is dealing with her demon and new persons power, James and I think a couple more people are either sleeping or roaming the beach))
(Saki got hurt with some wood stuck in her leg. Kat found her with Carl and healed her up. Some other new members came into the story...but Eden made the camp and felt her demon powers coming back, so she ran to the forest found another person who can read minds. Meanwhile, Kat found a dead body and thought that the puncture marks of an animal were injection marks, so she told James. James got his feelings hurt by Niko and was still pissed. He called her insane for thinking that and turned her away. She got angry as she ran away from him and ran into the dead body again. That is when she realized that the injection marks were puncture marks. Then, she burried the body with Carl, who found her again. Now she is okay and going back to the camp.)
Thank you soo much. You saved me a lot of reading) jack seen Kat walking to the camp so he ran over to her.* Hey Kat what are you up too.
Kat saw Jack walking over to her, surprised since she had not seen him in a while. "Hi, Jack...I have not seen you in a while. I just found someone that I knew years ago dead here...he was one of my kind...so I think that there are other "outcasts" here on the island. Some animal killed him...and he was one of my kind. Carl found me and helped me bury him." Kat spoke softly. She felt sad about what happened at the moment but then realized that she was at the beach with them. She saw Jennifer out in the distance. She ran over to her, calling over her shoulder, "I don't think Jennifer has anyone with her. We should talk to her too."

Kat reached Jennifer and said, "Sorry I have not talked to you much. Carl and I just got through a bit of an adventure...and Jack is back, see?"

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