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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

As Carl ran about the forest he heard the squealing of boar, being as clever as he was, he followed it. he noticed a small group running away from his sound. After a moment of collecting himself he sprinted back towards them at breakneck speed, he then dived forward and grabbed the smallest boar, twisting in mid air and slamming the pig's neck agains the tree, splitting it from he body entirely, "eeeww!!" Carl exclaimed as the rest of the boar continued running. Carl trotted over to the body, watching the bood gush from it's neck, he was going to wait for the bleeding to stop before he touched anything.

After a bit of a wait Carl dragged the boar at normal speed slowly towards the nearest part of the beach, he could then get a sense of direction from there. After a long, boring and tiring walk he exited the jungle and experienced a nice sea breeze. he then dragged the boar inthe direction of the camp at about 20m/s, it was going to be a long journey for him, patience doesn't exist when you have super speed.

Carl finally caught sight of the hut as he hauled his catch towards it. That lonesome journey had been agitating, however Carl was glad that he would have some people to be around. Carl looked at Eden with a proud smile as he reached the firepit. "are you hungry?" he asked, presenting the headless corpse.
Éden nodded as she quickly finished her new basket. "That sounds unique...that's good." She said as she stood. "Excuse me, but I have to fetch more salt water. Feel free to look around; there's more than two people here that you might want to meet." She said, making sure that he would be surprised to see more see the rest of the group.
Otakar yells saying "he forgot to tell her that he can turn into a coyote forever."
Carl looked down at his catch feeling a little hurt, nobody had noticed what he'd just done. he sat down heavily onto the sand, looking at the body and thinking. they needed someone to gut the body, he knew for sure that he wasn't going to, because he didn't know how. Carl then looked up and watched Eden collect water, hoping he could catch her eye.
Éden looked up from filling her bucket to see a tired yet proud looking Carl drag in the body of a boar. "Oh my...Carl, this is great!" She said happily, setting down her now filled bucket of water. "I can't believe this...this can help us get through the night!" She said with a grin, approaching him to congratulate him, yet awkwardly stopped and simply patted his shoulder. "Just...save me a leg, okay? I'm pretty sure everyone is setting up camp by the water, so could you bring it when your done?" She said as she picked up her bucket and began to walk back into her clearing in the jungle.
"uh.. Eden!" he called as he began to walk away, "i don't know how to cook!" He looked embarassed, but he didn't know how to cook in truth.Carl wondered how they were going to round everyone, he would do some loud shout or something like that if he weren't so self conscious.
Gilgog said:
"uh.. Eden!" he called as he began to walk away, "i don't know how to cook!" He looked embarassed, but he didn't know how to cook in truth.Carl wondered how they were going to round everyone, he would do some loud shout or something like that if he weren't so self conscious.
Éden stopped. "Oh...well, bring it to my camp, I can help you." She said with a smile. She went over and touched the boar, a thin veil of darkness cloaking its underside and raising it a couple inches off the ground. "Here...this should help." She said, beginning to lead him towards her camp.
Carl looked at the darkness carrying the headless boar. He then quickly stood up and caught up wit Eden in a fraction of a second,and glanced at her before looking ahead once again. "i really need to get to know the others, you are proabably the only person i have actually had a decent conversation with." Said carl to Eden.
"I've only been fully talking to you, but the others, I wouldn't know...I think I'd just rather stay to myself." She shrugged as she rea her camp. "I have enough to survive..." She said quietly as she set the bucket to boil. She looked at Otakar. "Could you help us out with the boar?"
"i guess so yeah." Carl replied. "surviving is easier when you have powers. Anyway, do you know how to gut things?" Carl asked Eden as he sat down by the fire, seeming rugged and exhausted, he then just collapsed back-first onto the ground, panting a little.
"I know a thing or two..." She said, looking for a sharp looking rock and began to slice the boar. "I have some mangos and some fresh water, if you like some."
Carl rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, resting. He complained "it's so hot and humid here." Carl grumbled, he waited, wondering what boar would taste like, it must be nice, it would be like pork, right?
Éden quietly finished skinning and gutting the pork, and once finishing with boiling the water, she separated the salt from fresh water and began to cook the meat, hoping the smell would alert everyone that there was now food ready. @everyone
Carl opened one eye as the scent hit him, 'yep' he thought, 'definately like pork'. "who gets what part then?" Carl asked Eden, "i know you are having a leg, if you can manage a whole leg." Carl was beginning to feel thirsty, he hadn't taken anything out of the crate, he had never really know it was there.
"Oh...well, I just want the leg so I can dry it and make more jerky." She said. She motioned to the salt pile she was making. "Would you like a piece?" She said, motioning to the boar.
"yes please" Carl croaked, sweating quite a lot. "is there any drinking water about?" He asked Eden, turning onto his other side in his discomfort.
"I actually have some fresh water, if you like." She said, passing him a water bottle from the crate. (Gonna go sleep, will respond tommorow! :) )
Carl gratefully took the water bottle amd drank it quickly, thanking Eden. He then closed his eyes and went to sleep,hoping that he could wake up to some cooked boar. ((kk, goodnight.))
James walked over to Jack as he sat on the ground and looked at looked Jack over a little and said,"How are you holding up there partner?"

Jennifer decided to return to Eden's camp and wait for her there. Since Eden was one of the only people she trusted on the island. She ended up leaving her basket full of fruit to go get some giant leaves for blankets.
Saki was wandering around the island, looking for the clearing. She knew she was lost, but Saki wanted to find it before it got really dark.
Kat ran as fast as she could, trying to pick up speed. She could not believe what she had just seen...she couldn't bare it. The body...the markings...the experiments...and worst of all, it was a cat human...another one of her kind.

She could not see where the hell she was going. But she kept going. Suddenly, she ran a bit too fast and rammed right into Eden and the boy at the fire. She sat there, dizzy and confused, but alert. She looked around to see if anyone was hurt or if she destroyed anything. She began to feel embarrassed, her ears going down in guilt.
Carl jolted up and stared at Kat with panik and readied himself to fight, quickly moving into a position to guard Eden. (Which form is kat in?)
(She is a cat-human-aka, a girl with cat ears, a cat tail, and nails she can control to grow into claws. She can also turn into a big cat or a domesticated cat).

Kat sees the boy's face, filled with caution and fear. She feels a bit sorry for intruding. Kat tries to relax her shoulders without looking afraid.

"I-I am sorry..." Kat speaks softly, trying very hard not to look aggressive. "I did not know you guys were here."

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