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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Leon stood there, remaining silent. "...." His mind was racing. Leon thought about everything, about how much of a jerk Raz was for just making assumptions and jumping into a situation she had no idea about. How Keira was at fault for most of their being here. Something in Leon had suddenly snapped, his mind going blank and his heart becoming consumed with anger and hatred for Keira, for everyone and everything. Leon's body began changing again, his body transforming and adapting into a monster.

Leon was twice the size of a lion, and the heat that came off of his body was the only way he could vent the fury that was raging inside of him. He tried to have something simple and nice and Keira had to ruin it with his antagonizing. Then Raz came along and put her nose in someone else's business when she had no right to do so. Leon looked in the direction Raz sent Keira, he began to make his way in that direction. Leon was going to find Keira and make him pay with blood.

(Another new form! OwO Check it out in the CS)
Amaya walked towards the beach, being careful with her steps so she doesn't move her back to much and accidentally hit razz... Not realizing Leon was going somewhere else..

( xD so many forms...)
(You little.... >`^`<)

Raz leaned her head against Amaya's neck allowing her tears to fall as she held in the sobs of terror, she hoped her friend couldn't tell, and hoped there would be no more trouble, or Raz just might have to end her friend's rage by ending something far more precious.
(No one ever thinks to talk to Leon xD Yeah great idea let us all piss off the creature that was sent to that island with the capability to kill everything. No need to try to be all peaceful about it! That's just a dumb idea. -w-)
Amaya feeling little drops fall on her, just thinks it is blood and keeps walking only half way there....

(Hahah xD , that's so true..)
Marq called out for Leo "Wait where are you going what are you going to do? Let us talk about what happened first then we can better prepare and plan."

marq hope Leo would hear st least some of his words and maybe slow down he started to follow Leo.
(Watch it xD Raz is capable of much more than she lets on, she simply doesn't want to change to that point)

Raz sighed, her body shuddering with the force of the breath, she could sense something, something idiotic.. Leon. Her heart stopped for a moment as she felt the pressure inside of her increase, pressing her ability to its furthest she felt it, a raging form, blocking everything out was going towards the boy. "No." She whispered, "This is not happening. I will not allow it." She growled before whispering to Amaya, "I'm so sorry for dragging you into this, but please let me guide you. I need you to take me there again, the lunatic is at it again." She shuddered.
Leon turned and snarled at Marq, "He helped bring you all here. He caused Raz to use her powers and hurt herself." His voice was deep and growly. "He must pay..." Leon hissed a warning to Marq before rushing through the island. Leon knew the area better than Raz, so it wouldn't be too hard to find Keira.

(You REALLY do not want to fight Leon xD Go ahead and ask @Am2aM she knows his back story. lol)
(Vet a very intense back story lolz, but i would suggest not to as he says.....)Amaya nods and let's razz guide her..
Marq stumbled as he saw that Leon would not be easy to follow. fast travel was not his specialty. he stopped following him and went back to check on Raz and Amaya he went on the other side of Raz and helped her along as she lead the way. "How are you feeling?" Marq could not help but ask he wanted to help her get better soon and hopefully learn some of what had happened.
(Thats just too bad, Raz cant let an idiot stay an idiot, she trys to teach everyone to be rational, and right now Leon is skipping class.)

Guiding Amaya and now Marq back to the scene they previously were standing she lead them then a different, faster way than she had sent the boy. She lead them to the place she had woke, a deep labyrinth of wet, slippery caves, she knew these caves, having spent a good long time mapping them out in her head, and she knew where she put the boy. Nodding to Marq she sighed, "I've been better, I've been worse, now lets go get the idiot before he really gets on my nerves." She growled before pausing at the yawning back entrance, she had no problem, but it was surly pitch black in the depths of the cave, sighing she frowned. "I don't want you guys going in.... I- I'll get him, bring him and you guys run. I'll be the best distraction I can." Without waiting for an answer she slipped silently into the black, her footsteps soundless, as were her breath and movements as she had shed her baggy clothing leaving only her tightly drawn shorts and tanktop.
Marq stood just outside the cave. "why does it always have to be caves? Amaya what happened while I was gone?"
Amaya didn't want to let her go in herself but she also didn't want her too be mad at her for not listening she she went into her original form and sat on a rock looking at marq....
Leon had been stalking the group the entire time, knowing that Raz would be going to make sure Keira was alright. He was resting on the ground, camouflaged just like before, unable to be detected by any type of force or power or ability. Leon waited patiently, glaring at the darkness of the cave.

(Raz has NO idea why Leon attacked Keira, so she is the idiot for just assuming shit and being mean to Leon. Leon is the only one of the three between Keira, Raz, and himself who isn't being an idiot xD )
(Could I just say she tells him the story? It would be a lot of typing. …)

(Also true xD )
(Ok Thx! (⌒▽⌒))

Amaya thinks for a moment on how she should weird the recent events ….. she then is ready and tells him what happened etc.
Marq sits in silence for a moment after everything he just heard."Wow just wow.So now we just wait?"
Jacob slowly peeked from behind a bush, finding a camp with two other. "Hello... I noticed a barrel of fun going down that way, burning and freezing the forest, so I was wondering if I could stay for a bit?" @Am2aM @Calibutcher
"Ya I guess,...." She hears someone say hello... " Oh hi!... Of us trying to get away from that chaos then I wouldn't suggest staying with us.." She says pointing at the cave and surrounding "because it came from our friends.... But u can stay with us... I df don't think we're will be in any danger!" She smiles
"Take a rock it's open seating" Marq waved his hand at the many rocks one could sit on "Also pleasure to meet you I am Marquist you may call me Marq. And who might you be stranger from woods?"
Jacob noticed the proper ness in Marq's voice and smirked, taking knee and bowed his head. "My name is Jacob Walker, good Marquist." He pretended to tip a hat towards the girl then stood with a chuckle. "I can help defend the cave, if anything. Thanks, by the way." He said, sitting on the rock and fixing his shaggy hair.
Amaya laughed lightly when he tipped his invisible hat.." 2 aren't really protecting the cane more like ….. Waiting... But you can stay here and mingle with us.... I'm Amaya BTW.." She smile kindly.
(FYI Marquist speaks in a russian accent)

"well good the more the marrier I have no idea what we may be expecting or if we should even be expecting anything.but your company is most welcome."

Marquist took his Cello of his back set the case on the ground and removed his instrument. He began playing the equivalent of elevator music which considering there situation seemed fitting enough to him.
Amaya smiled and then stretched... " I wanna try something!" She says standing up...

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