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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Scrambling to get onto her in her new form, Raz gripped her mane tightly, not enough to make it painful, but enough to assure she would not fall from her perch. "We need to hurry, Leon is not a very controlled person, at least from what I've seen. I'd much rather be wrong and end up there on the sidelines, than right and have a dead man."
Amaya shook her head once as in ok.. then darted off into the forest following the span of half burnt half frozen forest from something that happened..
Leon was knocked back into a tree, roaring in pain as he was scorched and frost bitten. His body began to adapt quickly back into his predator form, the hide much thicker to withstand the cold and heat.

Leon growled as he got up and walked over to Keira. He grabbed his by his shirt and lifted him up, glaring at him. Leon roared loudly, throwing him at a tree.

@Kenji Jensai
Amaya started running as fast as she could and when they finally saw leon holding up keira, she stopped abruptly and her legs grew week as she fell to the ground still in the animal form and her back straight, careful not to hurt raz..

Close enough for Raz to since their- or Leon's presence she felt the man she still did not know be thrown, the momentum was much to high, it could damage more than just muscles and bones, and she didn't feel like figuring out how bad internal bleeding could get. Reaching her hand out in reflex, to back her ability the man was snatched from the air as he was nearing the tree and thrown against the ground, gravity multiplying to keep him pinned where he was.

Sliding with little grace from Amaya's back Raz stumbled closer yards from both the boys one hand clenched to back gravity as she continued to pin the boy to the ground her head facing Leon with a partial glare lighting her gaze. She was not a large fan of violence, unless it was necessary. And she had yet to see it as necessary.

@Am2aM @The Master @Kenji Jensai
Leon took that moment to walk over so he could stomp on Keira. He growled, his anger flaring up wildly like it did with James, but much much worse. "Die... For betrayal!" He roared. Leon completely disregarded Raz, his fury focused on Keira.

@Scheani @Kenji Jensai
Amaya changed back into her original form breathing heavily, as she watched raz take over the situation in amazement.....

@Scheani etc..
Raz sighed, she hated using her powers against friends, it made her feel... like some kinds of traitor. "Leon, stop." She whispered, her left fist closing as well, as she forced gravity to obey her command, lifting him was like lifting a building, his weight, the power pulsing off of him, but Raz did it, blood now flowing freely from her nose, Raz pressed on, tearing Leon from the other boy and into a tree across the clearing, using pressure to bind him to the tree. by now her legs were shaking with the concentration and energy it was taking.

@Am2aM @The Master @Kenji Jensai
Amaya stared as raz was using to much power... She then ripped off a price of her dress again and waited to raz to notice her standing next to her .....

@Scheani etc.
Leon roared in anger, his body shifting and changing and adapting to the force.

Leon began to null the gravitational effect, his eyes locked onto Raz. "...." He walked over to her slowly. He was no longer growling or roaring or shouting. His body became completely immune to the gravitational powers Raz had.


(Check out my character sheet to see his newest form.)
Amaya stared at raz and Leon in fear.. Because she didn't know if he was going to hurt her or not, mainly if he was in control enough, not to hurt her.......⊙-⊙

Leon made a humming noise, almost like he was whining with concern. He reached out and touched Raz's head, stunning her powers just so she would stop bleeding. Leon had taken the force that Raz was using and altered it's frequency, just barely enough to stop her from killing herself.

Raz shook her head inf frustration tears joining the blood, what good was a power if it wouldn't work?! Releasing all hold she had on Leon, she used it to move the boy away, far far from them, through the air, where he would leave no scent, nor trail, before losing all feel as she began to cough, body shaking with the force of them as she fell to her knees, hands covering her mouth as she then lay motionless.

The maker of messes, only leaving the others to clean them.

@The Master @Kenji Jensai @Am2aM
Amaya stared at raz as she layer on the ground.... She didn't know what to say so she approached her and Leon holding out the cloth she ripped, for either Leon to take....or for her to just try to be useful to them. ….. Or to just do something so she didn't freak out...

@Scheani @The Master
Leon looked down at Raz before releasing a loud shrieking shrill whine. He knelt down and hugged Raz tightly. A thrumming sad sund came from Leon as he held Raz. Leon was crying, but due to his lack of eyes there were no tears. He continued to cradle the girl in his arms.

@Scheani @Am2aM @Calibutcher
Amaya watched as tears went down her face for her friend ….. She watched Leon cradle , and hold raz tightly.... She felt so bad she didn't know what to do except to fall onto her knees and watch the sad scene play out before her with blank tear filled eyes....
(^^ I'm feeling oddly evil today, .-.)

Raz's hear beat faintly, her power was blocking everything, much like a wound will first bleed then swell, her ability was raging now that someone had tampered with its core, its vessel was meant to remain untouched by mental games, and internal tweaks, leaving her now facing in internal battle with an element that she was not fit to fight.

Blood drizzled slowly from between her lips, her eyes closed, nose again bleeding, but slowly. Her naturally freezing body was like a block of ice, and her faint pule beating like a fading drum.

@The Master @Am2aM
(I can tell...... lolz)

Amaya smelled raz's fresh blood in the air and more tears fell from her blank eyes and face...... But instead of looking away she kept staring …... Hoping she might still be alive....

@Scheani @The Master
Leon's chest opened up, revealing a beautifully glowing core. Numerous tendrils came out from his chest and stabbed into Raz. His body began giving most of it's energy and strength to Raz's. The life, or blood, that entered Raz gave her a massive boost in the internal fight she had. The blood also began to rapidly heal Raz's body so that it wouldn't die so that they could keep on living. The tendrils went back into Leon and his chest closed, his breathing very light now.

Marq heard the order to return to camp and had done so. He mused over the scene he had just left trying to get the pieces together but he had no idea what was happening still and he did not want to sit back here at camp having no idea what was going on. But he did not want to leave it unguarded either. He whistled and waited a moment. His new Panther friend showed up again he was proving to be most helpful. Marq gave the order for the panther to protect camp it agreed. Satisfied that the camp would be OK he took off running toward the beach. Once there he ran in the direction he had last seen them give chase he ran a long time they had gotten far. He almost slipped on a patch of Ice? He had no idea how ice had formed there but kept running. He finnally arrived to a very dismal scene. Raz looked like she had been through armageddon and Leo seemed like he was in another world. Marq knew that now was not the time for words. he simply rushed in and took Raz's pulse it was very quick but strong he looked at Leo and did not touch him he did not know him very well after all. "She will be Ok." he was talking to Leo mostly but wanted everyone to hear of course. He looked at Amaya who was not looking well and put an arm over her shoulder. "It'll be ok" he would ask questions later now they needed peace....
When marq put his arm on her, she hugged him tightly crying on his shoulder for her friend that almost was lost. …she clung tighter to him after the idea of raz being ok and almost dieing sank in....

(>_> @The Master Killing my fun man. Lol.)

Raz cried out as the foreign objects lodged themselves into her body, instinctively she pushed away from the source, cutting the connection short, leaving Leon enough energy to live given time to rest for a day or so. Holding her chest as her breath came in short pants of panic, her thoughts cluttered as she attempted to remember what had happened.

As she began to remember, she relaxed, piece by piece fell into place as she turned her head to the others, "I-.." She paused sighing not really wanting to talk about the past events, "I need to go wash up... Again." She muttered before reaching out for Amaya, who at this point was the one she wanted to be near, still slightly pissed at Leon for his violence.
Amaya turned around and gave raz the cloth she ripped... Then turning into a house so razz could sit on her...
Slowly slipping onto her friend, her grip was much looser than before, but still there as she prepared herself for Amaya to take them to the beach.

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