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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Marq frowned to see Raz having trouble with such a severe nose bleed. "He asked do you like music?"
Hesitating Raz nodded, "Yes..?" She was unsure what the question had to do with anything, though she had yet to meet a person who actually had the audacity to dislike music.
"Of course you do silly question. Well do you know the power of Music?" Marq asked as he began to play a sad melody that almost made it seem like rain clouds had suddenly gathered.
Amaya felt very sad from hearing the song but just smiled brightly because sh liked the music..
Raz frowned, feeling almost depressed as she shook her head. She had no idea of the powers of music, only that it could make you feel things.
Marquist changed to a Happy thrill which now made the sun seem a little brighter and the day clearer. "Everyone knows the emotion that comes with music and the feelings they get as they listen to it....but there is a power to it something about it makes connections in our minds and triggers reactions in our bodies, There is a dark side to music that some use for dark reasons but there is the light side also, Which if one learns how to use it correctly wonderful things happen for people. I'm sure that if I found the right music your health would improve that would take time however if you would let me I would like to help you do that, but for now let me help you stop your nose bleed with that same power." Marquist began playing a series of high notes with almost no accordant beat or tempo then dropped down to a low slow tempo on the low end of the Cello and continued such for about a minute then finished up with a piece from George Frideric Handel - Messiah the Hallelujah Chorus. "Did that help?"

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Leon had ignored the panther, allowing his guest to do such a rude thing only once because he wanted to be a good host. He smiled as Raz rested against him despite him being in his humanoid form. Leon listened to the music Marq played but showed no reaction to it. Leon used to play the violin, which required great discipline and precision. He found Marq's music playing skills to be great but not perfect, which is something he expected when it came to string instruments. "Here, I think I might know something that can help you." He gave Raz a reassuring hug before getting up and walking over to the pile he had of the stuff he gathered.

While Leon was alone he had gathered berries and plants that were edible. His sister had the same condition, minus the blindness, as Raz did so he knew of mixtures that could help. Leon crushed the berries and plants to make a type a juice that he cupped inside of a big leaf. "It tastes sweet and nutty." He walked over and handed the leaf to Raz so she could drink.

(I am back!)

(Wakey wakey time sucks. ■~□)

If Raz hadn't been feeling so bad, she might have found their coddling almost humerous. Accepting the strange drink, she pulled the blood soaked cloth from her face, finding her nose had ceased it's fit, now leaving her with the smell of iron and bloodied hands.

"Thank you, both of you are very helpful. I've never been able to stop the blood that fast, and I'm sure this mixture will make me feel a little better as well." Drinking the strange tasting drink she sighed before laying on her back.

@The Master @Calibutcher @Am2aM
"It's my pleasure to be off help anyway I can. After all you all have been so kind to me for someone you just met on a random island." Marq continued to play some happy melodies quietly so as not to be hard to speak over but still there to help brighten the mood.
Leon had eaten the rest of the fish that no one had decided to take. He didn't mind all the people, but after a while he needed a break from them. To avoid being rude he decided it would be best to send them off to gather things for him so he could keep working. "Amaya, Marq, I need you two to go out and gather sticks and leaves and fibers. I need to keep working around the camp and crafting things." He walked over to the pile and began to sift through all that he had collected so he could get started.

@Calibutcher @Scheani @Am2aM
Marq upon hearing Leon's request put away his Cello and slung it over his back again. "very well i'll be back eventually, Amaya care to join me?" he heldo ut his arm as he began walking off hoping she would catch up and take his arm.
"Glad you could join me Amaya. So where shall we go? Perhaps I will ask an animal to guide us who knows his way around here." Marq gave a long undulating whistle. Before long the black panther showed up again. "Hmmm you didn't go far" Marq began petting the Panther again. And it started purring. "Would you care to show us to some firewood?" The Panther purred and started walking ahead of them. "He is a wonderful Panther one of the nicest I've met"
(This is a much better time to wake up.)

Raz curled herself into a small ball, sleep seeming to overcome her as Leon sent the others off. It was curious to her though, how he had sent them off when he knew her not much more than the others. The thoughts swirling in her head like vengeful spirits died down as she fell into a sleep in record time.

@The Master
Amaya nodded her head in agreement, and then followed marq and the panther to the wood. She then started lookin t all of the trees and plants.. She then looked at Marc with concern and nervously asks "Do you think that Leon thinks that there is to many people at the camp?........*sigh* I'm going to try really hard to be helpful so it doesn't feel crowded and so I don't get in the way!"" She said intensely then smiles ad looks at the plants again..

"He might it's hard to tell for sure but if he asks us to get out of the way I will certainly do so. And that's great that you are looking to be so Helpful Marq smiled at Amaya, You are a wonderful girl for doing such a thing. I too wish to help however I can." Marq then saw the Panther walk into a clearing where there was a downed log with lots of branches around it."Well done Panther!" Marq went and patted it on the head. And started collecting wood and leaves and what not. he paused to look at Amaya again "you said you had flown over this island and seen other campsites. Did these other camps also seem to have those of our kind at them?"
Amaya thought for a !minute before answering "hmmm.. No I'm not sure I just saw the camps and not anyone there.... But earlier on h beach I met a nice girl and a 'lone wolf' guy.. As he stated" she then lightly laughed and helped by picking up some sticks with him

"I think it would be.. benificial if we could meet these others as well and see what we can do to work together maybe assuming of course that we all are alike and have abilities.Do you think you could find these camps again? I don't think Leo wants us back for a while anyway."
Amaya thinks for a moment "I'm not sure.... But I guess we could look.... It would be helpful to make friends as well..ok I'll check" she then drops he fie wood, and turns into a hawk and goes into the air lookin below.
Marq gathered the rest of the wood he could find into a large pile while he waited for Amaya. Once he got everything organized he looked around a bit and thought to himself if he needed to he could make a good camping spot here. If he needed to he hoped the others would like him.
Leon had begun to make bows with the sticks and fibers he had. He worked mostly on making equipment and tools so that he could go to the Northern part of the island with Raz. He wanted to explore and start building on a more flourished part of the island. Leon had seen from a tree that the island was massive, and from where they were everyone could see only a bit of the area. He continued working, wondering if he should go back to being human. Leon looked down at Raz as she slept, walking over and smiling before getting back to work.

Amaya then suddenly flew back down o marq..."I can't find any others again.... But we might as well finish up so we can go back and be helpful!" She then picks up a majority of the sticks from the pile and brings them back to camp at a fst pace

. once there she drops the sticks a few feet from the fire and then runs up to Leon still breathing steadily "Is there anything else I can help u with!?" She loudly asks quickly

@Calibutcher @The Master
Marquist took a large pile of sticks and leaves and followed Amaya a little more slowly due to the weight of everything he was carrying. He reached camp not to long after Amaya and set down a large supply of wood and leaves. And began organizing both piles into one. "also if I can be of help do let me know."
Jumping from the volume at her new friends volume she stretched sighing, "Ugh.." She groaned looking at her hands before standing to take a walk down the beach, "While you guys do that I'll.. Go wash this off" She muttered sheepishly grabbing her 'Stick and making her way to the side of camp she remembered entering earlier that day.

@Am2aM @Calibutcher @The Master

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