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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

"It's a pleasure to offically meet you both Amaya and Raz, I would be happy to accompany you especially to anyone who has food. I am rather hungry. Also if you are feeling unwell I'm sure I can carry you or find a Animal to assist you if you would like. Or I can just give you my arm and I can help you along."
"Oh no, I'm fine, we're not all that far, just a few minutes wont hurt too much." Pausing a moment for any objections, Raz turned walking slowly towards camp, not trying to be dramatic she stood only using the stick a few times as she walked. as she was near enough to call out she did such, "Leon, I'm back, with company. I hope you don't mind.." She trailed off, not knowing his form, nor where he was, she only knew the space seemed to feel bigger than before. Head throbbing Raz winced as she set her stick on the side of the bed she had set on earlier, it could be refined tomorrow, today was killing her head.

@The Master @Calibutcher @Am2aM
Leon had left the bed in its place for Raz, knowing she would like to enjoy familiarity. He was still in his humanoid form, "Oh, well that's nice." He walked over and gave Raz a hug. "The fish has been slow cooking for quite some time, should be ready soon." Leon looked at the other two, he recognized one but not the other. "Who might you be?" He asked the boy. Leon flipped the fish one last time.

@Scheani @Am2aM @Calibutcher
"Greetings I am Marquist you can call me Marq I am one of the finest Cello players Russia has to offer" Marq gave a bow " And who might you be?"
Hugging him back Raz sat herself down closing her eyes, she breathed lightly, waiting for the blood to come. She held her smile as they exchanged introductions, running a hand through her hair from time to time to release an internal tension.
"I am Leon. Make yourselves at home." He answered, grabbing the fish and putting each one on a leaf. There were five fully cooked fish when counted, and they were rather big in size. "Go ahead and begin eating." He took Raz by the hand and led her to one of the tents to rest, giving her one of he best fish to eat. Leon sat beside her to comfort her in her pain.

@Scheani @Am2aM @Calibutcher

(I will be heading off for a bit so my responses might be at a time when everyone is asleep lol. Just imagine Leon being beside Raz and helping her move around if she ever does. Just don't talk to him! Lol)
Marq stood from his bow and looked at Amaya "Is something troubling you, You seemed concerned. is it unsafe here?" He unslung his Cello and laid it on the ground carefully he could not sense anything troubling. but then again he was not the greatest at that he could only listen wit the ears of a musician for the out of place.
Marq heard that the fish were done and put aside everything else hunger was first and foremost right now and he needed to take care of that he took a fish and began Eating quickly though not entirely without manners he still gave his compliment to the Chef. He agreed with Amaya "This is some of the best fish I've had in my life!"
Amaya then looked at him.... "No I'm just feeling watched by an animal....... But I also don't want another minI heart attack!" She smiles nicely

(I keep saying things right after that don't go!! ........ xD )
"you do seem prone to your... Mini heart attacks as you call them I could perhaps ask the animal to leave or make himself known. that would take care of such." marq finished his fish and leaned back it felt good to have something in his gut.
Amaya took another small bite and then replied "um... Sure that would be helpful!" She then took another tiny bite
Marquist stood up and gave a long whistle waited a moment. whistled again "Come along now nothing to fear hear. come sit next to papa russia" marquist voice then went to animal gibberish However shortly after a Black Panther came out of the trees and walked over to Marquist who gave it a scratch under the chin and a kiss on the head. "well aren't you beautiful?" he stroked it down it's back and it began to give a low growly purr "See just a hungry panther no problem!"
Raz smiled thanking Leon for the fish, listening for the sounds of others eating before she began to consume her own. "This is really good." She smiled, taking small bites as she listened to their conversation, leaning on Leon for comfort and warmth as she fought her migraine with the slow consumption of the delicious food. Hearing Marq whistle she blinked slowly, her ability showing pressure of a large animal. "Hungry..? Um.." She frowned not wanting to seem rude, though her stomach was battling the food she had managed, she held out the remaining fish, just a bit more than half as offering.
Amaya looks dumbfounded "yes..... Nothing wrong with being watched by a hungry panther nothing t all....." She laughs nervously
"You need not feed him yourself unless you want him coming back I can tell him to move on and get his own" Marquist spoke to the animal for a moment nodded a couple times and said a few more things. "also there is nothing to worry about he really isn't interested in any of you you are all to big for his liking anyway." Marq realized it probably wasn't best to keep a Panther around so he told it to go It ran off after giving one last purr as Marq patted it to go on.
Nodding slowly Raz smiled, "But would you like the fish? My sickness is not allowing me any more food at this point, It will just be a waste if I eat it." She again held out the fish in hopes that someone would take it, hating to feel bad about such a good thing going to waste. This was why she was so small and young looking, her ability drained her to the point of sickness, causing her to become malnourished.
Marq sat down again ang opened his Cello case he eyed the instument for a moment before touching it then took it out of the case and began messing around with some strings and doing some new riffs trying to create some new music.
Amaya looked at raz as she asked someone if they wanted nthe fish "no thank you I'm full...." She as shoving the rest o her own fish in her mouth.
Sighing she not so awkwardly pushed her fish onto Leon's leaf plate, which was quite the task, before closing her eyes still leaning on Leon, wondering when she would fall asleep. She relaxed after a moment as Marq's playing came to ear, her head finding somewhat of peace as her breath lightened to half-sleep gasps. Only then did her nose decide to break the gates, as blood began to stream from her nose she held a hand to it, pulling away from Leon before standing to find something to use as a stopper.
Amaya quickly tore cloth from her to longndress and handed it to raz quickly "here this souldnhelp! " She says sincerely
"Ah- thanks, Sorry.." Raz said, accepting the cloth holding it up to her nose which relentlessly flowed away. "This always happens... Lasts a few minutes, then I just kinda pass out." She stated, her ears turning a deep pink as she returned to her place breathing altered by the new annoyance but she was accustomed to such.

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