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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Marq anxiously watched Amaya sniff him and start sniffing around. " I do hope it's hear! Thank you so much for helping me. I will play a song just for you when we find it."
She says she will be right back to the blind girl and then sniffs off onto he beach, after a while she was in front of a cave and then went inside...
@Isune "Then we should come to the beach more often...I rather not have a repeat of what happened." She said twirling in the water, some of it splashing up onto her legs, "And those other 4 places if possible." Adilia adds, "What are those other 4 places?"
Marq followed to the cave however stopped outside the cave. He did not like caves.... But mustered his courage and began going in.
Marq politely asks the crab to get off the Cello which it does. he then gave Amaya a big hug the kind of big hug only a Russian can give then gently out her down "thank you so much!" He then carried his Cello still in its protective case thankfully back out of the cave. He then found a rock to sit on pulled it out of its case. "What kind of music do you like?" His Cello was not like other Cellos it had several buttons and knobs on it. @Am2aM
She was surprised at what it looks like and then thought hard "I don't...... Know what kind.... Just do classic I guess!" And then she smiles
" I will do my favorite." He then warmed up the strings and bagan a classic yo-yo-ma version of Bach with a few of his own remixes with a bit of a electronic beat. He periodically changed a few knobs and hit buttons. When Marq finished he bowed. "Did you like?"
Amaya had wide eyes "that was beautiful!!!" She clapped and smiled. She was very impressed..
"I am glad you liked. It is my favorite for a reason after all."

"Are there many others on this island?"
Aeron said:
(Nice font :3)
"Y...you have? Why was that?" She asked, looking confused.

"I missed you, and I started to worry" she paused then remembered another reason. "Also, Carl wasn't feeling well... and you sped up my leg injury... So I just thought...." She trailed off, scared of what Eden might say.
"I missed you, and I started to worry" she paused then remembered another reason. "Also, Carl wasn't feeling well... and you sped up my leg injury... So I just thought...." She trailed off, scared of what Eden might say.
"Oh... I'm sorry, Jennifer, I didn't realize I'd be missed...and Carl is sick? I think I can help him..." She smiled and stood. "Thank you for letting me know, Jennifer. Would you like to go back to the camp with me?" She asked as she offers her hand.

(Gonna be off for the rest of the day...ill try to respond tommorow as soon as I can! )
Raz blinked as suddenly she was alone, so many people had popped up, and now all of a sudden, they were gone. Man it sucked when she zoned out. Sighing she began to track where she was sure she heard the high pitched girl go with the man missing his cello.

@Calibutcher @Am2aM
Amaya looked at him then thought fr a minute " I'm not really sure if there are but when I flew I saw many camps!"


"Oh yai got a go back to raz!!!! I'll catch u later I'm sure she will be around where we met so go there if ya wanna talk bye!" She then became a bird and flew to raz

"Hi raz sorry but we found hi cello!!! And he is a really good player!" She said after she shifted and was next to her again

Jumping slightly Raz found herself laughing, "Y-you are funny you know that?" She giggled at the spaztastic girl. Frowning slightly as she swayed due to an airborne root she sighed, "Can you help me a bit? You see I could really use a stick, perhaps as tall as me, but I really suck at finding stuff.." She trailed off as she tapped the earth with her shoe lightly.

"I'll be along" Marq managed to say just before she took off. He took his Cello put it back into his case carefully closed it and then slung it over his back and began walking back to where he met the two girls intially. "well at least one thing is good now... I have my Cello" Maquist walked at a brisk pace he wanted to get to know the people here better. After a short walk he got back to them and gave a cheery "Hello"
"Oh sure thing!" She then started grabbing huge ticks comparing them to her but none were right..... She then finally found one that was thick sturdy and the same size raz whom was a slightly shorter than herself..


She then as surprised to see marq and almost had a heart attack because we wasn't paying attention "hello! I knew you would make it here ok!" She then smiled as her heart rate finally started to go back to normal.
Leon had taken his alone time to expand the camp into something much bigger. He had made three tents and a bigger fire, as well as a place for him to smoke any meat or fish and/or turn the meat into jerky. Leon had constructed better javelins and he was already working on a bow. He was making great progress and had gathered a lot of materials.

(I'm back! OwO)
"Hello, and who might you be? I apologize if you already introduced yourself, I seem to have dazed a bit." Raz smiled in the direction of the man, taking the stick from the girl she again smiled, "Thank you." Before lightly touching the sides, knowing there would be a lot to get used to, and lots to fix on it. All simple things, she supposed. Pausing briefly she bit her lip, pondering if she should bring them back to meet Leon.

@The Master @Am2aM @Calibutcher
"I did not mean to startle you my apologies and no worries my dear I am Marquist you can call me Marq for short though. and who might you be i don't think I caught either of your names?"
Laughing Raz nodded her head, moving her hand slightly above the still splintery wood, "It is great, thank you so much for your help." Grinning she stared in between the pair as to not disrespect either. "I'm Razilia, there is a joke that I usually add but at the moment I'm feeling a bit tired, so if you will forgive my lack of humor." She rubbed the back of her neck feeling a nose bleed coming on any time, and wanting to get back to camp before hand.

Frowning slightly she turned her head as though she were looking back and forth between the two before her ears turned pink as she asked, "Hey, would you guys mind coming over to my friend Leon's camp? He- He um, has food.. And I'm sure that he wouldn't mind meeting you." Before she paused frantically waving her hands, "Unless you guys don't want to, I'm just starting to feel a little unwell, and want to get back to camp before anything too bad happens."

@Calibutcher @Am2aM

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