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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

After Jennifer showed Jacob there camp, she let him eat. As she went back into her cabin, and continued to create her clothing for herself, Kat, Eden and a hat for Nicolai. She stayed up all night by making a small fire and in the morning, she was happy to say- "Yay, I'm done!" She jumped up, and ran outside and shouted, "Kat, Eden, Nicolai!" Hoping they would hear her. Just in case she thought, Nicolai! Can you hear me? If you can come to the camp, I have presents!" @lette @AliceLiddell17 @Aeron
(I missed alot haha)

Nicholai opens his eyes, how long had he been out of it?. He sat up rubbing the back of his head. He looked around. Trying to find peoples thoughts. That's when he herd Jennifer. He thought back "I think I'm lost"
Éden opened her eyes with a groan, her heart stuttering as she woke. She slowly got up and looked out the hut to see who was there.
James stopped after hearing that if Adilia had rode on his back she'd feel like she was demeaning him. He looked at her and said,"Don't think about it like that, I don't. Think of it more like...a piggyback ride, accept on all fours with a creature who has paws, a long tail, grey fur, and horns." He then chuckled as he caught up to Carl and continued walking.
(I LIIIVVVVVEEEE! *falls out of bed*
(Okay I thought this gif would be a bit funnier :) Okay ON TO THE ROLEPLAY, PEASANTS!

Kat felt Leon nudge her and felt so confused. He literally just walked off pissed at her and now he is inviting her to hunt? She just kept walking but nudged him back with her tail, thinking of maybe wacking him a little bit with it...but she decided not to do that. So she just poked him with her tail. She couldn't exactly talk like a human in her panther form, so that was the best she can do. She then heard Jenny in the distance and looked at Leon to see what his reaction was.
Nicholai looked around. He didn't notice anything around him He began nervously sweating, he didn't know how he ended up here.
No one seemed to hear me. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I got up, left all the clothing I had just made. I, Jennifer was going to find Nicolai myself.
@Gilgog With a nod she laughed softly, "Alright, I guess." Continuing to walk she sighs, "So how close are we to this camp?"
Éden walked out of the hut, looking paler than usual. She decided to go wash up, maybe it would help here feel better, so she began to go back into the forest in search of the waterfall.

Leon gave what seemed like a type of laugh when Kat poked him with her tail. He could sense something was wrong so he looked at Kat and grumbled, "Lead.." He could hear something, but wasn't too sure what it was because of the distance.
James smiled as he looked behind himself once again and said,"Don't be nervous, I'm mostly herbivore...with a hint of carnivorous beast." He then chuckled and said,"I'm sure we're going to get along just fine."

@Gilgog @Dxni
Éden plowed her way through bushes and plants, finally reaching the creek. She stared at the creek for a moment, then began to walk upstream towards the waterfall.
With a slight laugh she nods in agreement, speeding up she walks side-by-side with the two "So, James what do you like to do on the island?"
Jennifer ran, into the jungle. "(music)Into the woods(music)" she sang, then she laughed. She stopped and called out, "Nicolai?! Where are you?!" She said starting to get nervous.(' :) )
James shrugged as he said,"Well, in order to help tame the beast inside I usually do some hunting for myself." He then smiled a little and joked,"Otheriwse I loose all control and go into a blood-lust." He then chuckled, clearly trying to joke, and continued,"Also I charge at the color red." He then pointed to his bull horns and began to laugh.
Éden heard Jennifer from afar, but was too tired to try and and reach out, deciding to continue her way to the waterfall.
Her face expressionless she tries to figure out if he's joking once she hears him laugh she knows he's joking,"Oh, that's a shame because my favorite color is red." Adilia says a corner of her lip quirking up words, "I guess we can't be friends." She sighs feigning sadness
Nicholai looked around. He began walking. He herd what he thought was Jennifer thoughts. It wasn't he actually herd her calling. He fallowed her voice calling out "Jennifer" as he power walked in the direction of her voice
"It won't be much longer now." Carl replied, picking up his pace. A moment later he arrived at the (new clearing)camp, and lay his jerky by the fire. "Just put it here Adilia." He said to her, "anyway, just get to know the people, they are all nice." @Dxni
(I am sorry I will be sure to say goodbye next time...my mother rushed me off of the computer because I was in trouble! I am back!)

Kat sniffed the air, straining to hear any sounds. She couldn't hear Jenny anymore, so she kept going. She smelled birds...other panthers...and then she smelled the deer. She perked up and started walking quickly towards the scent, wondering if Leon could smell it too. She began running, going ahead of Leon and then finally hid behind the shrubs and bushes, staring at the deer. She sat, waiting for Leon.

@The Master

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