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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

(3 CHEERS FOR THE 1000th! Congrats, @Isune :D )

"I, um...I'm eighteen." He said with a small laugh. "You got a camp here, kid?"
(Angelic quire)

James woke up in his small hut, but still yawned as he stood up and muttered,"I feel like I've been out for years." He then stretched out a little and changed back to his human form. He then slowly began to walk back to the old camp where he had stormed off.
(Everyone! Like @CelestialBunny 1000th post!)

Leon had finally finished making most of his tools and clearing out enough shrub and bush and vegetation in order to expand his camp a little.
(One more thing: I guess I sort of become so into Roleplays that I BECOME the character. It is so ridiculous, I know...if I have annoyed anyone, I am really sorry! Okay, now I will drop it and continue :) And yaaas I will like @CelestialBunny Post)

Kat sits there, stirring about the arrogance and selfishness of Leon.

Why would she choose that guy as a friend? He is so fucking...ANNOYING! God, I be nice to him and he just...ugh!

Kat feels her annoyance rise up...hissing and growling to herself. But then she realizes something...she doesn't need to be friends with this guy. She doesn't need to take his remarks seriously...and maybe he has been through a lot more than she has, which is why he must act like this.

How could he trust Jenny so quickly when he is obviously not so trusting to the others? she thought...it just didn't make sense to her. She decided not to try to be friends with him anymore. She is not an alpha...and maybe he was right. Maybe she wasn't a fighter like he is...she is not "alpha tough girl"...

So she got up, took a deep breath and decided to be alone for a while. She looked over and saw Jenny talking to a new boy...she almost decided to go greet him. But she didn't want to see and try to make a good impression to any more visitors. She leaped and ran away into the forest, trying her best to not follow Leon's tracks. Embarrassed of how stupid she was, she sits in the middle of the meadow with her head between her legs and her tail wrapped around her, trying to breathe from all of the stress of trying to be a good leader for her friends.
(Grr...FINE, but I blame you for this! xD )

Éden suddenly gasped as her chest lurched upwards, her heart hammering to life as she pushed herself upwards from the creek. Her hair and face dripped water as she suddenly bent forward, gagging into the river as her body kicked itself awake, her dark blood rushing through her veins again, nasuea swiftly going through her...she sat down in the river again, breathing heavily as she closed her eyes. She splashed her face with the water and groaned, slowly standing until she regained some of her strength. She began to wander, now realizing that she didn't know where she was. "H-hello?!" She yelled as loud as she could, her voice wavering as her throat still softened from freezing up during her 'rest'.
( xD Hella cute @AliceLiddell17 lol)

Leon stopped his work and sighed. He needed to hunt. Leon had spent too long without being active and being all alone. The boy knew it wasn't normal for him to do things alone. Leon began to transform, growling in pain as he shifted into a predator.

Leon stretched, looking at his destroyed clothes on the ground. Luckily he had made plenty of outfits to get into once he was done. Leon began to adapt to be a better hunter.

Leon looked around, hearing many noises and things. He focused on what sounded like a female deer. Leon thought that Kat would be the best to hunt with since she was basically a panther. He made his way near their camp but stopped short, picking up her scent and following it.

(Look at my CS to see what he looks like when the text is green.)
(What? The taking it personally or me shunning getting close to people in RPs? lol)

Kat heard Eden calling, her ears perking up. She didn't want to talk to anyone now...she was way too embarrassed...she didn't even want to talk to Eden about it. She knew they would think that she was wrong and stupid. How could they not? She knew it herself.

She just sat there, giving a low growl in annoyance at the whole situation.

I really don't want to talk to anyone right now...why are there so many visitors anyway? All of a sudden it is just a dumping ground of weird outsiders? she thought.
(U shunned my Éden :( xD jk)

Éden sat and began to whimper. Her memories began to fade and reappear, not sure of what think as her brain stuttered with the sudden rush of oxygen. She began to fade into her usual form, the stage one of her demon. The demon hovered as it stayed still, searching for any negative emotions. It perked up as it located a trail...the camp. The demon grinned.
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(wait what's going on with this whole demon thing?)

James walked back to camp and merely sat on the ground, trying to avoid contact with anyone. He was still a bit embarrassed that he hadn't come back sooner. They seemed to be doing a lot better than the last time he saw them.
Kat suddenly perked up her ears...she heard someone coming. She sniffs the air and suddenly freezes.


She just sits back down, not giving any shits over whether or not he is there. He didn't want to have anything to do with her or her friends, so if he came by her, she was sure that he would turn away. And if he decided to attack her, she would have to either run, call for help, or fight back. It didn't matter to her, she killed a bear. Suddenly she picks up another scent.

"Eden?" she calls.

Oh wow, now EVERYONE is going near me? Literally, I am actually getting pissed now. Everyone else gets their alone time except me? Just let me be depressed, you all get to be depressed and mopey, why can't I? she thinks to herself.

@The Master @Aeron
Leon slowed and walked over to Kat, staying a couple feet away before grumbling a single word. "Hunt..." He stared at her and waited. He was twice the size of a panther, but moved smoothly and quickly, so he had no worry about keeping up with Kat.

Kat perked up her ears more, realizing that something was not right. Her pupils turned to slits, the irises almost turning white. She got up, growling. She decided to run back to the camp, not wanting to fight. She leaped and ran towards the camp, suddenly stopping dead in her tracks and seeing Leon in his beast form again. And this time...he looked hungry.

@The Master

(@Isune she was a demon this whole time, can you let her? We can't change her this late in the RP.)
(Woah, really? I'm sorry, maybe I missed it somehow...my alerts don't work on mobile :/

Um...I don't know what to do then, she's been a demon this whole time. She only turns when necessary, I was planning on having her turn back before she got to the camp :o I can work something out if you want me to change it)
(I don't really know what to do at the moment...I guess she can be a demon, but she's the ONLY exception)
Leon moved his head as if to tell her 'Lets go'. "With me..." He grumbled again. Leon continued to sit there, waiting for her so they could get to hunting together. He had already picked up the scent of a deer that was a great distance away. He figured she would enjoy the exercise.

@Gilgog Still slightly angry she grunts softly, "Uh yeah, I'm Adilia." After a few minutes of silence she blows out a frustrated breath, "So where exactly were you heading?"
Kat stood there, confused. But she reluctantly followed him. She looked over at him but decided not to speak, for she spoke too much last time. She slowly turned into a panther, fur covering her arrms and body as her claws came out. She went down on all fours and before she even knew it, she was in her panther form. She did not dare look at Leon and just walked beside him, sniffing the ground and air. @The Master
James looked around for a moment, there was no one at the camp now that he actually began to look. He only shrugged as he changed to his beast form and curled up as he waited for someone, anyone to approach.
"well, loads of us were dropped off here before you, we made a small camp on the beach which is moving now, i was just going to move some food and i saw you, so wecome to our island. what's your power Adilia?" he asked her, he made an effort to sound friendly and supportive, arriving here is tough and horrible at first. @Dxni
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