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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Leon laughed, "I AM the beast. But I am going to stay as a human for the time being." He smiled at her. Leon opened his arms, "Come on you know you want one." He was referring to a hug. Leon made a grabby hands motion, still smiling at Jennifer. @CelestialBunny
Leon smiled and hugged her back. His purring rather loud now. Having his memory back felt great, but it also ignited a fire that raged inside of him secretly. Leon wanted to kill the ones responsible for what has happened to him. But he was grateful since he was with Jennifer at the moment.

Kat woke up in the hut, looking everywhere, confused. She looked to see if anyone was around. She noticed that Jenny was gone. She remembered what happened yesterday...and she immediately felt bad.

He was just an animal that didn't know what was going on...I could have sworn I was nice to him at first...but maybe I gave the wrong impression...

She got up and looked around the fire, finding some left-over bear she caught. She thought and thought and thought...and then decided something.

I know! We should invite him over to have dinner with us and start over! Maybe he can join us...and Jenny seems to like him a lot. Maybe I was wrong about my impression...

She immediately looked all over her pockets and got out a piece of paper from before she was left here on the island. She also found a pen and wrote this:

Dear Beast Boy,

I really don't know what to call you, but that is the best I can do now...I hope to learn your name later on! I am sorry that I came off on the wrong hand. I would like to invite you over to have dinner with the rest of us. We have bear and boar meat if you like theat. I will make sure to tell the others to be kind to you. I promise to not attack you, for I see that my friend likes you a lot...so I thought maybe my impression of you was wrong.

Please arrive just before sunset tonight. If you do not wish to come, I understand.

With Kindest Regards,


Kat drew a cat paw on the side of her name to make it official. She smiled, proud of herself. She got up and folded the piece of paper. Suddenly, she heard Jenny in the distance.

She smiled. She couldn't wait to tell her about the idea. She ran through the bushes not too far from the camp and found her...and a boy? She looked closer and recognized him immediately. She immediately felt ashamed, but just stood there frozen, leaving the letter there on the ground for him.

Leon took a step back and nodded. "I can make a lot of things. I have lived most of my life in forests and jungles, using the land for pretty much everything. I know how to farm, build buildings, craft, and even tailor clothes." He spoke with a hint of pride in himself. Leon's head turned slightly as he caught sight of Kat. He growled but instead of attacking he walked over and picked up the note. Leon blinked as I looked it over. He had never learned to read so he just handed the note to Jenny. "Hey can you read this for me?" He asked her. "My mom never taught me how to read."

@CelestialBunny @AliceLiddell17
"Ok" Jennifer took the paper and read it out load, so Leon would be able to hear her. " it says, 'Dear Beast Boy, I really don't know what to call you, but that is the best I can do now...I hope to learn your name later on! I am sorry that I came off on the wrong hand. I would like to invite you over to have dinner with the rest of us. We have bear and boar meat if you like theat. I will make sure to tell the others to be kind to you. I promise to not attack you, for I see that my friend likes you a lot...so I thought maybe my impression of you was wrong.Please arrive just before sunset tonight. If you do not wish to come, I understand.With Kindest Regards,Kat.' Aww Kat is inviting you to dinner tonight, she hopes to make it up to you for her reaction." She explained to Leon, while smiling.
Kat looked up shyly, trying hard not to cause any more fights for the sake of her friend. She half smiled and said, "I heard that you were raised in the jungle...I was raised by cats in Africa ever since I was five. Which jungle are you from?"
Leon blinked and shrugged, "Sure alright. But first let me get my stuff." He commented. Leon had made a holster for his rock head javelins. Leon got his gear together before walking over to Kat and staring at her, "I was raised in every jungle and forest. My mother had the same powers as I did, but she could create shells and hides and appendages even in human form. We are more animal than human actually." He mentioned to Kat. He walked over and stood next to Jennifer, "Lead the way you two." He was a bit reluctant to leave all his stuff there but he would be able to get back to his crafting later.
Kat nodded and led Jennifer and the boy to the camp, trying hard not to run too fast so they can catch up. She turned sligthly and said, "What is your name?" to the boy as she walked.
"Leon." Was all he said before bolting, running even faster than both Kat and Jennifer. When someone actually looked at him, Leon was extremely fit and had little to no fat on him, it was all pure lean muscle. Leon kept his pace low after a bit so that he could keep talking with Kat if he needed to.
Jennifer ran slower than her friends, so she was still on her way to the camp. She hummed as she skipped, skinned and danced a little taking her time. What's the rush? Kat and Leon seem to be getting along-she thought. As she collected some materials for the clothes she was making later.
Leon was in eye sight of both Jennifer and Kat. He raised an eyebrow, wondering what Kat was saying. He moved fast enough so that he could run with Jennifer but not so fast that he would leave her behind. Leon was, though, trying to keep up with Kat, so he wound up being an equal distance away from the two. 'These people are freaks....' He thought to himself, 'Why would she try talking to me if I am not even close enough for me to hear her?'. So far Leon saw Jennifer as the only one who was normal.

He gathered things with Jenny while also making his way to the camp. Leon was going to make some more javelins but without the stones. He grabbed plenty of sticks and broke plenty of branches, his muscles able to handle the work.
Kat stood, fixing the boar and bear into bits with her claws on the leaves. She went straight to the crate and made some water canisters from the leftover buckets. She came back, her ears perking up. She can hear them approaching. She quickly sat down, waiting. @The Master
(Just saying, Éden is gonna be absent for a day or two in story-time due to her state! *Okay, carry on ^.^*)
(This is the first RP I've been in that people actually get close to my character xD don't worry, it depends how fast the time goes in the RP)
(I dunno, maybe I am a freak but when I act in plays in real life, I somehow get close to the cast and characters...so when I see the play acted out by someone else, I feel sad because I missed that character so much xD Same in Roleplays...Its weird, I know. @Aeron )
Leon got to the camp with Jennifer, setting down his stuff and digging into the food and drinking the water. He ate like an animal, of course, and didn't really talk while he did so. Leon finished within seconds, being a very ravenous eater.

@CelestialBunny @AliceLiddell17

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