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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Éden decided to begin to teach Nicholai as she waited for Jack's response. "Okay...so you begin by splitting the leaf here..." She swiftly tore the leaf and began to section out the leaf untill it looked like a palm tree leaf. She then began to weave the sections, guiding Nicholai as they did so. "...and there you go. If you want to make it water tight, you can either use two leaves, or leave it as one if the leaf is strong enough, just make sure its tight."
Carl didn't hear it and just sat down panting.they were really far away from camp now, about 10 km. "how was that?" he asked Kat, as he dreaded the return journey. "and, tell me when you are ready for me to take you back."
Well I can shoot fire and burst my body into flames. I also control lighting*he said as he say down next to her.*
Kat turned back into human form. She sat there and smiled. "It was good. I liked that very much...it reminded me of time-travel a bit...which is what I have always wanted to do. I don't think I can run that fast. I just wonder...why would your friends...er, ex friends, be scared of you because of that? You only have speed..?" she said.
"Hmm...I have something a little similar." She said, raising her hand. Her skin began to glow a bright orange, then suddenly burst into flame. "...This is Hellfire. It's kinda my fuel, but I only use it for deadly situations." She said as she put it out. "Touching Hellfire will disintegrate the area you touched it with, and if attacked with it, damn you to hell." She simply, picking up her finished basket and setting it aside.
the sudden conversation about his past shifted his mood a little, but he did his best to try not to think about it. "jealousy, and,these kids had been almost brainwashed to hate us, we were 'evil'. but speed kills, if i charged at max speed at someone to tackle them, they would be dead. and i can punch and kick and all that with extreme speed too, it is deadly, as docile as it may appear at first."
Nicholai watched and repeated what Eden did. Proud at what he had done he looked up to show Eden just in time to see her show her fire and put it out "Wow". He looked down at his basket again then back up at Eden "I think I did it" He held up his basket for her approval, although it didn't look just like hers.
Leon began to search for something to hunt and eat. He trudged around, looking for a rabbit or other small animal. If need be he would go to the shore to swim in the water and catch fish.
Kat sat closer to Carl. "I am sorry if I am making you sad by talking about your past...I thought it might help to talk about it because it is never good to bottle up feelings. I try to talk about it with others so it does not bother me anymore most of the time, depending on the situation...do you mind talking about it?" she asked, afraid she made Carl angry or sad.
Éden looked at Nicholai's basket and smiled a bit. "It actually looks really good, Nicholai." She said as she turned it to look at it. "With more practice, you should be able to make waterproof baskets in no time."
"I don't mind, no." he replied. "i get a little sad about it, naturally, but mainly angry, i hate them. they weren't friends, they would have had me killed without a second thought." Carl's hands were fists now and he stopped talking, he held back from doing anything. he wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, he wanted to run, but what was the point? his friends were only doing what they knew to do. they had been taught to do it. he didn't know how he felt, he was confused. he understood why his friends had acted as they had, but he couldn't help hating them.
Leon climbed a tree, his limbs and legs changing to adapt to better movement in the trees. He jumped and swung from one tree to the other, chasing a rabbit that was running away from him.
Kat saw how sad and angry Carl was, feeling a bit sad for him. She nodded and told him, "So tell me about them...what were they like before they did that? What made you trust them at first?"
After a moment of recollection he continued, "we all got along, because we were similar. we all loved sports, had similar grades, liked similar things. we would compete against each other in everything, none of us were sore losers though, if we lost, we would be sure to win next time. so......when i discovered my power, they didn't care about me anymore, why did i matter to them? they were stupid! unloyal!....." Carl stopped again. what he he have done in their situation? they didn't seem to have a mind of their own, but did Carl? he had been taught to hate his breed too. only when he discovered he was one of them did his mind change. he had dissed them as much as anyone else had, he wasn't the good guy. Carl remained silent for a while, thinking and realising things.
Nicholai smiled in approval "thank you1" He perked up at bit. He turned to watch into the fire "Daddy!" The fie came out of the air. people started firing at him Eli and Arizona. He grabbed Eli up and took Arizona's hand and began to run. "Ahh" He looked to see Arizona's eyes turn black.Her Demon had been awaken at the worst moment. She jerked away from him and turned to face the people chasing them. Nicholai pleaded for her to come on. It was to late. She went to go attack but got hit by the fire first. She fell back to the ground turning to herself once more. Nicholai knelled beside her holding Eli who was now crying. "This can't be happening" He sobbed. She looked up "I love you Nicholai, I love you Eli." "now.... go". she winced in pain. Nicolai shook his head in disagreement. He looked up they were getting to close. Against his wishes he whisperer to her "I love you" Then got up and ran Eli reached out to her screaming "mommy!". Nicholai couldn't look back as he herd the loud boom!. Nicholai jumped back shaking off the memory. He looked over at Eden with a fake smile "Ill try to make some more"
Kat stayed silent and then said, "If they conditioned these boys to hate people like us, weren't you conditioned that way too? I was just wondering..."
Éden tilited her head to the side as she looked at Nicholai. "What bothers you?" She asked, gently putting his basket down.
Jack looked at Eden's hellfire ad his eyes widen* that's really cool. Hows the baskets coming along
Carl nodded shamefully. He was no better than the others, he was just unlucky. Carl was getting really stressed, he was struggling to contain himself. His urge to just run away was great. But he couldn't just leave Kat this far away from camp. He looked emotionless as he stared down at the sand infront of him. he groaned quietly.
Nicholai didn't want to say anything in front of anyone elese, so as painful as it was he conjured up the memory again Sending a thought to Eden "I'm sorry" then sent her the memory as a thought. He knew it was going to kill her to watch, but it would of killed him to talk about it. He looked at Jake "It's going good" He said holding up the basket.
Kat decided not to pressurize him more. She leaned in and gave him a big hug and said, "If you were a jerk like them, I would forgive you. And I hope you can forgive them too...I am sure if they turned out to have powers, they would have been like you now. I hope that makes you happy at least."
Carl hesitated before hugging her back. "i don't know......" Carl replied. He didn't feel that he could ever forgive them. What they had done was inhumane, But maybe it was for the better. Carl was with better people now, he understood them and they understood him likewise. who would he rather be friends with? Kat, or those mindless fools back at 'home'. Carl knew the answer to that, maybe, once he got over it, he would be happier than he would with normal people. Maybe having powers was better, he was unique.
lette said:
Nicholai didn't want to say anything in front of anyone elese, so as painful as it was he conjured up the memory again Sending a thought to Eden "I'm sorry" then sent her the memory as a thought. He knew it was going to kill her to watch, but it would of killed him to talk about it. He looked at Jake "It's going good" He said holding up the basket.
Éden stared at th sand as the thought played out in her head. She subconsciously covered her mouth. "She was a demon..." She thought, her eyes wide. "So...what was he?" She thought to him, controlling her emotions and having a poker face as she began a new basket.
Jennifer had decided to try to walk without her crutches thanks to Eden her leg felt a whole lot better. She slowly got to her feet she dropped her crutches against a rock, she took her first steps and realized she was able to run again. She ran into the jungle, not even realizing when she could no longer see the camp. She ran, to what seemed to be forever.

She arrived at a small waterfall and pond, not the same one that Eden/Kat or Nicolai had found. She decided it was time to take a shower, in what seemed to be like forever so she quickly dived in, clothes and all since her dress was also dirty. She remembered that everyone else used flowers as soap, she quickly did the same. When she was done she realized her clothes were soaking wet. She continued to run forgetting her shoes at the pond, trying to dry off.

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