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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Leon panted as soon as he finished eating. He stood and looked down, "...." He grabbed the blanket and began to tear it to pieces, making a type of tunic for himself. Of course with his lack of underwear he would have to not try to not do anything that would let people see up his tunic. Leon didn't care much if anyone saw his more personal parts, but he wasn't a slob.
Éden went into the forest yet again, seeking out the waterfall. The waterfall became her place of peace, her haven... She sat at the top and stared mindlessly at the water. You know...I only did it to protect us... Éden shut her eyes and winced as she heard her demon purr in her ear. If it wasn't for me, you would have never known he was a boy... "But we wouldn't have scared him! He must have felt violated..." She yelled angrily, hugging her torso. "I don't want you acting without my consent, anymore...this is the last place we can afford to mess up." If you say so, but I'm sure you'll thank me later. Éden hugged her knees, as shadows spread from her in jagged forms, trying to keep more stupid tears from falling...
Leon stretched in his tunic and blinked, "Almost look like a girl..." He sighed. "Almost like a skirt... And it's a little tight." He complained, tugging a bit on it. Leon sighed at how small and tight the tunic was but decided it would have to do. "Would've been better with a bigger blanket." He mumbled.
Éden stood up, making her desicion. She used the shade from the jungle to teleport her right to camp, right next to the table. "Okay...as of today, we are going to make a bigger camp down towards the beach for everyone to live in!" She said, looking around with a serious look in her eyes, watching for any objections.
Leon heard Eden's voice and peeked out of the hut, barely moving the flap to look at her. He didn't like that he was pretty much the youngest of them all, of course it was only an animal thing. Leon waited to see what would happen next before making his move.
Jennifer ate her fruit slowly being the youngest, hunting wasn't really for her. So she started at Nicolai, waiting for him to break the silence .
Kat came out of the hut after she finished her nap, yawning and stretching. She looked at Jennifer and Nicholai. "Hi, guys...is it still afternoon?" she asked, her ears and eyes twitching. She looked off into the distance and saw Eden walking away. She wondered if she should follow her...she then looked at Jennifer and gave her a big hug.
(Éden came back xD )

Éden looked around, not seeming to have caught attention. "Hey! Everyone! Today's the day we start moving you guys out of this camp and into a bigger one; I will help you move the table and the Big Hut, but I need everyone to begin their move today." She said, much louder than before to get everyone's attention.
Nicholai just looked at Eden and just nodded. He looked over to kat and jennifer then at the boy in the hut. He stood up "Ok"
(Yeah, no one can see Leon since he is hidden... Come on guys are me and @Aeron the only ones who thoroughly read posts?)

Leon took that opportunity to come out of the hut and run in the direction of the beach. He only caught a glimpse of the people as he bolted. Leon's tunic the only thing keeping him clothed but it slowed him down quite a bit. He felt that he needed more time before he was able to change again, but he might take some time off of doing so.
Kat smiled and said excitedly, "Yeah, sure! That would be lovely!" and then heard Eden's announcement. "Are we moving now?" she asked Eden, a little startled by the sudden change.
(Kat killed a bear in panther form, then she washed up a bit while Nicholai and Eden for falling in looooooooovvvvvvveee. *cough* And now we are moving the camp)

(P.S.-and do not start whining at me @Aeron and @lette! I see "The Notebook" shit all over commercials and movies...and after seeing it for a while, I still do wait for the girl to get stressed and anxious or for the boy's farts to stink! But that never happens...NEVER. XP I am so waiting for that to happen to you guys.)

Enjoy <3~
(just because he can't see you does not mean he cant't look in your direction, looking at the hut insinuating that he was looking at you)

Eden looked at Kat "I guess we are moving"

(sorry i'm so in and out i'm having to clean and do laundry)
(huh? I wasn't talking about you looking at me...? @lette If you were talking to someone else, foget that...)

Kat sighed and looked at Jennifer smiling. She then walked over to the table and picked it up at one end. She looked to the others for help.
Since the table weighed less than 200 pounds, she helped Kat using her telekinesis. "Let me help!" She said. Without waiting for an answer she already picked up the other end of the table.
Kat saw Jennifer, amazed at her strength, and helped her carry the table. She looked at Eden and asked, "Where are we going?"
Éden looked at Kat. "I went walking earlier and saw a massive clearing close to the beach, not far from here." She then pointed to the hut and it was enveloped in black, beginning to hover. "I'll take the hut." She began to walk towards the new clearing, the people in the hut still sleeping soundly.
Kat watched Eden use her power, sort of amazed. She smiled and carried the table to the clearing. She has not felt this happy in a long time...but she kept moving before thinking of anything else.
Leon panted as he reached the beach. He figured out that he would be stuck on the island with these people, unless he transformed and swam back. But the regulars wanted him gone, so he would be in constant battle and hiding. Leon sighed and just waited there, wondering what to do now. "The only way to survive is to stay in my other form and hunt... Just stay like that forever." He looked at the water. "They are on their way." He blinked, standing up and looking in the direction where he was sure they were coming from, and just waited. "..."
Okatar woke up wondering what has happen when he was asleep he said "so what has happened"

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