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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Nicholai laughed grabing her hand but instead of get up he pulled her in with " not I can giggle to" he looked at her and couldn't wipe the huge smile he had on his face off.
(Nicholai and Eden are in the woods at the stream. I think Jennifer is with the fruit that we all picked earlier and the new guy was just dropped on the beach not sure about the others)

Kat walked up to Jennifer and hugged her, still disgusted with the blood stains on her clothes from hunting. She realized that she still needed to salt and sun-dry the bear and bathe. She looked at Jennifer and smiled. She wished Nicholai were here so he could help with the bear...
Eden yelped as she felt herself suddenly get pulled into the creek. She splashed into the creek, then looked up at Nicholai with a big grin. She then scooped up a kiddie pool sized about of water with her mind and dumped it on Nicholai with a laugh, quickly standing and hopping on stones to get away
Leon's eyes slowly cracked open as he began to awaken. He let out a few pained coughs before sitting up slowly, stretching at the same time to relieve some pressure and stress. He sighed after his stretch and looked around. "....Damn." He mumbled to himself. Leon stood up slowly, his legs a little weak, and took in the sights for a bit. Within a moment his legs gave out, still not strong enough for him to stand on his own.
Nicholai laughed as he made his way up and over the slippery rocks to try and catch Eden "you won't get away that easy" He felt something growing in him that he had not felt in a very long time. He laughed as he chased her.
Eden began to laugh as she ran, not feeling this happy in what seemed like forever. She suddenly turned and vanished on the spot in a flash of smoke, reappearing on top a high branch above Nicholai's head.
Nicholai skidded to a stop sent a thought to her" You can't hide from me!" He waited listening to her thoughts. That is when he picked up the thought of Kat who wanted him there for the bear he sent a thought to her "be there soon". He looked around for Eden smiling.
Eden appeared behind him and tapped his shoulder. "I thought you said I wasnt gonna get away that easy, you liar." She said with a grin.
Nicholai jerked around with a smile and in one big motion lifted her into his arms " Well that wasn't very fair" he laughed jokingly. It was then that he had a deep gut feeling, a feeling he hadn't had in a while and fear. He stared into her eyes.
Eden laughed as she was suddenly swept upwards, then froze as she saw how close they were. She looked into his eyes, feeling almost safe and happy, but then suddenly panicked and flashed out of his arms. Eden looked up at him, a distressed look on her face. "I-Im sorry. I got carried away and..." she whispered. "I...im going to get the leaves I need." She said, keeping her eyes focused at the ground.
Leon knew that he would have to change in order to get around until he got his strength back. He felt himself slowly transform, his entire body changing and becoming larger.

Leon stood up on both legs, growling low as he looked around. He got on all fours (even though he has four arms ;p you get the point) and bolted deeper into the island.
Nicholai stumbled with his words "nnnn no no its ummm its ok" He was so embarrassed and still terrified "Kat needs my help, I will talk to you later" He grabbed Edens hand gave it a squeeze "you need anything just think it." then turn and darted to go find kat.
Leon slowed to a halt after a while, having no idea how fast or long he was running, climbed up a tree and scanned the area after hearing some movement and voices. He caught sight of a man who was running away from the direction of the waterfall that was only a short distance, for him, away. He growled low and locked his attention onto the man.

Eden blinked as he squeezed her hand and she nodded as he ran off into the jungle. She began to walk to the waterfall, her demon stirring at her emotions. She managed to gather as much mint as possible, but suddenly heard big steps. She dropped the mint. "Hello?" She called out. @The Master
Leon turned his attention immediately to the girl. He moved a bit higher into the tree and hid, his entire body beginning to camouflage with the tree. Leon moved silently, almost slithering onto the ground behind the tree and out of sight of Eden.

Eden looked around in caution, her senses at peak, sensing a presence. "Who is that? I won't hurt you, you can come out!" She called out, hop in she wouldn't scare whoever was near.
Leon moved slowly out from behind the tree, still growling. He easily towered over the girl due to his bulk and build. Leon growled at her, sounding like a blend between an angry lion and tiger. He was bent forward a little in case he had to fight. Normally he would be more reasonable, but as a predator (that's what I am calling it) he was more of an animal. Or a puppy, due to his age.

Eden gasped as she saw the creature appear and tower over her. She sat down at his feet and stayed perfectly still, but avoided direct eye contact to keep from challenging him. She maintained her submissive pose in perfect stillness, hoping she could get through as harmless to the creature.
Leon smelt the fear she had and saw she was submitting to him. He looked around, his eyes shifting and adapting to see infrared. Leon took his attention off of Eden and noticed in a distance that there were more living beings, and not just animals or small creatures. Leon looked back to Eden for a few moments, wanting to see what she might do next before he would go after the man who had left the area.

Eden stood as soon as he was no longer dangerous, and gently placed her hand on his nose, petting it in a slow rhythm. "Your such a beautiful animal..." she muttered as she pet it. Eden could never see the ugliness in anything, and admired the e nourmous animal.
Nicholia was started by Edens thoughts. Alarmed he had to check on her. He sent "is everything ok?"
Leon gave a low grumble, his eyes closing while Eden pet him. He simply stood there, completely relaxed and at ease. He almost began purring, his inner puppy starting to get excited. For that time he had completely forgotten about going after the others.


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