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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

"i'm not scared." carl said once again, "don't be sorry,it was successful, we killed a bear!" Carl wasn't so shaken up anymore, he had gotten over it.
Nicholai looked over at kat he couldn't help but read her mind and now that she was a panther he couldn't talk to her so he sent a thought. "is everything ok?" He looked up at Carl "very successful hunt"
Kat looked back at Carl and purred in approval. She turned away, thinking on whether or not he should skin the bear with her. But she kept going, dragging the bear with her. She heard the thought sent from Nicholai and nodded at him.

(I have to go now! I will be back at 2:15pm Eastern Time in the USA. Thanks guys for RPing with me. (^-^))
Éden blinked as she woke up, the smell of blood hitting her nose. "She immidiatley stood up in alarm, but saw a giant Panther, which she reconized to be Kat, skinning a mangled bear. She was about to raise her voice to ask if she could help her, but standing so quickly made the blood rush from her head, causing her to fall backwards onto the ground. She managed to keep herself from hurting her head, but laid there for a minute, blinking as the blood slowly returned.
Éden shook her head and got up more slowly. "I'm on my wits end." She said with a chuckle. "Good morning, by the way, everyone." She said with a small smile as she saw others already walking around or stirring in bed.
Nicholai sat down with a feeling that he wasn't helping her situation. "I'm sorry" He looked up at Eden "I was just trying to help you the other day" He fidgeted in his seat. He hated upsetting people.
"morning eden" carl said to her, walking over. "could you give me a job? i need something to do, me and Kat just killed a bear, which should last us ages once salted and sundried, however, our camp just looks a little bare, we can do more i am sure."
Éden gave Nicholai a small smile. "Don't worry, you're fine. My demon just doesn't enjoy visitors, that's all." She laid her hand in his head. "I appreciate the help, though." She then turned towards Carl, her hand back at her side. "We can use a fresh supply of water. All my water from yesterday was used up very quickly, so take some buckets and go find as much water as possible." She said, picking up some water tight grass buckets. "I can work on making a sort of well." She looked up at Carl. "Is that okay?"
nicholai looked at Eden with a smile "I understand that more than you think." Then quickly shook the thought out of his head, "Ok what can I do to help"
"sure!" Carl replied with a smile, "i saw a small trickling river earlier that i washed in, i will fill them up there." With that Carl ran for the buckets and hurtled towards the river.

Soon after he had arrived with his two buckets. he laid them on the river bed and they began to fill up, but the river was so shallow that he couldn't collect much water, so he resorted to using his hands to fill them up. once they were both full, he made the slow journey back to camp, he couldn't use his speed somthis would take a while,majd for an impatient person like him, a while meant forever
Kat turned back into her human self, sitting by the mangled bear she had just killed. She was used to the scent of killed prey, for she had hunted with lions before when she was abandoned in Africa. She still didn't know if she could control her animal instincts...she sometimes became more animal than human...but netherless, she took her still sharp claws and dug them into the fur of the bear just enough so it is just the skin.

She clawed under the skin and slowly tore it off piece by piece. She finally had one side of the bear off after about an hour of skinning. She looked underneath the layer of skin and fur and saw that it was disgustingly filled with dirt. She rolled her eyes.

Do animals ever bathe? she thought. At least that was one difference she had with other animals. Kat decided to wash the layer of skin and fur later so she can form it into a blanket. She also decided to perhaps make knives from the bear's claws and use the fur to make pillows and blankets for people to sleep with. She learned this from her parents one time when they went hunting...

She finally finished skinning after 2 hours. She turned into the panther and swung the layers of fur over her back. She dragged the bear back over to the camp, looking for Carl.
"Can you help me look for flat rocks and pebbles?" Éden asked Nicholai as she began to make a deep hole with dark shadows a little outside the camp. "Once I finish the well, we could line it with clean rocks, then fill it with any water Carl brings back."
As Kat made her way to the camp, Jennifer woke up from her rest . She sat there watching. When she saw a panther come in. She panicked and screamed. While also using her telekinesis, to pick up her leaf basket and threw it at the big cat.
Kat dropped the bear and looked at Jenny who just threw the basket at her. Her ears went down in irritation and she growled at her as she turned back to her human form.

"Ow." Kat said in a sarcastic tone, dried blood still on her clothes from the bear.
When the panther turned into her dear friend Kat. She instantly regretted throwing the basket.

"Sorry" she said, eyes turning gold in Shame, sorrow and fear of losing one of the only people she got close too.
Saki wandered around the beach, trying out her powers. She didn't think she had tried them out before; through she could have in her past life. Saki grabbed a handful of sand as she turned invisible, noting that it was still visible. Then, as an idea struck her, Saki became visible, grabbed the handful of sand again and turned invisible. The results were not that surprising in retrospect, as Saki watched the sand become invisible alongside her. 'So I could probably turn people invisible!' She happily muttered to herself, running back to camp so she could find someone to test out her powers on.
Nicholai nodded and began looking for rocks. He took his shirt off to put the rocks in he walked slowly along the edge of the water trying to relax he decided to listen to the creature of the waters thoughts, the dolphins and fish always to happy. It made him think of the times he tool Eli to the beach just to see the dolphins and tell him what they were thinking. He loved it. He wiped the tears off his face and brought a shirt full of rocks back to Eden. "Will we need more?" he asked pouring them out next to her.
Kat immediately regretted getting angry. She looked at Jenny and smiled. "It's okay! No need to feel sad! I am not going to just "unfriend" you because you have mistaken me for a real panther." she said, chuckling a bit so Jenny could feel better. She looked around, still looking for Carl.
"Really?" She said.

"Can I help you with anything?" She hoped to make it up to the girl, as she seemed to be looking for someone.
Éden looked at the pile of rocks. "Hmm...I think one more pile will do the trick." She said as darkness shaped as arms picked up the rocks by twos and began to tightly line the wall with them.

(Ias anyone else's charater also their profile picture? xD )
Carl exited the forest and finally returned to camp, carrying two full buckets of water. "now i know how it feels when they talk about the poor children in third world countries." he exclaimed, "and i even got to use super speed for one leg of the way!" he walked to Eden, presenting the two buckets. "i'm guessing you want to boil them right?" he asked. @Aeron
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Kat was surprised, as she seemed to have daydreamed a bit. "Oh, I am looking for Carl, my friend who helped me kill this bear for breakfast...as you can see it looks pretty disgusting right now, but I do need someone to cut it up, salt it, and sun-dry it. I am not sure if you would be up for it since it is kind of gross."

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