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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

"It's okay, I am not angry at you for using your power. It is difficult to break a habit I know. You are not normal exactly...but yes, I would be happy if you refrained from it. I don't really have a great past, and maybe if I were a little closer to you as a friend I would tell you these things and it wouldn't be a problem. I just don't know you too well yet for you to be in my mind..." Kat said quietly. She walked out of the hut and sat down, hearing the ocean waves from afar.
lette said:
Nicholai sat quietly near the girl and tried to listed to peoples thoughts in the distance to see what was going on.
Éden let out a wavering sigh, her darkness depleting and going away. She looked up and saw that it was night. "Feel free to go to the camp." She murmered as began to make her way to the camp. She went in and sat by the fire silently, staring into it with downcast eyes and making herself as small as possible.
Kat saw Eden sitting across from her and decided to speak to her. "Is everything alright? I hope I am not bothering you with my presence."
Nicholai sent a thought to Eden " are you ok?" He then looked at kat." I'm sorry. I'm Nicholai, you already know my powers" he shrugged and sat next to her
"Oh, I know that you are Nicholai. You have introduced yourself before. I think Eden feels angry though...are you alright, Eden?" Kat chuckled before becoming concerned.
Nicholai laughed "oh I'm sorry I guess in still a little out of it" he looked up at Eden "are you ok?"
Éden nodded. "I'm fine." She murmered. "I hope I don't bother you, but I'm going to sleep here. My hut and Jessica's hut are free to sleep in." She curled up by the fire, but her eyes stayed open. Sorry...Your powers gave me a scare, that's all. She thought to Nicholai.
Nicholai couldn't help but smile. He sent a thought "my apologies I was just worried" he looked over at kat "I'm not really tired I don't know about you "
(@Aeron do you mean Jennifer? xD )

Kat realized that she was more tired than she thought. So she got up and smiled at Nicholai. "I would love to stay up...but I think I am going to go back to sleep again and make sure to stay by Jenny so she is safe. Today was a long day... Goodnight." Kat walked back to the hut and lay beside Jenny, falling asleep almost immediately.

(This is my last post until tomorrow! Goodnight everyone!)
Éden nodded as she sat up. "...What are you, Nicholai?" She said, wiping her tears with her remaining sleeve.
Nicholai sighed... "to be honest I'm not sure." He thought for a second "for as long as I can remember I could read minds and put thoughts into people's head" he laughed "my parents even told me how when I was a baby I would tell them thoughts when I was hungry". He looked down "now I'm just a guy lost and confused looking for Eli"
Éden looked at him, her black hair covering most of her face. "Who's Eli?" She asked quietly.
Nicholai sent a thought with a giggle "you can see better of you move your hair". He sighed and reached into his pocket pulling out a crumple picture. In the picture was a small boy with black hair and bright green eyes looking up at him smiling it was folded in half and all you could see was the hands of the person holding him the rest of their body on the other side he tilted the picture for Eden to see to shaken to say anything at the moment.
Éden blinked and tucked her hair behind her ears, tilting her head to see it better. "I-I'm sorry...I haven't seen anyone like that recently." Her hand was raised to touch it, but it looked so fragile, so she slowly put her hand down. "Was he sent here with the rest of us? In the helicopters, I mean."
Nicholai hesitated but moved it closer so she could grab it if she wanted. He had to hold back tears."I'm not sure, the last I remembered I was running from these people with him in my arms.... then suddenly he was ripped from my arms I fought reaching for him then suddenly I felt a sharp pain everything went black..... next think I know I wake up here". He felt a tear betray him and fall down his cheek "he's only 2........ he's my son" he looked down not wanting to look her in the face just yet.
Carl woke up in the early sunrise and was almost instantaneously on his feet and looking for someone else who was awake. Carl picked up his coat he had slept on and walked over to Eden's hut, leaving it next to the walls, out of the way. He then walked back to the fire and sat down, thinking about the people and waiting for someone else to wake up.

Carl decided that if nobody was going to wake up as early as him then he was just going to wash. With that he stood up once again and headed for a body of fresh water.

After an excruciating long search in the forest he came across a small, almost trickling river. 'Well this will have to do' he thought.' Carl took his shirt, trousers and shoes off and went into the river, splashing himself due to it being so small. He found some nearby flowers that smelled...alright. He crushed them and used them aswell. After washing he stepped out if the river and sprinted about in circles for a moment to dry off. After drying he put his clothes back on and returned quickly to camp, hoping that somebody would be awake now.
Kat woke up, a little groggy from not getting too much sleep. She looked and saw that Jennifer was still asleep. She smiled and got up, walking over to the now burnt fire. She saw Carl up, sitting there. She smiled and sat next to him. "Good morning!" she chirped quietly, trying not wake anyone from her greeting.
carl smiled and nodded to Kat in response, "morning. so....do you want to hunt today?" he asked her, readying himself to stand up.
"Yeah, sure! Race you there!" Kat said, excited. Kat jumped up immediately and raced down the open fields towards the forest, the wind refreshing and cool against her face. As she kept going, she slowly turned smaller and smaller into her black domesticated cat form. She quickly hid behind a bush, waiting.
within seconds Carl was standing next to Kat."surely a panther would be better for hunting, right?" he asked her, staring at her, he still found the transforming really cool.

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