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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Kat suddenly felt disappointed. Her ears went down. "I forgot you were about as fast, if not faster, than me. I was thinking of going up to you as a little cat and then transforming into a big cat all of a sudden to scare you a bit. Dang it..." Kat said. But then she smiled. "Oh well, no dilly-dallying. Let's go hunt." She suddenly transformed into the big panther and sniffed the air a bit. She smelled dandelions...the oak trees...the shrubs...birds...foxes...

a bear.

Kat looked over at Carl and nodded her head in the direction she was planning on going. She leaped again and started running towards the smell.
Carl easily kept up with her, occasionaly dodging trees and branches with ease. he wondered what she was following, he hoped that she had picked up the scent of a big boar, he just wasnt excited to drag it home. 'flash and his war panther' he thought.
Kat finally caught up to the scent and immediately turned into a smaller cat, hiding very well in the bushes. She looked through the leaves and saw a big, brown grizzily bear looking through a patch of berries and eating his breakfast. She hoped that Carl would not make too much of a sound.
carl quickly stopped and saw the bear, hiding behind the bush with Kat. he peeked over the bush and saw the bear, his heart pounded, 'this is suicidal!' he thought. his eyes widened, he did not feel confident.
Kat immediately turned back into human form. "Do you want to try something else then? It is enough to last for a week or so..." she whispered. "Plus, I have killed lions before. Yeah, I got scarred a bit...trust me, I lived by myself being raised by big cats in Africa after my parents were killed. But we could go somewhere else if you want. I just thought that I could fight the bear while you distract him. I will get him just in time before he goes after you and kill him right there." Kat whispered.
"only if you promise that i will live, i wasnt raised in africa." he whispered, looking a little scared.
"I promise. And you are fast. You can escape before he can even get you...if anything, he will get me. And it does not matter if he comes back for us if we end up bailing. He would be too scared of us." Kat replied, smiling mischeiviously. "I will go up in that tree next to us as a small cat and let you distract him. Go slow at first, you don't want to get into the chase right off the bat. Then once you have his attention for a few seconds, I will leap down in my big cat form and catch him. I know where I can kill him-his neck. Just pop the artery through his heart and he is out." Kat said. She went back to her small cat form and climbed up the tree swiftly and watched over Carl and the bear.
Carl readied himself for a few seconds, then just dived outnof the bush, circling the bear as fast as he could, attempting to dodge any attacks it made, whilst occasionaly punching and kicking him to aggrovate him. "GET IT!" he shouted, full of fear, he felt like an idiot, but he carried on, he could run away if he had to.
Kat saw that he just went straight for the kill without being quiet for a minute. Sighing and shaking her head, she leaped from the trees and transformed midway into the panther and wrapped her self around the bear. She took her paws, dug her claws into the bear's neck and bit down right on it's artery. The bear roared and started fighting her. Suddenly, the bear pinned her to the ground, biting at her face. Angered, her eyes turned red and bit it's snout-hard. The bear could not open it's mouth due to how strong her jaw was on it. She dug deeper into it's neck, feeling her teeth sink all the way to the roof of it's mouth.. The bear kept struggling to attack, scratching her. Kat roared in pain, getting even more angered. So she had no choice but to bite even harder on the bear's neck. She sunk her teeth down into it's other artery, blood gushing out. She felt the bear's heart-beat racing as it still struggled. The bear beginning to limp, they rolled on the ground and Kat finally bit his neck and twisted it with both her paws and teeth.

Even more blood gushed out, making a puddle on the dirt, she kept twisting his neck until she heard a bone break...and then the bear finally collapsed on the ground, dead. She finally got off of the bear and went back into human form, a huge scratch down her side, accompanied by some other small ones. She felt a few others on her ears and lips, blood still stained on her teeth and clothes.
"are you okay?" Carl asked, kneeling next to Kat, looking suprised. she was viscious, he had never seen fighting like that, he nodded to himself.
"I am okay...I had to kill him like that. I feel a little sad for doing that...but we need food. And I guess my instincts got the best of me. I really hope you are not traumatized." she said, blood dripping from her lips as she was trying to smile without looking freaky.
"no, i'm fine." he replied, lying a little bit. "now we need to drag it back, what fun......" carl grabbed it's 2 front legs and tried to drag it, it only moved a little bit, even with carl's effort. this was going to be tough.
Kat could so tell he was lying. She sighed and said, "You are hunting with a panther...I am sorry I scared you. The bear was going to kill me if I was not efficient enough. But here let me help you."

Kat turned back into a panther and gripped the bear's neck in her mouth, dragging it slowly back to the camp. This was a heavy bear, and Kat was pretty surprised by it. But as slow as it was, she can do it. She looked back at Carl and felt a little sad for him. Maybe she shouldn't have looked at the bear...maybe she should have gone with the foxes instead so it wouldn't be so traumatizing for him.
"i wasn't scared, it's fine, don't worry." Carl insisted. he pulled the bear with her, now they were making a little bit of progress. he hadn't expected it to be so gory, last time he just beheaded a boar, not so much growling and all that. "i wonder what bear tastes like." he muttered.
Saki was still wandering around the forest, slowly mapping it out in her head. As she was walking, Saki saw Kat and Carl dragging something along with them to the camp, not knowing she was there as she was invisible. Saki took a closer look at the animal they were dragging with them and realised it was the mangled body of a bear, 'Why did they inflict so much damage?' She thought to herself, taking a step backwards and tripped over an underlying tree root, sending her tumbling to the ground. Saki quickly pulled herself up and ran off, wondering why they were so cruel to the animal.

'There was no need to do that.' She thought to herself as she stopped a few meters away from them, 'We could never eat all of that as well.'
Kat heard him and purred a little. She slowly dragged the bear with him back to the camp. She saw that nobody was up still, so she laid the bear down the ground, panting. She turned back into human form, holding the scratches at her side. Now they really started to hurt. She looked up at Carl. "Um...can you see if there is any more water so I can wash this off?" Kat said.


CaraTheMeow said:
Saki was still wandering around the forest, slowly mapping it out in her head. As she was walking, Saki saw Kat and Carl dragging something along with them to the camp, not knowing she was there as she was invisible. Saki took a closer look at the animal they were dragging with them and realised it was the mangled body of a bear, 'Why did they inflict so much damage?' She thought to herself, taking a step backwards and tripped over an underlying tree root, sending her tumbling to the ground. Saki quickly pulled herself up and ran off, wondering why they were so cruel to the animal.
'There was no need to do that.' She thought to herself as she stopped a few meters away from them, 'We could never eat all of that as well.'
(They needed to kill it efficiently. Otherwise, the bear would have killed them. And it is enough to last weeks.)
Nicholai sat up not realizing he had dozed off. he looked around seeing Kat and a very large bear then a guy he had not met yet. The bear was bloody and torn to pieces he couldn't help but laugh when he saw kat all bloody.
Carl nodded and dashed to the crate and back, holding a bottle of water. "are you sure you're alright?" he asked, "i suggest you sit down before anything. Carl ran and collect his coat, laying it on the sand near Kat so she could sit, and stood next to her, ready to help. (using salt to preserve and sundrying it)
Kat saw Nicholai laughing and then becoming concerned. "I killed the bear as a panther...That is why I am all bloody and scratched up. That was a big bear, I gotta say. It was fighting pretty hard and everything...I was hoping to just bite it's artery and be gone with it...but it got violent, which is pretty typical. So I did the best I could to kill it quick and fast by biting at it's neck so the blood-flow from the heart stops going to the brain altogether." Kat said before wincing in pain. She held her side tightly and took the water. She spilled it over the scratches in her ears, lips, and side. She hissed in pain as the water trickled into the cuts.
Nicholai stared at kat in aw. "that is a pretty big bear, nice job" he then looked up at the guy standing next to her(carl) "hello"
Carl looked at Nicolai, "hi, i'm carl." he replied. he wasn't particularly talkative just now, not after what had just happened.
Nicholai just nodded wondering if he should peel into his mind. He decided against it, he didn't wanna make to many enemies on this island. He looked down at Eden who appeared to still be sleeping. the just looked at the bear.
Kat sighed, realizing that maybe she wasn't fit as a proper hunting partner. She told Carl, "I am going to go skin the bear and tend the fire so I can cook it...then I am going to go for a swim and wash my clothes. I am sorry I scared you."

Now you really screwed up, Kat.

She turned into a panther again, not giving one single crap on whether Nicholai would be scared or not. She picked up the bear with her teeth and dragged it into the clearing so she can skin it.

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