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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

nicholai looked out to the water smileing knowing everyone was at peace. He knew kat was worried about him but all he could do was send her a thought the thought of Eli. That is all he could giver her right now he didn't know when he would be able to really open up.
(Saki got hurt with some wood stuck in her leg. Kat found her with Carl and healed her up. Some other new members came into the story...but Eden made the camp and felt her demon powers coming back, so she ran to the forest found another person who can read minds. Meanwhile, Kat found a dead body and thought that the puncture marks of an animal were injection marks, so she told James. James got his feelings hurt by Niko and was still pissed. He called her insane for thinking that and turned her away. She got angry as she ran away from him and ran into the dead body again. That is when she realized that the injection marks were puncture marks. Then, she burried the body with Carl, who found her again. She went to camp with Carl and discussed leader options with the other boys. Kat hung out with Jennifer and this new guy named Nicholai until they all got tired and fell asleep.)

Kat, why does the government hate us so much?

I don't know, Oliver...I think that its because we are different than the normals...

But we are still people...right?

Yeah. That is why we should train together when we grow up to fight them.

I would fight with them as friends, Kat! I really would!

Kat woke up in the middle of the night sweating from the memory. She looked around and saw that the fire was out. So she decided to walk over and sit there for a bit, trying not to wake anyone.
"Mason, please! I'm super sorry, that was a joke! Ha ha I tricked you into thinking I have powers! Ha ha ha! Please don't call the government!" I had never cried so hard in my life.

"Stop lying sis, it's better off your taken away you could be a danger to humanity."



"Hello officer, I'm calling from Manhattan, New York. I found an outcast."

"Good describe it"

"Please NO!!!" She said out loud, crying in real life.
Kat jolted up, hearing Jennifer screaming something. She leaped up and ran over there in less than 2 seconds. She went over to Jennifer, finding her way very easily in the dark. "What? What is it? Are you hurt? Who is bothering you? What is bothering you?" Kat said frantically.
Jennifer woke when Kat ran over. She was surprise to notice tears coming down her cheeks. "Oh I'm sorry if I woke you it was just another brother flashback."
lette said:
Nicholai sat down and waited. "Im sorry". He looked to the ground. "I just don't know where I am and Eli is missing" He whispered "Im scared." He stared at the girl not sure what else to say.
Eden looked up, deciding to try the only way to get get away from them. "Im sorry, but I can't help you! Now get away from me- I'm dangerous and I'm the last person you want to ask for help! I'm a demon! If anything, in the person you should be running AWAY from!" Eden seemed to take a change in look, her features much darker and disturbing.
"Brother flashback...?" Kat said, confused. But then she smiled. She sat next to Jennifer and hugged her. "You never did tell me about what happened to you...do you care to talk about it? It might make you feel better."

(@Aeron He came to Kat and Jennifer at the fire. It is night time now and the fire is out. Jennifer and Kat are talking at the hut in the middle of the night)
Aeron said:
Eden looked up, deciding to try the only way to get get away from them. "Im sorry, but I can't help you! Now get away from me- I'm dangerous and I'm the last person you want to ask for help! I'm a demon! If anything, in the person you should be running AWAY from!" Eden seemed to take a change in look, her features much darker and disturbing.

Aeron said:
Eden looked up, deciding to try the only way to get get away from them. "Im sorry, but I can't help you! Now get away from me- I'm dangerous and I'm the last person you want to ask for help! I'm a demon! If anything, in the person you should be running AWAY from!" Eden seemed to take a change in look, her features much darker and disturbing.
Nicholai looked at Eden over in the distance he sent a thought "It will pass Eden, you can come over here when it does" he stared waiting to see and hear her reaction,
"Ok, let begin, It was the day after my 12th birthday when i decided it was time to let my smarter older brother know about my power. I had not told anyone not even my parents, so I really thought about it. He was my best friend, I looked up to him. So I went up to him and told him everything, I knew he would think that i was crazy or just playing so to prove it I picked up his 110 pound desk. Which was the heaviest thing I had ever lifted, at the time. His reaction was horrible.

He hid from me, avoided me for the next month. I was devastated, I really couldn't believe it. The first person i told, the one i trusted the most,was scared of me. I didn't mean to cause that I just wanted to have someone there for me (eyes turn golden) I had ruined that. The last time that I ever tried hugging him, he completely freaked out and he pushing me away, accidently making me fall down the last few steps on the stairs, nothing too bad happened. I just twisted my ankle, which seemed to completely brake their friendship maybe even their sibling trust. (Starts tearing up)
Kat sat there, looking at poor Jennifer. She felt so angry just thinking about someone so horrible like that. She saw Jennifer's eyes turn gold and her pupils turned into slits in respoonse, feeling really sad for her. She did not want to pry more...but her curiosity took over. "So what happened after that?" she asked, rubbing Jennifer's shoulder and trying to comfort her.
Kats thoughts sparked Nicholas attention so he shifted his body hoping kat didn't pick up on him listening.
"Sorry ok when my ankle was all better came the worse part.

"Mason, please! I'm super sorry, that was a joke! Ha ha I tricked you into thinking I have powers! Ha ha ha! Please don't call the government!" I had never cried so hard in my life.

"Stop lying sis, it's better off your taken away you could be a danger to humanity."



"Hello officer, I'm calling from Manhattan, New York. I found an outcast."

"Good describe it"

"She's small, blonde, skinny and has telekinesis, her eyes are usually blue, but when you catch her they will most likely be golden. It's what happens when she-it's upset."

He described me like a person would describe an object or an animal. I knew I had no choice, so that night I pack some clothes and food/water and was on my way, a 12 year old running away from what? Her reality, her parents, her friends, even her normal life but what hurts the most was running away from my brother and he didn't even care. I didn't last too long. 5 days, they were catching up to me and I tried to lift a car, not knowing my limit. The car was too heavy, when I lifted it and three it I was out like a light. Next thing you know I'm on a helicopter, to a mystery island with strangers.

That's my story." Her eyes shined in their golden color waiting for the girls response.
( @Church Burning )

James heard the knocking and looked around for a moment only to see Niko. James bared his fangs, almost ignoring her apologies, and began to stand up while growling and scraping on of his paws on the ground before the fur on his body began to ruffle up. He was still very made at Niko, and didn't want to talk to her at all for the time being.
God, look at her! Kat looks like a...freak! Just look at her! Is she even human?

I hope they make you extinct...

Kat listened to Jennifer's story intently, her memories running by her as well. She could not help but relate to her story. She shook her head sorrowfully and looked at Jennifer again. "I am sorry, Jennifer. I really am...and for someone to turn on you like that..it is just selfish. I used to be bullied like that too. A lot of the kids I played around always looked at me differently because of these." Kat said, pointing to her ears and tail. "And we have not done anything wrong! But still...it is no reason to become so angry that we can't trust anyone. You may be alone, Jennifer...but you are not lonely. There is a difference...and by the way, can I call you Jenny?"
Nicholai had to stop listening he didn't want to pry to much. So he got up took one more look at Eden then walked over to Jennifer and kat. "May I join?"
"Sure, you can call me Jenny" she did feel a lot better by telling her story.she hugged Kat one last time before dozing of once again.

((Last post till morning, Bai everyone))

"Jenny just fell asleep...but I will come out and sit with you if you want. I am not really sleepy." Kat said, still a little dazed from her memories. But then she felt it again...the mental presence...she looked up at Nicholai and asked plainly, "Are you reading me?"
Nicholai shrugged "sorry it is alot easier then talking. I will try to stop" he looked down a little embaressed. "I'm just used to it I guess"

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