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Realistic or Modern the Halifax witch hunts

"Sammon, it's a type of fish, but it's just spelt weird" Lin explained politely, remembering how much of a struggle it was to pronounce words correctly when she learned English.

The nurse had her answer, but was still wierded out by it, so she politely asked "Is there any third party known for controlling you?" Hoping that he hadn't been spending time with hellspawn.

"Oh." Aura blushed deeply. "Thanks." She folded up her menu and looked around at the dresses-up humans. She felt so out of place in her black jeans and torn up grey shirt.
"Don't worry, your not going to look as good as them since I just brought you in from the street." Lin said empathically before a brown furred Tauren in waiter's garb walks out with a small notepad saying "Hi, I'm Martin, I'll be your server this evening and can I start you off with a drink?"
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Aura squeaked and nearly jumped out of her chair when she saw the waiter. She'd never encountered a Tauren before and she was scared. "J-just wa-wa-water please." She whispered, frightened.
Martin laughed a little and said  "no need to be scared of me" [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]wh[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]i[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]le holding out his left three fingered hand to break the ice with a hand shake.[/COLOR] That was a fairly common reaction that Martin got, Taurens are a minority in Nova Scotia and their presence can be intimidating.
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Marin laughed a little and said while holding out his three fingered hand "no need to be scared of me." That was a fairly common reaction, Taurens are a minority in Nova Scotia and their presence can be intimidating.

"S-sorry, I've just never seen... seen a... seen anyone who looks like you." Aura mumbled. She looked up at Lin for reassurance, still shaking nervously. Aura was a street rat, and though she'd seen quite a few difference races there were still magical creatures she'd never seen before.
"Understandable" Martin said still waiting for the handshake "It's fine" Lin said "His race may seem domineering, but he isn't anyone to be afraid of if they let him work in this nice restirant"
"Understandable" Martin said still waiting for the handshake "It's fine" Lin said "His race may seem domineering, but he isn't anyone to be afraid of if they let him work in this nice restirant"

Aura swallowed her fear and shook Martin's hand. She bit her lip and looked away, embarrassed thoroughly. "I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry." 
"It's okay, that's a very common reaction, more so than you'd think, anyways, you wanted water, correct" Martin said before Lin asked "can I see the wine list?" And Martin gave Lin the wine list to sift through while he chatted with Aura.
"It's okay, that's a very common reaction, more so than you'd think, anyways, you wanted water, correct" Martin said before Lin asked "can I see the wine list?" And Martin gave Lin the wine list to sift through while he chatted with Aura.

"Yeah, just water. I mean, I don't really... I don't really know what the other stuff tastes like? I haven't really had anything but water in a while."
"Good" Martin said as he wrote down "water" on his notepad before Lin said "I'll take the 1999 champagne" and Martin wrote that down too before asking "are you ready to order or do you neeed more time?" Lin answered "I am, but Aura are you ready or do you need extra time."
Aura nodded. "I think I am... I mean, yeah, I am." She shifted uncomfortably. she was out of place and felt like a fish out of water.
"For the appitizer, I want mermaid's caviar & for the main course I want lobster thermador" Martin wrote that down before turning toward Aura asking "and you?"
"For the appitizer, I want mermaid's caviar & for the main course I want lobster thermador" Martin wrote that down before turning toward Aura asking "and you?"

"Can I get the.. sa-sail... salman?" She asked, trying to sound out the word. 
"Sammon" Martin corrected "It also comes with the soup of the day whitch is a Gruère butter soup and Your choice of fries or goat's cheese potatoes."
"Sammon" Martin corrected "It also comes with the soup of the day whitch is a Gruère butter soup and Your choice of fries or goat's cheese potatoes."

Aura looked at Lin for help. "Uh... fries? I think?" She looked away. "Yeah, fries. That'd be great."
Martin wrote her order down and said "thank you very much" before walking toward the kitchen with their order ticket. "You'd like the fries more, the potatoes are essentially round slices of potato with a gravy and goat cheese sauce. It's basically mashed potatoes for the wealthy" Lin said
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The nurse would notice a distinct dullness in his eyes as he continued to speak. "He no longer struggles against us, but his mental fortitude is unassailable. We'll need to try to break him with pain here on out; pleasure only bolsters him."

Martin wrote her order down and said "thank you very much" before walking toward the kitchen with their order ticket. "You'd like the fries more, the potatoes are essentially round slices of potato with a gravy and goat cheese sauce. It's basically mashed potatoes for the wealthy" Lin said

"Oh." Aura blushed and looked around. She was still a touch queasy, but she always felt that way. Living in a city usually meant that someone somewhere was doing something bad within her range of sensation. 
"Sorry to bring this up, but as a matter of interest, other than your Parents, do you have other family" Lin asked
Darnall's face twisted into a cruel grimace. "Don't call him Darnall. Only call him Henge. Remember that names have power, and all he needs to be is a gate to our's." 

The nurse was scared shitless, her one year of med school never touched on exorcisms and magic. There wasn't a spell book in the room, she didn't know what to do. She walks out the room down the hallway to receive advice from the hospital's healing mage.

"no grandparrants, uncles, cousins or brothers?" Lin inquired.
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The nurse walks back into the room with the hospital mage, an older man with balding grey hair & a clean shaven face. Though he wears doctor scrubs, he walks around with a large staff with a gemstone situated on top and glows with magic energy. The mage looks down at the patient before asking "Where are you?"
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