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Fantasy THE GREATEST CIVIL WAR(accepted as soon as u sign up)


Superheroes have walked the earth for over 50 years until the leaders of the world came along and judged them too dangerous so an all out war took place between the superpowered and the governments and armies of the world. The superpowered won but was a fraction of what they use to be now the superpowered fight each other for leadership of the world. The alliance that wants it to be democracy and equality and the gr Union that wants it to be domination by the superpowered
Athena was hungry. Wait, that's not enough to say that. She was starving. That's true. It had been about four days since she last ate and her time was running short. So let's say she was getting reckless. Carless enough to try something crazy. In a small area near a large building next to a market, Athena slunk in the shadows, preparing herself for what she was about to do. There was a small crate placed right near a wooden building, perfect. She pressed her palms against the wooden crate and began summoning the flames. Athena her to quickly bite her tongue to keep from crying out as the flames bite eagerly at her hands and arms. Her skin felt like it was about to melt, but she didn't stop until the building next to it caught fire. That's when she shook the flames off and slunk back into the shadows, taking the distraction to grab a few pieces of bread and some fruit in her small bag. Tears flowed down her boney cheeks as the food and cloth touched her blistered hands. Of course, she managed to quickly make her way towards the darkened alley. It was like a homing beacon, so she followed it blindly, just about to scream from the pain.
Flint just got out of a meeting with the alliance and had a lot on his mind. He was thinking about the next grim Union attack and also about the neutrals knowing he needed all the supers he could get he decided to send out a open message to the the world that the alliance is openly recruiting hoping for more to come.

(He's at his base,which is a building in the middle of the city)

Athena ran. She heard the sirens and screams, but nothing was going to stop her. She had food, she was safe. Sort of. So what could go wrong? Well, smashing your face and charred hands into a building isn't cool. Naturally, she cried out in pain, her hands catching flame again.
Aaron sits and walks out of the base on his way to a restaurant"chicken and fries" he says to the owner and begins to eat " thanks but I shouldn't always get it for free"

The owner never charges him because he's looked at as the worlds bravest hero flint thinks
Athena finally dared to open her eyes. What she saw probably would scar her mind. Her arms where a blackened mess, covered in blisters. "M-maybe if I let the flame out more it'll get less strong?" She whispered, beginning to trek towards the back of a nearby restaurant.
Flint eats and thinks about the civil war and how he things it'll all end." Perhaps it'll end this year or the next but I hope soon because it's almost destroyed the world"
Athena chuckled at the people inside, probably oblivious to the pain of others. "I wonder if that allegiance is still hunting down magic smagick people..."
Flint gets up and takes pictures and signs autographs of people in the restaurant and then leaves."never thought I'd be a celebrity because of my powers" he walks along the sidewalk
yumi sighed as she got out of the train. She hated cities she hated everything about her cities, the smell the noise and especially the people. Looking down she sighed again, she'd been doing that a lot ever since she'd assigned her mission, her very first mission the union needed spies and she was disposal.
Scooter catches up with yumi and stops suddenly. "Union leader told me to assist you just tell me what to do and I'll do it" he smiles and starts running circles around her" so we're suppose to be spies or something?" @Aj100 ( I just made a new character to interact with u and the grim Union u can check him out if u want)
(thanks) yumi clenches her fists as she tries to calm her heart beat and hide the blush on her face . This had to be a joke right it just had to be, the One guy in the entail world she had a crush on had to be her partner. "Yes " she coughs out hoping and prying he doesn't notice the blush on her face " we have Intel that the alliance is based somewhere in Chicago and we are to try to ingratiate ourselves with some of their members or at the very least hamper their efforts"
He was so so very very hot " ummm huh " she says as she slowly comes back to reality " umm right well basically we just need to find people that look like they are in the alliance and try to be their friends if they don't want to, we kill them "
"Umm yea" she chuckles as she rubs the back of her head " I think because we are both so young that they want us to walk together" she says turning her head to hide her blush
Scooter laughs"yea that makes sense by you're acting weird are you nervous or something? Because you're usually cold and calculated"
No no no no no crap crap crap crap "ummm yea no it's nothing just umm not feeling too good " she replies walking past him
" that's too bad I hope you'll feel better or maybe it's because you like me"smiles "I mean it's no big deal were the same age"
He couldn't be serious "scooter " the tone of her voice surprised even her "I " the words were caught in her throat "I do " another sigh. She really needed to stop doing that " I do like you"
Illian glances down at the two Union members. She was on the top of a building eavesdropping on them. She silently flies down behind them and retracts her wings as she follows their conversation a few minutes more before calling out. "Scooper and Snowflake isn't it a surprise to see you again." She smirks at them and crosses her arms. "Didn't Delusion ever tell you not to talk about super secret Alliance destruction plans in public?" Illian shakes her head and quickly glances to the building she was sitting upon a few moments ago before glaring at them again.
Scooter looks shocked"where'd you come from and how much did you hear?" He looks at snowflake and then back at lilian waiting for response
((:3)(> :D ) it's funny you said snowflake too. She's snowman. I made fun of your names! xD ) Illian smiles at him and says "I have my ways." Her smile then disappears. "I heard enough to know that you two are, well were, undercover trying to find Alliance members to torment."

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