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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

((Apologies for taking so long))

Abigail continued on the highway as the duo spoke, trying to analyze as much as she could. So he was Truth. It was a bit underwhelming, after all the horror stories from other officers about the criminal who managed to escape dozens of times. Though, after his comments, she realized he must have been misinformed at some point. The police didn't hunt genmuts, and she wasn't his hostage. If anything, their lives were in her hands. At any point she could have crushed his throat with her powers active, or turn around into the other officers.

She was also incredibly annoyed with him for breaking her cover. His mention of her powers, or even implication of them, would get her cover blown the moment the other officers found their vehicle. She would have talked to him about everything incorrect he said, but she didn't have the opportunity. Almost immediately after he finished speaking, Truth went into some meditative trance, probably to regulate his powers. She understood, she had done the same more than a few times. Instead of interrupting him, Abigail turned to the 'hostage' to get answers.

"I wouldn't worry about where we're going, sweetheart." Abigail said to the girl, her tone slowly changing from neutral to accusatory. She wanted to look the girl in the eyes when confronting her, but driving on the highway required maximum focus. Instead, she simply did her best to intimidate her. "I want to know why you barely reacted when such a dangerous person tried kidnapping you. It took you several seconds to show any significant panic, and even then it seemed forced. You did a decent job acting, but I'm still curious as to why you weren't at all afraid of him." Abigail didn't waste time being around the bush. She needed to know as much about the girl as possible, to know if she would be a liability or an asset.

For a moment, Abigail glanced at the man beside her. He seemed so vulnerable, so easy to eliminate. How could he actively go into such a stance when surrounded by people he assumed to be hostile? She would have to ask him later, if she remained curious. For the moment all she cared about was learning his strengths and weaknesses - all of them.


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Lucy had expected the guy to be embarrassed or at least sheepish about the banana peel in his pocket. He did the contrary. Her eyebrows rose a bit, as he erupted into a laughing fit, clutching his stomach at the reminder of the peel. She had to listen carefully, seeing as his words were mixed with occasional chuckles, and she almost choked on her own laughter, when his words reached her ears. "Oh, yes, certainly, I do love some post-workout-banana peel." She nodded, trying to keep a straight face. Watching him laugh so freely though made it very hard though, so she too broke out into laughter. In retrospect it was probably a bit wrong of them, seeing as they were actually supposed to stand guard for possible threats.

Quieting down, she slipped down the wall and settled on the floor. She let out a content sigh as she always did after a good laughing-workout. Did her abs hurt from the laughter or the training? "Bloody wanker..." Trying her best to imitate his accent, she tested the words. His accent was somehow fascinating to her. Lucy had never met any Irish people before; even at the Junior Nationals, she hadn't talked to anyone other than her team. Maybe if you had actually made it further than Nationals, Luce...

Out of habit, she stretched out her legs in front of her, reaching for her toes. The feeling of the pain mixed with muscle relief was so soothing. In the back of her mind, she heard her father's voice reprimanding her of stretching when her muscles weren't warmed up anymore. "Hey..," She started, looking up at Sean from her position on the floor. "Have you ever... hurt anyone? You know, not like. I mean. With your strength, your.. powers. If that makes sense..." She trailed off, her mind drifted back to their first meeting in the kitchen. He didn't seem as in control of his strength (seeing as he ripped off their cabinet) as many of the other residents were. It was comforting. Knowing she wasn't the only one at least.

Time had been ticking away. Sean had not seen any noteworthy movements in the area to be alarmed of. Chances were, there were not going to be any action happening on their end. Part of Sean sure wanted it, though. To get a bit of aggression out on someone who deserved it would come as a blessing in disguise, actually. When Lucy attempted to mock his accent by copying an extremely popular phrase, a smile would once more grace his visage. It had not sounded half-bad, but she was so painfully un-Irish. Coming from an Irishman, though, he should be the one who would or could tell. “Close ‘nough,”

When Sean turned around, he noticed the female had now been sitting. He contemplated taking a seat beside her, but ultimately chose not to sit down in fear of being reprimanded on the off-chance they were caught. The smile had faded to a neutral expression, but the rest of his body had not moved much. He moved his arms to cross his chest at the most. Otherwise, he was moving his head from side to side every couple of seconds. Just in case. Then Lucy spoke once more. When she reached for his attention, she grabbed it immediately.

I’ve hurta couple fine folks before, unfortunately. You might t’ink I be talkin’ dribble, but it’s true. Tend to keep me hands to meself, ‘cause of it. Ah, you name it; handshakes, slaps on the shoulda, even hugs. I ain’t got the control, t’the day. Always had a pro’lem wit’ it, always. Hopin’ bein’ here’ll help me where it counts, ‘cause no one has understood me ‘nough to help me wit’ it. Eit’er that, or… Or they di’int care.”

His tongue escaped his mouth once more so he could provide moisture to his lips. It was more of a habit at this point. Light iris kept fixated on the female, even after he finished speaking. He did not require a response, rather he was thinking of what they should do next. They could continue to stand around, but Sean was not so sure that anyone would come to let them know that there was no threat. Either that, or the threat had already gotten inside and people who might have needed their help could be paying the price for their absence.

Extending his hand down to the female as to help her up, Sean nodded.

“Let’s go find the others, Lucy Mae.”

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Michael- With Orion and Ohm

Michael was exactly sure how to react to the banana peel to the face, so he just kind of ignored it for the time being until he ran into the strange girl again, which he was sure he would. He instead placed his hand on Orion's back again, and when he did he noticed she had tensed up. He knew it might freak her out a bit, but he spoke in her mind. "It's alright. I'm not sure about the other girl, but he is a friend." He then placed her hand on his face, showing her that he was relaxed and everything was alright.

When she asked what Tourniquet was, he wasn't entirely sure how to answer, so he turned to Ohm. He was quite the odd looking fellow. He was older, and wore a mask that covered his entire face, as well as his head. Michael wasn't really sure about him, there was something very questionable about the man. He sighed and shook his head slightly.

"My name is Michael, and this is Orion. We escaped together recently. She's blind, so I've been careful with her. I'm a telepath, among other things. So, if you wouldn't mind, just so I can ensure her safety, I'd like to at least delve into your mind a bit, seeing as you seem to be the leader. In exchange, I'll answer any questions you have honestly and fully, you have my word." He looked at the man named Ohm, wondering exactly what he would find in the mind of this stranger.

@Kagura @Grin
Turning from the building, Oswald watched the two curiously, glad that this man was here to comfort his companion. Ohm knew just how odd the situation was, and could only imagine how strange it seemed if one was already stressed enough. He didn't know the two's background, but if the Syndicate was involved, they were most likely on the run.

"She is... new," Ohm admitted with a chuckle, then went silent at the girl's question. "It's... well, it is not the easiest thing to explain, I'll admit." A small sigh followed this, but it was not the sigh of a man who was overwhelmed. Rather, he fought to find the words again on how to best explain his organization and future plans to an outsider.

Before he could answer, the male introduced them and Oswald smiled again behind his mask, making the corners of the strange black material dimple slightly. He reintroduced himself, giving his lengthy name again, then continued.
"Michael and Orion. Pleasure to meet the two of you, and I say that with great sincerity. Orion, I too am blind - or rather, a form of it. That is why I wear this mask. It can augment my sight, which is essential in my work."

Turning to the male again, he nodded.
"A telepath? Very interesting... and, hmm." The male stopped, pacing a little as if to think about the man's request. "This may be a foolish move, you understand, as I don't know you," he started, watching the other for a second and giving a sigh. "However, I'm placing my trust in you if you do the same once you see what it is my mind. Perhaps there you'll find the words to explain Tourniquet. I have such plans, but admittedly, articulating what I mean without rambling on has never been a strong suit."

Laughing lightly, the masked man stepped closer.
"Do as you must, but be aware this isn't something I'm used to. Please don't be offended if I draw back subconsciously - it will not be on purpose, of course."
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Nadia raked a hand through her messy brown hair that needed to be washed. Her green eyes darted over to the girl. Wouldn't worry about where they were going? She wasn't worried about anything, she just didn't want to. She blinked bored eyes at the girl as she was demanding answers from her. Her tone was just pissing her off. That was no way to get through to Nadia. If anything it only succeed in shutting her down.

"First off, I don't have to tell you anything, especially if you talk to me like that." She glared then rolled her eyes. She felt trapped. She didn't have any super powers or anything to just be able to blow the door off it's hinges and jump out. Besides, back seat doors are child locked on police vehicles. She would do it if she could. Nadia debated on whether she should just come out and tell them. Hell, might as well.

An annoyed sigh escaped through her lils. "To answer your question, I'm a 'GenMut' too." She looked out the window on her right side. She was extremely useful when she was put in the right situation for it. "I just don't have a reason to use my mutations yet." She looked at the girl again through the rear view window. She wondered if this girl was just being rude because she thought she was human or not, but then again she would have thought something fishy was up with her because she asked those questions. She would give the girl one more chance before Nadia decided she hated her.
Ginny closed the doors, after Oswald's instructions, and as she turned to the intercom, she breathed a soft sigh of relief. Every day, it seemed, there was a new threat to worry about, a new concern to weigh... It was to be expected, given their circumstances, but it was exhausting, keeping up. She had come to Tourniquet knowing full well what their mission would be, but she had never anticipated things picking up the way they had. It was encouraging, but it was also unnerving, vetting new members on a nearly daily basis. She didn't envy Oswald Malkavitch in the slightest.

Pressing the intercom button, she spoke into the device, "All clear. False alarm. Everyone can return to their stations. Be on alert, in case things change."

The message would play throughout the house, and everyone would return to what they had been doing, but Ginny stayed put, watching the conversation play out between Oswald and the stranger. When the younger man suddenly took off, Ginny's brow quirked and concern etched her features... Words resonated in her mind, words that she should not have been able to hear, but when Oswald ran after the man, any thoughts on what had happened fled with him.

It could have very well been a trap. Draw him out into the open and then utilize his compassion, his concern for others, to back him into a corner and take him out. She wanted to trust in the decency of people, but the honest truth was, these days... a genuinely decent person was hard to come by and Oswald was a target. A huge target. Of course, if she was wrong... Oswald wouldn't appreciate that she'd left the house without his go-ahead... But it was worth the risk if he were in danger.

Debating, heavily, hesitating... but only briefly, Ginny yanked open the door again and tore off in the direction the pair had gone. Rounding the corner she spotted them, along with two others, engaged in a conversation... nothing more than a conversation and as she came a skidding halt, she sighed out again, rubbing her forehead with gloved fingers.

Remaining where she was, Ginny watched, quietly, feeling silly for having worried in the first place. Still, better safe than sorry.

From her viewpoint, Ginny could clearly make out the newcomers. The girl appeared around her age, with unusual coloring... she was pretty, but clearly uncomfortable and Ginny couldn't really blame her. It had to be intimidating, having so many strangers around, converging on you... and the alarms didn't help. Though how she could ever be uncomfortable with a man like that on her side, Ginny wasn't sure. He was a stunning specimen, easy to look at, with light brown hair and brilliant eyes, well-built and tall... The type of genuine good-looks one could get lost in. Which was, of course, entirely what Ginny did.

She was staring...

Embarrassed, Ginny looked away. At any rate, Oswald appeared to be well in control, and there was no sense in her standing there like a tacky lawn ornament. Turning away, she started back to the house, contemplating ways to make herself useful.

Tea... She would make tea. Everyone liked tea...
Her banana ploy had clearly struck people enough that they would leave her be. Either she had weirded them out enough they would leave her be, she made them feel uncomfortable or something that would keep them busy.

She looked over her shoulder trotting to the drone that she had left with the banana peel on it. She looked at the band on her arm, screen illuminating and she using her right hand to scroll through the apps. She pressed a couple of buttons and soon the drone was making some buzzing sounds.

Well that was relieving. What ever electric security defense they had didn't prevent electronics from working per se, just limited the communication outside of the area. She looked over to the lift that they had come up and smirked a bit. Number for number, without a second thought she entered each input that she watched Ohm do and then she was on the lift and headed down.

She was excited. She would go in and learn everyth- Oh, right. A wall. Her stomach growled a bit, and she sighed gently,"Is it no pleasing you? Up we go." Another iteration of the codes, and she was back with her drone.

She walked back towards the kitchen, controlling the drone as she walked and once she arrived she began to fly it around the kitchen out of boredom.
*((Note: This post contains a curse word (five letters, starts with B), just wanted to let people know.))*

With her questions answered, Abigail backed off of the girl. She had obviously annoyed her in the search for information, but the end result had been worth it. The girl had given her the information she needed, and the manipulation could stop.

Abigail immediately stopped antagonizing her fellow genmut, and let her tone change to a more positive one. "Thank you." She said, sounding as sincere as possible. "Sorry for sounding like such a bitch, I just get really accusatory when I want information." She made sure to chuckle a bit near the end so that she seemed to laugh it off. Small things such as that almost always helped to solidify an apology between strangers.

"I'm Abigail, by the way." Abigail said, smiling. Giving her name was a good way to signify a small level of trust. She had no other way to really improve her situation with the girl, so she was forced to leave it there. Bothering the girl about her own name or powers wouldn't improve the situation at all, so she was unfortunately forced to keep herself from asking questions.

For a moment, Abigail felt the brakes fail to slow the car, and her eyes widened at the thought of the car crashing. Upon her second try of using the breaks they worked, allowing her to breathe a sigh of relief. They were lucky that they wouldn't be driving the car much longer, otherwise it'd be a fairly grim situation. She looked to Truth, hoping he would wake up soon. It would be terribly ironic if hey crashed their car when someone inside of it was capable of stopping it from crashing.
A small shiver ran along 'Truth's body and he snapped his eyes open, looking at the floor. "........" He paused for a long time, mouth opening as he made the first inhale of air he had made in the entire five minutes or so in his meditation. He then exhaled a lung-full of this fresh air out in a sigh. "So since you are a police officer... Abigail-" He paused, turning to give her what seemed like an accusing stare of his own. "-and since your 'tell' is the tone associated with 'blame', though I suspect you to change it up quite quickly to a tone of care-free or nonchalant manner within the next time you're searching for answers..." He squinted his eyes at her. "You won't be too surprised if we refuse to give in to the littlest questions you have from here on out."

He slowly brought his hands to an opened state, looking down at what was inside their grasp. He reached his arm back swiftly, and abruptly, and held out the head of the bullet, offering it back to Nadia. "But I will tell you this one last thing, Abigail. Perhaps the reason she did not show fear wasn't because of her own powers... But because she has no reason to fear me in the first place as an innocent bystander. Because I have what most would call 'foolish honor' that could be, and has been, exploited. You, however..." He turned his eyes towards the officer and looked at her searchingly. "-Should be very careful. You have no authority over me, or my 'hostage'. And if you hurt my 'hostage', I will kill you. I will not attempt to save her. Nor will I comply with any of your demands should you get bold and do something stupid. If she gets caught, that's her own fault. But getting wise ideas and acting upon them to place someone else in danger... Is something I will not forgive. "

He had long since connected the dots from the time of her beckoning until now since she had displayed a controlled use of her own mutation. And he realized that she had felt somewhat confident in her own skill. Which had seemed to be one of the reasons she would make them this offer to begin with. But something was missing. Something didn't sit right with this whole situation. The reason as to -why- she was questioning them and their actions was quite concerning.

He closed his eyes, pulling his hand back and dropping the tip of the bullet unless it had been received by Nadia. Kennithan seemed lost in thought for a few seconds. His head went back to its previous 'humble' pose as he lowered it and went back into his prayer/meditated sitting position. "But there are two things that have bothered me..." Kennithan murmured. His eyes flicked around under his eyelids. "Two reasons you even care about our situation despite your own possible danger..." His mouth curled into a frown. "You are either very hostile and want to know about us as much as you can in hopes of gaining some sort of edge..." His words paused again as he seemed frustrated. "Or you are searching for information in hopes of finding something else out... Using us as some 'lead' to something, someone, or some place. Because let's be honest here..." His eyes cracked open again, seemingly dilated a bit from the darkness they just been liberated from. "-no cop in their right mind would give any thought into anything else other than their own survival in this situation. Their immediate concern would be their friends, family, and other personal goals that their own possible death would bar them from seeing or doing."

He did not bother to make eye contact again, nor did he seem all too interested in seeing her reaction to his own manner of 'prying'. "I don't mind letting you know that I am onto your 'query'. I honestly have no reason to care what you are after. You are the one at a disadvantage. And where cops are concerned, disadvantage is the position I find most favorable for them." He went quiet and only opened his mouth again after a good thirty seconds. "But... I do 'owe' you that favor." His mouth formed an ever so feint smirk. "You going to use it up to get more words out of me? Or you going to save it?"
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Remington's eyelids fell shut more then once as he kept his foot against the accelerator like a block of lead. The car was already in top gear as he wove in between traffic. They had made incredible time, and not hit, or even clipped anything. Remington's luck was nearing that of epic proportions as he finally claimed his first accidental victim in the form of a pigeon that was a bit slow at taking off from the ground to get clear of the speeding cars path.

"Git outta my way ya damn bird..." He grunted out as he strained to maintain consciousness.

Within a few moments, he'd straightened himself up and took in a deep breath to try to keep himself conscious. He began humming to himself, the former dirge he had been singing aloud. Remington's vision still blurred as his bodies needs caught up with him. He was, for all effective means, Dying. His body had drained itself of all but the very last of his regenerative abilities, and without proper restoration of the sustenance needed to maintain a normal human body, he wouldn't be able to regenerate many more times.

It was about then, as he realized he was lost, or rather, that he didn't know where he was, that he ought to turn at least a few times to evade their pursuers.

Remington's right hand tugged the wheel down towards the seat, cranking the car to the right at a painful juncture.

Sadly, Remington's impaired judgment forced his logical mind to disregard the fact that they were currently driving over an overpass, it happened to be an odd coincidence, that at that moment, the same squad car that was traveling with a similar cargo was nearly beneath that same overpass.

Remington's eyes widened slightly as the car smashed through the retaining wall, like a knife through butter, and they sailed towards the ground. He watched with near horror, but also amusement as they were careening towards a soon to be conjoined car, it would end up like an odd pair of Siamese twins.

Remington's instincts kicked in, he released his grip on the wheel, and turned his body, grasping both Kang and Min with his large hands, he looked down at Min, and smiled warmly.

"Gonna be a bit of a pinch..." He muttered just before the two vehicles collided.

Remington felt the blow, three times, felt the damage, three times, his body convulsed horribly as he absorbed the damage that occurred to Min and Kang's bodies the moment after it happened. If they could survive the initial shock of the crash, they would regenerate instantly.

This was Remington's power, the one he was greatest at, transference of damage via bio-electrical signals. He used it to take the damage that occurred to Min and Kang into his own body, suffering for them, that they might survive. He knew he might not, but in the final moment before the crash, He realized it was his fault the crash was about to occur, it was his fault they were about to die.


If he was lucky, He might be able to regenerate through the damage.
[i'm sorry in advance but due to the current circumstances of the upcoming events my post will be a bit short]

Abigail she said her name was. With the apology and the laugh Nadia felt more settled but not completely. She wondered about this woman. "Nadia." She said her own name.

A surprised look crossed her face when Kennithan woke from whatever you would call what he was doing. What was he doing anyways? She would have to get around to asking him about that. His words at first made her feel defended, feel good, but then that was yanked away when he stated he didn't care about what happened to either of them. She shrugged internally. It's not like she wasn't used to that kind of treatment anyways. Being alone was just one of the things that came with her new life. When his monologue was over and his hand reached out to her, her eyes dropped to it.

Inside his palm was the tip of the bullet. Was that the one that had 'hit' her? She reached out with small fingers and delicately plucked it out of his hand, her warm fingertips tickling his palm. "Thanks." She said in a light murmur and she brought it to herself and examined it. This would be a great trinket. She would have to make it into a necklace later on. If she would be able to. While she was lost in her thoughts she was interrupted by the sound of an approaching car. She looked up to see the front of the car just before it sliced into the car they were in.
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The thing in front of her tried to explain away his companion's behavior before tackling Orion's question. Their answer didn't really help her, instead stating that it was a very hard thing to explain with some discomfort. Before Orion could react, a familiar hand was placed in the small of her back again, tensing her up but preventing her from going anywhere. It was Michael, his voice in her mind alleviating her worries about the person in front of them. According to his words, it was a 'he', although the voice sounded a little off-kilter to the girl and the 'shape' discernible. Orion took a step into Michael, appreciating the comfort and safety of his proximity.

Michael took control of the situation for her, explaining who she was and her current disabilities. His help made her feel a little sheepish, standing there while he briefly explained taking care of her. With this in mind, Michael asked to probe the man's mind, something that Orion didn't wholly agree with. She was sure her companion often used his powers to his benefit- but Orion was used to walking around blind- quite literally.

Ohm, as he introduced, admitted to being blind himself, a means to explain the 'mask' he was wearing. The sight he gained seemed to render him forgetful- Orion wasn't able to distinguish a mask, but it clarified why his voice sounded so weird. Then he seemed to contemplate Michael's other question, but Orion's inhibitions had lowered, knowing he used to see the same way she did.

Tentatively, Orion stepped away from Michael, sliding the hand that he had touched his face with out of his grasp. Her steps were careful, especially since the man seemed to be pacing circles, but she raised her hand. "Excuse me" she noted, before gently reaching a hand out and landing on the exo-skeleton he wore. The man was much taller than what she imagined, and she actually landed on his chest plate, Orion's other hand started awkwardly feeling out his shoulders before guesstimating where the mask was.

When she thought she found it, Orion's hands stated tracing the technology and the screens, feeling the mechanics and whirr of power underneath. The girl smiled, "I see" she notes "Although it is much easier for me to work with faces" it was an honest note. Orion dropped her hands back to his shoulders without a second thought, beginning to feel the plates there. "Does the rest of this material help your sight too?" she is immediately more trusting of the man, now that she is able to distinguish his actual form now.
Subject gurgled as it stumbled through the everlasting darkness the sizzling stone beneath it caving in as the slime of Subject's new, awkwardly formed and clumsy feet ate away at the molecular structure of the stone, deconstructing it with the invasiveness of the stone. Within the desperately swishing mind of Subject, it couldn't help, but think over how bad the idea of going down that pipe had been. It had hoped there would be Humans around, maybe even a squishy one, or better yet, that Special Squishy Human who had escaped because of that horrible Special Human. Gurgling with much more intensity, a byproduct of its sudden anger, Subject looked around the darkness, and tried to see any kind of figure or break of light. Subject had learned that light was good in the past few minutes.

Humans like the light and would be attracted by it, but darkness would make them disappear, just as the light did when the darkness would consume it. subject was about to gurgle again when it suddenly felt its foot fail at landing on the ground, the hole that had slowly been made over the years of erosion not being able to handle the acidic substance for long, before completely giving out and crumbling. Subject gurgled as it tried to push itself up, the motion seemingly second nature. However, unsuccessful with that, Subject merely broke apart and degenerated back into the large puddle that had become its most natural of forms.

Appearing from the puddle, its slimy and unstable body slowly standing from the puddle, Subject was about to continue walking when it was struck with annoying pain on its shoulder, like a small spear had decided to attack it. Looking around, preparing to feast on any Human or attacker, Subject's addled mind grew decidedly confused as it only saw the inked canvas of the tunnel it had found itself in, a familiar picture that infuriated the sentient slime. Subject gurgled in anger, before it made a strange breathing noise as the pain suddenly stuck again, piercing its heavy slime coating, and seeping into its entire being. Gurgling more angrily now, Subject felt the acid in its body increase in effect, the feeling of activity increasing as the acid compounds interacted and rubbed against one another with more and more speed.

As the pain once again hit its shoulder, Subject threw out a fist and angrily condensed the slime within its fist, hitting the wall with a loud crack. The place the fist had impacted was cracked as the unrestrained strength of Subject destroyed some of the carefully laid down infrastructure of the tunnels walls. Subject gurgled more neutrally now, its anger abated at the active use of its emotions, but immediately regretted it as the hunger that had been subdued by its lack of invested action, rose as the need to reestablish the slightly stable amount of nutrients stored in Subject became known.

Gurgling now in a more desperate fashion, Subject started to once again shamble down the tunnel, its interest in whatever was causing its pain nonexistent as the need for food dulled all other trains of thoughts, especially the ones that would only lead to more use of its precious nutrients. Shambling down the tunnel, Subject sped up as a sight down the tunnel, only a slight dot at the time, called to it. The attention grabber, was none other than a slight dot of light that had sprung up far down the line, a break from the complete darkness that had otherwise made up most of Subject's surroundings for the last while. With its instinct pushing her forward, the hunger driving her decisions and actions, Subject increased in pace as she made it steadily closer towards what could only be identified as her next meal.

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Abigail was completely thrown off by his intelligence. Truth seemed to be a step above normal people in the level of intelligence. She didn't exactly have much of a choice, she'd have to be as honest as possible with him, at least for the time being. Although, if she managed to get the girl, Nadia as she introduced herself, on her side, then maybe she didn't have to reveal everything quite so soon.

After another moment of hesitation, Abigail decided to partially come clean. "You're smart, I have to hand it to you. I haven't met anyone capable of mentally keeping up with me." She acted more laid back, less concerned with everything. "I'm not actually a cop. I stole some chick's identity so that I could easily become a recruit for the police force, and to more easily hide from the Genesis Syndicate. They don't even inspect officers for genmut infiltration, or if they do it happens rarely. Between that and the chance of meeting other genmuts, it was the perfect choice."

She hadn't lied or bent the truth at all with that statement, other than the fact that she'd already stolen someone else's identity when she realized what was happening to genmuts. But that was less important, that first girl was a nobody, just a recent high school graduate. The novice was actually a challenge to replace, she had a college degree and a built up life. Abigail debated herself about whether or not to question them about Haven, but for the moment she kept quiet about that.

An instant later, Abigail overheard a loud crash from nearby. The moment she noticed it she began slamming on the breaks, trying to avoid the car barreling toward them, to no avail. Of course they screw up when we need them most. Abigail tried keeping her bitter sarcastic thoughts at bay, but in reality she was far more worried about her impending demise. There was nothing she could do, her survival odds were extremely low and she couldn't do a thing about it. So this is how it ends, huh? She thought, waiting for the end to come. She didn't scream, didn't keep squirming, and didn't bother trying to fight it. It was out of her hands.




Concussion, whiplash, fractures along arms, dislocation of shoulders, fractured left leg, fractured ribs, bruised/punctured lungs, damage to heart, thoracic spinal damage, ruptured abdominal organs, fractured pelvis, fractured left leg, burns up left leg up to thigh, dislocated hip, contusions & lacerations from glass

Min glanced over to Rem as he weaved through traffic watching him a moment. She could tell he was exhausted possibly more than a driver a car should be. There was also the disturbing fact that he was covered in dried blood from head to toe with no real way of discerning if it was his or the numerous guards he had destroyed while back in the labs. It could be a hefty mix of both for all she knew.

The solid thud of a small body on the window made her jump and her heart stop for a millisecond as she feared the worst. She heard the older mans muttering about there being a bird and sighed softly hugging herself as she leaned back in the seat. Shifting her gaze back to the city she wondered where they would be able to hide. There seemed to be some plan working its way through Rem’s head but the execution of it would be a very different story with many different variables.

Just as she started to ponder on said variables there was a sudden shift in momentum. Min felt her body pull towards the driver as the vehicle careened into the divider of the overpass. Her body jolted forward knocking the wind from the teen as the lap belt pressed against her stomach. Then suddenly the pressure was released.. She felt herself almost weightless as the car took to the air. The fall its self wasn’t terribly long but it felt so to Min. Shock and disbelief muddled with anger and sadness as she watched the cars below quickly approach through the slightly shattered windshield.

She had managed to survive long enough to escape, be free after months of being imprisoned and experimented on. An not even a half hour after escaping she would end up falling prey to gravity, crushed with in the steel death trap of a vehicle that had provided them the means to escape in the first place. The teens eyes watered up just as she felt something warm clamp down on her upper left arm and she glanced over in time to see Rem with a comforting smile which gave the girl some odd sense of comfort in her last moments of life.

The impact of the free falling vehicle upon the unlucky car beneath them was tremendous. The steel frame holding up against the initial slam but soon crumble and bend beneath the force. There was a thunderous symphony of carnage, twisting metal and shattered glass which mixed with the surrounding panic of innocent by stander swerving and skidding around the wreck to avoid being part of it. Possibly falling prey to a wreck of a different sort further down the street.

Min watched in horrifying fascination as something strange happened while being assaulted bt the forces of the crash. Glass shattered and exploded inward tearing and slicing tender flesh in its path. Crimson blood bloomed from the gashes however before much of it could escape the breaks in the flesh sealed themselves as if the trauma never happened. This fascination was quickly cut short as the force of the impact rippled through her body. Her head snapped forward coming short of the dash board by inches. While her skull was intact the brain with in it slammed forward, the cerebral fluid only providing a minor hindrance as the sensitive organ smashed into the protective casing around it.

Vertebra and connective disks were stretched and strained, popped out of natural placement by the sudden whiplash of the impact. An reflexive movement of putting her hand out to protect her proved only more damaging as the dash board gave way the engine before it. The bones along her hands, wrist and forearm broke and shattered from the force of the dash pushing back upon it, flesh tendons and muscles pierced and torn by the fragments. The fractures spiraled up her arm along with the force causing the shoulder join to take the after shook of the force. The joint was torn to shreds as the head of the humorous was pushed up into the ball and socket joint dislocating from the clavicle and scapula. The muscles, tendons and ligaments associated with the joint ruptured and tore loose destroying the rotator cuff completely.

The dash which collapsed inwards impacted flush against her chest fracturing the sternum cracking nearly in half before the forced followed the ribs which protected the fragile heart and lungs. While the heart was spared from any lacerations bits of bone fragments from the broken ribs tore and punctured the lungs collapsing her right lung. The shock wave which rippled through her thoracic cavity converted upon the rest of her spine twisting and disjointing the disks.

The lap belt which had offered some sense of security served to hold her lower body in place but also to constrict and cut into her abdomen rupturing and damaging several organs including her uterus and lower bowls. Fractures formed along the pelvis bones weakling it significantly allowing for the dislocation and further breaking over the left hip joint. This caused by the forced from the engine block being pushed into the cabin at an angle shattering and shredding her lower left leg, searing deep into the flesh as the heated metal came into contact with it.

A fetal wreck all things considered however each injury would heal its self after being created. Flesh and organs sewn together by an invisible force as bones and joints re-mended themselves back to their previous state. The pain was very real and agonizing but brief gone as the injuries were healed leaving only phantom pains behind of what should have been.

The back end of the devastated mustang slammed back down on the ground jostling its occupants as it came its final stop.
The shirtless man, Truth, Kennithan, had listened to both of them with what seemed like absolute focus. His eyes had never wavered off of the floorboard. He did chuckle once or twice, however, upon learning of such deceit in the police. The thought of police officers running in random directions and accusing one another of treachery and turning on their, innocent, fellow man did have its kicks. However his joyous thoughts were shattered as he looked up, mouth open to speak just as the crash and the horrific sight of another car crashed downwards into a head-on collision with them. "Oh f-" Was all he had been able to get out before he turned and rushed on both of the women in the car.

'Please work, please work, please-work-please-work-pleaseworkpleaseworkpleasework' His thoughts raced as his hands grasped ahold of each woman's head, bringing them forcefully to his chest as he clamped his eyes shut. 'I never tried this with two people... Hell, I have never tried this with a person and anything else... So PLEASE... Please work!' If Kennithan's thoughts were audible, it would be a jumble of hisses, mumbles, and speed of tongue that would make an auctioneer envious; the speech of fear. Of course all of which would be indiscernible if it were actually spoken.

Due to the nature of his panicked state, what would have been a split second action, to him, had turned out feeling like a full hour of meditation. Time dragged on as adrenaline coursed through his veins. Both of the girls would no doubt feel similar thoughts, but as their foreheads made contact with his bare chest, they'd hear his heartbeat racing impossibly fast. Their bodies would seem to get sucked against him by some sort of force. Any movement they would try to make seemed to 'glide' through the air as if they were a spirit set free with no interaction with the world. A kind of levitating feeling one gets when they are trying to sleep. Paralysed and yet at the same time, unchained from their mortal coils.

With a groan of bending steel, Kennithan's feet shot downwards through the floor of the car. His heels carved into the road below and halted as the thud of the collision raced through his 'hostages', himself, the car, and down into the road. The form of their measly squad car wrinkled up like a black and white accordion. The back slowly bent upwards and threatened to crush down upon them had it not been for the resulting explosion. The inner chambers of both motors cracked open mid drive as a piston tore out of the mustang and slammed into the engine block of the squad car, causing all of the pressurized gasoline to combust and rip outwards, sending chunks of the already sundered block of aluminum to splinter outwards and backwards.

The mangled form of their vehicle was then ripped from around them as the shrapnel of the engine tore its way backwards. The tank of gasoline it had falling prey underneath the car. The road beneath both vehicles had caved in as if some form of meteor had struck. It was only due to the channeling of both forms of kinetic energy, through him, and down into asphalt was the fusion of metal and flesh in the mustang averted. If the two cars, going as fast as they were, had met each other, especially in a downwards fall un-impeded, it would have meant a shared metal coffin for all six passengers. And any of the shrapnel that was blown into them would seem to stick to their skin for a moment as if some greater power had hit the 'pause' button on them.

The shrapnel fell off of them, the creaking of metal on metal echoed around them, and the smell of gasoline surrounded them. The two 'captives' would have felt little to not pain to start. If they were still conscious, then they would be greeted by the onset of a dull pain where their face met his chest. As if they had been smacked along their face by some giant hand. It would come as a revelation that, if either would pay attention, only now was either of them able to smell anything about him. The usual stentch of sweat and dirt that most homeless folk had was missing. In fact, the only smell he had was an ever-so-feint 'musk'. The smell was strange to describe, but the only thing that would come to mind would be the word 'male'. Not the kind of oder associated with uncleanliness or the vulgarity of one's genitals, but a simple and subtle pheromone of 'man'. In short, nothing outstanding enough to demand a person's sense of smell, but simple enough to be memorable. That is, if they could smell anything through the greese, smoke, and gasoline that lingered in the air.

Both cars were parked on their final stop in one piece. At least if you count the chassis and wheels still being attached to one another and the actual body still resting on them as one solid piece. The road underneath them reflected what would have happened had the collision and the subsequent energy been set free to do what it wished with the metal, rubber, and plastic the vehicles were made up of. Not to mention the 'clasping' of both metal hands over the riders. The tragedy would be comparable to a car crusher, smushing a vehicle into a thin sheet. The blood of the passengers, of course, being the morter holding together their metal tomb. But like most things that happen around Kennithan, this too would seem to be a miracle. A grand convergence of 'luck' some might believe. But soon, even this spectacular sight would give way to horror.

After what seemed like five minutes of embrace, Kennithan looked down at the two women. His eyes bloodshot from pain. They had been saved alright. But as Kennithan's mouth opened to speak, only a cough followed suit. A red mist escaped from behind his lips as he covered his mouth. His feet stumbled backwards through the car like butter. But his walk seemed to hint that he was drunk. His knees buckled once or twice as he looked behind them and made his way to the back of the gasoline leaking vehicle. With what seemed to be a round-house kick, the road jutted up, creating a 'funnel' for traffic to go around the twisted scene and the victims it held. And immediately after, Kennithan's right leg gave out, sending him falling against the trunk of the squad car. This seemingly 'bullet-proof' man was injured. "D...Darn it!" He coughed again, removing his hand from his mouth to reveal a spotted coating of red on his palm. "I guess... Three 'extensions' is too mu-HUURK!" The same red mist was thrown forwards, painting little streaks over the back quarter-panel that dribbled downwards.

His eyes clamped shut for a moment or two as he rolled along the back of the car, turning to see what had happened to the other car's occupants. He ripped the back door off of the crinkled cop car with a jolt and a growl of pain, stumbling across the little crater the altered energy created in the ground and made his way over to the car of 'better' condition. He grabbed the driver-side door, ripping it off before doing the same to the back door. "A-are...You alri-EEHUCK!" His hand clasped over his mouth again as his left leg ceased to support his weight. The result caused Kennithan to go into a kneeled position beside the other car. However it was shortly lived as he limped back up to his left leg again and hopped his way towards his 'captives', knowing he'd get his response as he made his demands clear. "All of you... Who are alive... And both of my passengers-" He hacked and choked again, leaning on the bent hoods of both vehicles. "Truth... Is not free. Gimme' your wal-...-lets." His eyes made an erratic, upward, movement just before he fell forwards in a twitching and jerking heap.
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In all honesty, Remington Humanitas' heart had stopped several times from the resulting trauma of the wreck. He'd used ever ounce of his mutations ability to keep Min alive, to keep Kang from being uninjured before he could shift himself into his nearly indestructible form. It was over a minute before he was able to begin moving again, before he was able to shake off the shock that had assaulted his system. He shuddered and released tiny cry of pain, the unreal pain that was coursing through his body made speech nearly impossible.

Remington's body was regenerating, slowly, he had barely enough biological matter left to do so, and if Min could recall how he had looked earlier that day, he would look entirely different now. He had absorbed the damage she had sustained, and in effect, saved her life, but it was going to cost him more then he was going to be able to regenerate. His entire body shuddered and shook as he went through the convulsions of regeneration, his form fought the gathered effects of his regenerative abilities and his ability to transfer damage.

It was at this point, that Kennithan came over to the ravaged vehicle and Remington glanced up at him, his face in shock. Kennithan would view his tattered form in a far worse position then it should have been, it was fighting between regenerating and finishing the exchange of damage. Remington glanced at Kennithan and frowned, he found just enough of his voice to speak.

"M' sorry mate... Truly... I am..." He said just before he reached out, as fast as lightning, falling out of the car as he did and tapped Kennithan's bare skin, the damage that had been done to the man in the crash, transferred into Remington. "Were a mite bit short mate... call us even now... Eh?" He smiled his grisly, broken smile before he began to cough horrendously, blood filtering it's way out from between his teeth as he clenched them down from the pain. He lay down on the asphalt and shuddered as convulsions wracked his body. The regeneration within his body was taking it's toll on him, he had nearly nothing left to keep himself alive with any further, the bio-nutrients that let him regenerate were all but dried up, and Remington's body was showing it. He'd been left in nothing but a bit of the scavenged body armor from the guards and a measly bit of his pants that covered him to just above the knee.

Remington rolled onto his back, gazing up at the sky, muttering, "I wish... It would rain... T'woud be nice... ta die in the rain..." his eyes rolled back as he blacked out, his body forcing him into an unconscious state as he ran out of adrenaline.

If Remington was given enough time to sleep, his body would recuperate to a point, but he would fall comatose rapidly, unable to maintain his living functions and his regenerative factors. If he wasn't treated medically, Remington wouldn't last more then a day.

"T'woud be nice... ta die in the rain..."
Michael almost laughed when Orion stepped away from him and went to touch Ohm's face. She missed completely, touching his chest, before finally finding his face and then asking him a bunch of questions. While he was distracted, Michael slowly and delicately put out mental feelers until he finally encountered Ohm's mind, delving in gently, from the shallow response thoughts to Orion's actions. Every person's mind was different, and as a result, the way Michael read their minds was different. Some thought in pictures, others in text, and still others in sounds or smells. Decyphering those thoughts had taken a bit of practice.

When he delved into Ohm's mind, it was mainly images, like videos. He saw first something that resembled the compound, but much larger, more full. There were actually people laughing, while others were sparring or training in some aspect of combat. The video sped up, and more and more people came in and out of the compound. It was quite beautiful. At that point, he felt a little push against his mind, so he backed off a bit, not wanting to panic Ohm.

After a moment, he returned to Ohm's mind, delving a bit deeper, to the personal side of things. He finally discovered something he had been hoping to find, the man's mutation. Apparently it was simple conductivity, but Michael also got the feeling there was something else about him. He shooks his head and left Ohm's mind. "Alright. I'm finished. It's very nice to know you Ohm."

@Grin @Kagura
As luck would have it, Remington made contact with Kennithan's foot. The focus that was used to walk and also allow contact with the ground was not specifically just at the heel and toes. The effect trickled faintly up into the top portion of his foot as well. But as the Phagocytosis of Bio-Electricity was started, the two powers seemed to warp and distort upon one another. It was as if the powers had formed some complex cycle; A feed-back loop. Where Remington was putting in the materials to attempt to heal Kennithan, Kennithan's body took the stream of energy his cells now produced and surged it back into Remington's body. Kennithan's mind had all but shut down due to the pain. The marvels of the human body in its attempt to secure its own longevity occurred just as the healing took place.

The bizarre transaction between the two seemed to work on the basis of energy and the 'siphoning' of damage itself. Kennithan's body, being as abnormal as it is, acted like a generator for biological energy and amplified it as it backfired through Remington. In short, Kennithan was acting like a battery for Remington's exchange of 'damage' to also cycle the 'flow' of biological energy back through him.

Where Remington was concerned, in short, he would acquire more than enough energy to regenerate. But he would have to have the materials necessary to complete the action. Which would mean that his body would have to heal the most important parts of himself, leaving others in... disrepair. The end result being that both men, as fate would have it, would end up unconscious in some sort of semi-comatose state. Kennithan's condition was due to the severe pain. And Remington, the lack of biological mass (not energy) to sustain conscious thought.

((It was discussed thoroughly between myself and Kazanna as to how this interaction would even FEASIBLY occur. This is the only middle ground -logically- we could come to agree on. If elle/grin finds this occurrence unfavorable, will change))
Oswald blinked as Orion's hand felt for his face, instead finding his chest. A chuckle rumbled there, but died out when she continued upward, running her hands over the technology and strange fabric that made up the mask that covered his face. "I can imagine," he replied with a laugh. "I suspect that masks such as these are not exactly usual."

When she continued her inquiry and moved to his shoulders, he shook his head in reflex. "No, those are simply for protection and to enhance the use of my weapons if ever I require their use. They are the large gauntlets that cover my wrists." Waiting for a moment, in case the woman wished to explore those as well, he finally spoke once again after a beat had passed.

"If you would like, once Michael is finished in my mind, I can remove my mask to give you a better 'view' of my face. Though... I warn you that what you find underneath is not what most would deem pleasant." In those words, his voice lost the usual jovial tone for a second and was almost embarrassed and suddenly very withdrawn. Again, he fell silent, and as he did, he felt a strange tugging from inside his head that made him blink quickly once more.

Michael had drifted into his mind while he'd been talking with Orion. The action made Oswald smile once again. It was a good distraction and one that the tall male did not mind one bit. After a moment, however, the sensation of something prying caused a discomfort to slowly rise and, when Michael finally backed off, Ohm gave a small sigh of relief.

At the other's words, the masked man gave a small nod of his head and smiled. "I assume then, everything went well and as planned!" he said brightly. "I hope to one day know the two of you closely enough to venture into your thoughts - even without the assistance of such a fantastic ability!"

Laughing again he thought over something and raised a brow. "I'm curious, though... might I ask just what you saw? It's not that I mean to pry, I just..." he stopped for a second, trailing off. "There are some things I'd not like to relive or have shared too publicly. They're nothing that would be horrid to others, just... some bad memories." His voice had gone much more soft as he said this, glowing 'eyes' watching Michael to try and judge his reaction to the sudden inquiry.

Waving a hand dismissively, the male brightened up again. "Oh, here I am being a downer again. Think nothing of it, Michael. I'm certain we'll have time aplenty to discuss things if you so wish. Now, where were we. Ahyes! Orion," he said, turning again to face the female. Moving a gloved hand up, he pressed a few unseen pads on the mask and it gave a his, the material going slack and becoming malleable. Tugging upward, he removed the tech with a slight wince, a few small wires disconnecting and reeling back into the material.

The face that was revealed would have been quite normal - handsome even - had it not been for the immediately noticeable scarring around both of his eyes. It was the scarring of a very fast, and very quick, burst of heat. His eyes, though clouded over with white, seemed to look around at things and at the two of them, studying them strangely.

Above his eyes (and bare skin where eyebrows should have been) lay a bald head, marred with more light scarring - though not from burns. It appeared that, during his stages of regaining site, the man had used a method of trial and error before finally getting the technology in his mask in working order.

Despite all this, the man's look was a kind and gentle one and he gave a reserved smile as he leaned toward the woman once again.
"Don't say I didn't warn you," he reminded her quietly with a joking chuckle, hoping that she wouldn't immediately recoil in horror and quickly change the seeming trust she'd gained in the masked man.

@King Of Imagination @Kagura
When Ohm moved his head, Orion felt it in his shoulders- listening to his words as she traced the gauntlets he pointed out. The man had said it helped out his movement, but Orion was never particularly interested in electronics, she traced the wires and screws, but had no idea what they did in retrospect. When the man offered her a look at his face, it would be a map Orion was used to seeing.

“I would very much like that” the note was genuine, although Ohm had warned that his face was not exactly ‘pleasant’, she paid him no mind. Being blind for her whole life, she had little concept of vanity- unable to look at what most of the world deemed ‘pretty’. The closest concept she had was her sister, her facial lines engraved into Orion’s very soul despite not touching them since she died.

The girl was also looking for humanity in Ohm, because despite her body search she did not find an inch of exposed skin. It was hard for her to associate machinery, whirs and electricity with a human being. She waited patiently while he talked to Michael, she had forgotten the man was trying to delve into his mind, and she proved the perfect distraction.

Eventually the man moved his hands up and away from her; she could only assume the weird sounds that followed were him taking off the mask. Orion wasn’t sure how long it would take, but she waited until the go ahead from the man. Then she gently reached up and cupped his face, feeling the contours and lines of his mouth and nose. It was before she spoke too soon that she got to his eyes and felt the remnants of injury.

Orion knew the scarring well, she had not been so protected that she was never burned before and she realized that this was the cause of Ohm’s own blindness. It was with a slightly sympathy that she continued to trace over his bald head. Every time she got to a scar, her finger would trace the edge gently, careful not to hurt him. The augments from his mask connected here, but it seemed he only got them through trial and error.

You are humming” it was with a startling realization that she noticed the electrical humming was coming from Ohm himself and not the mask. “Your mutation?” The last of Orion’s fingers traced the shell of his ears before her hands dropped. She took a step back, satisfied with what he looked like but knowing it might be more embarrassing for him.

@Grin @King Of Imagination
A proud smile graced her lips, as the Irishman had complimented her attempt at an Irish accent. That wasn't even a compliment, Lucy. She knew though, she had always been horrible at accents, having actually never met anyone who didn't have the same as hers. The light atmosphere between them seemed to dissipate a bit, as Sean had answered her question. The guy was still as carefree as ever, but Lucy couldn't help but feel a bit... well, depressed over his words. Not being able to hug anyone, it sounded so - well, she wasn't a big hugger herself, but she was sure, she'd be sad if she suddenly couldn't do it anymore.

Not being in control of her powers did prove her some distress, but at least, she hadn't hurt anyone with it. Yet. "I'm glad you're here then... Uh, I mean, to learn how to control your powers! I'm sort of like you, I have no idea when it happens, or how it happens." She confessed, the corner of her lips quirking up just slightly. As an afterthought, she added: "Maybe we could train together, I'm pretty sure you can't hurt me anyway." It would probably work, she guessed. Her powers would always come to her just before she got hurt, and even for Superman over there, it would be hard to hurt someone made out of steel or rock, or whatever her powers would turn her into.

Lucy hadn't noticed the silence between them, as Sean still stood guard. Their assignment had been completely forgotten, but it seemed like they were in the clear. "Let's go find the others, Lucy Mae." The way he said her name broke her out of her daze. Peculiar. It sounded so different with his accent. Funny, even. Letting out a quiet and short laugh, she grabbed onto his hand, hauling herself onto her feet. "Good idea, they're probably still outside though..." The ache in her muscles reminded her of her current get-up; she still hadn't changed out of her training gear. "On the other hand, I should probably shower before interacting with more people..." She took back her hand quickly, giving him a hard pat on the shoulder. "You can find your way back to the living-room, right? Go ahead, I'll be down in a bit. There's an unfinished omelette in the kitchen as well, if you wanna cook that..." Parting with a grin, Lucy turned around and walked briskly down the hallway, eager to get under the warm shower.

Breaks! Breaks! Why the hell wasn't she stomping on the breaks! Not knowing of the fact that the brakes had given out. Her green eyes widened when the two cars made contact. Metal, plastic, and glass all started crunching up and breaking. Her eyes squeezed closed when she was suddenly grabbed and her cheek his something hard but she was sure that it was dull and painless. The creaks and groans of the cars filled her ears, the sound of everything breaking and the car jolting like it was being ripped apart by The Hulk. Her hands went up to cover her face, only the instinctive way to protect yourself in the situation. Nadia had been in an accident before so she knew one of the key things was to keep your body relaxed. If you tensed up you were more likely to break your bones and damage yourself more in the end.

Of course screams escaped her throat as this happened. She wasn't invincible, she thought that she was about to die. The smell of gasoline filled her nose. Great so if they didn't die from the crash she was sure they would die from explosion. It only took a second before they were settled again and all the momentum had passed through and both cars were still. She could hear things continue to fall on the asphalt. When all was said and done she was confused. Why had she not felt anything but the jostling of the car? She was expecting to feel like she just....well....got in a car accident. She peeked up from over her hands to see that everything was still but both of the cars were complete disasters. Her thin brows pulled down but she then realized that the dull thumb against her cheek earlier was from Kennithan's chest. He had grabbed both her and Abigal. He must have used his mutation to prevent any of us getting hurt.

Her ears were ringing, her heart was thumping, and her breathing was going a million miles a minute and on top of that she suddenly had the most wicked headache she had ever had in her life. Due to these things, while she was trying to figure out who this other male was her vision started to blur and her body started to buzz. She could hear rumbling voiced but by then her vision was already going black, her breathing went from hyper to almost non-existent and everything went quiet, her body going slack where she sat in the back seat.


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“…Mister Relarn is extremely disappointed in you, Avramenko. Two break-outs, within one week? If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, this last one, with the body count. It’s a PR nightmare. And do you know who has to deal that? Me.” Tapping a long, curved nail, lacquered bright red against nude lips, Dana Jarr met Nicolai Avramenko with a patented scowl, arched eyebrows rising an inch or two from her severely tight, platinum blonde hairline.

Nicolai was a tall man, with a chest, broader than his waist and wide, pointed shoulders. More legs than torso, he appeared less than proportionate, particularly standing beside the shorter, svelte figure of the Syndicate Vice President, her lime-green blouse and black pencil skirts exceptionally well fitted to her curvy form.

He had a pinched, narrow face, with Eastern European features, cold grey eyes like stone and a thin stripe of a mouth, too red for his sallow skin tone. In contrast to Dana, her surgically perfect features surrounding baby-blue eyes and perfect, full mouth, he was Quasimodo. He met her scowl with a fixed expression, a careful, empty gaze, but internally, he was seething… a quiet rage, roiling within his chest, tumbling into a ball of fury.

“…My heart bleeds for you, Miss Jarr. I imagine you have other reasons for interrupting my day, than to inform me of your schedule for the afternoon?”

Dana narrowed her eyes, her voice a hiss, blood-red nails digging grooves into the soft leather arms of the guest chair, situated before Avramenko’s desk, “Word to the wise, and also to you. If I were in your position, I would consider altering my tone. The only reason you are still in that chair, is because Mister Relarn does not have a means of replacing you… yet. But I assure you, unless you manage to make this disaster into something beneficial, he will make the time.”

“And how am I going to be able to fix anything with you, sitting in my office berating me for things that were hardly within my means to control? I told you months ago those things were unpredictable… If I had more effective methods of keeping them in order, this would not have happened.”

“This would not have happened if you had been at your post, instead of getting your jollies off, poking holes in our Merchandise. I have warned you in the past, Nicolai, not to screw around with them… Do yourself a favor, find a prostitute, some homeless waif somewhere, do what you need to do and get it out of your system. But if I find you’ve been sticking your fingers in our pies again, I will remove the offending digits, myself…”

Sitting back, Nicolai steepled his fingers on the desk top, “...Is there anything else? I have work to do. Real work…”

“A plan is being put into motion to adjust your… error. I’ve only come to inform you, because I don’t need you doing anything to screw it up. The Agents are being called in... It is our hope that those ridiculous rebels will be drawn out, and if all goes accordingly, we will be able to successfully infiltrate their headquarters by this evening.”

“…What’s the plan?”

“Oh, my dear Nicolai… I’m afraid that’s above your security clearance…” Rising from her seat, Dana smirked, giving Avramenko a once over, before she spun on her heels and made way for the door, “Have a good afternoon, Doctor. We’ll be watching…”


Back inside the compound, Ginny made her way into the kitchen. Oswald wouldn’t be long, she knew, particularly if the pair outside were planning on joining, which from the looks of the conversation would not have been a ridiculous guess, and if there was anything she could contribute, given her past in the Culinary world, it would be something to eat…

Entering the kitchen, a brow quirked as she caught sight of the other newer recruit, fiddling with something that looked like a souped-up child’s toy. Pausing in her steps, she eyed Tatyana, before smiling faintly.

The woman might not have been the most pleasant meet Ginny had encountered, but Ginny was nothing if not resilient… She’d worked in the wedding business, after all, and if she could handle nightmare brides, she could handle a tough-nut house guest.

“If you’re hungry, I’m gonna make some hor’d'oeuvres… It won’t take more than a few minutes.” She offered, before she stepped over to the fridge. Rifling around inside, she took a few ingredients out, before making her way to the kettle, to heat up water for tea.

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