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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

Oswald blinked uncertainly, the eyes of his mask clicking and whirring as he did so. It seemed, since the moment he'd arrived, that everything had happened all at once. When the grenade had been thrown, Ohm made to shield himself as the woman had instructed, but noticed quickly that the threat had been disposed of. "Hmm," he stated aloud, finding himself at a loss for words as he studied the curious case before him. It looked to be the generation of some sort of dermal protectant - bone by the looks of things - but he couldn't be sure unless he studied the other more closely. And, judging my his reaction and obvious anger, that wasn't about to happen.

He looked over the others, wondering just who and what they were, and finally settled on the situation at hand, addressing the bleeding woman first. "If you're hurt, I may be able to assist you. However, this wouldn't be the spot for it, I'm afraid." He laughed, a tinging mechanical sound, and extended his hand. "My name is Oswald, Ohm if you prefer, and I'm with a erm... organization that aims to stop this sort've thing from happening. We can assist you if you'd like to come with me."

He turned and straightened, as if just noticing how many others were crowded around the area.
"Oh my. Well, pardon my lack of introduction earlier. I suppose I had my blinders up!" he joked jovially. "As I told this young lady here, I'm part of an organization that seeks to end all the torture of 'GenMuts' and instead fuel the proper usage of our newfound abilities."

Stepping toward them, he continued.
"You were all part of the crash, yes? And, I don't mean to eavesdrop, but... they were experimenting on you? Alas, no time for more questions." he said toward the one that had called himself Remington. "Fucking monsters," he snapped, then widened his eyes as if the words shocked even him. "I'm sorry for the outburst I just... I cannot fathom how anyone can think GenMuts are the 'monsters' in all this. The Syndicate WILL be held accountable for these actions, you've my word."

Turning, he looked out've one of the near windows.
"If you're looking to escape this predicament, I can offer a solution. Temporary or permanent is up to you, but I've a safehouse not far from here. It's not a five star hotel... but it's got rooms and food. And, it's even got some places to go for experimentation with powers if you'd like."

He pointed downward in haste.
"Those vans there are property of Tourniquet. If we can meet down there, you've got your ticket to escape." Turning again toward the bleeding woman, his mask crinkled in a smile. "Well then, shall we be off? Those wounds aren't life threatening, but I can't imagine they feel the greatest either. Let's get you some help, eh?"

@LotusSan @AkuNoOkami @Shura (for proofreading? lol) @OhmMyGod,GrinPosted
Grey frowned, watching the interaction between the others. The seemed content leaving her out of their circle, even bleeding as she was... but it was no matter -- They weren't her concern. She had one job and thanks to Blue (the stab happy little tramp) that job was made much easier. She'd recognized him from what little they had on him in their files... Really, he was hard to miss, with that bizarre mask covering his face - and true to their intel, it didn't take long before that champion spirit kicked in and he approached.

Smiling dryly, hand still clamped over the wound, blood seeping through her fingers, she nodded her head, "I think I may have to take you up on that. And it's Hadassah. Circumstances aside... it's nice to meet you."

Listening through his ridiculous tirade aimed at the others, she fought an eye roll. Vigilante idiots. They had no idea what the Syndicate was doing... had no clue what their plans were. They honestly thought they had a prayer... It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. No, on second thought, it was most definitely amusing.

Nodding, when he addressed her again she followed after the man, making her way with him down through the devastated corridor in the direction of the vans.

@LotusSan @Jaysun (So sorry @Jaysunn with 2Ns... Mistagged you!! xD )
To anyone present, it would be like watching someone age prematurely. In his evolved state, Remington appeared younger, truly, his body was, the flesh was newer, the bones were newer, everything was the product of seconds of evolution via willpower. But as he reduced his body to it's normal figures, it was as though he was melting into an old man's form. He rolled his neck and reached down to hold his pants in place until he could re-affix them more properly with a few cannibalizing ties. He turned towards Ohm, but remained silent. Trust was something Remington no longer gave without proof of responsibility for it. He glanced at Grey, Hadassah, she had called herself, then back to Ohm again. Without a reply, he strode off towards the vans, quickening his pace with his long strides.

He came up behind Grey, on her left, and he let his fingertips brush her arm, muttering, "Spose you were in the car I smashed into then eh?" He noted only the stab wounds, and nodded slowly, "That other guy... Must have kept ye safe..." He glanced back behind him as his healing ability would rob Grey of all the damage she had taken, and transmute it to his own form, allowing him to transfer the damage, which healed almost instantly, it manifested as a series of rough bruises, each of which simply shrank in size until it was gone.

He paused, and glanced back to Kennithan, but replied partly to Ohm, "I'll be... findin' my own way out. Lad, Ye seemed ta have a bone ta pick with me. But situation as it is..." He glanced to Ohm pointedly, "I think we'll have ta discuss it at a later point eh?" He turned and started to move away again, heading to one of the windows, he began enhancing his legs, strengthening bone, muscle, and tendon strength, it took him seconds to do with the amount of bio-matter he had claimed from the days events.

Remington placed his right hand on the window, and simply pushed on it until the frame buckled and gave. He leaped out, like some kind of monster, he shot outwards, with a great grunting roar of power, Remington all but flew off into the distance beyond the building, he touched down across the street, and made a swift trot into an alleyway, he paused for a moment, and considered Ohm's offer, He snorted, "Probably woulda' worked... if they had offered me some candy... Get in the van... Bah..." he muttered derisively.

@Grin @Morridan @Elle Joyner @Everyone else.

((OOC: Just a note, Everyone would see him fly across the street, he's not trying to be stealthy.))
Min Yi

Disoriented to say the least Min glanced around at the various people scattered around the parking lot. People were still filtering out of the hospital and the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance. As to whether or not they were heading towards the hospital was left to be seen but sitting still for so long was starting to eat at Mins nerves. The fact that she was around so many new strangers wasn't making her feel much better despite having Lucy there. She was happy to see her cousin safe and sound but also growing more anxious the longer they just stood around. It made them easy targets to be caught. It wasn't clear who they were waiting for but they were taking much too long. Not to mention Min didn't even know where Rem was and if he was alive. She would feel horrible of he had saved her life just to sacrifice his own.

Wrapping her thin arms around herself Min looked back to the hospital worriedly. As she scanned over the broken up windows she caught sight of something approaching on of the windows before it shattered outwards. Thankfully the window was a fair bit of distance away otherwise they would have run the risk of having glass showered down upon them. Then much to her surprise a hail and healthy Rem stepped up to the edge and hurled his body out of the window and across the parking lot to the other street. She stared at the bizarre sight only some what surprised. His powers were still unclear but the man honestly seemed invincible. Shifting around the van to get a better look at where he landed she noticed the Genmut lurking into one of the alleyway and felt a bit of panic. A good part of her felt like she owed him for saving her life, even if he was the reason for the car crash. Not to mention getting out of the labs in the first place.

She had to at least see where he was going. Glancing towards Lucy she spoke up, "I'll be right back." Then rushed off to cross the short distance from the van to the edge of the hospital grounds. She didn't venture much past the welcome signs positioned at each side of the entrance.

"Rem!" She called over hoping he would hear her before disappearing into the inner city completely.

@khuyen @Kazanna
"Doctor Ohm...!" Lucy spotted him as he appeared in the hospital opening. She had been sitting on the ground next to a passed out Sean, who was surprisingly still drooling on the ground. She had poked him every now and then, but the guy was sleeping soundly. She got up from her spot, dusting off her jeans, as they approached. He wasn't alone, and she gave them a small wave even though they were still a small distance away. Suddenly someone crashed out from the window, landing on the ground a bit away from them. Lucy just blinked. What is it with all these people and showing their mutations so recklessly? She squinted her eyes to get a clearer look, but all she saw was the back of what seemed like a middle-aged man disappear into an alleyway.

"Are you okay, miss?" She jogged a bit to meet them halfway across the parking lot and had turned to a woman, walking behind Ohm. She was bleeding and looked kind of beaten up. Glancing up, she noticed the hospital was pretty beat up as well. Sirens were blaring in the distance, a sure sign someone had probably called the cops or something. They had to leave soon. Lucy really didn't want to be there if the police suddenly showed up, and let alone the news crew. Speaking off... "A-are you guys alright?" She asked again, suddenly remembering there was actually a fight going on inside the hospital. "What happened in there?"

A small voice poked at her attention, and Lucy turned to the side, seeing her cousin Min run across the parking lot. "W-wait, Min, where are you running off too?!" A sudden worry washed over her again. She gave them a quick 'I'll be right back' before turning to run after her cousin. Min had run into an alleyway, and Lucy caught up to her there. "W-where are you going? Don't just run off like that, jeez, I thought I was gonna lose you again..."

Kazanna said:
Everyone would see him fly across the street
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
Orion sat comfortably next to Sean, listening to his level breathing in tandem with the traffic, the people, and the far off distant cry of sirens. They couldn't be here much longer, but there was no way the three girls left by the van could pick up and move Sean. Maybe that was why Lucy was poking and prodding his other side, trying to get the man back up on his feet. The situation made guilt start to form in Orion, he had passed out due to her accidentally molesting a stranger after all.

Tatyana's voice behind her practically made her jump, hearing the girl complain about just wanting french fries while taking a seat behind her.It was at that moment the heroes swept out from the hospital, or at least doctor Ohm from what Orion could tell. Lucy calling the doctor's name made the other figures existential, but the pink haired girl wasn't sure of their importance. It seemed the hospital antics weren't fully over, as a window crashed open and the girl took a step back - right onto Sean.

Immediately, she shifted over and backed up, keeping her hands on the vehicle behind her to guide her passage but careful to avoid Tatyana . Lucy had jogged forward instead, meeting the group halfway to ask the figure behind Ohm if they were okay. In fact she asked if everyone was okay, at first interested in what happened before another presence shifted. This time it was Min, who tailed off with a simple be right back that dragged her cousin into following her away from the van and near to where the traffic was.

Orion was all sorts of lost and confused, face towards the group despite not being able to see anything. Trusting the fact that someone was there in front of her, she shifted on her feet then spoke, "T-Those sirens are coming fast, we need to move Sean." Orion gestured where Sean had been lying before, passed out on the ground. "Then we need to go - fast" she bit her lip, and looked around the group of 'figures' - had the man made it out alright?

@AkuNoOkami @LotusSan (iguess?)
To say that it was a chaotic experience would have been a gross understatement. There were injuries... healed injuries... men lying unconscious on the pavement... blind girls. Ultimately it was a small miracle that the Tourniquet had lasted this long, with the mess they were making of this rescue. Granted, it was hard to rescue anyone when you had people jumping out of windows and running off into the streets.

At any rate, after very brief, satisfyingly vague introductions and the reassurance that the blood on her shirt was from a wound which was no longer anything worry over, those still in the vicinity piled (or were piled) into the vans which would inevitable return them back to the headquarters for the rebel group. They'd picked up quite a few of those injured in the crash and Grey seemed to blend in well enough without drawing suspicion. It was a benefit, really, that Blue had been so stab-happy. The plan was going swimmingly... the Syndicate would be proud.

Sitting back, she watched out the window as they pulled onto the main road. The hospital was in shambles, and it was likely the mess they'd left behind would be blamed, accurately enough, on the GenMuts - It was another nail in their coffin. Soon enough the world would see what an abomination they were... how dangerous it was to allow them to run freely around the city.

Smiling, she turned away from her view, looking around the crowded van. The fools had no idea what they were in store for...

Half an hour later they arrived outside of the compound and following the lead of the others, Grey climbed out. She had done it... she was in. It was time for the games to begin...

Having finally escaped, finally being free, and strong enough to run, Remington almost didn't stop when he heard Min's voice. He paused, turned for a brief moment, and then, waved to her nonchalantly, like one acquaintance leaving the company of another. He wondered if she would be safe, but with the rapidly approaching sirens, he had little time to wait for answers. He stepped back into the alleyway, and, for all concerned at the hospital, he would vanish, angle of vision lost to any there. Remington rolled his shoulders, and turned, striding back down the alley he found the nearest storm drain, and carefully pried it open, sliding the cover aside, he pushed a bit of debris down into the hole, then he back pedaled away from the drain, until he found the rungs of a fire escape just above his head. Reaching up, he grasped them, and pulled himself up the ladder and made his way to the roof of the building. He crouched down, and moved over to the edge of the roof.

Gazing down on the scene below, Remington watched the van fill, and leave, he sighed quietly as it went, pondering the ramifications of what had just happened. He remembered all the PR that would occur, how badly this would go for every other mutant. It sent a chill down his spine as he realized how vulnerable he would be in his current state out here. He began to weigh his options carefully, considering what could be done to improve that situation.

Firstly, he knew how to work his way into city underworlds, and with his talents, the local crime world would be an easy mark, it'd be like finding a gig back home, only now he could do the job of six men with barely any effort. Remington scratched his chin a moment, considering other options as he did. He could always head for the forest. He'd yet to be hungry after he'd absorbed someone, or something, so he could probably survive off of wild game and travel north, where it would be harder to track him. There was always that last option too. He could track the van as far as he could, and with a few twisted arms, find his way to the Gen-Muts that had clustered together, see what their actual offer was.

He sat up, cross legged on the roof, as the elements beat upon him, he let them sink in, let himself be bathed in them, regardless of what they were, he wasn't paying attention, he was thinking, carefully, about his next few moves.

[sorta joint post between me and @Shura ]

Seeing Rem disappear into the alleyway with little more than a wave was nearly enough to have the frightened teen cross the street and chase after him. However before she could make a move Lucy's voice called her back, giving enough of a distraction for her to lose track of the man. Min couldn't help but purse her lip lightly slightly worried about him. There was no doubt he could handle himself, that much was already proven but she had come to consider the fellow escapee a friend of sorts.

Shifting her honey brown eyes to Lucy she allowed her cousin to pull her back towards the van where everyone else had been gathered. "S-sorry... I didn't mean to worry you..." Min muttered softly. Arriving back at the cluster of people who had gathered into the van the teen felt an all too familiar sense of anxiety from being crowded around so many different people. She gnawed on her bottom lip lightly huddling close to Lucy as the van started to move.

"You're going to love this place, Min." The group of misfits had finally reached their new home, and Lucy nudged her cousin. "So over there, we have the gardens, and there..." Lucy rambled on for anyone willing to listen. It was a happy distraction really. She couldn't say she loved this place, heck she had only been here for a few weeks, but seeing the look on Min's face and all the newcomers, she wanted to be the bright and happy one to make them all feel at ease. It was much harder than it looked, she thought, as she silenced herself, having nothing left to say. She caught the eyes of some of the others, and gave them an encouraging smile. It'll be okay. Maybe. Probably.

@Everyone back at the cribbb
Kennithan seemed to just follow the others with little more than a yawn escaping him. "I have returned, blind girl. I suppose I must let you know that." As he watched the others assemble at the van, his eyes trailed down at the 'coward' from before. He noticed her wound, noticed how she was standing, noticed even if she had a good center of gravity. If anything, from what he saw of this girl, she seemed like she should be able to take care of herself by normal human standards. But that was not his main concern. He still mulled over the outcome from letting her run off on her own as she had done before. As they all piled into the van, 'Truth' was strangely quiet. It was not until after getting in, going for this 'drive' and arriving at the said destination that he allowed himself to speak.

"Hey. Coward girl." He said looking straight at Agent Grey. He didn't know her name, didn't know anything about her other than his first meeting with her, and only the realization that she had foregone safety and had gotten herself hurt in the process. His hand reached out to grasp onto her shoulder to stop her if she had not turned to pay attention upon him speaking up. "You need to explain yourself. Your actions. It doesn't make sense..." His eyes squinted at her as if he was searching her eyes for some sort of change. "Why..." He paused, frowning. "Why did you not accept my aid? You- someone who was frightened in the shadow of that other man- refused my help. Me, of all people. And look what happened to you. You got STABBED because of it. Are you stupid or something?" He asked with a foul look on his face.

Kennithan seemed quite upset as if he had taken something personal. "I have never witnessed a civilian so reckless. It was as if you knew you would not be gravely injured... Your power has some sort of regenerative effect... Or you are just plain stupid. Well, I suppose there is another option, but it's unlikely you would know your enemy enough to trust them not to outright kill you. These people we're dealing with are not the type of folk who would likely let someone live without a reason. You must have been either EXTREMELY lucky, or the one who fought you was a useless fool. If it was me... I was such a villain, I would have killed you without hesitation. Likewise, I would have killed my foe without prejudice."

He sighed and chuckled in front of her. "You and your foe were both soft." He turned his attention to the main group before the real 'tour' was underway. "I pray that this group of 'hopefuls' knows the difference between fighting for justice and fighting for their lives."

@Mr. Grin @khuyen @Tree @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
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The sharp twang of the pheromones were getting stronger as Hunger continued the pilgrimage from its feeding ground. All along the way, multiple teams of adversaries had come and tried to fend off the acidic blows of ill response, but each one was taken down as the tendrils of instant death, or semi-instant death, were called upon with an insane speed, destroying them. Ever since the upgrade of speed, Hunger had felt more and more stable, still ravenous, but the energy it craved and devoured from the living organisms was being placed into smarter and more efficient places.

No longer did its body seem to destabilize at the smack of a baton, no, the consistency of Hunger became more and more complex, turning into a well built solid that took all that hit it, and kept on going, actively attaching itself to the problem and dealing with it manually. Another thing that had changed after the process, was Hunger's preferred diet. It had spent the last day, or Subject had, eating worthless dishes of ill repute, the nutrients they gave being merely an appetizer. Now, it knew the real targets.

Using the sparse memory it still held within the grasp of its frayed, but recovering and rebuilding, mind, Hunger observed the way the Special Humans, the ones who had been such a pain to eat, were what it so desired. The fast one, which had given it so much trouble, was what it referred to. Subject had not known what the significance of those it called special, only knowing they were not as ordinary as Humans, but Hunger was of a higher order of intelligence, and level that one could walk without slipping and be able to understand the rights and wrongs of going into water. The verdict? Never go into water. Hunger had been feasting on one of the attackers, when it had been splashed by the accursed liquid, and it would not, under any circumstances, allow itself to be taken advantage of once again.

Smelling the sharp twinge of pheromones that Hunger had learned only exist within the presence of Special Humans, it followed quickly ambling quickly down the street towards a rather large sterile white building with many cars of blinking lights. Getting closer, Hunger paid no attention to the sounds of screams that erupted from the Humans, no longer willing to waste its time with such measly amount of nutrients. Reaching the highest level of pheromones, Hunger looked around the asphalted parking lot and tried to find the Special Human. It stayed there for a good 5 minutes, waiting for the Special Human to come out from its obvious invisibility. Giving up, Hunger once again sniffed the air of pheromones and started to head towards the direction the high levels of Pheromones went.

@IAmThisCloseToAcheivingRelevance @SoCloseICanAlmostTasteIt
When Kennithan’s voice finally meets Orion’s ears with a strange reassurance, the blind girl couldn’t help a genuine smile. Slightly relieved that her new friend – were they friends? – had made it out okay, she is about to ask if he is coming with them. Except time was of the essence right now, and after a quick introduction, they haphazardly piled into the van.

Orion was the last to get in, and immediately reminded of her claustrophobia in the minutes they pulled away. Instead of focusing on the sound around her and the tight space, she tried to remember where they were driving away from. The mission, despite its hectic nature was a success – they had saved both Lucy’s cousin and the others from the threat of the Syndicate.

These thoughts calmed her slightly, but Orion desperately clung to the unlucky soul placed beside her during the half-hour ride. The excitement of the ride to the hospital was easier to bare, but now time crept on slower than ever. When they finally got back to her new home, she understood more about the vehicle they were driving in then she was willing to admit. Orion all but fell out of the van, taking a deep breath of the outside air and calming down now that she could see the nothing she was used to.

As happy as she was to have some sense of sight, her powers of echolocation were a hindrance more than enough times. Faltering, the woman stood shakily before turning towards the rest of the group. “Is there a pool, by chance?” although Orion was certainly worried about Michael, she needed to do something about her own comfort first.

@Mr. Grin probably #claustrophobia #randompooltimes @King Of Imagination (are you still in this rp?)

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