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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate


Hunger continued it search for food as it was swarmed by the pheromones in the air, its blue body twitching in places minutely as each portion of it seemingly vibrated with pent up energy. The recent meals had done wonders for its systems, and Hunger had never felt stronger, but it still desired more. There was a pit inside of it that seemed to scream for more nutrients to fill it up, and there was nothing that could stop it from doing exactly that. Stumbling down a random street of some kind, the solid floor beneath its feet burning as its slime melted it rapidly, leaving no trace of it any where. Hunger walked slowly now, taking care to find its next meal, but the desire was burning stronger and stronger for every second no Human was in her sights. Hunger was so entranced in the location of its next meal of the day, it paid no attention, and was unaware of the small squad of troops that had surrounded its local perimeter. However, what Hunger was aware of, was that there seemed to be a ring of highly potent pheromones around it, circling her in a way that it could not turn any direction without facing an area of them.

Suddenly, it felts its hold on the scent of the pheromones fade as a thick cloud of white smoke seemed to surround it, clogging up its slime and keeping it from seeing or smelling anything other than the thick, strong taste of the smoke around it. Stumbling forward, Hunger began to run forward, but was smacked back as a solid flat object smacked into its entire body. Falling back, Hunger landed on its back, and exploded on the ground, the events shaking its control and making it splash onto the ground as a puddle. Even with its sense muddled by the blinding and clogging smoke, Hunger could see as a figure cloaked in black armor came through the fog with what looked like a clear shield of substance. Hunger's hyperactive mind
immediately realized what the substance was, and its entire body hissed and fluctuated as it was greeted with the sight of glass, its true enemy.

All around it, the smoke began to disperse and go back to which it came, wherever that was, and revealed the rest of the figures around them. Many of them, maybe ten in amount, surrounded it, covering every side with another one of those shields. Hunger almost hesitated at the thought of having to try and break through such defenses, however, its body stilled as the scent of the pheromones reached its skin one more. Soaking its body, Hunger felt a pleasant child run down its
nonexistent spine and erase all thought of stopping. Hunger rose from the puddle slowly, letting each and every prey have their last moments before becoming her food. The entire squadron was still, waiting, watching, until, Hunger saw one of them move to grab a radio. Hunger instantly capitalized on the movement, and rubberbanded to the man, slamming against the shield, cracking it in the process, and beginning to crawl over the edges. However, it seemed this was exaclty what they wanted it to do, because before Hunger could react, it felt its body alight in a terrible burning feeling that seemed to leave every cell in its body subdued.

Hunger fell apart at the seams, splashing to the ground as the agents called in a pickup squad for retrieval, ordering extra jars to be brought just in case some break. In the cells of Hunger, something began to happen, something began to feel complete. In the sewers, it had started, almost completing itself, but it was now forced to complete out of necessity. The cells began to vibrate, faster, faster, faster! First it was one, then it was two, then four, then eight, and the cell count kept on multiplying, doubling, quadrupling. All of them slowly, but surely beginning to speed up to a state of hyper speed, using the base DNA of its earlier meal of Special Human. Hunger's entire being lit up as it felt the vibrating cells reach its head, giving it new life.

On the outside, the agents had no time to react, even the ones already in position if Hunger were reawaken, to the sharp and quick acupuncture like move. From the mound of slime Hunger came sharp slivers of spears that arched through the sky and pierced the skin of the agents, moving farther along and rupturing organs and cutting through bones. As they rooted themselves into the body, the slime portions started to destabilize and make their homes in their new targets, slowly eating them from the inside. Retracking what was left of the spears, Hunger quickly sprung up from the ground and watched as all of the agents around it fell to the ground moaning in pain and trying to stop the explosive blood flow from their wounds.

Watching them all cower on the ground, slowly being turned into pure nutrients, Hunger suddenly felt a feeling in the back of its throat, or what it knew to be its throat. Feeling it, Hunger felt like there was something trying to come out, to break through the slime that blocked its way. Thinking about it, Hunger shifted its throat, formed new objects within it, and suddenly, Hunger understood what it wanted to do. Leaning back, and letting its head fall back and its vocal chord to fully form, Hunger began to laugh into the air, the sound a perversion of normal laughter as it was filled with sick accomplishment, as well as its sound being abnormal due to the way the slime vocal chords did not work as well as normal ones. Hunger knew, though, that it would get it right at some point in the future.

@IDidACollabWithMyself! @Damaged @Glasses
It was slated to be an awkward, uncomfortable conversation. All things considered, there was no way really, to comprehend what Michael and Oswald had told her. Nora, for all intents and purposes, had been buried...Ginny planned, attended, spoke at her funeral... She had mourned and she had finally just been allowing herself to, at least partially, move past it. And now she was being told that all of that had been pointless. Nora was alive. Alive and well...

Well, alive...

The rest of the group, save a few stragglers who weren't comfortable with the idea of confronting the Syndicate, had gone off to help at the hospital, and as Ginny stood in the kitchen, waiting for Michael to spill his information it was impossible not to notice of quiet the house had fallen. It was little wonder then, that she jumped nearly clean out of her skin when the perimeter alarm sounded, issuing a shrill, piercing shriek through Haven.

Holding up her hands to the handsome newcomer, indicating that he should stay put, she moved quickly out of the kitchen and into the foyer, where the security screen opened to reveal a figure, approaching via the walkway. It was, incidentally, a very busy day for the covert hideaway.

Shaking her head, she pressed the comm button, her voice resonating through the speakers located beside the front door, "...Stop right where you are. This is a private residence and you are trespassing. State your business, quickly... please." Grimacing at the unintended politeness, she resisted smacking herself in the forehead, depressing the button so that the man on the other side of the door could respond.



As Blue charged, Grey readied herself, planting her feet, arms to her sides, hands gapped, fingers spread wide. For an immovable object, she was quicker than she should have been, all thanks to her experience in boxing. When the blade swung upwards at her, she bounced backwards with ease, a frown on her lips as the tip of the weapon came dangerously close, but not close enough.

It was, to put it mildly, predictable. She'd never say it to Blue's face, of course... not out of concern for her feelings, but because the less advice she gave, the less competition she'd have. The girl was a miracle with knives - better than any of them, probably, but she had a tendency to open with the same motion, making it entirely too easy for someone accustomed to fighting with her to know what to expect. The second swing, however... that was new...

Shifting her weight, quickly, but not briskly, Grey popped her hip to the left and allowed the second blade to swing, almost harmlessly past her waist. She barely flinched as the sharp tang sliced through the fabric of her shirt, grazing the surface of her skin. As she moved her feet, her hands moved simultaneously - the first, raised to protect against the left-handed blade, the second darting out for the right wrist, eyes narrowed.

The elevator stopped on the main floor with a familiar ding, allowing Orion to step out and focus on what was around her. In their time upstairs the first floor had significantly quieted, evacuated under the threat of terrorist attack. There was a news station reporting on the event broadcasting in the background, but their focus was on leaving. It was a simple retrace of steps back to the entrance way, allowing Lucy to look for her cousin and Orion to update the others.

Except Orion did not know what had happened in their absence, she fully expect Ohm and Sean to be waiting for them there. The automatic doors were forced open in the emergency, so she remained guideless and frankly- blind. She released Lucy's hand a moment ago and she cautiously walks forward, outstretched arms until finding a mass.

Orion withdrew her hand momentarily, her eyes scrunching in confusion as she pushed both her hands forward. The object in front of her had mass, but it didn't feel...it felt...Orion wasn't sure about what she was touching. Her hands smoothed over the expansion but when they skipped over the edge, she stumbled forward slightly. Now pushed up against the thing that was faltering her impediment, her hand experimentally searched for a back of it.

That was when she heard it, her face pushed flush against it- a steady heartbeat. Panicked, Orion all but stumbled away, a blush raising to her cheeks as she realized what she was touching but not understanding the feeling. "I'm sorry!" she apologizes first, but it doesn't quite click that the human in front of her is neither Ohm or Sean.

@khuyen @Shura @Tree @Morridan @reuniting cousins @finding people @shetouchedthebutt @ಠ‿ಠ
The first impact was like a bad practical joke, the second, annoyed Remington, the third just plain pissed him off. Remington was fast to respond however, he raised his arm, the one without the blade on it, and began expanding the bone mass around it. It was a slow process, like watching paint dry, but it would be enough to increase the density of the the bones on his arm. He began moving towards the agent who was firing on him, a stupid idea at best. All of the guards at the facility had been using armor piercing bullets, and Remington had learned how to resist them. In all honesty, the time he had spent at the facility had made him better, faster, stronger, and more aware. It was like a private training facility. He feinted the last bullet as his reflexes became enhanced as he used his muscular augmentation along with the enhancements he was giving his nervous system gave him a more defined visual acuity. His normally clear eyes became filled with enhanced nerves, he shot forward like a raging bull towards the agent.

The Agent, had other ideas as Remington ran towards them, they feinted and shifted to the side, but it was like they were moving in slow motion to Remington, so with all of the ferocity of a lion, Remington descended upon the poor agent, and caught them in a heartbeat. His left arm grabbed the agent by the throat, and held fast in a vice like grip that would have made an electrical worker flinch. He drove his bone blade arm into the agent's arms, right where he knew the connecting tendons were, then lower, severing the tendons enabling hip motor function, before he threw the agent against the wall in a vicious motion that rewarded him with several cracks from the poor individuals bones breaking.

Remington's eyes filled with a blood haze as he began to tear into the agent, now disabled by his precise attacks, the glaive on his arm acting as a butchers knife as he tore at the agent's legs, severing skin, muscle, flesh, veins, nerves, and even bone, in a relentless series of attacks that lasted seconds. He unleashed his fury upon the individual, his body retroactively absorbing more and more of the agent's bio-matter with each contact that he made, decaying the agent's strength and stamina rapidly.

Even if the agent had been able to fight back, the pain was so unbearable they blacked out in the first few second of the attack, and Remington's savagery wouldn't relent until they were nothing more then dust. He sliced his way up from their Achilles tendon to their throat, finally taking the head of his currently most hated agressor. He prevented absorption of the head however. Remington, for once, took a trophy of his kill. He reached down and took the persons belt, what was left of it, and with a few tactile pierces, fasted the head to his waist band.

"That'd be one..." He muttered, as he spat on the now dusty remains of the agent he had just savaged. He had noted others, and strode off purposely towards them, he was far from finished, and every kill was making him stronger, every fight would become easier, because every second, he was enhancing his own neural pathways and muscular tissues, his tendons became more and more reinforced, and he was growing larger with every step. Remington Humanitas, was now a monster, hellbent on murdering every single agent in the building, and very little, would be able to stop him.

Kennithan paused as he saw hands slide about underneath him and the shifting of kinetic energy around him. "...." He paused, standing and looking to his right side at the girl who was pawing all over him. His left eye raised as he slowly sat Min down on his left, beside the van. His eyes squinted as he tried to understand what was happening to himself. Especially upon the fact that a person's face was pushed against his backside. As soon as the person stumbled away, he turned to face them and walked forwards. His hands outstretched to try and grasp ahold of the person's hands as he saw the confusion in the female's face. "Normally... I would ask someone-" He had allowed a bit of tension to fill his hands, causing her to be able to feel that his hands had made contact with her. "Who did that to me what they were trying to do... The whole face-to-back thing. And the... other things... But your eyes were closed the entire time. Your vision is obviously impaired. No worries."

Realizing she was either blind or had some kind of sensitivity with light, he kneeled down and smirked, concentrating and brought his own hands (and hers within them if she let him grab them) up to his own face. "Is this your vehicle? Sorry for standing in your way." She would be able to now feel his face should she want to 'retry'. He was fairly skinny. Almost malnourished, actually. If she tried to guide her hands downwards, he would allow her to feel his chest and abs, allowing her to feel the muscle tone. If she did so, and after she had finished, he would sigh. "I was just dropping off my hostage's friend to keep her safe. Well- not really hostage, so much as fake-hostage. Heroes don't really kidnap people."
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Normally, Lucy would've felt a bit awkward holding hands with someone, she barely knew. The situation called for it, and she noticed through the elevator ride down, Orion made her feel pretty comfortable. She squeezed the girl's hand, perhaps in nervousness, as they made it out the hospital doors. "Ohm- Where'd he go?" Expecting to find the guys near the van, she remembered having signaled them in. Spotting Sean, she made her way over to them together with Orion, who had let go of her hand.

She could make out two people with Sean, but she didn't think about who it was. At least, not until Orion impressively made her way to them and started fondling a poor guy's knee and... "O-orion, wait, that's not-...." She tried calling out to her, but it was too late, and Lucy just stood awkwardly, watching the girl's roaming hands. The guy took it pretty well though, even taking her hands into his, letting her feel more of him. Looking away from them, she saw the girl she was looking for. Min. The frail girl sat quietly on the ground, as if she had been put there, looking out of it. "Min, oh thank god, you're alright!" Lucy yelled out and ran to the girl, kneeling down in front of her. "Are you alright? You better be alright!" She gave her a quick hug, but stood up again. Turning to the guy, Orion had 'assaulted', she interrupted them, pointing a harsh finger at him.

"Dude, what the fuck! You can't just jump out of a building like that! Who are you, and what's your business with Min?! You better not have hurt her, or I swear I will..." Having lost all reasoning, she blindly assumed this guy was kidnapping her. Torn between anger and worry, Lucy just kinda stood there, waiting for an explanation.

@Kagura (holding hands, yay!) @Morridan (sorry, she's just upset!) @Shura @Tree
As Min was shoved into Sean's arm, the Irishman had but one reaction; to drop the poor girl on her butt. He had no idea why the bum had tossed her into his hands to begin with, but he figured it was none of his business anyway. Obviously, Sean has no idea what the hell is going on in his life. Lucy eventually found her cousin, both embracing one another at the tips of his feet. The awkward spacing of the interaction caused the strong man to take a couple of steps back, analyzing the situation around him in the process. When Lucy asked who the other man was, Sean interfered with a quick statement of his own.

"He's a homeless lad. The leap outta dat window was bloody brilliant."
Sean shrugged slightly. "Took a bit a athleticism, y'know?' The Irishman was curious as to what powers the man must have had in order to pull off such a feat, but the answers were sure to come sooner than later.

Something told Sean that it would not be the last time he saw this man in action, which was an nice thought. Especially because it meant that he would have time to let his questions be answered either naturally, or by use of conversation. Once again looking back at Ohm, who had apparently not been there anymore, Sean found himself devout of words. Was everyone gathered up yet? Who were they waiting on? Orion had found herself leaping head first into undeniably interestingly smelly places on that homeless man, which made Sean bust out into laughter.


He couldn't help himself. At one point, he had to sit down because his lungs were running out of oxygen. His brain must have been as well, because accompanying lightheadedness reared it's lovely head throughout the duration.

@Shura @Kagura @Morridan @khuyen @iposted
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Min Yi

Min was dazed to say the least, so much was happening at one time, not to mention she had been picked up put down and generally handled like some kind of rag doll. She knew she was light but not exactly that light. While the hobo and the strange irishman talked things out Min contemplated dashing back into the hospital. But to do what? She had no offensive powers, not even defensive ones. Not to mention she was half starved and just exhausted all around the poor teen wasn't really sure how much of this 'excitement' she could really handle. To be honest min really didn't even want to stand up, they could be rushed by agents and she would probably give up because trying not to be captured was proving to be much more perilous and dangerous than being stuck inside the lab. Hell, a few hours ago she had seen her own limbs being burned and torn from the crash and it was only by the miracle that was Rem that she was still alive and whole.

Still fairly out of it Min didn't register anyone elses presence until someone knelt in front of her. She quickly looked up to the sight of a very worried Lucy and couldn't help a small smile even as she was nearly crushed a hug by the older woman. A new mix of emotions stirred in her taking the place of the fear and hopelessness she had been feeling as she hugged her cousin back as tightly as she could. It was surprising in the first place that Lucy was even there, still looking healthy and full of life which made Min very happy that she had managed to keep away from the labs. Thing of that made the paranoia rear its ugly head as her cousin pulled away to confront the raggedy man who had leaped out of a building with her.

Hurriedly the teen scrambled to her feet, at first thrown off by the sudden shift in position but she managed to find some sense of balance. "Lucy, we have to get out of here. The lab agents are already here and are just going to try and catch us." She pleaded while grabbing onto her cousins arms. The poor things looked terrified at the idea of being caught again and she was. Min wasn't sure how Lucy managed to stay safe for this long but there was no way she would let her cousin be turned into some kind of lab rat.

@khuyen @Tree @Morridan @Kagura
Orion's blush covered her entire face, making it match with the pink of her hair before her hands were snatched up. She assumed it was the same person she was touching, because even within this hold she could feel nothing. It was made even worse when he spoke and she realized that not only had she touched there but she touched a guy there. Lucy had tried to stop her, even mentioned Ohm not being there but it was too late.

The feeling of the man's hands finally came to her fingertips, a rough texture that was a strange contrast to Lucy's soft digits. Orion wiggled her fingers slightly as he talked to her, unable to prevent the embarrassed smile from crossing her face. He was going to wonder what she was doing, but thankfully for her- he noticed that she was blind. His bigger hands guided her own to his face, where he seemed to be smiling at her.

He apologized for standing in the way of a vehicle he could only guess was hers but Orion couldn't help but giggle. Lucy was reunited with her cousin, Sean was laughing somewhere behind him, and here she was touching the face of a man who she unintentionally molested. Orion couldn't help but laugh a little at the predicament, leaning into him as she calmed herself down. "Sorry, it's just...I touched your...I grabbed your penis, right?" she tried to prevent herself from smiling.

Orion wasn't looking to damage his ego, but she was laughing after the fact that she got so handsy and here was the man inviting her for another round. It certainly helped that she was able to feel him now, actual skinship against her searching fingers. Given that she already touched his most intimate places, Orion felt like she had no bounds in her exploration. She traced his cheekbones, letting the base of her thumbs run across his cheeks before finding the prominent jaw bone under his taut skin. He had miniscule stubble that she graced over, skimping over his lips and finding his nose. There was nothing too showy about him, yet he lacked the muscle density she would usually feel.

In fact, when she traced down to his chest, he smile faltered when she could tell where his ribs where, tracing them with the flat of her hand. When her nails unintentionally grazed his nipple, she realized quite late that he was naked, and stopped suddenly. There was a panicked moment when she considered if he was wearing pants or not but she felt Lucy would've stepped in by now. Taking a moment to dive past his abs, she finds his pant line and finally relaxes, dropping her hands.

Orion takes a step away, not realizing she had taken a step forward in the intimacy of the situation. Despite the fact Lucy was questioning this man about the well-being of her cousin, Orion felt relatively safe in his presence. "I don't think he meant to hurt her" she carefully tells Lucy, turning towards the man. "You're a GenMut right? That's why I couldn't feel you?" she ventures, "We are too- this van and the other belong to people that are interested in taking you all somewhere safe."

Given that she heard Min's words herself, she turns to the girl now and reaches out like an invitation. "Nothing like the Syndicate or their agents, but a safe haven for GenMuts" with the hand that is not being offered to Min, Orion raises her hair line and shows her branding mark of the Syndicate- the scars they left in her skin after finding they couldn't tattoo her.

@Shura @Tree @Morridan @khuyen @ohgodthetouching @fuckohmrion
Abigail watched as three of the hostiles ran in different directions, with one heading right for her. She only had a moment to think, as this person's power seemed to be-

Abigail felt the world around her seem to slow as the woman's fist made contact with Abigail's stomach, launching her across the hall and into the wall. The world seemed to fade for a moment before coming back to life, reminding Abigail that she was not in a good position. She put all of her effort into getting up, preparing for round two, as her opponent noticed that she wasn't dead.

Once the man took steps to put her down again, Abigail tried shooting him, only to realize that both her gun and grenade were dropped when she was hit. Without time to both grab her weapon and defend herself, Abigail resorted to her last option.

As he ran toward her, Abigail let her hands heat up to the highest levels she could get them, putting all of her energy into the powers she hardly used. Time crawled to a near stop as thoughts filled her mind: Will this work? Are my powers good enough? How will they affect human beings? More doubt showed up as more moments passed, but Abigail forced any thoughts away, leaving only thoughts of survival.

As he dashed toward her, Abigail counted the seconds as they passed, trying to time her punch perfectly; one mistake and she was dead. her grew closer, filling the distance between them in moments.

Taking her chance, Abigail threw her hand where she assumed his chest would be. knowing full well how likely failure was.

Suddenly she felt a mind-shattering pain as her hand dug into his stomach, tearing through skin and muscle. She felt her bones crack, shattering against the force of his body while simultaneously continuing to deform and burn his insides.

He didn't struggle as she pulled her broken arm out from his insides, taking far too long to remove it.

Once it was over, she glanced at her arm to see how damaged it was: Bone after bone was jutting out, either poking through the skin or directly outside of it, from her fingers to her shoulder. Good thing I'm in a hospital. She joked, having a strange moment of relief.

Before then, of course, she would have to get out. As if on cue, a massive man appeared near her, looking almost excited to kill. Part of her hoped he didn't go anywhere near her, but another part of her believed that he could be on her side. Either way, she grabbed the incendiary grenade beside her left hand, prepared to at least take him with her if he attacked.
Well, it looked like the cousins got some alone time to dance and Tatyana didn't waste anytime to fire another controlled burst, three rounds hitting the knee he had leaned on. Each of the rounds ricocheted off of his leg, one flew into a wall, one into the west floor and one of a window. She only had one incendiary left, and Abigail had her other..well apparently she dropped it, but either way she only had one left on her person.

When the rounds hit White's leg, he groaned in pain, but because of the water cooling his legs off he was able to get to his feet with minor damage and just pain. A deep inhale, and a slow exhale and he tried to calm his frustration with the situation. He hadn't been appropriately prepared to deal with his cousin and her power, and he hadn't expect her to help anyone, so her presence here was a bit of a surprise. Capturing her, and securing her for the Syndicate's use took priority, and it seemed Grey was going to be taken in by Tourniquet. He didn't care to be here anymore, not if he was going to suffer through this. He could win, maybe eventually, but his personality wouldn't let him stay at a disadvantage.

So without further hesitation, he switched to his liquid form and took an exit through the sprinklers and their piping system. He knew he wouldn't hear the last of it from Blue, but those were the breaks.

Hesitant at first, with her powers still up, Tatyana walked through the hallway trudging in the water that had built up a bit. Her rifle was being pointed in every direction, ready to make sure if White had appeared again she'd be able to defend herself. Yet, he didn't show, so she released her powers and looked around before sighing gently.

Using her right hand, she leaned against the wall, heart rate racing -breathing heavily. Though she may have learned to seamlessly intertwine her powers with her stealth/infiltration skills, she hadn't learned to use her powers efficiently without all of the negative effects. She shook her head, her long her flapping about though wet. Soon, a pill found her way in her mouth as she slowly found herself walking down the hall towards where Abigail was standing.
Kennithan, the so-called 'Homeless Lad', looked down at the blind girl, watching as she felt along him. His eyes turned to the girl who had shouted at him. "Do you have no clue who I am?" He asked with an awkward stare at her about the time that Orion had started to feel on his chest. "Well, in either case... You would probably know me as Truth. Most do. My name is Kennithan." After Orion had suggested that he did not mean Min ill-will, he stood up right as all feeling left him again. His eyes looked down at Orion, though he assumed she could not notice and merely sighed. "I do not typically join any groups... I have a few groups who try to follow me in some weird cult or something." He shook his head, looking back to Min. "But if all of you need help- well..." He paused and looked back to the hospital. "I am always here to help those who need it. Speaking of which, the hospital and its inhabitants are in danger.

"I also have to find a particular man... And make sure that my 'hostage'- err.... Fake hostage- is alright." He moved away from the group and towards the entrance to the parking lot. Looking up at the third floor wall and wiggled his feet again, and seeming to grind his feet into the ground he said "Sorry if you guys feel any debris.". His heels slapped the ground as he then tilted forwards, springing onto the balls of his feet, toes, and then propelled off of the ground. The cement cracked and splintered slightly as if an entire ton of pressure had been pressed onto it at a weird angle. The ground underneath was clearly visible through the cracks. He had distributed his weight evenly over his entire foot when he applied the pressure, and even when he was lifting his heels, he was still 'hopping' forwards with what seemed to be precision.

Whether he used precision or not, this 'hop' that 'Truth' performed caused him to cannon-ball against the outer wall of the third floor. A hole in the shape of a person leaping in the form of a 'Mario-jump' with one arm raised and one other arm held outwards to the side with legs bent to one direction opened itself up for all outsiders to view. Kennithan landed at the beginning of the hallway where the 'crystal' agent had first ran. Upon his landing, he made a 'dusting' motion with his hands as if for comedic effect. Nothing stuck to him anyways. His pants, on the other hand, were powdered grey from all of the concrete dust he had formed upon his entry. He looked to the end of the hallway. "YO!! HOSTA-..... I mean- ABIGAIL!!" He yelled out. "You still alive?!" He looked back behind him to see if anyone was around. "If you're anywhere nearby and NOT DEAD, tell me! Also, if you see the guy who gave me this quick fixer-upper, say so!!"
Dumbfounded. Lucy had looked at Sean, as he had explained who the guy in question was. How did he even know? And homeless? What? So many questions ran through her mind, and she was about to vocalize some of them, but Kennithan, as he introduced himself, looked at her, going off on long rant. The whole situation was ridiculous, Sean was lying on the ground, clutching his stomach in a laughing fit, and Orion and Kennithan were having a groping session. She almost had to cover Min's eyes. Without even waiting for a reply, Kennithan finished talking and jumped -literally jumped- up the building, entering the hospital's third floors again.

"Do you know who I am?" Lucy repeated with a twinge of annoyance in her voice. "Dude what, it's not like you're some kind of hero, jesus." She mumbled under her breath, shaking her head. Deciding to let him be, she turned to her cousin once again. "Are there more of your friends there? Our leader - or, he's sort of our leader, I'm not really sure- is currently up there. I don't know if we should go, do you even know how to fight? It's dangerous." She really didn't want to endanger them any further, and Lucy knew for a fact, she wasn't much to be counted for in battle. Not yet. She would learn how to control herself, she had to. But not yet.

Turning to Sean, she nudged him a bit to get him back to his senses. "M-maybe you could go? Check on the others? Or Orion, maybe? I have no idea how well you're in control of your powers, I can't... make this decision. But either we wait here, or we.. all barge in, I guess." She trailed off, realizing decision-making was really not her strong point. She'd let the others decide on this one.

@Shura @Tree @Kagura @Morridan
Min Yi

Min looked over to the strange pinked haired girl who had been groping the raggedy man. She wasn't really sure what to make of her until she saw the scarring on her neck. Her hand reached up to touch a similar marking she had been branded with as well. It had been excruciating to say the least. Min stared at the woman wondering why her hand was extended as she edged closer to her cousin. "I... um..." She muttered softly before The hobo went on another introduction monolog then launched himself back into the building. She blinked a few times just shaking her head still not really sure what to make of him.

She blinked a moment as Lucy questioned her and looked rather conflicted. "No... I don't know how to fight... but... Tatiana is still in there and Rem." She stated paling slightly as she realized that she hadn't even seen any sign of Rem. He was unconscious on the freeway still last she remembered seeing him looking rather worse for wear. Was he dead? Did they save him? She looked towards the hospital worriedly unsure of what to really do.

@AkuNoOkami @LotusSan @Morridan @Grin
The muscles in his stomach were extremely tight. Breath was barely grasped by the gasps in-between moments of laughter and pause. He was on the ground, rolling in half-circles and kicking at nothing but grass. There was a small possibility he could have hit any of the girls with the bottoms of his feet, but he was out of control completely. The strong man's flailing even hit the caravan, denting a small portion of the front of it. Sean reacted as though nothing had happened, because he was too busy laughing. As the next couple of minutes passed, Sean's laughter refused to subside. Due to the constant state of stress in which the hilarity of the event had put his body under, Sean eventually found himself unconscious on the ground.

Sprawled out with his eyes closed, Sean's breathing became shallow due to his state. Under his eyelids, his hues fluttered erratically. This signified that Sean was actually dreaming. The landscape belonging to the dream was tinted in a light purple hue. The trees were lollypops, the sky was made out of cotton-candy and the grass was actually just green stringy jelly candy. Sean's body was moving forward, though his legs were not doing the work in pushing him forward. That was because he was not walking, but in fact riding on the back of a gigantic unicorn. It's horn was made out of a waffle-cone, it's mane a brilliant fluff of deliciousness. The unicorn was so epic, it urinated whiskey.

The trident in Sean's right hand was made of dark chocolate. It was extended high into the air, as he galloped over a hilltop. This revealed a landfill of soldiers which were made out of ice-cream, cookies and boobs. Galavanting behind him, was the soldiers belonging to his side. They were made out of graham crackers, marshmellows and boobs. Sean found himself chanting an old Irish tune as the yelling soldiers began colliding with one another. He, himself, hopped off of the back of the unicorn as it was riding. As he flipped multiple times throughout the air, Sean began breaking off pieces of his chocolate trident and tossing them down at the soldiers below. Each hit was a 360 noscope headshot. This was eventually followed by a spirit bomb made of DamagedGlasses' horrible puns, efficiently annihilating every last soldier to exist on the playing field.

When Sean landed, he began eating the floor. In real life, Sean was visibly salivating.

@Kagura @Shura @Morridan @DamagedGlasses @khuyen @soonandsoforth
The man had introduced himself as Kennithan or Truth, explaining that he didn't usually join groups but his interest lie in helping the people. This brought his focus back to the hospital, as he stepped away from the group and Orion's hold. He apologized for any debris, leaving the pink haired girl with Lucy, Min and Sean. Lucy was particularly sour with the man she was touching until he left, then she turned her attention to her cousin.

With their speech as a guide, Orion moved forward and almost tripped over Sean's still laughing form before catching herself. Lucy was explaining the hospital situation to Min, asking if any of them should go back for their companions. Min was hesitant in her denial, worry still laced in her voice about this 'Rem' and surprisingly, Tatyana. "Tatyana is with us!" Orion is quick to add to the discussion, momentarily forgetting the girl slapped her with a banana peel.

However the decision soon came to her. Lucy had asked Sean first, nudging he body that was now prone. It took a moment for her to realize he had passed out from laughing and it left Orion with the choice of whether to go in or not. Without hesitation, she shook her head "I would be more of a hindrance..." her powers did nothing to support the masses, "We should just wait." With that conclusion, Orion squats down to nudge Sean, hearing the level breathing of his unconsciousness.

@Tree @Shura @khuyen
Remington shot towards the flash-bang the moment he heard the pin evacuate the tiny chamber that contained it. He dove for the tiny device and caught it in his left hand. He crushed it, and swept the exploding metaloid fragments to the side, before he turned his gaze back towards the fleeing agent. He spat and then turned his attention to Grey, his features were unreadable as his face was covered in his bone armor. He dropped the fragments and strode away, off towards where Blue had fled.

Remington's tissue structures across his body were reinforcing, but the bone plating was melding back into his form as he reabsorbed the calcium that formed them. He modified the structural makeup of them until his face mended itself, the glaive on his right arm "retracted" as he absorbed it. He was furious. He'd only managed to kill a single agent. He was no more then ten feet away from Grey when he stopped, and turned around, glancing at her.

"I expect yer familiar by this point... They were after you after all... Only ran because they didn't feel like tusslin with me..." He spat again, this time a mixture of bile and blood fell to the floor in a mass of disgusting rejected bi0-matter, the results of absorbing toxins from other living beings. "I'd advise blendin in to the civilians, run like you've been attacked..."

Turning away, Remington made his way to the window Blue had exited from. He gazed out it, scrutinizingly, "Coward..." He muttered under his breath, spitting out more rejected bio-matter, it dribbled into the floor and bubbled slightly, the volatile mix of genetic poison should have been making him sick. But he was resisting vomiting the entire mess from his innards, where it had filtered to.

@Shura @Whoever else is in the area.
Abigail tried to look away as she saw the grenade, not knowing what it was. Luckily it seemed that another genmut, a large, literally bony man grabbed the explosive and destroyed it, not seeming phased by the blast.

The fires, once large and bright, were gone, crushed under the sprinkler's vast amounts of water. Of course, thanks to modern technology the sprinklers poured less and less water as the fire and smoke faded, the sensors letting them know how much a threat the fire was.

The other enemies were either dead or missing, it seemed, leaving only the masked man, the man with the bone arm, the hospital girl, and Tatyana. It looked like they had 'won' that fight, albeit without wounds. Abigail's left arm wasn't going to work for a good, long while, and the genmut man seemed significantly hurt, though he didn't seem to care.

Just as Abigail headed to speak to Tatyana, the girl who largely was responsible for their victory, Truth jumped through a wall onto their floor, screaming over the crash. How had he gotten that high, and why? What in the hell was going on?

"Truth, I, what?" She said to him as she approached, ignoring everyone else. Not only did he break at least one law of physics doing what he did, he left Min behind in doing so. How did he even get up there, and why were they suddenly on a first name basis? She hoped they hadn't just survived a battle only to walk into new danger.


(Mentioned) @Grin @Elle Joyner @Kazanna
(Collab post me and @Elle Joyner)

Loric tried to recall what his contact had said about Haven. There wasn't much, he was sure. An address, a brief description of how the place was the hideout of Tourniquet and they weren't known for welcoming random strangers. There was also a codeword, he vaguely remembered, a name that would "open the locked door".

"Dr. Oswald....Mashivic? Malshavic? Is there a Dr. Malshavic living here? I'd like to talk to him, please." Loric talked into the mounted intercom.

A brow quirked and Ginny smiled faintly. To be fair, it wasn't exactly the easiest name to pronounce... or to remember, but the fact that he knew it was telling and regardless, the sight of him... it would have been nearly impossible for her to turn him away, even if he were standing there with a box labeled "pipe bomb". Pressing the code into the wall speaker the alarms shut off and she tapped the comm button again.

"I'm going to open the door... If you try anything... there's... lasers."

Lasers? Loric was fairly sure that he could withstand laser, not that there had been any chance to test that theory out, was did he entirely sure weaponized laser existed. But when dealing with GenMut, the first lesson he had learned and in turn taught many others was that you take no chances.

Cautiously, he pushed open the front door and stepped in a large foyer opening to stairs and a few corridors. With the right arrangement, he thought the place could house up to 30 people with rooms to spare.

Stepping back, Ginny cleared her throat, "...Um. Right, then..."

Pulling her glove up to her elbow she extended her hand, "Virginia Bauer... Ginny. Welcome to Haven."

Loric wondered how Haven had stood for as long as it had with such loose security. A name, which may very well be in the Syndicate's file, and he had access to the home of the most dangerous and well-organized group of GenMuts in the city. If he had been an agent, well...

Loric shook the girl's hand, wondering briefly about the gloves. "Loric Kannibal. The place seems rather quiet, where is everyone?" He absentmindedly shut the door behind him and eyed the kitchen.

"...Ah. Yeah. About that... There was a disaster at the hospital and... Ha." Biting her lip, she shook her head, "I'm an idiot. I don't normally... This isn't really my area of expertise. Ohm... Uh... Doctor Malkavitch - He's not here right now. He usually handles the drop-ins. There's protocol. I'm technically supposed to put you in lock down, until he comes back."

"That's fine for me." Loric said, repressing a smile for the girl's obvious discomfort. His stomach rumbled loudly at that moment.

"Yes, that would be wonderful, if it doesn't prove to be too much of an inconvinience to you, of course." Feed me, woman, before I knock you out and raid the kitchen myself.

Loric pushed his barbarian back down again and smiling pleasant, he followed Ginny into the kitchen, noting everything in his path. There was no obvious defence that he could see, no laser...Did they in truth depended their whole operation on being anonymous?

Ginny bypassed the kitchen and made her way to the elevator. He was hungry, and a little sad, but Ohm would be furious if she didn't follow protocol, after all they'd been through that day. Taking her card key, she swiped it by the elevator before keying in the code, "...I'll have to bring the food to you. I know this is a little uncomfortable, but once Doctor Malkavitch gets back, he'll be able to explain more."

The elevator opened and she gestured him inside, stepping in after him, "...How'd you find out about Tourniquet, anyway?"

Such carelessness. He never mentioned anything about Tourniquet, only that he wanted to meet a Doctor, someone he knew nothing of but name. This place proved to be more and more of a security catastrophy...

Loric stopped himself, willing his thought to detach itself from his current state of mind. Only then did he realised that he had been a fugitive for long enough that he was no longer capable of reasoning like a normal everyday citizen. That was rather sloppy, but these people were not trained for this, they had been ordinary only half a year before. There was a certain level of secretcy, but that was impressive for this inexperienced lot. Doubts rose within Loric as he reconsidered his decision to go to Haven, may be it wasn't so safe after all. Too late for that, he thought, I might as well go all the way.

"A friend of a friend. I'd rather not go into details with that. How long do you think before he return?"

"I can't say, really. Hopefully they won't be long." The elevator doors closed and she pressed in a second code, swiping the card once more, then lastly, pressed her thumb to a small print reader, "I know this seems a little unorthodox for a secret lair or whatever it, but this has been a really weird day."

Major understatement. It had been a disastrous day, but not the first time Loric's life had been turned over end. He waited in silence as the elevator moved.

One more time, when the elevator shuddered to a stop, she swiped the card before the doors opened into a long stretch of hallway, doors on each side, "This way."

She led him down the hall and to a room with another keypad. This door she opened, gesturing him to step inside. It was cozy, for what was, essentially, a prison cell, with soft, comfortable furniture and bright lights over head, "You can just wait here and I'll go get something to eat. Shouldn't be more than five minutes."

Not the worse place to be, all thing considered. The cell seemed more confortable than his old flat, and he was tired enough to sleep on a bare floor.
The 'raggedy' man with the stolen belt raised an eyebrow and looked down the hall from where the responding voice was. "Ah, Hostage!! I mean-... Aw fuck it!" He smirked. "Where are you?" He asked, following where he heard the voice. He went down the hallway, dusting his hole-ridden pants off as if he was trying to keep them 'clean'. He rounded the corner, seeing a broken window that he didn't create and the end of the next hall with a dead man with a hole through their chest and his 'hostage' with a broken arm. "Hey, looks like you can take care of yourself a li-" He paused, crossing his arms, not really knowing whether the man before the both of them was an enemy or not. "Hey hostage. Have you seen a man capable of healing people? Need to pay him back."

He started to walk towards the two of them, then past Abigail to stand before the hulking man. "Also, who's this?" He looked behind him at the poor sacks of 'mush' the people behind him had become in their own clothes. "Dangerous I suppose? You should head down to a van outside. Apparently there are people who are 'saving' Genmuts." He shrugged. "So, big'un. You an enemy, or are you fighting these weak corporation sods?"


@AkuNoOkami ((sorry for double post, but the tags won't work if I edit my previous post. Forgot these two))
Remington's attention shifted to Kennithan almost instantly. He calmed considerably, it was a visible change as he allowed his enhancements to lower down slightly, he relaxed and grunted slightly before he responded, rolling his neck a little to adjust the tension in his form. He still had a few of the fragments of the explosive in his hand, which he dropped to the floor, shaking his hand off.

"Used ta' be one of their lab rats..." He peered curiously at Kennithan, "Oh... Fucks sake... Yer the bloke from the crash... Are ye alright? Did my... Did it work..?" He looked the man over, frowning, visibly worried, his facial features showing genuine concern, despite that he was a stranger.

Remington's clothing was in tatters, his appearance was as though he had just been through a war zone, but his body was absorbing the blood that was all over him, blood from not only him, but the agent he had killed earlier, as well as the organic dust that was the remains of the agents skin, and bone tissues, the bits that were rejected by Remington's absorption.

"I think yer trick, and my tricks kept us all alive mate. Names Remington Humanitas, Ye can call me Rem, or Remmy, or Oi Fuck-Face, Me mum called me that one, Put er there mate." He said offering the man his hand, he had already figured that the man was similar to him, and that it had been him that had kept the crash from becoming fatal for the other car.

@LotusSan (Even though she was totally not spoken to, she's right there, so @her anyways!) Also, Double post for tags...

What. What was going on. Her eyes narrowed as she watched what happened in front of her. Powers, that was cool, but hobos jumping in and out of windows, and someone going out of there way to stop a flashbang. Too much. At least the sprinklers had let up, and eventually came to a cease. Eh, her hair was messed up now cause of it, so maybe that was more of salt to the wound.

"I don't have time for this," she mumbled, mostly under her breath as she panted trying to steady herself on the wall. Her other gripped the assault rifle, turning the safety on before getting to an upright position. She ran her hand through those dark brown strands, moving the lochs that were sticking to her face out of her way. That same hand found its way to her pocket, where she took another one of the pills. Then another.....

She didn't take much longer before she would move forward and pass the two newcomers, eyeing Abigail,"Ya' should get look at y'know." She didn't say much else before she vanished. Walking, walking, and now she was back outside with the rest of the group who were at or near the van(s) they used to get there. She let her powers down and sat on the ground and leaned against the tire,"I just wanted french fries."​
Abigail originally tensed up at being almost completely ignored by Truth. Did he not see her arm, or did he just care more about the random stranger? Regardless, he gave barely an introduction before turning to his new friend, the bone-man.

Both of them looked terrible, with their clothes in tatters and their bodies looking like they went through hell. The taller one, Remington he called himself, seemed to have some sort of a bone-manipulating ability. As she continued inspecting him, Tatyana walked up to her and told her... What? She didn't understand, and before she could say anything about it Tatyana had walked away, heading to the ground floor, it seemed.

Abigail nearly doubled over as another wave of pain hit her through her arm. She wanted to scream, as the pain was nearly killing her, but she wouldn't let it take her down. "Let's go." Abigail said to them, keeping their conversation short. They needed to be at the ground floor well before police arrived.
Kennithan looked at the hand that was outstretched. "We can be properly introduced later when we can be absolutely sure that we're safe to let our guards down." He looked to Abigail, squinting his eyes at her. He stared at her for a moment before looking over at the bone-man. "So... Remington. Mind if you patch her up a bit?" He asked, crossing his arms. His body seemed calm but his eyes held their vision on the larger man as if he was holding a knife to his throat. He was still unsure as to even his own 'Hostage's true intentions. So he definitely wasn't willing to trust some strange man with what seemed like healing powers that drained him.

"Unless you're-" He said this while turning his head ever-so-slightly at his 'Hostage' to signal he was talking to her. Despite his eyes still being on the large male in front of them. "-Not okay with that. In which case we can take some pain meds for you." He watched curiously as to how the two of them would react to such suggestions. "We may not have much more time. If common sense has taught me anything, it's that these agents don't just give up. They usually send waves bodies your way. So we should really get out of here soon."
Shifting his weight, Remington turned towards Abigail, he didn't wait for permission, nor did he feel he needed it. The transference of damage was instant as his arm shot out and he let his palm connect with her forehead, that's how that part of things worked with him. He shuddered slightly as he felt his body react and begin rapidly mending itself. He nodded to Kennithan.

"She'll not even remember the shadow of it now. But Aye, Leavin' that's for us now. These priggs don't know when ta let up. Ye kill a gaggle or two O them and they keep on comin'. It's nearly amusin' till they start gasin' ya..." He offered a hand towards Abigail, not taking his gaze off of Kennithan, it had been there the whole time. "Come on Lass, Time ta get. Do ye need a hand outta here?" He asked politely.

Remington's large form had almost completely repaired the damage he'd transferred, which, for him, had come in the form of bruises, rather large ones, but simply bruises. He was fully immune system aware too, so the bruises actually coagulated, and then the damaged tissue was absorbed by his body rapidly. The changed skin tone shifted quickly from one tone to the next until he was completely back to normal. Remington looked towards the elevator.

"The lift might still work for ye lighter folk, but I think as I am now, it'd be a bit too fragile for a big'un like me..." He said, rolling his shoulders, "I'll.. just take the stairs or what not..." He said with a hint of humor in his voice.


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