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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

As Nadia faded in the back of the squad car she could hear the sirens of police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks getting louder and louder as they sped forward to get to the scene of the car crash. A long breath pushed out of her and she was out. But after a while she felt her body being jostled around. The sun shone down on her face, making her once black vision, one of red. Her eyelids twitched before she cracked them open, the sun filling in her green irises. Nadia squinted at the brightness but she was able to figure out why her body was being jostled around.

People pushed her on a gurney towards the back of an ambulance with it's doors open and ready. Her eyes closed. She sighed. Her eyes opened, she saw scrubs. Her eyes closed. Her eyes opened. She saw faces, a man and a woman. Her eyes closed. "She's conscious." came the unfamiliar female voice. The gurney rattled as they pushed her on the asphalt towards the truck. Finally they pushed her into it. Her eyes opened to see the light of the sun being shut out by the slamming of the double doors. A face appeared before hers as they strapped a device around her neck and put something on her face. Her eyes blinked rapidly from the unfamiliarity of it all.

She could hear jumbles of talking around her and beeping but she couldn't quite make sense of it all. Finally she was out again. She knew she would wake up again in the hospital....well if she was lucky. Hopefully they wouldn't find out what she was just from a few simple tests. Her skin was dirty and her hair was a ratty mess as she lied unconscious on the gurney as the ambulance pulled away and began the journey to the hospital where they could treat her.
Within Remington Humanitas' nearly comatose mind...

It was test day again, and Remington had woken up inside the testing chamber. They had placed him inside with an affray of vicious creatures. Vicious fighting dogs, venomous snakes, and hunger crazed boars, and somehow, even a tiger, who looked like it was nearing the end of it's life, it's claws and fangs however, were still just as sharp. Remington gazed about at the animals, two of the dogs were already fighting, the snakes were coiled up in a group, hissing at anything that got close, the boards were huddled in a corner, staring out with ominous, intelligent caution, and the tiger, well, he was pacing at the edges of the room, like the caged beast he was.

Remington glared up at the observation room, he knew what they expected of him, what they wanted. To see how he fought, to see what he was capable of. He felt weak though, he felt like he had just barely woken up from a bad hangover. It clicked inside his head, They had never woken him up for food, never injected him with vitamins and nutrients, he was weak because they had starved him. But why? Confusion lit across his face for a moment as he began reinforcing his muscle structure, reinforcing his bone structure. Within seconds he was ready to deal with what was in front of him, and behind, but he was running on fumes. He was already breathing heavily as the first of the animals came towards him, The snakes had become agitated by his mutation, that and the corner they had taken residence in was physically pushing them forward with some form of automation Remington didn't quite care about. All he knew was there was a group of very angry, venomous snakes that had begun attacking one another, and he was the next closest thing to them. He stayed relaxed and the first one that struck at him, he dodged back, and crushed it's head with his foot.

"Sorry mate... World's cruel..." he muttered. He genuinely felt bad, he hated hurting animals.

A moment later, the crunching sound spurned the rest of the snakes towards him, and they sank fangs into him repeatedly. He lashed out, kicking them away, or crushing them underfoot, "Why'd it have to be snakes. Blast it." He felt the venom coursing through his veins, and groaned slightly. He was able to regenerate a lot of damage, but snake venom, it took it's toll and it took it fast. He collapsed and the boars heard the meaty thump. Had his blood been pumping any faster, he would have been dead, but as the boars approached him, he reached out to push one of them away.

Remington paused, mid push, an idea coming to him. If he could transfer damage, what else could he transfer, what else could he drain from a target. He reached out to the animal, it was skittish, so it took him a lunge to get a grip on the beasts hide. He pressed his hand against the animals back, muttering, "Sorry lad..." He felt the effects of the venom reduce, as he transferred the damage it caused to the boar. But he took a moment, and tried something else, he tried to take from the creature, but what, he couldn't comprehend, then, it began to happen, bio-electrical charges flashed between him and the animal, it was a strange feeling, for his own bio-electrical energy to control the other creatures internal chemistry. He felt the electrical in his body surge and flare as it danced across the animal, a moment later, his body began to absorb the creatures vital essence. The boars tissues began to decay, it's bones became brittle as Remington's body drained it. He pulled back and pushed himself to his feet, gasping, he was in shock, staring at his own hand in horror.

"What... Did I just.. How Ken that be possible..?" He muttered. Remington looked up at the observation room, and then back to his own hand, before he shouted, "Is this what you wanted to see?? To see what I could do?"

The other boar was nudging it's companion, who had fallen and was breathing heavily. Remington stared down at the animal with a frown, before he shook his head, "I wont do it... Ye can't make me..." He placed his hand on the beasts body, and mended it's body slightly, just enough that it would survive. He glanced around the room, the tiger was still pacing, still watching, the two dogs, had ceased their fight, and were staring at Remington, his interaction with the boar had not gone unnoticed. He looked up at the observation room, muttering, "Looks like they ken see one of their own..." He had an angry, hateful look in his eyes as the room began to fill with gas that would put him to sleep. "Bastards..." He murmured.

The dream blended away into utter darkness as Remington slumbered in the near comatose state he'd been put into from the overuse of his abilities. He lay on the pavement, his body in a terrible condition, but it recalled the skill it had used then, the still nearly infantile ability to steal life essence from another living being, one that Remington was still tentative about using, his body remembered, and it knew how to save him as a last resort.
Min knelt beside Remmy unsure of what to do. The sirens were drawing closer but there was no way she could run away with Remmy nor would she just leave him behind. He needed help, more than what she could give him but could she really trust the hospital to give it? What if they just caught them and held them until the labs showed up to collect them again? The thought of returning back to that white and gray hell made her feel nauseous with fear and anxiety. Phantom pains rippled across her skin of the possible punishment she would have to endure for participating in the break out and actually leaving the complex. The teen was so caught up in her mini-panic attack she couldn't hear much past the loud beating of her own heart as her breaths sped up and became shortened. The voice of the only other crash survivor was faint and far away.

The sirens screamed as they finally arrived on the scene and a small army of police and, firefighters and EMTs scattered jumping straight work in securing the area and treating the victims of the crash. Min was still lost in her anxiety which was immediately noticed the state of the girl and approached with caution. People were unpredictable in time of high stress, this was no exception.

Min jumped slightly as new people entered her line of sight. She edged back noticing their uniforms their voices were still muffled and unclear among all of the noise around her, a quickened pulse. She stared at the brunet woman who was trying to look as non threatening and helpful but Min wasn't so trusting, not any more. When the woman reached out the teen flinched away and bolted to her feet wanting to get as far away from the uniformed woman. The sudden movement coupled with her hyperventilating made her light headed and stumble.

In all of her panicking she had forgotten to actually breath. What little energy she had left after the escape was quickly fading much to the girls dismay. Even as darkness edge her vision she tried to keep her coordination enough to attempt an escape but failed miserably. The brunet she was trying to flee from ended up catching the thin underweight girl before she could fully collapse onto the heard asphalt and easily moved her onto a near by stretcher. Min groaned lightly trying to cling to consciousness. The few moments before losing completely consciousness she could feel a mask being put over her nose and mouth as a other hands started to check her over and make sure she had no hidden injuries. Muffled voices muddled with the sound of more sirens and the chopper overhead before she blacked out.
The medics had constant issues with trying to get 'Truth' loaded into the ambulance. Any time they tried to lift on his skin, they would just slip off of him as they could never really acquire any grip. It took them several minutes to find out that they all had to lift on his tattered and torn clothing, many of them having to do awkward things like grabbing ahold of his waistband, grabbing the cloth under his armpits, and pushing on his pants to maneuver him around to put him onto the stretcher.

The medics who had strapped him in, made sure to fabricate an 'over-the-shoulder' harness and a belt to wrap around each leg so he could not just slide about in the ambulance. He looked as though he was being fit to be transferred to an insane asylum. They all seemed to look at the man they just strapped in with disgust. It was quite obvious that they knew who he was from all of the publicity he had. His face was as Iconic as a movie star by now. One of the reasons that he typically wore hooded jackets to travel around. And apparently many of the medics carried a personal grudge due to them having to care for all of the people he hurt. Granted, all of them were deserving of getting their arms or legs broken, but the poor medics were the ones being worked to the bone.

"This little shit..." The female medic hissed down at him.

"Calm yourself, Sara. He's just another patient." The male medic sighed.

"It almost makes me happy... That usually smug face with blood dripping out of his mout-"

She was cut off half way. "SARA!! What the hell are you saying?! He has made our job hell, but the guys he sends us are scum bags."

"Oh don't give me that crap! You know as good as I do that he is breaking the law!" The conversation carried on in the back of the ambulance as the driver and passenger up in the front called in to tell the dispatcher that they were en-route to the hospital. The ambulance Kennithan was in was the last to leave. His body ended up being the most tricky to move and was the only reason for them being tardy.
There was, all at once, a veritable explosion of people in the kitchen... so many so that Ginny, who was typically unbothered by crowds felt the pressing weight of anxiety in the back of her mind, a nearly palpable sensation which was, by no means, pleasant or welcome. But, at least before the accident, this was something she was entirely accustomed to. Weddings were wonderful occasions, filled with happiness and laughter, love and life... but they were also terrifying, insane roiling balls of stress, which, when left unchecked could result in chaos and drama equivalent to Pompeii.

Frowning softly, she looked first to the man in front of her. She'd heard what he said, clearly... The words resonating in her mind with something of a hollow feeling. Even without the mess of people around and the intensity of the situation, she could not possibly have processed what he had told her without great difficulty. In that moment, it was impossible.

On top of that, there was still Tatyana to the left of her, raving over the sandwich... hardly a culinary masterpiece, and a brief exclamation from Sean concerning Lucy... or Lucy's cousin.

Feeling overwhelmed and a little dizzy, Ginny looked to Ohm, shaking her head... "What's going on?"

Ohm faltered, looking to Ginny for a moment before he finally spoke. "Your sister - she is not lost as you originally believed. Not in a sense anyhow," he explained, placing an armored hand on her back and moving her away from the clutter of people for just a second - giving the others a gaze that said he'd return soon.

"Please, let us discuss this somewhere that isn't so teeming with life, hm?" he said with a kind smile, moving slightly away from the kitchen until they were just away from the others. "I believe your sister has been transformed into a being of energy - mad as that may sound." Clearing his throat, he watched her the best he could, unable to tell her expression without the aid of his augmented vision. "Without my mask, you see, I am able to see her. However, Michael - the male I just introduced you to - is able to speak with her using telepathy."

He stopped for a moment to let all of this sink in, placing his hand on the girl's shoulder and squeezing in a comforting gesture.

Looking around, as if by his words alone Ginny might somehow be able to see her too, she met Ohm's gaze with one of disbelief, "...I don't understand. She... why... why wouldn't she..."

Shaking her head, she glanced back to the kitchen, "...Sean said something about an accident. We... maybe we should deal with that, first?"

Following her, Ohm shook his head. He knew what she was doing and wasn't about to let it slide.

"There was an accident, but this is more important. We have the people to handle this... if you would like, I can go with them. You and Michael can stay. This is your sister, Ginny," he said with a smile. "I know it is not the easiest thing to deal with, but you must."

Ginny frowned, shaking her head, "I... Oswald, this... You have to know how little sense this makes?"

There would be no argument, however, and they were wasting time as it was, "...Fine. But you should stay, too. Oswald, you are too important to Tourniquet to go rushing off Lord knows where... We have no idea what the situation might be, if there are GenMuts involved. If the Syndicate is involved..."

Ohm chuckled, but understood where she was coming from. "I know it must sound strange, Virginia, but if I'd not seen it with my own eyes it would be an entirely different story," he explained, strange white eyes studying her.

"As for the situation... I feel myself compelled to help simply because of just who I am in Tourniquet." He smiled almost sheepishly. "Call me foolish, but there's something to be said for the feeling of hope you can present to another just by being there."

"If the Syndicate is involved," he continued, frowning lightly, "that is all the more reason for me to put myself into harms way over anyone else. Pardon my language, but I'll be damned if I'll let the very people I've helped rush out into danger without the few skills I have backing them."

"...And you realize that could entirely what the Syndicate is banking on? They know the type of you are, Oswald. You could be walking right into a trap..."

The man smiled that strange smile again. "I'd rather walk into a trap than have others fall for the same. And even if I manage to get captured, I have faith that this place and this organization can live on without me."

"...Just... just promise me you'll be careful? You know that we would go on if we had to, but no one here wants to see that happen."

His smile replaced by a grin, Oswald gave a nod. "Of course. And I'm always careful!" he joked, flexing his armored hand. "Now, lets go talk to Michael about you getting re-acquainted with your sister."

Nodding, Ginny frowned, looking back to the kitchen, "...Sure. Because that doesn't sound like an awkward conversation in the making..."

Ohm chuckled. "Any conversation can be awkward until you're in it, Ginny. The trick is twisting it into something that isn't!" he said with a grin and a wink. "Now, let's go 'face the music' and I can get started on planning for this excursion into the outside world."

"...Sometimes, Oswald, I hate you." Smiling grimly, Ginny shook her head, before following him back into the kitchen. As Oswald made his way over to where Lucy stood, Ginny approached Michael, frowning softly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. It... It's just a lot to take in... She... I thought she was..." Biting her lip, she lowered her gaze, "You can really speak to her?"
Agent Black

Black sat in a corner, the tail of a rat trapped under his thumb. He watched with the greatest of interest as it tried to free itself. It wriggled and writhed, it's small, clawed feet scratching against the ground, it's head and body moving eratically, but still it was unable to move. It turned on him, trying to get out the other way. It bit his finger, but the gloves prevented him from really feeling it. It continued it's struggling, scratching and biting, running and fighting as hard as it could, but to no avail. He smiled darkly behind his mask, before he heard footsteps coming towards him.

As he looked to the person coming towards him, the pressure he was putting on the rat's tail decreased for an instant, and it skittered off. He watched it disappear around the corner and then looked up at the woman who approached him.

"You made me lose my toy."

The woman, clearly appalled, took a step back and then regained her neutral expression. "You have been given an assignment. Some of our escapees have been found on their way to the hospital. You are to either retrieve them, or eliminate them. Bring Agent White."

Black stood and nodded, walking in the opposite direction of the woman. He walked into a room, quiet as usual, and tapped White on the shoulder. "Hospital. Let's go." He walked on without another word, assuming white was following him. Black shrugged on the coat his was holding and pulled his gloves tighter to his hands.

White watched as that blob retreated and sighed gently looking over his own body making sure everything was in tact. If that one ever caught him off guard and took him whole, he'd be a goner for sure. His healing factor can't recover cells from nothing.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he removed the phone from his robe and called back to HQ. A quick explanation of the situation, and the phone had found its way back to its resting place. He glanced around to make sure it was clear before slipping back down into a puddle and back the way he came through the sewers before appearing back in the room he was in before he had come about.

He had to admit, that was a bit of a more exciting mission than he had been on recently, but he still wasn't a fan of the retrieval of escapees. He wasn't a zoo keeper, not a dog catcher. He was a trained agent at kicking ass and taking names. He took his right hand to move one of his long twists of hair from his face before he felt a tap on his shoulder,"Hospital? Let's go? I just back. I'm not even sick..."

He trailed off raising his arms in protect, but could only suck the air between his teeth when he realized black wasn't going to stop and just began to follow him. "Yay, more zoo keeper roles!"

@King Of Imagination
Subject gurgled as it stumbled through the tunnels, its deformed eyes and face looking closely into the darkness, an action the revealed nothing except that it was dark and it had no idea where it was going. However, it was unable to stop its forward motion as its desire for food pushed it without pause, the gut feeling taking control and wiping out any reason Subject possessed on its own. Every step accompanied with sizzling, Subject felt the minute amounts of nutrients it got from the floor circulate through its body, but Subject's impatience did not allow it to stop and eat the floor, which would have taken hours, whereas finding a Human would satiate her hunger faster than anything she could think of.

Her arms by her side, the formless appendages swinging through the air without any set course, Subject actually swayed along with the arms as well, their path becoming a tempting tempo to set itself to. Its entire body began to sway to the pace of its movements, and the darkness surrounded it as the small lights surrounding shed no light whatsoever on her path. Her hunger was becoming terrible now, the intense feeling making its entire body tempted to eat itself to at least eat something!

Looking around, desperate for anything to keep her sane from this incoming madness, Subject screamed into the darkness, her desperation giving her the willpower to form her throat muscles and vocal chords. Subject quieted down after the short burst of sound, and listened to the silence that followed the loud noise. Subject's waiting paid off as the silence was pierced suddenly as a loud sound of surprise echoed back into Subject hearing range. Its head whipping to where its entire body could hear it. Its body decomposing, Subject began to slither like a snake towards where the voice came from, its entire being charging towards where it would most assuredly get to eat.

It paid no attention to the small vermin that scampered away from her movement, the squeaks of terror not being able to keep it interested. It was almost driven off its course as one of the escaping vermin got caught in its body mass, but it wrenched itself from the small meal and kept going towards the bigger source of food that was waiting for it. Letting the vermin go from its acidic grasp, the vermin, a large black rat, lay screaming on its back, the skin peeling off and its entire body system deconstructing from the leftover slime Subject had left covering it.

Subject was about to get lost in the darkness once more, but became determined as she heard a sound coming from where she had first heard the noise. Speaking with what it was able to pick out as concern, the light voice, higher pitched than it was accustomed to, called out a few times, some in nervousness and others in confusion. These call outs were important, because otherwise Subject would not be able to reach them with all the trouble it had run into along the way. Subject's entire body shivered in satisfaction as it felt an object in its slippery path, a something that seemed like the tip of the iceberg of something it would find much more suitable for its appetite.

Ignoring the startled gasp and frightened screaming, Subject pounced upwards and right dab into the chest of its lightly built prey. The weak prey screamed wildly as Subject covered it, slowly savoring the taste and feel of the extra mounds on its chest, giving away its status as a Squishy Human. Subject took the time to imagine this Squishy Human was the Special Squishy Human from before that had gotten away with all the other Special Humans, a thought which suddenly left a sour taste in its...body?

Almost in reaction to its sour thoughts, the prey began to scream louder as the acidic liquid grew even more destructive, soaking into her skin and quickly taking it apart on a cellular level and pillaging the nutrients, along with all the other stuff that Subject could find a use for in the coming days. Subject was satisfied, yet disappointed as the screaming and moving stopped, happy that it had made the job easier, but unhappy that it had taken a lot of the fight and fun out of eating. Reaching the skeletal level of the Squishy Human, Subject quickly finished up the solid, uncovered bones and soaked in the nutrients of the bone marrow, before finally stopping in a puddle, giving no awareness to the puddle it was forming by staying int he same spot for some time.

Subject began to bulge out of the slime puddle, however it stopped as its entire body seemed to lock into place in an instant, the nonexistent joints seemingly locking up and leaving Subject no way to move. Subject was even quizzical, and slightly worried, as the feeling of satisfaction from eating began to quickly disperse, no, gather into one spot, almost solidifying into some sort of solid ball in the center of its abdomen.

Then, when the entire sensation of goodness and weirdness left, Subject tried to move once more, before the ball exploded and it was struck with the most intense pain of its life, the screaming filling the tunnel and becoming muddled as its sharp hold over the slime that made up its body dulled and its mouth began to get muddled. Over time, it was just gurgling extremely loudly, like someone had stuck a muffle over its mouth. Then, suddenly as it started, the pain stopped and Subject was able to form, but not without great hesitation. Yet, where Subject thought it would be feeling some sort of phantom pains, it felt more...complete.

Moving to the dim light of the tunnel, Subject looked closely at itself, and stared quizzically as it looked even closer at its arm, which had taken on a slight change over the course of time of its last meal. Instead of the orange it had been its entire life, Subject saw that it was now a more darkish yellow, maybe a light tint of orange. Yet, that was not the only change, Subject, for whatever reason, felt...faster.
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The trip to the hospital was spent wholefully in aggravated yelling and the noisy clattering of emergency supply boxes and drawers being opened and closed frantically. The female nurse, Sara, had apparently tried to put an IV bag (Intravenous therapy bag) in Kennithan in hopes to aid him with any blood loss he may have suffered during the accident. She had been swayed to help him after the male nurse, Robert, reminded her of the 'job-details' that she fully understood before entering into the position. But that detail didn't seem to be worth much by the look of things, now. She was flinging drawers open, unwrapping needles, and trying everything in her power to stab one into the poor unconscious man they came to know as 'Truth'.

"What the hell is wrong with this bozo?!" She ushered out a growl only an aggravated woman could muster. "GET STABBED!!"

Robert tried to grasp onto her just about the time she bent another needle while aiming for 'Truth's eye-socket. "You can't ram a needle in there, Sara!"

"Well I can try, dang it!" She even tried to ram a needle into his ear canal, but alas, his ear-drum also denied the needle passage.

The ambulance rounded a turn as Robert tried to lean forward and grasp ahold of her and restrain her. The result was him flying over the gurney and landing on top of her with his hands on his chest. "I said to sto-"

"How dare you-" She started, stabbing him in the arm with the bent needle.

"I didn't mean to- Ah-Fraaack!" he winced and grabbed her by her arms. "Aaawww to hell with it." He yanked her up and tied her to the gurney next to him while she was still kicking and screaming. "Are we there yet?"

The driver let out a sigh. "Almost..." Just as Sara started to let loose the same kind of womanly growl as before; a kind of *Ooooh!* sound mixed in.
The sight was one for sore eyes, surely. Bits of banana had been chewed up in his mouth, which had been agape. Sean was still sitting on the floor, practically in a pool of his own tears as he continued taking small bites out of the fruit. That is when another person made herself known.

Orion had asked if he was all right, but chances were she had not gotten an appropriate response aside from some extremely light sobbing. Hues turned up to the female just as her hand found its way into his face. He continued looking at her as the hand squished his nose, found both of his cheeks and his forehead.

There was an awkward pause that ensued, to which Sean slowly got up to his feet. Placing the banana peel in the bin belonging to the pantry, he waited for the woman’s response. It was a lone apology, something that made Sean think. Typically speaking, the Irishman was not exactly one for awareness, but a couple of things were surely making themselves known right here and now. The woman reached out to him and touched a random part of his face before apologizing. Why would she?

Normally speaking, people do not reach out to one another and apologize for touching them in the first place, especially in areas they did not expect. Further analysis mixed with a slight amount of personal experience had Sean coming to the conclusion that Orion was blind. It made small things, like the woman finding him just to see if he was okay, so much more substantial in comparison.

A small smile became painted upon his face as he bowed his head slightly. “Aye. I’m a’right. That’s what I get for worryin’ bout my cakehole all the time.” Sean chuckled softly. It had not been the first time his drastic search for food ended in self-harm. Hands found the girl’s own, bringing her digits to her face. Once he had placed both of them on there, he let the girl’s palms go and dropped his own back to his sides. He gave Orion ample time to do some facial exploring.

@Kagura @shoutouttomykitchenpeoples
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"Luce! Good job, you nailed it!" A young girl rushed up to her, engulfing her in a hug. Lucy squeezed back just as hard. "Thanks, cous!" She separated herself as to not get her sweat all over the small girl. She had just finished her high-jump competition. Her father gave her a pat on the back. "You had a nice form out there, kiddo." Grinning and satisfied with the praise, she grabbed Min's hand, dragging her off whilst yelling things about deserving snacks and soda and-

A loud yell broke her out of her rushed trip down memory lane. She felt lightheaded. It was a hard way to see her cousin again after so long. How did she get into the kitchen? It was brimming with people, she quickly noted. Ginny and Ohm had managed to leave the room and re-enter the room, before Lucy had snapped out of her daze. "Uh... t-the news!" Her eyes turned frantically from person to person, even to the ones, she had not met yet. Words would be useful, Lucy. Right. "We were watching television, and the news came on, a car crash happened on the highway, the camera zoomed in and-!" She took a sharp breath, talking fast. "I don't really get it, but the camera zoomed in on the passengers and Min was one of them!"

Her arms had moved animatedly along her quick-recap. Realizing, she might've been a bit too vague, she explained: "I mean, Min is the name of my cousin, I haven't seen her in ages, but I can recognize her anywhere... S-she might be hurt, and... I don't know, I might be freaking out, oh boy..." Grabbing a kitchen-counter to lean on, she took a deep breath. What was she expecting? She didn't even know these people, and they didn't know her - they certainly didn't know Min. It's not like they could just blast out of their hide-out, and go find her... Or? "W-what do I do?"

Abigail had walked alongside emergency personnel, outright refusing any help for her injuries. The wreck was huge, Abigail had even seen close ups of herself and the girl who had stayed conscious throughout the wreck, she knew that those who had been looking for genmuts would soon be arriving, and she had to have her gun, had to be prepared.

Eventually, she was led to a small room and told to lie down while minor tests were done. She hesitantly agreed, and allowed a nurse to examine her for any lasting injuries. As soon as the nurse was finished, a gurney carrying the other fairly uninjured crash victim arrived, and two paramedics gently set the girl on the bed next to Abigail's.

Eventually, the personnel would finish doing their job, giving the girl a minor checkup, and left. With them gone, Abigail forced herself up to check the room for bugs. Her paranoia may have been getting the best of her, but she had to be sure that they weren't being listened to. After a moment, when she was confident there was nothing she could find, Abigail began staring out the window, trying to find what floor she was on, at the very least.

The city was lost beneath them, at least fifteen floors below. Abigail could see the lights of the city, illuminating the night sky. It seemed that they had no real escape route, not without stairs or an elevator, at least.

The smell of alcohol and ammonia was the first thing to greet Min as she started to wake. Pain pulsated in her head increasing sharply when she opened her eyes to bright white lights. A small groan escaped as she closed her eyes once more bringing a hand up to rub her eyes. The sound of steady beeping and mummer of voices sprinkled with familiar medical jargon told her that she was in a hospital. Why? She couldn't really remember. She just hoped her parents weren't too worried.

Min tried to think back as to why she was even in the hospital and dug back into the depths of her hazy mind. Twisted metal and sirens, she had been in a wreck. One that should have killed her but Rem saved her. The strange Irish man who was surprisingly nice. Anxiety and fear slammed into her chest breaking what calm she had as she remember why she was in the wreck in the first place. She had finally escaped the white hell she'd been in for possibly months.

The teen's eyes snapped open as she sat up causing a rush of pain to fill her head. The pain was only an after thought though, she looked around making sure she was in a hospital and not some sort of prison. She wasn't at least not yet.

Upon turning around, Abigail found that her companion was awake. She looked familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. "Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty." She said, trying to force an air of familiarity.

Min brushed the hair from her face as she looked around trying to orient herself to the room. She sighed softly rubbing her temples trying to ease the pain in her head. She knew part of it was from not eating for nearly two days. She jumped slightly when a voice spoke up and looked over seeing dark skinned woman sitting on the bed next to her. She blinked a few times feeling a sense of familiarity with her but couldn't remember a name. "H-hi..." She muttered softly a bit of fear entering her voice.

"Hello!" Abigail said, her voice sounding welcoming and kind. "You've been unconscious for only a few minutes, the ride here was quick." She held out a hand, her burns extremely obvious without gloves of any kind. "I'm Abigail Jones, a cop. You are?"

Min stared at to woman for a moment "I'm Min Qiang" she replied hesitantly reaching out to shake her hand. The name sounded familiar but she wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing. A small shiver ran through her as her anxiety started to build. She had to figure out a way to get out of the hospital.

"Qiang, Qiang..." Abigail said the name quietly, knowing that she knew the name, but unable to remember from where. She took another moment, mentally shifting from memory to memory to find just how she knew this strange girl.

After a few seconds, she realized how she knew the girl. "Tatyana!" Abigail said aloud, realizing how they knew one another.

Min blinked a few times staring at the odd woma-----n "Tatyana?" She muttered thinking to her self a moment placing the name. "oh....oh! Taty!" Min gasped the memories finally clicking of the strong willed woman. "Yes, your friends with Tatyanna."

"I am. We had a nice little rivalry going." Abigail said, feeling something strange upon the realization. What was it? It was odd, a feeling of warmth, of... Happiness? She shook it away, no, that wasn't what it was, she was still recovering from the wreck. "It's good to see that you're alive."

Min smiled softly her anxiety dropping for once in a long time. "Y-yeah... good to see you are alive as well..." she muttered softly. "You were part of the wreck as well?"

"I was." Abigail said, still contemplating what she felt. She didn't know what else to say, if she hadn't found the bug then their conversation could easily be listened to. But if there was no bug then Min needed to be warned of their impending threat. "I need you to be ready, in case something happens." Abigail said, being as vague as possible. She didn't want to worry Min too much or tip anyone off.

The mention of something happening brought back her anxieties she averted her eyes and rubbed her arms slightly feeling another chill. "I know... I want to get out of here..." she muttered. "I have to I don't want to go back..." fear tainted her voice as her eyes flickered from the door to the window expecting someone to enter only to drag her off to her prison. Her heart rate picked up and it reflected on the monitors.

Abigail sensed the girl's anxiety, and the monitor's only aided in pointing it out. Immediately she went to work rectifying her mistake, not wanting medical personnel coming in at such an inopportune moment. "Please, calm down Min. I'm a cop, I'll get you out of here save and sound, but you have to trust me." She said, talking slowly and calmly in the hopes of making the girl less stressed. She was curious as to where 'back' was, but the girl's anxiety came first.

Min chewed on her bottom lip not sure if 'calming down' would be as simple as task as she was being asked. "But... some of them are cops to..." the thin scrub fabric along her upper arm bunched up in her hands as she clenched them into fists. A realization dawning on her "Please don't take me back." She quickly looked back to the woman "Please I'll do anything just don't take me back to the labs!" she pleaded. The teen was terrified almost in full blown panic.

"Look, I promise you I'm not going to hurt you. What labs are you talking about?" Abigail said, her curiosity getting the better of her. She needed, no, she only wanted to find what the girl was talking about. The kid had been a lab rat, and she had been changed a lot for it. Another idea dawned on Abigail as she realized that she could use the girl's emotions to better calm her down. "What happened to make you feel this way? You're so confident and tough with Tatyana around, don't you think she'd be proud of you if you kept that confidence all the time?" She asked, wanting Min to think of what her teacher would do in this situation.

Min tried to for her breath to remain even so she didn't pass out from hyperventilating again. Her heart rate was still accelerated but not dangerously so. "I... don't know what labs..." she muttered realizing she had never really been given any indication of where she was and she didn't pay attention during the escape. "There were others... being tested on..." She added her left hand moving slightly to rub one of the scars gained from an acid burn. "A lot of tests..." she looked towards the door anxiety still high.

She looked back to Abigail suspicion and fear reading in her eyes as she stared at the woman. She had only promised not to hurt her not keep her out of hell. That mean little to nothing for Min. Abby wouldn't hurt her that doesn't mean others wouldn't either. "Confidence? How... they're everywhere. They could be right out side the door, for all I know your helping them!" She replied sharply her paranoia and anxiety getting the better of her. Her breathing increased little by little as the need for an escape became more urgent. The teen's eyes glanced from the woman to the window and back to the door as she started untangling and disconnecting her self from the machinery that had been monitoring her vitals. She couldn't just sit there and wait for them to collect her.

"Alright, Min, you have to listen to me." Abigail began, her voice slowly lowering in volume. She had no choice, She needed the girl's trust more than anything, otherwise she probably would be impossible to budge. It was worth revealing herself.

"Just watch, okay?" Abigail said as she walked to the metal leg of her bed. She didn't want to do this, but she really had no choice if she wanted the girl to listen to her. It was really a fifty/fifty chance of whether or not the girl had powers, but Abigail needed to take it.

It only took her a moment to 'warm up' her powers. After that was done, she grabbed the front left leg of the bed and heated it as much as she could, not making it glow or anything fancy, but easily weakening it so she could break it off. With it broken, she set it on the ground for her new companion to see, hoping it would help her.

Min Looked up at the other woman hands still shaking slightly as she tried to detach herself from the equipment. She didn't get very far though. She watched the woman suddenly grab the leg of the hospital bed and break it off as if it were nothing. She stared at her a moment longer "You're one... as well?"

"Yes." Abigail said, not bothering to explain. They didn't really have time to think about any of that, at least not at the moment. She would have to explain her heat-based powers eventually, but when there was likely someone looking for them with the goal of hurting them, it wasn't the time.

"Do you know how to use this?" Abigail asked, pulling her taser out. She didn't want to risk leaving the girl unprotected, especially if their fears were warranted, but if she couldn't aim there would be no point in giving it to her. Abigail herself would keep her gun, which luckily hospital personnel never took, mostly thanks to her own objections to it.

Min was slightly relived that she also had powers. It eased her anxiety slightly but it was progress away from a panic attack. She flinched slightly when a tazer was pulled before nodding her head slightly. Though the only experience she had was one being used on her she still knew how it was used. "Kind of..."

"Alright, just aim and pull the trigger. It's pretty easy, and it won't hurt anyone permanently." Abigail said, reassuring the girl. She needed her to be at her best if someone came in, they couldn't be caught too off guard.

Min nodded her head slightly "O-okay..." she muttered slightly looking at the device in her hand still not sure if she would even hit something with it.

@Kazanna @Morridan @Shura @#CarWreckCrew @King Of Imagination @HIllzie
The rather large hallway had been oddly quiet. Shadows raced back and forth along the windows of each door that lined the hallways. One of said doors was open and was having multiple 'beds' taken out and switched to a different room. A shadow stopped in front of the door on the other side of the hallway. "Doctor, he has arrived." A female voice chimed out. Her tone was full of kindness but had a hint of worry in it.

"Good. We're getting the room ready." A male voice responded back, obviously the doctor. "Oh, and you tell anyone you see... If they so much as WHISPER about 'Truth' being here, I will have their job. We do not need the hallways crammed full of the media."

"A-alright." The female voice responded back, slightly confused.

several minutes passed with little to no action within the hallway in question. The male voice growled out, breaking the silence. "What is taking them so long?" Another shadow passed Min and Abigail's door, signaling that the doctor had left. The intercom along the hallways echoed out the names of several doctors, asking for their assistance at the emergency entrance. Again, several more minutes passed in complete silence. The feint sound of people chattering with excitement started to grow closer. A few individuals were yelling orders to one another, speaking above the 'crowd' of people that seemed to walk with them.

A series of shadows arrived at Min and Abigail's door. "What is this, a side-show?! You all have other people to care to, get to work!" Complaints rolled on from the crowd in response to such an order being barked back at them. "Bunch of children... You there, help me get a needle in him. There has to be some way..."

Another male voice responded back with "Sir, the paramedics tried to get needles in him... in almost every way possible. And that is not an over-statement... One of them even tried to put it-" He was cut off with another yell.

"Okay, no details needed! Let's try and at least get him hooked up to a heart monitor." The tone in this first male's voice definitely was not a calm nor collected one. In fact, it almost seemed panicked.

"They tried that too. Nothing... sticks either. The only thing they were able to do was fix a respirator on him. And even then-" Again, the male was cut off as the first yelled back.

"Then get one!! Jesus Christ..." A shadow passed Min and Abigail's room once more. "Truth, huh? What a bunch of non-sense. An alien, more like it." There was a long pause as time passed once more. "Hurry it up!! If he somehow dies in our care, we will have the media crawling all over our asses... Not to mention-..." There was a sigh as the man stopped thinking out loud.

Kennithan had been wheeled into the room with the angry doctor. The buzz of people around him never waking him from the sleep he seemed to be stuck within. Over the course of the trip he had been 'stabbed-at', tossed around by his clothing, strapped hap-hazardly onto a gurney, and swarmed by mobs of nurses and aids. When they finally fixed him to his 'respirator' and had it held in place, the readings it gave were all worrisome. His breathing was erratic, shallow, and had long periods where he did not even draw breath.

@LotusSan @Shura @Kazanna @whoeverelsecares
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Subject twitched as it ambled down the dark tunnel, its recently remade legs once again being use to tread the uneven stone of the sewers. Ever since that explosion of pain, Subject had been feeling different, more...clear, the delightful hunger was seemingly hidden for the time being, but Subject could just taste the delicious feeling on the edge of its emotional horizon, just waiting to tip and resume pounding and pressing control that would not let up until it was satisfied once more. Another change had been the legs, which Subject had seen as useless and awkward were now more useable, less uncomfortable.

Before they had felt as if they had been grafted on roughly and weren't fully connected to her mind, but now it was different. As if they had always been there, under its midriff, Subject shifted its weight from one leg to other as it made its way closer and closer to the endless nothingness that had made up its journey so far. While it had gotten the problem of walking correctly out of the way, Subject had encountered another more difficult problem. The burst of pain had caused something to happen that Subject had never thought possible, which was increasing its hunger.

Even now, it could feel a subtle energy pouring through her entire body like a trickle, yet somewhere inside of her, something was waiting for a torrent of this energy. It was this arrival of energy that made Subject realize how incomplete she felt. Every time she ate, the feeling went away for a while, but it always came back with vengeance and never left. Subject began to not be controlled by the Hunger, but to follow it, trust it willingly, as it seemed to be the only guiding force in its life that knew what it was doing and had no problem with showing Subject the full extent of what she could do. It was strange, never had before had it thought of the Hunger as something separate from itself. Was it a good thing, or a bad thing?

Personally, Subject enjoyed the amount of clarity it had gotten after the burst and the new level of observation it was able to put into things. One that that did bug it was how the energy within it still seemed to be uncomfortable with being kept, and her skin kept on jumping in random directions because of it. Not to mention the new yellow skin that it had gained from the transition. It didn't know how the new color fit into whatever else was going on, but it was rather sullen to see its orange sheen go. While it had never cared before gaining self-awareness, Subject had rather fond memories of the mesmerizing color of orange it had possessed for so long. Although, if this new color was one of the prices to pay to get rid of the irritating feeling of being incomplete, than by all means, turn it yellow!

Subject stopped in its tracks as it heard a small squeak of distress come from the bottom of where it had just stepped. Looking down, Subject watched as, in the dim light, a rat the size of her foot scurried away. Subject was about to stop paying attention the rodent, not caring about it as food and only hunting for Humans, when the silent whispers of the Hunger stopped her. The rat stopped as well, thinking it was safe from the distance it had gained, and Subject watched it as the Hunger suggested things to her. Subject places it trust into it and felt her body move, the feeling of needing to feed taking over with grace as Subject rode the waves of pleasure like a pro.

The rat panicked as its entire body was caught by a weird and strange fluid, the little rodent quickly opening its mouth to scream, but only receiving a loud of the liquid forcing its way into the rat's mouth and throat. The rat had no time to be scared of suffocating or drowning however, as the pain quickly caught up. Oh yes, it caught up with the speed and ferocity of a rushing racehorse. Very quickly, the entire body of the rat was gone, and all that was left of the rat was its nutrients, which was quickly absorbed by Subject and sent on a trip through its body, sprinkling each part with the empowering life-force and charging the body for the changes to come.

As Subject felt the last shivers of pleasure retreat, it couldn't help, but let out a violent twitch, the side of its head distending outwards suddenly, with no warning, whatsoever. Subject reared back from the action, almost falling to the floor, but stopped itself as it regained its footing. Subject thought about the rat and wondered why the Hunger was still bothering with the small prey, however it did not complain, no, it wouldn't and couldn't go against is means and methods. It would just have to trust the Hunger.

@Gurgle @Gurgle @Gurgle @Yellow
It was cold, dark, cold, and smelly. Remington heard the guiding voice of his consciousness, the woman he hated laughing at him, her voice compelling him onward, "Come on Remmy, Wake up Ye great Git, I ain't the one wot killed ye, ye great lily livered traitor." Remington's eyes snapped open, but not in reality, not physically. He was in a dream, but it was lucid, he glanced around, and tried to call out, but found he had no mouth, no way to speak. Then he saw her, standing before him, that hideous Glasgow grin on her face. She held her usual weapon, a Scottish Longsword, disguised as a large walking stick. She had "unsheathed" it, prepared it.

"Ah Remmy," She chided, "Ye got yerself all fucked up again, and it weren't even me that did ye in. Didn't ye say the last time we tangled, that nothin would ever get it's claws into ye ever again? That nothin would ever wrong ye as I had?" She grinned, leering at him, "Ye need ta wake up now Remmy, Ye need ta keep yerself alive, so I can kill ye meself."

She threw her head back, opening her horrendously scarred lips wide, the scars on her cheeks giving her a horrible gaping maw as she laughed sadistically. She kicked the tip of the blade forward and brought it up. She held it aloft, ready to strike him down.

"Time Ta Wake Remington MacLeod, Or Should I be callin ye Humanitas Now?? Ironic choice of a name ye great git! Wake up! I'm comin for ya!" She screamed as she brought the blade down towards him.

Remington tried to reach out, tried to grab at the blade, tried to block it, but he found his limbs too heavy to lift, as the blade came towards him, within the dream, time slowed down, his entire life was flashing before his eyes, he recalled all the details of it, every bloody moment, the woman before him, how she'd gained the scars that made her the legend she was with the very sword she held now. He remembered what she had done to him, how bitterly he hated her for it, and he let that anger consume him, he brought his fist forward, as powerfully as his weakened form could, screaming as loudly as his mouth-less face would allow him.

Remington awoke in a shocked state, screaming out, "Gillian! I'll Kill ye, ye damned whore! I'll cut ye ta pieces with yer own sword! I swear it ya bloody fuckin whore!" He screamed aloud as he thrashed around.

He hadn't been strapped down to the examination table he was on, the IV had been injected into him was pumping sorely needed fluids into him, but in his rage, it tore itself away, as he pushed himself to his feet. It didn't take more then a second for an orderly to approach him, and for Remington to collapse against him. He slammed his weakened hands against the man, who took his blows harmlessly.

"Sir, I need you to calm down. Can I get some help in here?" He shouted to the other orderlies and nurses in the hallway.

Remington reached out like lightning, he might have been weakened, but his vice like grip, and lightning fast reflexes had not dulled by much. He grasped at the man's throat and in his enraged, weakened state, tapped into the most primal senses he had, survival at any cost. The orderly tried to pull his hand off of his neck, but Remington's savage mind had other ideas. The primal state his mind had entered used his abilities to survive. He had basic knowledge that he could drain another living creature of it's vital nutrients through the theft of another's bio-kinetic energy in tandem with the draining of vital nutrients in an odd, almost fluid form that left a residue on his skin wherever he made contact. The unfortunate orderly soon felt his body weaken, his grasp on consciousness slipped and his eyes rolled back as he blacked out. Remington felt him go slack, felt his body rapidly restoring, and threw the man away when he'd drained almost half of his vital nutrients. It had taken him close to forty-five seconds of sustained contact after the activation of the ability to create the link and drain half of the mans vital essence. In that time, Remington's mind sank deeper into the startled, frightened fight or flight mind-state. He was in full fight mode, so as the other orderlies burst through the door he launched himself at them. There were four of them, spaced out to keep out of Remington's grasp.

As his mind slipped, Remington slipped into unconsciousness again, his body continuing the fight. He roared as he reached out towards the orderlies, the bones in his arms extending so he could reach them as they tried to pull away from him. He grabbed the first of them by the collar of his scrubs and slammed him against the wall, it was only another moment before his draining grasp began to make a link with the second man, who was rather large. Remington pushed towards him, slamming him against a wall, his right hand holding him tight as the other two orderlies took hold of Remington's shoulders, trying to pull him off. The result was quite a bit worse then they had hoped for, they were drug into the link Remington was forming with the man against the wall. He slammed his fist into the man against the wall's face, knocking him out with the powerful blow, certainly giving him a concussion.

"Wake Up..."

Remington's fist crashed into the unfortunate man's face again, he released another vicious, angry cry as the two orderlies behind him continued to lose their vital essence to him.

"Wake up Rem..."

His fist plowed into the unfortunate man's lower jaw, destroying it beyond natural repair. The two men behind him fell back, unable to retain their grip on the powerful madman, his body began to grow natural defenses.

"Remington... Wake up Ye Fool!"

Remington's eyes cleared, and came back into focus as he was mid punch with the poor man before him. He shuddered, his body was entirely recovered, the combination of four half lives had given him enough physical tenacity to survive quite a bit. He was breathing heavily as he slowly regained control of himself, he released his grip on the man, and noticed how much damage he'd caused the poor man. He shook his head, and reached out, taking him back into his grasp, he transferred much of the damage, that which would threaten the man's life. He left a few choice bruises across the man's face, it'd give him a nasty reminder of what had occurred, and save Remington some energy.

Remington sat down hard on the floor as the security guards finally showed up. He was rapidly regenerating the damage he'd just transferred into himself, It had taken only two and a half minutes for the events to transpire, for Remington Humanitas to wake up, and nearly kill five people with little more then primal, savage, instinctual use of his powers. He grinned slightly as the guards surrounded him.

"Neat trick..." He muttered to himself as the guards moved in towards him, he glanced around, and cast his gaze on the first of the guards, "Where, Are me friends at?"

His feral eyes showed that he was more then ready to kill them all, but the guards knew their job, and expected little resistance, despite the fact he'd just leveled five other men in less then three minutes.
Ohm was swift, after Lucy's information dump, to gather the troops. The news report had been on still and indications were that out of the multitude of people involved in the wreck at least the vast majority appeared to have GenMut abilities. It was, no doubt, on the radar of the Syndicate... and given their proximity versus that of Haven, Tourniquet was already far behind.

The orders were clear and precise... anyone who could and was willing to help was to come along, the others were to put Haven under lockdown until otherwise instructed. Considering the urgency of the situation it was a rather less than dramatic exit, and when the two black vans left the garage a few minutes later, there was no indication they were endeavoring more than a quick trip to the grocery store.

Of course, those involved and those left behind were well aware the circumstances were much more dire than anyone would let off. If the Syndicate got their hands on the injured GenMuts, Haven would never be able to help them. Time was of the essence, and considering their lack of a head start... it was going to be one hell of a trip.


Grey sat in the hard metal chair, her hands folded neatly in her lap, her eyes focused on a muted brown stain on the off-white floor. For the last few minutes she'd been trying to decide what the stain might be, and thus far had come up with no satisfactory idea. It was almost time... The others would be arriving soon enough, and when they did, the show would begin. She was prepared for her role, knew her place... but she couldn't help the gnawing thought in the back of her mind, which had plagued her since VP Jarr had come to her, all those weeks ago.

She had been chosen because her abilities for deception and infiltration were well above the expectation of her station, and because there would be no doubt she would do what was necessary in order to take the enemy down. But it would be the first time since her initiation in the Agency that she would be on her own...

The entire operation was reliant on her success... and for someone unaccustomed to feeling anything beyond compliant obligation, the pressure was on.

Blood... She thought at last, turning her eyes up from the stain. It was most definitely a blood stain.
When Sean's strong grip encompassed Orion's small hands she squeaked before trying to take a step back from him. Her heart skipped a beat to have her hands swept up like that, and even more surprising when they found his face again. Sean said he was okay, but Orion realized he guided her hands to his face because of her apology. Finally, someone noticed she was blind!

Orion couldn't help but smile widely in her joy, her hands tracing the contours of the man's jaw and bone structure. Not only did he have a accent but with the best of her ability to tell such, he was good looking. When her fingers met his hair line, she momentarily hesitated before coursing through his grain- getting a feel for the length. Unlike his own strong grip, Orion's was gentle and flighty, momentarily touching and cupping until she was satisfied.

She dropped her hands with some subtlety when Ginny and Ohm came back, the prior of which started talking to the man she considered a brother by now. Lucy, the girl besides Sean, finally seemed to snap to attention and repeat the story about her cousin being in a crash on the news. Lucy was obviously very distraught, he voice sounding panicky and her breath erratic. Orion took the moment to disengage from Sean to place a hand on her back, smiling as best as she could at her face.

Ohm took control of the situation then, asking that anyone willing to help would come with him and she knew that she wanted to go. The question for her, however, was if she should go considering her abilities within a fight were a little less than optimum. It didn't look as if Michael was going either, considering his recent discovery with Ginny but she could be very wrong. Then again, Orion's resistance to drugs, poisons and acids might prove useful.

Except the tension was high in the room and Lucy's worried voice was still well remembered- she needed to go to support if anything.

With the decision made, Orion followed behind anyone that would lead her to the convey, although it was really Ohm calling the shots that lead them to the hospital. They all realized they wouldn't get to the crash site on time so after tracking down where the nearest emergency stationed hospital was, they headed there.

Despite being in the second van that arrived at the hospital, Orion was all business when she was carefully led out. "Lucy should have no problem getting information about her cousin's room, as for the others- I'm probably the most unobtrusive, no offense..." Orion wasn't actually sure what half of them looked like, so she was waiting for interruption. "I should be able to get information about the car Min wasn't in..." once again, Orion sounded unsure.

Despite the fact she was trying to snowball suggestions, she knew the group needed some type of plan before diving straight into the hospital. Orion, however, wasn't sure who was leading the party to get Lucy's cousin and the other possible GenMuts out of the situation.

@AkuNoOkami @khuyen @King Of Imagination @kitchen peepz @hospital guys we almost there <3
Subject looked around from its spot on the floor, the empty tunnel being filled with the sound of decomposing stone as Subject's body filled the nooks and crannies of the floor, enlarging the cavities and weakening the overall structure. Its mind was a haze as the hunger seemed to be growing stronger and stronger, making its sense of mind dulled to the point that it had no control over the layers of slime that made it up. The rat from earlier had only enlarged its hunger and increased the desire it had of eating everything in sight, yet there was nothing left in sight. All it could do with its lasting energy was moan and gurgle, making illegible complaints in an environment where no one was present. Its body beginning to feel cold, the ever present burning feeling that came with being full depleting and seemingly rushing into the ground, Subject felt her limbs begin to slow in their already lackluster movements, and her weathered away face became even more sunken in, and less descripted.

As her activity slowed, and her very being began to deplete, the mass amount of energy it took to keep lucid and alive found nothing within Subject's system and subsequently made its body begin to fail, the control over everything dying completely and leaving it as nothing more than a puddle on the brink of being splashed by the roaring water beside it. However, as everything seemed to slow down, a spark lit in the midst of her goo, and the dying flame seemed to suddenly roar in an intense burst of flame that revitalized Subject and its control. However, something was wrong. This new energy wasn't based on a sudden burst of nutrients that could be controlled, no, this burst of energy orrigianted from the lack of nutrients, the Hunger in its purest form. Subject could only remember this happening once before vaguely, and now it was happening again.

Its mind being swept away by the Hunger and going dormant, the Hunger took over the entire system, using the last energy it had within it to change the body to its most predatory form. Its skin hardening and becoming sectioned, translucent scales, like a lizards, Hunger felt the need to feed power its movements as the color of its body once again shifted from its normal hue of orange, to a cool, yet dangerous looking deep blue that looked as if it would swallow the sky with its pureness.

Well, it would be swallowing things, but even the sky was out of its length for now. Picking itself up, Hunger looked around with a sparkle of fierce intelligence within its eyes, their movements calm and observing as thousands of different calculations went through her mind in an attempt to measure the total amount of nutrients she would need. Her nervous system in hyperdrive, sending her intelligence and reaction speed skyrocketing, Hunger also felt the acidic qualities of each and every bit of its body raise to extreme levels, the acidic cells mashing together in what seemed to be an attempt at self-cannibalism.

@YesTheTimeIsHere! @WhatYouHaveAllBeenNotWaitingFor! @SubjectIsLeavingTheSewer! @NextPost!
Willing to help was the operative word for the former CIA operative, and she had chosen not to. She had to go recover the equipment that she had left in the field prior to her infiltration of the place. Her eyes had met with the Gorilla, and then they would follow to the girl named Virginia. She would have been nice to her, but she had suddenly jumped back to eccentric.

"Hey! Virgin Mary! Vinegar, um...Ginger Beer! Bring me back some fries if y'all are successful. Lot of fries, like if you think it's too much..Probably not enough," while she was talking she had walked and picked up the assault rifle she had rested on one of the metal counters, got a security card that would allow her access back if she would return, and jammed a magazine into the rifle. She pulled back on the hammer time and allowed a round to enter the chamber before seemingly vanishing,

Once her power was active, she crept out of the kitchen and off of the premises heading back to where she had set up shop earlier. She had brought the tri-rotor drone with her, and once she recovered the sniper rifle she slung it over her shoulder (there was a strap on it) and made her way off the building,"I guess I could provide some overwatch since I have free time, and an itch to shoot something."

A nod in confirmation to her own statement, she adjusted the rifles raising her left arm to that band of her's, and running her fingers over an icon on the screen.

"Miss, you should return-" the band had begun to a spoke, a feminine voice...a specific someone's voice.

"Override command 003z1," Tot had cut the voice off, and was immediately met with more dialogue. "Chief Override Acknowledged, Miss how may I help you?"

"Tempest Falls General, advise me on the best spot to provide over watch with a Remington 700. Preferably with a view on all windows on all floors."

"Command Acknowledged," the screen on the and went to a dark green with "Searching.... " in a lighter green on it before it gave way before a location on the map and the voice uttered an address and followed it with,"Unable to provide a spot where there is a clear view on all windows, but at this location you can clearly have a view on all windows and courtyards on the eastern and and southern sides."

"Thanks..." she responded quietly, before she looked before her and began to make her way to the address and location she was instructed to. She would arrive there a bit later than anyone else who would have headed there.
(sorry this part is a little off im extremely sleepy but need to get this out the way)

White had grown tired of waiting, so he had gathered what intel he could from his higher ups turned into his liquid form and headed through the draining and piping systems. It wouldn't take long for him to get to the hospital and once he did he managed to find himself dripping from a sprinkler in a relatively empty hallway.

After puddling on the ground, he took his normal form and brushed his clothes off. Reaching a hand to the black bandanna that was hiding his face, he gently tugged and lowered it to expose his face. People began to move through the hall and he made his way slowly to the front desk,"Hi." He started but stopped, and shrugged his shoulders,"Nevermind."

The nurse looked upon him with confusion but he just walked away pulling his phone out and looking on it. It displayed a few red dots,"Cross referencing it with the names the higher ups gave me and those in the hospital I can find...." He hadn't bothered finishing his sentence, instead he just slid phone back in its hiding place and made his way to the elevator. His attire was a bit odd to be in a hospital, but not extremely so that one would questions him cause of it.

Ding The elevator chimed as he watched the digital numbers form a smilie face as he began to make his way out after the doors had split. He whistled a bit as he walked through the halls and stopped in front of the door where Abigail was held. He knocked on it for a little at first before turning his arm into a spear like weapon and thrusting it through the door.

Moments passed, and the hospital seemed full of life outside of their dreary room. While they still had time, Abigail turned to her partner. "When they get here, I'll get them as far from the door as possible. As soon as I do, you run to the elevator, and get as much help as you can. Okay?" Abigail asked, looking at the girl. Her mind was screaming at her, telling her that sacrifice was not going to do anything to improve survival odds, but Abigail didn't care. Part of her needed that girl to survive, though she had no idea why.

Abigail tensed the moment the knocking noise came from their door, ready for anything. For those few seconds she hoped it was a nurse trying to check up on the two of them, that they were both overreacting. She was proven wrong the moment the spear-hand thrust was thrust through the door

Abigail didn't hesitate, two rounds into the door before backing up. She kept her calm, waiting for the enemy to advance before firing again. Her gun was useless without ammo, and he probably knew that.

Her body slowly began heating up as they waited for the enemy to enter, prepared for the fight. She wasn't going to be able to hurt him too badly, but with luck she could permanently damage him before getting killed.

The doctor across the hall from Abigail and Min's room was sitting impatiently at the side of Kennithan's bed. His eyes were squinted as he watched the breathing monitor make its normal *BEEP-* followed by *KSSSH* sounds. "I would feel sorry for you... if it weren't for the fact that we receive as much police officers as we do regular scumbags. Police force couldn't possibly be that corrupt-" His thoughts was cut short as he heart a loud bang from across the hall. His head snapped up, looking to the doorway, then back to his 'treasured' patient. "What on earth is going on now?" He asked as he got up and started towards the door.

Kennithan's eyes cracked open ever-so-slightly as he looked down at the straps binding him.

The doctor rounded the doorway to the room and stepped forwards towards the man at the door. "What the hell is going on in-" His whole body flinched right after both gun-shots were fired. His reaction time, obviously, late due to the shock and registering just what the noise was. He crouched and covered his head.

Kennithan's eyes snapped open as he flexed, sending kinetic energy outwards from all around his body. The bed under him bent and crashed to the floor as the two-inch-thick leather straps that were keeping him in place shredded out and away from him.

"Sir!! Get away from there! There's a genmut in that room with a gun! Cop must be a goner..." He slowly went forwards, grasping at the man's arm to pull him to 'safety'. However his progress was immediately halted as he set eyes on the image before him. A man with an elongated arm punched through a door? Then it dawned on him as his eyes widened and looked up from his crouching position.

Kennithan sat up, stood, and frowned at himself in the mirror on the wall. "Great.. Need a new hoodie AND new pants..." He let out a sigh and closed his eyes. "Well.. In any case- Need to find the man who healed me. I can't owe TWO people favors, now." He opened his eyes and rolled his shoulder.
In the midst of the pitch black canvas of the sewer, the only colors being obtained through the dim lighting of the tunnel, a light breaking away from the river of darkness like a salmon and revealing its presence to all that could see. The only trouble of all of this being that their was no one to see the beauty of the lone light. No, there was only a something, a something that had seen the light and knew that it was the way out. It had no idea how it knew, only that it knew, and that was all it needed.

Its body becoming completely solid, more solid than it had been in months, the Hunger sprinted towards the light, not taking any of the time or patience its original incarnation had needed to get places when unmotivated. However, it was driven by the need to survive, and just like any other organism in the world, it would do its best to survive, no matter what happened to its prey. The Humans would all die and be consumed by Hunger, and it would not stop until it was famished.

Reaching the light, Hunger stared hungrily as its entire body smelled and consumed the pheromones in the air, the scents they carried falling on its permeable skin and sinking like a ship in water. Becoming agitated by the distance between the source of the food and itself, Hunger reared back its fist and punched the air, sending its tendril like arm through the air, and smacking the edge of the open manhole, engulfing it in the slime. Solidifying it, Hunger threw back its other arm and let it fly as well, attaching to the Edge as firmly as the one from before.

Leaping, Hunger used the help of the attached tendrils to pull it up as it made its way to the edge, its slime becoming more and more erratic as it felt more and more pheromones entering its body. Pulling itself over the edge of the Manhole, Hunger was given no time to rest, not that it wanted to, as a loud scream pierced the air. Darting its head to the side, Hunger responded quickly to the new blinding stimuli of the surrounding light, and spotted the screaming Human. Large and bulky, Hunger was not very observant of what it wore, and only noticed the bright hat it had on that was an attention grabbing orange.

Its slime compounding together and creating tension, Hunger pounced onto the Human and felt its skin sizzling instantly as its soft texture made contact with Hunger's own toxic physiology. Marking the skin of the Human's large belly with holes, some big and some small, Hunger flowed through the openings, ripping into the body of the Human and beginning the process of dissolving all that made it who it thought itself to be. Soaking up the precious nutrients, Hunger felt like it had swallowed lava with how the presence of nutrients made itself feel just how great the big meal felt after the last hour or so of starvation. Making a home inside of the belly of the Human, Hunger tensed up and exploded itself throughout the body of the prey, all of its slime completely disintegrating the veins and arteries that filled the meat sack and immediately destroying the complex system that kept the prey alive.

The Human screamed for all of its worth as it was eaten alive, but none of that mattered as Hunger kept on swarming through its systems, not caring for its complaints, or even recognizing them. All it knew was that its prey was making this even better with the movements, the blood it pumped with every single heartbeat and action helping Hunger get to the parts of the body faster. When the movements and screams stopped, Hunger had already done enough to the point it didn't matter, and continued to eat the rest of what remained.

Soon, Hunger was done, and reformed around the pile of trash that lay around its arrival, nothing of the Human's left except for tiny bits and pieces of a clear like substance that Hunger had found it could not eat. It would have to consider this as it made its way to becoming full, but for now, it moved on, lumbering with confidence, as it tried to find its next meal.

@SubjectIsOutOfTheSewers! @BringTheStuffAndTheThings! @FirstTimeSewerCharacterHasGottenOut!
Min was shaking slightly as she sat in the bed but managed to stay calm. She glanced down at her arm carefully removing what was left of the IV and monitors causing some alerts to go off but that was the last of her problems. She felt fine compared to how she could have ended up if it hadn't been for Rem, but she still felt weak and rather worn down from all of the activity and little rest. "I can rest when I'm safe..." Min told her self gathering up what scraps of courage an energy she had left in her and gripped the tazer tightly. She glanced up at Abigail as she told her the plan and nodded slightly "A-alright."

The young teen took a few deep breaths to steady her nerves until there was a soft knock on the door which caused her to jump. Her muscles tensed ready to move as soon as the door was open. Unfortunately that's not what happened next. A glittering sharpened arm was punched through into the door causing the girls heart to skip a few beats as fear quickly ate away at her resolve. She watched wide eyed for a second before letting out a yelp and covering her head as Abigail fired off a few rounds into the door.

Min scrambled off of the bed and ducked behind it not wanting to be seen. She had heard of this before, whispered in the corridors about other gen-mutts going by color names and working for the scientists. Their only mission was to recover or kill gen-mutts which quickly cause her to go into a near panic attack. "No, no no no. We have to get out of here. There are other Gen-mutts, ones working for them. They're going to kill us!" Truth be told she would much rather be killed then dragged back to the lab.

@AkuNoOkami @LotusSan
When Ohm exited from the van, he stretched a little and adjusted his mask, clearing his throat a bit to get everyone's attention around him. "Firstly, thank you all for coming. This might be a quick and painless little 'jaunt', but it could be a bit on the interesting side if we run into any sort of resistance. A good idea by Orion," he said with a small nod, "has given me one of my own."

Ticking a few buttons on his wrist, he pulled up a layout of the hospital and gave a robotic 'hmm' sound for a moment, thinking.
"We're far enough away that if we enter the hospital in intervals, people will likely not suspect us. Unfortunately some of us - myself very much the most obvious - aren't exactly the type to avoid attention."

"I suggest one or two people gathering information and taking up the time and attention of the front desk assistants. That way, others can simply stroll past as if they're visiting with little care in the world. We will have to make this swift, of course, assuming that the cameras here are in working order. In the worse scenario, said cameras could give a direct feed of us to The Syndicate. Always be prepared and all that."

The man gave a chuckle, then looked around toward the others that had joined them.
"I am up to any other suggestion of course. Those of you that have abilities that pair well with others would be obvious choices for a 'team'."

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