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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

After making his way out of the pantry, Sean found himself faced with a question. A trip to the hospital to meet the others? The man felt obligated to go. Of course, had it not been for Ohm's kind spirit originally, then Sean would have been doomed to who-kn0ws-what given the time passed. Light hues looked between the multiple faces surrounding him, before he parted his lips to speak. "I'll go too. If anythin' goes arseways, 'least we'll be able to face it together, yah?" The Irishman's tongue momentarily provided moisture to his lips before he followed behind everyone else heading toward the convey. He helped lead Orion in the right direction, as well.

Once they had arrived, Ohm made a short speech. Sean listened, nodding his head when the group was thanked. Really, it was no big deal. There was no way anyone within the group was not feeling the same way he was. There was no structure as to how people would be broken up, nor did Sean understand just how he would be able to fit in. Truth be told, he was not a stealthy person. This was obvious to everyone who ever looked at the man. On top of that, he was not the most intelligent person in the troop either. He was merely the brawn. The tough guy. No other role was fitting for the man because he literally could not perform in any other way.

"I'll jus' go wherever i'm needed, 'n whatnot."

Sean felt bad for everyone involved in the crash. He also felt for Lucy as well, who had family involved. The man was lucky to not know anyone involved, regardless of how unfortunate the situation might have been. Leaning against the outside of the vehicle, Sean crossed his arms and waited to either be instructed or hear of a further plan. He genuinely believed Ohm's initial idea was just fine. Two people could get in and out without creating a distraction, while backup awaited response to any unruly patients... Or visitors, for that matter.

Unsure of what to expect, Sean was feeling as though he had the best job in the world. For the past day, the only thing he had to do was stand around and wait for nothing to happen. A place to stay and eat for free, where all he had to do was stand guard? Sean was feeling as though he was happy he signed up in the first place.

@Kagura @Grin @khuyen @Elle Joyner @errybudy
Rather suddenly... or maybe not suddenly at all, but just as planned, chaos erupted in the hospital. People always screamed when danger was prevalent. It never made much sense to Grey. One would think if there were a threat to security, it might benefit a person to remain as quiet as possible. Screaming people were targets... irritating targets.

But she wasn't there for target practice. The fun was beginning and it was time for her to step in and do her job. Rising from the chair she moved with purpose. Prior research, which hadn't, in fact, been very difficult at all, and really just involved asking a rather harried nurse a few questions, told her the GunMuts were being kept on the third floor. Security would be there in no time at all, but it wouldn't matter... she would get there, first.

Taking the steps, two at a time, Grey arrived on the third floor and slipped out of the stairwell into the hallway. The sounds of panic were, to her enhanced eardrums, almost painful, but she was trained to block the receptors and did so, navigating towards the music of discord. White was there already, according to the plan and Grey had to fight a smile as she watched him work. Sucking in a breath, gaining control over the fluctuation of emotions, Grey ran to the nurses' desk where two women were crouched behind the counter, huddled together, tears streaming down their cheeks. Frowning at the pair, she leaned over and grabbed the stapler from beside the computer, spinning round and, with probably more force than was necessary, hurled it at the back of White's head.
Two Shots. Both through the door, and into different parts of his upper body. Upper chest, right under the collar bone and another one between a section of his ribs,"Well, someone is aggressive." His voice was muffled, from the black bandanna he had pulled up over the lower half of his face, and there was it. Someone had touched him, or tried to, or something. It didn't matter, it was too close for his comfort.

A low growl escaped his mouth as he turned to thrust his now spear shaped arm through the man before he felt something collide with the back of his head causing him to step forward to catch his balance. It caught him off guard, and he had to take a deep breath to keep himself from going berserk. He turned to find the origin of this stapler and cut his eyes at Grey. Well she made this easy to sell since she just pissed me off.

He shrugged his shoulders a bit, as if he was stretching them out as the two rounds that found his way into his body fell out. When they hit the ground they made a clinking sound as the metal bounced off the marble floor, but as soon as that did there was the small sound of glass being broken. Just a small light sound, as another round found itself lodged into his arm. He reached to grab it, blood streaming between his fingers as he looked through the open window. Really? The only window in like 100 feet, and that's where he stepped through?

He took in the entry wound and the angle the bullet had hit the glass to find the source area of the shot, but he couldn't see anything,"Damn it Tatyana." He shook the shot off again, but the round didn't come out. So he moved from in front of the window, and continued to walk towards Grey,"You're going to pay for that stapler..." he stated flatly in a not so pleased voice, turning his hands into tiny crystal claws, digging the round out, letting the blood drop to the floor a long with the round. His healing didn't work like that, he couldn't heal with bullets inside of him.

So he continued to march towards Grey......


"Damn it, he knows I'm here. I have to move," Tatyana looked at the rifle she had just fired and sighed. She wasn't happy having to leave it again, but she picked up the assault rifle making her way off the building running across the street towards the hospital before disappearing.

@LotusSan @Morridan @Elle Joyner
The doctor had all but froze up in fear. And it was by dumb luck that he was not simply impaled right on the spot. A shudder of panic ran through his body as he finally processed what had just occurred, and what had 'almost' happened. This caused him to fall onto his butt and start to sprawl back against the wall. As the man with the spear-like arms walked from in front of the window down the hallway, the doctor made a bolt to get as far from there as possible. "Officer!! If you're still in there, get out!!" It was all he was willing to do, is to shout and run.

Kennithan had gave himself a once over, checking for any blemishes on his face as he shrugged and headed towards the door. "Honestly, though... Who makes trouble in a hospital?" He asked as he walked right into the middle of the hallway and started to lean back with his hands on his hips as a few cracks echo out. "Gaaah~. Good stuff." He turned his head, looking down the hallway at the nurse's desk and the two who were near it. He shrugged at them, not having seen them do anything yet before grabbing the door and yanking it off the hinges- which came with a tiny amount of rubble from the doorframe and how hard it had been fixed in place within the wall, peering over at the guy with the bullet wound as he tossed the door off to his left. "I get this hunch.. That the guy bleeding is the one I should deal with. Yeah?" He asked, finally looking into the room in which he just pried open. His eyes fell onto Abigail and Min; though he could not recall where he saw Min's face at the moment, despite glancing at her at the site of the crash.

"Aaaah, my hostage. Nice. You should probably go." He snapped his vision right back down at the nurse's desk, glaring at what seemed to be past the desk and towards the emergency lot. What was it he was looking at? Making plans perhaps? It wasn't long after that his eyes focused clearly on the bleeding man. It seemed he was not deeming 'Agent Grey' as a threat. Then again, why should he, since she did not have any wounds on her. As far as he knew, she was just an innocent bystander.

If Abigail shot at Kennithan, the same thing as before would occur no doubt. The tip of the bullet would make contact with him as the air rippled behind him, leaving the bullet completely unharmed, save for its plummet down to the ground afterwards. "Free-Bleeder. If you're responsible for the trouble, give up now. I'd hate to fight ya' with these tattered clothes. One misstep and my pants come off. Then you'd get an up close with my dangley parts. Fighting you with it flapping around is not good for either of us, yeah?"

@LotusSan , @AkuNoOkami , @Elle Joyner ((Assumingly in that order? lol))
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Abigail prepared to fire another two shots into her opponent, but they retreated from the door before she could shoot again. Her random shooting either scared them off or wounded them, either way it bought her and Min a few moments of peace. Abigail took a breath and let her mind work out what she would do next.

Just as she turned to Min to ask if she had any ideas, the door was pulled off its hinges, thrown back with a force Abigail immediately recognized.

Truth was alive and awake. In that moment, she didn't know if his showing up was meant as a blessing or a curse, regardless he was out and about. He looked great, though his clothes were in dire need of repair. Obviously whatever damage done to him by the crash had been repaired, and rather quickly.

Abigail looked at Min for a moment, trying to make a decision. Whatever this thing was, it was probably more than capable Truth alone, and that was assuming it was alone. He saved her life, she needed to know why, after the things he said to her.

"Min, the man who just saw us is a friend, he's going to keep you safe, okay?" Without waiting for a response, Abigail ran after Truth, who had already turned to face his opponent.

The hallway was chaos, the first thing she noticed was three bullets on the ground, two of which were hers. But that meant someone else had shot him, got his attention. Of course, the next thing she saw was the enemy, a young man who looked to be her height. Finally, she saw a girl, screaming and cowering in a corner as the man approached her. Was she a genmut, or had she simply gotten in his way? Regardless, the man wanted her dead.

"Truth," She said, getting her partner's attention. "This guy has friends, and they want the girl you saw with me. Do me a favor and get her out of here, you'll probably have a better chance at taking down this guy's friends than I will. I'll distract this one and buy you some time."

And with that, she ran past Truth, not waiting for his response.

Without another word, Abigail aimed her gun at the man and fired, filling the hall with the deafening sound of gunfire. Her ears were ringing, but she fired again at him, wanting to keep him at least twenty feet away for as long as possible.

@AkuNoOkami @Elle Joyner @Morridan
Min covered her head as gun shots were fired half expecting more to follow. She shut her eyes tightly taking in several deep breaths trying not to start hyperventilating and possibly pass out again. When no added gunshots followed Min peeked around the stretching in time to see the door being ripped off its hinges and flinched behind the bed once more. The man who stood in the doorway was vaguely familiar but wasn't sure why or who they even were. Their clothes were a tattered mess so chances were that they were part of the crash. Though his comment of 'hostage' made her reconsider his reason for being there.

The teen looked up at Abigail a deep sense of fear reflecting in her eyes as the woman told her to go with the raggedy man. "G-go with him? but he called you his hostage?!" She argued but it seemed to fall on deaf ears as the woman moved to leave the room anyway. Min grit her teeth as she simply stared from her spot seeing the chaotic stand off that was taking place. It seemed the chances of her survival were growing slimmer and slimmer. Regardless of that fact, simply sitting and cowering in fere was not going to help her.

Taking a few deep breaths Min forced herself to get up and grip the taser tightly. She wasn't really sure what good it would even do at this point but it was better than nothing. She hesitantly neared the door hands visibly shaking but she managed to keep from running to the far corner of the room and waiting to simply be killed. She had made it this far without dying, there was still a chance that she could still keep her freedom.
The suggestions the Orion gave provided Ohm with one of his own, to enter the hospital in intervals so that nobody would be suspicious. He agreed that most of them weren't the type to avoid attention and that they would need a distraction. Orion was all too game for going, raising her hand despite her lack of vision or direction in going. The only up side was hospitals usual had canes they could provide to someone like her if they noticed in time.

There was also the precautionary warning about cameras and needing to progress quickly through the hospital, less the Syndicate see them. Orion was very recognizable on camera, being one of the first GenMuts in the facility. Ohm offered the table for more suggestions, but Sean was agreeable to the plan, saying he'd go where ever he needed to.

Orion didn't wait for Lucy's answer, knowing the girl was agreeable to any plan that got her cousin to safety. "I'll go talk to the front desk, then" she agreed simply before carefully walking into the hospital, feeling the slight fluctuation in air and temperature. Both of the double door opened for her, but as she came into the foyer, the rush of the hospital hit her.

The feeling was off- it wasn't the rush to the emergency room, or the speed in trying to get everyone in and out as fast as they could. Orion was startled, the whole room rushing right past her as a scream sounded in the far hallway. Steadily, she approached the front desk despite the panic she could feel in the air- the nurses there were having a conversation with what she could assume was the receiver. "Yes? No! They're in our hospital! Someone's shooting him and-"

More shots rang down the hall and Orion realized their plans were for naught- nobody needed to cause a distraction. The distraction was happening down the hall, and currently held a gun "Miss!" Orion snaps her head back towards the nurse. "Miss, it's not very safe for you here- those mutants have decided to attack a hospital. The nerve..." the nurse cursed under her breath.

Orion stopped paying attention, turning suddenly to where the shots sounded from before realizing what was happening. The pink haired girl turned back towards the door and tried waving them in, but they would probably see the commotion of the hospital in shambles. Were they too late? Orion slowly ventured into the hallway.

@khuyen post goddamn you



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Lucy had never kept so quiet. In her mind, she kept replaying bad scenarios happening. She had no doubt in getting into the car to drive to the hospital with the others, despite the fact it was technically her first time being outside of the safe haven, she now lived in. Her fears weren't just surrounding Min. What if they got spotted? Got caught? Were people even looking for her? She glanced around at her fellow mutants, wondering if they too had the same fear. Despite the luxury and freedom in their new house, there was no denying it; they were hiding.

Arriving at the hospital, Lucy stood and looked at the automatic doors. She had a bad feeling in her chest and could barely listen to the people talking around her. As Orion moved towards the door, she felt expectant eyes on her as well. It would make sense, that she'd be the one to go in. The plan was simple really, just go in and get information, it was pretty normal for family members to visit after all. Right? "R-right, wait for me, Orion!" She broke into a half-jog, running to catch up with the girl, who surprisingly made her way forward easily. She touched a light hand to her upper-arm in a supportive manner.

They reached the front desk, and the nurse told them something, but Lucy had already heard. They were too late. She stepped away from Orion to take a few steps back, so she could signal the others through the glass doors. What was their signal again? Realizing, they hadn't agreed on one, she just frantically waved her arms at them to come in, hoping they got the notion. Orion joined her, and the two stood waving oddly. "Miss, did you not hear me, you need to get out of here-" The nurse tried telling them, but there was panic in her voice. She turned around, trying to reach the phone that was ringing.

"Come on, let's go!" Lucy told Orion, as the nurses weren't looking anymore. She needed to find Min, they were somewhere in the hospital. She didn't run, nor did she sneak, but she opted for walking briskly towards where she thought was the source of commotion.

@Kagura , @Grin , @Elle Joyner @Tree @Shura @Everyone at the party, woohoo.

I'm so sorry, I've been so busy with exams, but here's a shitty post to catch up!
Grey grinned at the look on White's face, only for a second and then the expression was gone, but she couldn't help herself... she simply couldn't. He was angry, genuinely angry, and it was adorable. She didn't have much of a plan beyond her initial strike, but she didn't need much of a plan, really. The women were out in the hall, now, and that was all she needed.

As White approached, looking convincingly menacing, Grey stepped back until she'd cornered herself, her eyes wide and bright, shock registering. His threat sounded real enough and she wouldn't have been surprised at all if he was genuinely pissed off. It probably hadn't felt too spectacular, but she had a pretty tough crowd to convince...

She hit the corner and sank down against the wall, holding her hands up defensively as, with something of a small sense of mortification, she let a small cry of panic escape. There was a small crowd now, the GenMut scum they were after. It was perfect. They were the heroic breed... It was almost too good to be true. She'd be able to walk right in among them and no one would suspect a thing.

The girl with the gun opened fire on White and Grey ducked her head with a scream, burrowing into her arms as bullets whizzed past, shattering into the plaster walls with heavy thuds.
That grin, for heaven's sake, she had done it on purpose. But, it did make well for convincing everyone around since his anger was of the genuine variety. I owe you one for this Grey. You won't like it a bit.

Almost immediately after his thoughts had even been finished, a firearm went off. It was a familiar sound, that Police Officer's. The bullet shred through his side, and past Grey. He had barely turned, when the second was fired, grazing by and past. "Seriously? I've been shot four times today," he growled a bit as he finished his turn. Eyeing the three before him, Abigail, Min, and that one he wasn't aware of. He had returned one of his arms into a crystal spear as he marched forward, but was interrupted at the sound of a firearm. It wasn't familiar.

Three rounds were flying at the confused Agent, two ripping through his chest (missing his heart, an organ his healing factor couldn't help if hit), but puncturing his lung. He had crystallized the rest of his body just as the last round hit ricocheting off into a wall.

He was on his knee, wheezing as his lungs healed slowly, but almost instantly compared to the path of death he would normally be down. He looked up as his vision cleared from the shock, but didn't see anyone,"Oh cousin dearest, I know you're around why don't you show yourself." With his lung healed, white got from his knee and headed down the hall out of the view of everyone else.

Tatyana had finally released her power, and took form next to Abigail with a blink,"You know trouble always follow you..." she actually rolled her eyes a bit and looked over to Min who looked like she was fleeing," 'Ello love, long time no see aye? Well got to go, me cousin is looking for me." Her voice cartoonish, her smile exaggerated, she tossed another energy pill into her mouth before vanishing again.
Kennithan shook his head as the police girl ran forwards, firing shots. He would have intervened if it were not for the fact that the man before him took a knee. He looked past the man and at the woman who seemed to be cowering. "HEY!!" he pointed at her, giving her an angry scowl. Could it be that he was onto her? Could it be that he found her act a little too cheesey? His eyes seemed to have an almost accusing look in them as he moved to march his way over to her and hold Abigail back before the man got up and ran. His eyes looked to the guy running them back down at the 'cowering' woman. "Do you know who I am? Do you?!" He asked with a very unhappy look on his face. "I am -TRUTH-! When I am here, there there should be nobody here to be afraid of. Get up and stop sniveling! Honestly..." Nope. That answers those questions. He still seemed to be completely oblivious.

He was about to continue this rant of his before a woman appeared out of, seemingly, nowhere. "....Huh." He looked back to Min and advanced upon her. "So... Hostage-" he called back to Abigail. "I'm going to take this one-" He said as he attempted to scoop Min up by her waist and hold her horizontally. If he was successful, he would turn and start marching over towards the woman he had started to berate earlier. "And the coward-" He said and attempted to do the same thing in his other arm. Again, if he was successful, he would hike her up and carry both women with a huff as if this second 'burden' was starting to weigh him down. "And Get them to safety." He looked out the window with a grin slowly starting to spread over his face. "Oh- and uh-.... Your name is Min?" He asked. "Could you hold up my pants? For everyone's sake. They're drooping." As he started to walk towards the glass panel and lift up one foot.

"You and the... new person. I suspect you can both make it out on your own, right?" He asked, pausing only to hear her answer. If both Min and the 'Coward girl' (Agent Grey) had been successfully scooped up, he would then proceed to kick out the window and leap out with both of them in each hand. Upon landing outside in the parking lot, all of his- and their- kinetic energy would be channeled through him and into the ground, causing a few small cracks to spider-web into the asphalt. A somewhat 'weightless' feeling would wash over them as all of their kinetic energy was stripped and channeled through him. It was momentary, of course. And once he landed, he would keep walking with them a short ways until he got to the middle of the parking lot to set them down. Again, this is all under the assumption that he was successful in picking them up, and there was not any 'dire' struggle from either.
Abigail immediately backed up several feet after firing the two bullets, prepared for his response, but chaos seemed to erupt after everyone began reacting. Min ran out of the room instead of hiding from the battle, and the young girl ducked as Abigail's bullets grazed or missed her opponent.

Suddenly, as if things weren't insane enough, Tatyana appeared out of nowhere and fired several more rounds into him. What the hell? Abigail thought, completely blown away. Not only was she in the room, she also had some sort of power that allowed her to enter silently or instantly. Teleportation? Invisibility? She'd find out later, there wasn't time to think about that in the middle of a fight.

Things only seemed to get more strange, as her opponent was Tatyana's cousin, it seemed, though Tatyana didn't care, having fired round after round into him. As Abigail prepared to fire again, to keep the young man distracted, Truth took her attention with some short - and pointless - words. "We'll be fine, get going." Abigail said as she stood her ground, prepared for a counterattack.

"Would you like me to shoot again? I'm sure I'll get lucky and kill you eventually, and if I don't there's always Tot. Would you like to die?" She yelled to him as he ran, partially wanting to talk him down. He could be a useful source of information if he came willingly, not to mention it would give Abigail more time to escape. Of course, she would be leaving any other car wreck survivors in the hospital, but tough luck for them. The only people whose survival was worth risking her own were already safe, or supposed to be.

@AkuNoOkami @Morridan @EveryonebutGinnyHAHAELLE
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Min flinched as more shots were fired curling up in corner and making her self as small as possible to keep from being hit. The last thing she wanted was to be hit with a stray bullet. She peered up as there was a pause in the gunfire and noticed that genmut that had been after them was escaping. That was one down, but who knew if there were others. She shakily got to her feet and scanned the nurses station which had become fairly crowded in the short time the whole commotion was going on.

Her eyes widen when she set eyes on her mentor and she smiled slightly. Feeling the stress of the situation starting to ease and possibly just a good bit safer with the woman around. "Tati-" She started but stop short as the raggedy man started making some sort of speech about being a hero called Truth. Such a weird name. That aside she really didn't care about all of the craziness that was going on the only thing that mattered to her now was getting to Tatiana. Unfortunately Truth had a different plan in mind and easily lifted her up over his shoulders.

"H-hey! What are you doing?!" She questioned while trying to wriggle out of the mans grasp. "Let me go!" She growled trying to free her self from his grasp. Min looked over to call for help but paused briefly when she noticed more people arriving, among them was someone she never thought she would see again. "Lucy..." she gasped softly before suddenly she was being carried away by the insane hobo. "What no! Lucy! Tatiana!" She called out just as the window was kicked out and the strange hobo superhero jumped. For the third time that day her heart dropped into her stomach as they fell to the ground below. A scream escaped her as she clung to the man for dear life.

@AkuNoOkami @LotusSan @Morridan @Kagura @Tree
If it were to stop for a second, take some time to really look, the Hunger might have realized that it was lost in the strange world it was around, however, even the enhanced perception of Hunger was blurred and crooked as its body was battered by the delicious scents of people around it, the pheromones from people of the past exciting Hunger as it followed them, the smell becoming fresher and fresher as Hunger neared the moving ground zero. The smell had a sour tinge to it, each particle Hunger was bombarded with shedding new light onto the situation, and the emotional state of its next target. Its body steady as it wandered ever so closer to the prey, Hunger's body was in what could be considered a crouch, upright with a slight slump of the upper body with its arms sprayed out at the sides, the palms facing towards where it was going. The Human from before had saved it from an unfortunate demise, but it was not satisfied yet, no, it would continue to eat until it was completely full.

All through this, Hunger had been especially oblivious of what its presence was doing to the cars on the road, the multitude of drivers veering off the correct path to get away from the possible danger of Subject, who they correctly presumed with a GenMut. Hunger was okay with this though, the metal vehicles keeping it from realizing about the sweet delights lay inside. Otherwise, it would be attacking them left and right, seeing how much damage it could do in a short period of time. Hunger stopped as the trail went cold, the presence of the pheromones in the air leaving no trace as it suddenly packed its bags and left. Hunger looked around, waving its sensitive appendages around to get a better read on the situation, but was still left bereft of information.

However, it as able to pick up another scent, one that had a sweeter and much more desirable taste. The trail wasn't as old as the last one had been in the beginning, and it only got fresher and fresher as Hunger became closer to the one giving off such a sweet smell. Moving around a corner after a few minutes of walking, Hunger became to unravel itself as it saw its prey walking along the side of where all the metal contraptions lived. However, the Squishy Human, for it was certainly a Squishy one, was accompanied by another regular Human. The dormant and solid looking parts of its body beginning to destabilize as the acidic quality became more active, the Hunger started its short trek towards the Humans, paying no attention to the strange looking machines they possessed.

"Alright, this is a good spot, stop here for a second." Ms.Knight was smiling as she commanded her cameraman to stop, his lumbering body stopping instantly, and his arms lifting the camera in his arms with experience. Ms.Knight smiled at him, Mark was always a sweetie pie, not saying much, and doing as told when asked. She had been lucky to get him. Getting a nod from him, Ms. Knight began her update for the situation at hand. While the last few hours had been interesting, Ms.Knight cared only for her own story, "Hello, I'm Ms.Knight. I am here in the streets coming at you live with news update on one of the most recent disturbances. Many people in the past thirty minutes have sighted some recent GenMut activity in these parts of the dangerous variety. Please, stay in your houses, I will continue to bring you updates regularly. I'm Ms. Knight and this i-Mark are you ok?" She had just been about to stop the update/debut of the story when Mark seemed to veer the attention of the camera away from her. Ms.Knight was even more apprehensive at the terrified look on his face. Turning around, Ms.Knight heard MArk drop the camera, the machine miraculously staying operational, as well as still Live for the audience tuning in. Ms.Knight never even had a chance to react as he face was enveloped by a liquid sensation, before the feeling of her skin being ripped apart at a cellular level became prominent.

@Myself @Subject @RIPMsKnight @RunMark
Agent Blue

What a mess. Blue couldn't help but think to herself as she gazed watched the chaotic scene inside from her phone. It had been linked to pretty much any security camera that needed to be pulled up. She'd been observing the mission from outside the hospital in a parked van around the back. Part of her really didn't want to get involved with the mission because she had been given specific instruction not to kill any one or even cause extensive harm. Which meant only a little blood and a lot of bruising. Possibly a few cracked limbs but nothing beyond repair and holding back was never fun.

Letting out a heavy sigh she clicked off her phone and pulled up a walky talky. "Alright guys, Head in. Remember orders and leave Gray to me." She smirked slightly before tossing the device to the back of the van and getting out. Four others got out of cars at random intervals and started inside the hospital as well. Blue had been dressed down compared to the other with just a navy blue tank top and black loose fit pants which were tucked into a pair of combat boots. Underneath the folds of her clothes were several hidden weapons but no one would ever really think to check her. Entering through the emergency department it was easy to see the chaos has spread pretty much through the whole hospital. Nurses and medical staff were rushing around getting patients to safe locations while still trying to do their job.

A security guard rushed up to her bantering something about needing to leave and it not being safe. Blue just held up a badge very similar to that of an undercover cop. "Don't worry. We'll handle things from here. Get everyone else out."

The man just nodded and rushed off leaving the agents to do their job. She nodded to the rest and the five took off into the Hospital skipping the elevator completely and opting for the stairs. Taking the steps two at a time Blue activated her shield in preparation from what ever was waiting once they got up to the floor. A dark gray material grew over her skin covering her entire body to form a full body shield. The material had a dull shine to it similar to metal however her shield was better and nearly made her invulnerable. The only thing that bugged her about it was how it slowed her down.

Kicking in the door to the designated floor she drew two black carbon fibber knives from hidden spots and stepping into the middle of the hall in time to see White running in her direction. She gave a friendly wave to the fellow agent. "Sorry we're late." She smirked as the other four agents followed out shortly. Shifting her stance she bolted down the hall bull rushing past the cop in the hall and leaving her to the other. Her main target was ready in her sights and she had to make things look convincing.

@AkuNoOkami @LotusSan @khuyen
The sight was certainly not hard to believe, given the fact that Sean all ready knew what some GenMuts were capable of doing. To anyone else, however, chances were that the view of a man with a shorter stature with hip-length hair holding Min as the two careened out of a window and landed onto the ground with minor injuries was something that would make even the strongest-willed man question his sanity.

Really, the surprise appearance of the two was not exactly expected. It seemed as though the situation was quite hostile, but there was no use in getting excited in times of stress; not in Sean's eyes, at least. Staring upon the sight of the party which had just moved a couple of feet toward them, Sean turned his head to Ohm. He had yet to say a word, which was more than enough to make the Irishman speak up.

"So... Quite the event goin' on then, lad?"

Slowly, the eyebrow above Sean's right eye raised slightly, while the other remained stationary. The man had since lifted both of his arms over his chest, crossing them as he continued to peer at the other. Holding a screaming female while his pants were falling probably was not how he had seen the middle of his day turning out, but at least it gave for the most hilarious visual the RP could offer on the day.
"... Oh. 's that kinda party, ah? Gotta say... I'm glad i di'nt come up."

Nodding to the two females who had been set down, Sean disregarded the questions which a normal person would have asked. Such as, what was going on; why did you use the window as an exit - things that people would normally be inquisitive about. Cocking his head to the side slightly, he awaited any response from the three that did not involve any sort of screaming.

It seemed as though Sean's ears were impervious to the sounds of bullets being fired.


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Remington had an odd dislike for guards and their like. Police officers were okay, especially when they were on the take, but the corpses on the floor around him, or, rather, the dust that was left, weren't on any kind of take. He had absorbed them all, and it had given him more then enough vital nutrient's to fight an army, or heal one. He'd already begun the process to strengthen all of his bones some time ago, he was rapidly honeycombing the structure of his bones to make their structure become even more durable, his muscles were braiding together, and he was expanding his bones to the surface of his form. It would take him mere minutes with the amount of vital essence he had absorbed to extend his entire skeletal structure until he was a walking tank of flesh and bone.

A moment later, he did something strange, he reached over to his right side with his left hand, and took a firm grasp on his right arm, as the bones became plating through the muscle and tissue of his face, tearing his normal visage from view, his skin and flesh sloughing off in a horrid way as it was rapidly reabsorbed back into his body. He strode down the hall and in a rapid, wrenching motion, he shattered the bones in his right arm, breaking the limb off at the wrist. He used his abilities to extend his ulna, but retain the jagged edge it had, he expanded the bone, made it into a savage blade, and then glanced at it with a grim satisfaction.

He'd gotten this inkling as no other guards had made their way up to him that the jig was up, they'd already been found.

"I'll die afore they take me agin... I'll take as many of em with me as I can too..." Remington muttered through the bone plating that now covered his face, his voice had become distorted, deepened, from the modifications to the flesh around his body.

He experimented with his regeneration, and found he was able to actually regenerate the hand he had just removed without the loss of the new bone blade, which, as the moments went by, his own willpower was rapidly forming into a more refined edge. It had taken him the time in which he had needed to walk from his room to the elevator to make these changes, which, was a decent distance, as he had been placed as far away from the exits as was possible.

Remington's regenerated hand, however, was different, the bones had regrown, as had the muscle, but the skin from his elbow down had torn away, and had not regenerated, either by design, or by flaw, he had created a horrific looking gauntlet as the bones in his arms expanded into an exoskeleton to match the rest of his body, but kept the fleshy muscles exposed, leaving his arm more vulnerable to direct attack, even if it was doubly reinforced with bone armor. He brought his hand up as he stood in front of the elevator and stared at his fingers.

"Have ta work on that one..." He murmured before he turned to the door.

The elevator was a few floors below, he had no idea what floor he was on, nor did he care. He slid the blade into the seam of the elevators doors and with a slight use of force, pushed the doors open, the hydraulic cams keeping them in place whined in response, before the hydraulic lines burst away from their retaining clips. Remington's brow shot up and he reached out with his left hand, taking a handful of the stuff, he rubbed it into his right hand, wincing slightly as the nerves reacted to the chemical. He glanced at the elevators lines and then took a step, reaching out he grasped the cable and fell, the lubricating feature of the hydraulic fluid only speeding up his controlled descent as he plummeted down the elevator shaft.

Remington came to a crashing stop as he slammed through the elevators roof and into it's primary carriage. He grunted and stood up to hear the audible, Ding. A moment later, another sound echoed through his ear canals, a scream, of a voice he'd recently come to know.

"Min!" his mind raced as the doors opened, and he stepped out, bellowing, "Min! Lass, Where are ye!" He didn't mind one way or another who was near, he paused, and shouted out again, "Min!" His voice would be loud, and a bit more then that, angry and worried, a sound no foe would want to hear without being prepared.

@Damnthatelavatorisfuckedupnow @LotusSan @Kagura @khuyen @Elle Joyner
If she'd had a chance to, she would've punched the girl with the gun in the face... knocked her out good and cold and put a few bullets in her, for good measure. Still, none of the bullets missed the mark and hit her, and where they -did- strike, she knew well enough White would recover. From where she was crouched, she could see White stagger, saw him drop and for a brief moment she watched, curious if the girl had managed a lucky blow, but a minute later, the Agent was back on his feet and running and Grey had to fight a smile at his resilience.

Any unbidden amusement faded, however, when she looked up to see the behemoth of a man coming towards her, rambling on about some nonsense or another. Heroes. They were idiots, the lot of them. Always trying to prove how spectacular and interesting and brave they were. Nine out of ten times it was heroes that were responsible for getting people killed.

When he reached for her, she pulled backwards, away from his hands. He was looking to escape, and that simply wouldn't do... she had to wait for just the right moment. Being carted out like a suitcase wasn't going to accomplish anything.

Free of his grasp she rose to her feet and, as a frightened victim of chaos might, she started to run in the opposite direction. She got only a few steps though, before Blue arrived, bringing with her a small platoon of Agents. Skidding to a stop, Grey stared at her sister in arms, a brow quirked. Slowly, her knuckles tightened into fists.

Now this... This would be fun...
"Shutup wench," was the only thing he had spoken in response to Abigail. He had become quite annoyed with the cat and mouse game with Tatyana, oh and being shot around 4 times, and being hit with a stapler. It was maddening. He wasn't afraid of her bullets, or Tatyana's at the time for he had turned his entire body to the crystal form that resembled diamond.

Before he knew it, Blue had walked by him and uttered some nonsensical thing about being late, or something of the sort which only frustrated him more,"It's not like I needed your help, I just got better things to do." When she passed by followed by the group of agents, he turned his fist into what seemed like a sledge hammer and drove it straight into the face of one of the passing agents sending him to the ground breaking the marble floor below.

That had soothed some of his frustration a little bit, since he enjoyed causing pain. He didn't care if the man was injured, dead, or just shocked. The satisfaction of the impact was enough for him.

Tatyana took a brief moment to appear next to Abigail,"If he is structured similar to diamond, these grenades will at least slow him down. Use it whenever" She pulled out an incendiary grenade and stuffed it into Abigail's chest in a rude manner,"They don't get close enough to diamond's melting temperature to kill him, but he'll feel it." She then disappeared again with another one of the grenades.

She did her best to quietly get down the hall and pass White (which wasn't as hard as she had experienced in the CIA thanks to the chaos) , and as she passed she dropped the unpinned grenade which appeared immediately after she released it from her hands. The grenade clicked against the ground, and bounced up near white, a fiery explosion of thermite occurring caused the sprinklers to immediately turn on.The water wouldn't be enough immediately, as the temperature would cause the water to boil and turn into steam before reaching it.

White would look down when he heard the clank and cover his face as he once again fell to a knee in pain from the heated grenade.

"Quite the event indeed," he stated, looking over the two new arrivals as if the sudden appearance hadn't at all shocked him. With his face being covered, it was difficult to tell. "Sean, would you please assist these two and explain just why we're here and how we can help? I have an inkling that I'm needed inside."

After doing some fiddling with his armor and mask, Oswald cleared his throat.
"Well, by all the commotion going on, I suppose haste is in great order," he joked with a robotic bark of laughter, stretching just a little and readying himself before moving briskly toward the hospital. Giving a polite nod to the frightened women and various doctors and patients running around, Ohm walked forward as if his presence was entirely normal and ignored the stares and inquires directed toward him by the staff.

Warnings came too. One nurse assured him that the 'freaks' were trying to take people and grabbed him. The male's grip was panicked and strong, but the masked man simply gave a reassuring nod and spoke in his odd voice.
"I'm here to see that doesn't happen. Please don't panic and get yourself and your patients and co-workers to safety please!" Patting the other, he continued on before stopping in his tracks. Agents.

Flexing his fists, he cleared his throat to alert the similarly dressed trio of Syndicate agents. They turned and one of them quickly shouted for him to stop, undoubtedly recognizing the mask.
"I am stopped," he said matter-of-factly. "If you mean to detain me, however, I'm afraid that cannot be arranged at this time. Far too busy and all that." With that, they rushed him.

Flashing his arms forward, cylindrical silver snapped into view, unflattening and catching the first off guard as he was flung into the nearest wall. Moving slightly forward, Ohm swung his 'whips' at the legs of the other two, toppling them over into crumpled heaps. In moments, their fight was gone, replaced with pained groans.
"Sorry about all that... but I haven't the time to be more cordial about my countermeasures," he explained sheepishly and stepped around them, making his way to the third floor.


There was an asinine amount of things going on and things that he had apparently missed or been tardy to.
"Oh, I should have come sooner," he stated with a chuckle, advancing on the form of more agents that seemed to be targeting another woman.

"Excuse me!" he stated with a smile, the edges of his mask crimping slightly where his mouth would be. "Do you mind stepping away from the lady and greeting me properly?" Laughing, he flexed his body just slightly, shaking off any tightness in the armor.

Addressing the woman that seemed to be trapped by the agents, he gave a light wave.
"Ma'am, if you'd like the assistance, I'd be happy to give it. Though I'd really enjoy solving all this nonsense without violence, I've got a feeling that option is not one being offered."
Abigail thought hell was finished breaking loose, but she couldn't have been further from the truth. Everything rapidly began to change as person after person joined or left the fray.

Truth jumped out of a window with Min, leaving Abigail extremely confused as she watched the two people she needed alive jump to certain death. Had it been anyone but Truth, she probably would have moved to stop him, but with him she was certain of their safety. Or as certain as she could be, at least.

With those two gone, Abigail turned her attention to the immediate threat. She and Tatyana easily had the advantage, with it being two against one, and her apparent full control of her powers.

Immediately after she became more confident in their chances, her hopes were shot by a disruptive noise coming from the elevator, and she turned to see two young women in front of it. What did they do? Abigail would have to find out once everything was done.

Before even moving another step, Tatyana appeared and shoved an incendiary grenade directly into Abigail's hands and ran off again. Did she actually expect Abigail to know how to use it?

With nowhere to put the grenade, Abigail held it in one hand while holding her gun in the other, and continued down the hallway only to hear a massive explosion as fire seemed to engulf the hall. Immediately after the fire began, sprinklers activated, coating everything with water.

Taking advantage of the chaos that no doubt filled the nearby hallway, Abigail turned to the left, feeling the breeze of the blown open window as she ran into hall, only to encounter six more strangers, adding to the innocent girl and White. From their posture and uniform, it seemed that five of them were on the same side, namely against her.

Of course, there was also the final stranger, a masked man slightly resembling a vigilante wanted by police. Was this him? Was he connected to anything that was going on? It seemed so, but at this point Abigail wouldn't have been surprised if a purple elephant flew through the window and offered to give them a ride to the land of the squirrel queen.

Without anything else to do, Abigail acted as a cop should act, yelling over the fire: "You are all under arrest for, well, all of this!" The fire, despite her history with it, would not affect her. Her powers made her immune to almost every element of the flame, though not the smoke that came from it. Luckily the sprinkler system seemed to be doing a good job of containing the flame.

@AkuNoOkami @Elle Joyner @I'msorryeveryoneImissedtherearelotsofus
Kennithan slowly let the- almost surely- terrified Min down. "For a cowering girl... She was pretty keen on not leaving. Must've been afraid of hights." He shrugged, referring to the other girl he had attempted to grab up. "Either way-" He paused and let Min down. He caught one of the doctors that was running past them and stole his belt. "I need to borrow this. I'm sure you'll understand." As he did so, the doctor tripped over their own slacks which were now around their ankles. The same problem Kennithan was avoiding. But in the doctor's haste, he merely got up and ran with one of his ankles still connected to the pants. Purple Poca-dotted boxer shorts shining in plain view of everyone.

Kenithan tightened the belt around himself and through however many belt-loops were still intact with a nod. "Alright." He looked to Min. "I can't exactly let my hostage die... But I also still have to find the man who healed me. Hmm." He pondered this over as if he had forgotten about Min's needs! "Well, I'm sure you'll be fine on your own, right? There is a van of people looking our way. If I remember correctly-... As long as you don't get in the back, and you don't accept candy from them, I'm sure you'll be fine." He looked over at the third floor window and wiggled his feet as if he was going to jump back up through it.

"Oh, wait-...." He looked over his shoulder to Min, who he could only imagine was awestruck at how nonchalant he was being about all of this. "I guess I can't leave you since she wanted me to protect you." He sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Huh... Well-" He said with a wind of his shoulder as he looked over to her with a VERY creepy smirk. "Guess I have to take you home, then." He looked up at the sky, squinting. "Well, it would depend on how reliable those creepy strangers are who're staring at us. If they're reliable, they can hold onto you for me. If not, I have to take you away from here." He said with a bit of a shrug. "Let's go find out!" No sooner than he said this, he went over and acted like he was going to pick her up again!!

If he was successful, he would carry her like before over his shoulder, possibly with her screaming like before, as he advanced towards a van. A strange homeless-looking man in tattered clothes carrying a girl towards a random van full of strangers... Seems legit. "Hey!!" He waved over to the van. "People who like staring!! Could you look after this Min person? I still have shit to do in there." As he nodded behind himself and at the hospital.

(( @LotusSan ))
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(a joint post between myself and @khuyen)

"Did you hear that?" Lucy asked Orion, looking upwards. She had a hard time finding out where the gun-shooting and noises were coming from, especially with panicked voices shouting around them. Above, she guessed, giving a quick glance around. "Let's go to that elevator!" She didn't wait for Ohm or the others, despite having signaled them in, figuring, they would catch up. Grabbing Orion's hand, she guided them to the an open elevator.

Orion was all too quick to grab Lucy's hand when it enclosed around her own, panic spreading through her system. She heard the sounds alright, loud and clear as they echoed off the enclosure and created a decent enough map for the blind girl. The maelstrom of panic that erupted was helping Orion see, but it didn't make it any easier to navigate. Lucy was a god-send to take her hand, guiding her towards an enclosed space- the familiar hum of the elevator.

"Hmm. Which floor though? I guess we'll just try one at a time." Lucy clicked a button, and the doors closed. The two stood awkwardly waiting, listening to the familiar hum of the elevator in action and the pleasant-yet-annoying elevator music. The doors opened to the second floor, but the hallways before them were empty. "Okay, so no one is here, so not the second floor. Let's try three." She usually wasn't this 'orally observatory', but she figured, Orion would have no idea what was going on. They clicked the button leading to the third floor, and stood back and waited again, while humming along softly to the elevator tune.

Orion was thankful for Lucy's narration, still clinging to her hand despite their relative safety. It was the enclosed space that bothered Orion, the sound helped her 'see' the facets and mechanisms. It was unnerving to say the least, reminding her of the quiet rooms scientists used to put her in with only one machine running. Echolocation wasn't her strong suit, but it was simplistic in a small room with one thing making the noise.

As the doors parted, both girls had to stop and blink for a bit. The sight was much to take in. Not to mention the sudden crash from the elevator beside them. The hallway stretched ahead of them, and Lucy caught the eyes of her missing cousin. "Mi-..." She stopped herself, as the girl disappeared, being carried away by what must have been an insane person. Who else would jump out of a window like that? Before they could even follow them, a huge explosion sounded from the hallway to the left, making the elevator shake dangerously. Smoke filled the hallways, and the sprinkler's turned on immediately.

It was completely confusing for the blind girl, who only heard Lucy stammer for her cousin before stopping her momentum. There was another voice emanating from the hallway calling for Min, getting slightly more panicked as time wore on, and slightly farther away . Before Orion could ask what was happening, she had to flinch back from an explosion, taking a step into herself as the elevator minutely shook. The sound made her curl into herself, deafening enough that she lost her stabilization in the elevator itself. It was in the dark again for a moment, before the shapes that were formed by the sounds came back. Orion could smell smoke, and hear the sudden rush of water from the sprinkler system.

"Okay, uhm...." Lucy spoke over the fire-alarms blaring as well. "So, my cousin just jumped out of the window, and there's fire and smoke and explosions everywhere on this floor... How about we just go back down?"

Lucy's effort at an explanation made Orion more flabbergasted, trying to look around despite her lack of sight. There were still some things she couldn't see despite her ears, what the sound didn't bounce off of, or where it was quiet. Or, in moment's like this where everything sounded like the water coming down from the ceiling. Orion tried her best to nod in her confusion, casually feeling the braille on the elevator panel. Although she couldn't fully comprehend what Lucy was trying to say to her, she realized the woman was having a hard time explaining as well. Orion knew they had to go back down, and pushed the button once she found it. It took a moment for the doors to close, faltering slightly in the system until Orion pushed again. They were then headed down, the ride just as quiet as the one up, with Orion's hand nestled comfortably within Lucy's own.

@actually we didn't interact with anyone @each other ;_; @Holdin' hands <3 @Kazanna sort-of
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There was chaos in Tempest Falls. Words passed from one mouth to another, house by house, block by block, spreading out like a disease, for a disease it was. Terrorists at a hospital, they said, taking hostages and destroying infrastructure in respond to a recent raid in the Middle East. There were 12, no, 18 of them, and the number climbed steadily higher with each discussion. Tragic, but nothing too out of the ordinary, and even though one could sympathise with the victims, it was easy to "know and forget". Then came the horrific GenMut attack on Live TV, and the media exploded.

The video went viral within an hour, the internet went mad in discussions where conspiracy theorists came forward and for the first time, their theory seemed to make sense. GenMut hate-groups gained followers at an appalling rate while #controlthefreaks became the most popular social network trend. GenMut experts were brought in for the breaking news in multiple networks, analysing every second of the footage and debated every possible implications of such obvious proof of GenMut threat to national security. One such conversation was as follow:

"Good Evening, I am Taylor Norsce of TFS News, and here with me on the show tonight to discuss the recent news is Dr. Thomas Wells, one of the nations's most well-known researchers on Genetic Mutation, or GenMut. Thank you for being here today, Doctor."

"Thank you for having me."

"So, first thing first, can you tell us what exactly IS a GenMut?"

"Well, Taylor, in order to understand this concept, we have to discuss the history of it. As it is generally known, GenMuts appeared following the Incident, which I assume everyone are familiar with. The cause of the Incident is officially unknown, and no terrorist group or any organization claimed to be responsible, but let's not get sidetracked here. The Incident, whatever it was, triggered a large-scaled mass mutation all over the city, in which thousands died of unknown causes. Those who survived the Fever exprienced changes, enhanced genetic traits that sometimes seem...supernatural. They are what is now known publicly as "GenMuts"."

"Do all GenMuts develope dangerous abilities as the one in the clip we have just seen?"

"No, Taylor. Many mutations are rather harmless, like enhanced eyesight, increase finger joints, or...or even more efficient digestive system. Hardly anything worth noticing. Mutations that affect the subject's whole body are not common, and rarer still are dangerous mutations that can be actively triggered."

"Does their...condition affect them mentally, makes them more violent?"

"Not usually, no, although there are extreme cases in which the GenMut's body is changed so drastically that in order to satisfy their sudden new...genetic traits, he or she has to seek out extreme measure, as in the case of the Urban Vampire 2 months ago. The GenMut, Francis O'Hara had his body mutated so that he required lymphocytes in order to survive, that was why he went and broke into the blood bank."

"So Doctor, what you are suggesting is that all the crime contributed to these...these mutants are all committed out of necessity?"

"Some of them, yes, but not all. I am not justifying their actions, but I'm not saying that they did what they did
because they are GenMuts either. Taylor, what you have to understand is that, having these dangerous mutations doesn't automatically make them evil or immoral. Some can argue that they are victim in this situation, since they didn't choose to have mutations. These GenMuts, they are like children given guns, they don't know what to do with them. Being given that much power, it corrupts people, because it is suddenly so much easier to commit crimes."

"So in your own words, we should treat them like men with guns?"

"That's it. Since the beginning, GenMuts have been discriminated and treated like they are not human, like they are another species, almost. But how do mutated abilities do you harm more than a gun? You are just as hurt getting shot from a mugger as anything."

"So how DO you suggest us deal with people who have "guns" encoded in their genes?"

"Well, Taylor, sometimes those with strong genetic abilities harm others, sometimes they don't. Either way, they are potentially dangerous and should be treated as such. No matter their intention, these GenMuts should be...monitored, their use of genetic abilities controlled, maybe by the goverment or, perhaps a responsible corporation such as the Syndicate, for their good as much as ours, the everyday citizen. Because of a small group of GenMut terrorists known as Tourniquet, their whole community are being looked at by the public as a threat to national security. If, then. it is guaranteed to the public that somehow, these people with dangerous abilities are properly kept in check, then they would no longer be seen in such a hostile light and can have normal life. As I said, it's better for us
and for them if such a scenario becomes reality."

It was one of many, many more discussions regarding the topic, not many others looked at the community of Genetic Mutants with the same level of positivity. It was a long day that day.



Loric stared impassively at the still visible burned tire tracks and scattered debris on the road side where the car crash had happened not 3 hours before. A few passersby casted the motionless man on the sidewalk curious glances, but none approached. He shivered as a cold gust of wind swept by, cursing his clothes for being too thin. His jeans was worn thin, his jacket slightly discolored and a little tight on the shoulders. He hadn't had a chance to get new clothes in a few months, with agents sniffing so close on his trail. He wasn't even sure if it was wise resurface then, there might well be some not distracted by the GenMut hunt and could walk out of a shadow to snatch him at any moment. But Loric needed to get out of the ground, to resupply and especially find somewhere he could lie low for a time, preferably with more breathing room than his last bolt hole.

Were him 2 months before, he would have seek to join the ongoing destruction at the local hospital, just to get back at the Syndicate if not helping out others like him. There was only one place remote and low key enough he could think of right then, the Tourniquet's headquarter. Judging from the duration of the mayhem on the other side of the city, their main force were likely to be all there, only that organization would be resourceful enough to stretch the hunt out for so long. So, there would be few if any left in Haven. No matter, if it was truly deserted he would sneak in, somehow. He was farmish, the last thing he had had was the breakfast one day previous, before a scouting team of agents had knocked on his door, impolitely, at which point he did his disappearing act and knocked back, or rather, out. The agents, that is. He had been on the run ever since, around the city, aimless and lost. At least if they decide to kick him out, they might offer him dinner first. Or maybe not. Worth a try. Loric didn't think he'd have to resort to his old pickpocketing trick from his teens, but it might well come to that. He seriously hoped not. His skill was rusty and his finger were stiff with cold. He looked nothing at all like a dangerous GenMut and more like an umemployed construction worker, with all the grace and posture of one.

Loric stared the stunningly beautiful building and reconsider his definition of "low key". God below, the house seemed more suitable to be the residence of a playboy billionaire than a group of terrorist in hiding. But again, perhaps that was the point. Hiding in plain sight?

He stepped onto the walkway and alarms blared like fireworks on Independence's Day.


@Elle Joyner
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Min Yi

Her screaming abruptly stopped when they landed on the ground as for a split second she felt as if all the energy had been sapped from her body. The teen was even more confused by this and tried to gather her thoughts. Both her mentor and cousin were in the hospital in the middle of some kind of fire fight. As much as it terrified her to go back in she couldn't let this insane raggedyman just run off with her. When she was set down her legs nearly gave out but she managed to stay on her feet and take in her surrounding. She looked up at the window she had just been dragged out off in time to hear some kind of explosion and spy the sprinkler system starting to go off. A deep sense of dread ran through her as she hoped Tatyana and Lucy were okay.

Regaining enough sense and courage Min moved to go back into the hospital but was caught around her waist once more by the hobo. "Let me go!" She yelled trying to pry herself out of his grip. "My cousin is in there! I have to get to her!" She called up to the delusional man before he started talking to some strange red head near a van. Was he seriously going to leave her with him. He didn't even know the man and was just going to leave her there. She looked up at the tall man fear still reflecting in her brown eyes as she prayed he wasn't part of the labs.

@LotusSan. The other two continued down the hall spotting two new arrivals one pulled a knife and picked up the speed as they went for a horizontal slash towards the masked man @Grin. The last remaining agent stopped short as they turned the corner hearing a man calling out for someone. He turned and his eyes widened when he realized who the only one left was. "Fuck my luck..." He growled under his breath recognizing the genmut as one of the escapees and possibly one of the most dangerous ones. @Kazanna Drawing a gun he was taking no chances in getting close and proceed to fire.

Note* From here on NPC Agents are up for your control. Have fun :)

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