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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

Kang waited until the woman situated herself on his back. The fall would be quite a jarring and frightful one, so Kang hoped it would not be too much on the girl's likely frayed nerves. Kang crouched under the broken wall and crawled forward until he reached the end, making sure the woman had ample space. Kang then slowly turned around so that his legs faced the outside of the building. With a deliberate and sluggish pace so as to not shock the woman and because Kang was slow anyway, he began to push off his body while still holding on to the building with his hands. When all of Kang's body except his arms dangled outside of the building, Kang abruptly let his grip on the building go.

As soon as Kang began falling, he placed both his hands on the side of the building while he fell, making sure to have a point of contact for the landing. Kang and the woman fell extremely fast due to Kang's half ton weight, and a shower of sparks danced from Kang's palms as they scraped down the wall of the building. In the next second or two, Kang crashed onto the concrete pavement ground, but did not, as one would expect, create any form of crater or structural fracture. Kang instead landed perfectly fine with perfect balance so as to make the woman feel more comfortable. Kang's armor then began to ripple as the immense force of the fall was redirected upwards towards Kang's arms and into the wall of the building, creating hundreds of fractures on the concrete wall his hands were on. In this way he prevented the woman on his back from dying of the fall's shock, though she would still have felt a considerable jolt and crashing feeling as Kang could not mitigate all of the fall's impact. The force would not be anything to complain about though, maybe a bruise or two. Kang's appendages then curled around the woman's arms at the shoulder joint and lifted her up before gently placing her down on the ground.

Kang was finally free, and he was eager to witness what the outside world looked like once more. Kang also knew that he needed to move fast to get out of the facilities' reach, and thus began to deactivate his ability. His muscle mass condensed and convulsed wildly before rapidly shrinking upon itself. Kang's legs twisted and reformed back to their regular forms and the antennae and appendages sunk into his back and head. The armor plating simply dissolved into the air in brilliant golden flakes before dissipating into nothing. Kang's body then returned to its original state, regaining facial features and hair as well as regular human physiology. The extra purple muscle mass outside of Kang's body sank inside through Kang's regular skin, as if were being absorbed. Most of Kang's clothing was also left in tact, aside from most of his pants as they were ripped apart from his legs changing structure. This was due to the fact that the clothing simply became an extra layer of skin so to say and was covered by purple muscle mass and compressed so as to not compromise muscle structure.

Kang looked out at the world around him from his regular old six foot height, wondering at what he saw. He gazed out at the city of Tempest Falls during the night, regarding the flashing lights of automobiles and street signs in the distance. A cool and gentle breeze wafted about, and the crisp and slightly frosty night air energized Kang. This was the first time Kang had seen the city since his memory wipe, and it amazed him. He had not seen the vastness of the world when he was cooped up in the facility, and the impact of witnessing the urban landscape was profound.

Min glanced over as the last member of their trio arrived. She was already clinging to the genmut for dear life trying to to freak about about having to fall 3 stories. She looked over as he spoke up but before she could offer a reply the armored on she was on already started moving. Though it didn't really go against anything she would have voiced. She bit her lip lightly as he perched himself over the edge. Min shut her eyes tightly already feeling Her chest constricting other panic. She forced herself to take deeper breaths.

Her stomach sank as she felt him shift not daring to open her eyes. Her heart shot into her stomach we they fell, a scream caught in the throat. Her whole body froze up as panicle thought of death crossing her mind in the short few seconds they were falling. The impact on the ground rattled a small scream out of the girl, first. Noise she had made all day. she could feel some of the ipack resonate with in her smaller form but by this point the pain barely registered. She was in a fair bit of shock as she was picked up and placed on the ground. Mins legs nearly gave out under she shaky form when she was placed down. She stared only have registered what she was seeing as the armored genmut shifted for, morphing from some insectary armored to a more human form.
Michael led Orion through the forest gently, keeping her close and making sure he didn't lead her into trees or rocks. At one point she tripped, but he kept her up ad steady with telekinesis, making it seem like she hadn't even tripped. He kept himself tuned into the thoughts that he was tracking, ever tempted to delve deeper into the mind of the person they were following, but not wanting to invade on their privacy. He simply followed it to the edge of the woods, where he spotted and beach and what appeared to be a small outpost or hideout.

He looked at it, unsure exactly what to do. He wanted to go down there and figure out what was going on, but he didn't want to bring Orion into a potentially dangerous situation. He turned to her and led her over to a bush, putting her hand on it.

"Orion, I would like you to hide in this bush until I get back. Don't come out unless you hear me talking in your head. I want to make sure it's safe down there." He placed her hand on his face and smiled, genuinely this time. Then he began to walk down to the encampment. He had to have been no more than 30 yards from the woods when loud, blaring alarms went off. He immediately stood at the ready, already preparing himself to telekinetically beat someone to a pulp.

@Kagura @Elle Joyner @Grin @Whoeverelseisinthekitchen
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Despite the others lack of emotion, Oswald chuckled at the pun and nodded to her name. "A pleasure, Miss Unzhakova," he said plainly with a nod of his head. "I hope you can find something around here suitable for nourishment. I'll leave you to it for now - but later we really must discuss further study and training of your abilities. I have faith you can gain more control. From what I've seen in many abilities, it's all in exercising the specific 'muscle' - for lack of a better term."

Turning back to the other with the pan, Ohm gave a tilt of his head at her surprise, then realization.
"Lucy it is then!" the masked man stated joyously, smiling and taking her metal hand. "And you're correct - Mr. Malkavich it is, formal as that may seem." Looking down at the girl's hand, he smirked a little. "And I see firsthand just what you can do, Lucy. Outstanding ability - we'll need to discuss it more later. Apologies for interrupting your food preparation."

The entrance of another caused a brow of Oswald's to raise curiously.
"This seems to be the popular place, does it not?" he said with a bright laugh, the tinny and mechanical sound of it both slightly unnerving and uplifting all at once. Nodding his head toward the other, he gave another greeting. "Mr. Callahan, nice to see you again. Getting along well enough?" he questioned, honestly curious about how people were finding the housing.

A crash drew him away from his thoughts as Sean had pulled off one of the cabinet doors as if it was a sheet of paper towel. Staring in shock for just a second, the masked man blinked and snorted a bit of laughter.
"Please, don't apologize or worry on it. These things are bound to happen until the implementation of further training for everyone. And, if you can fix it I would appreciate it, but if not I'm certain there is someone around who can!" he said with a wave of a hand, dismissing the 'wrong-doing' immediately.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, alarms began to sound and red lighting flashed in a steady beat above them.
"Damn," the tall man said softly, jaw setting as he turned toward the others. "We've had a security breach. This could be something as simple as another person seeking aid, or it could be an attack or infiltration. We need to be prepared for this, and I'll ask some of you for assistance if you'd be able."

Looking to his mobile device, he sent out a few orders there first, then turned to those in the kitchen, his voice all business now. "Any of you that have abilities suited in defense, I ask to give a hand at a few checkpoints that lead to the outside. There should be gatherings of guards there. If you see too many others at any given point, go to the next. Once they're all secure, I ask that you check in on your phones if you have them, or have a 'guard' check you in. Don't want to lose anyone, you know."

Nodding, he turned toward the newcomer - Miss Unzhakova - and spoke. "If you'd be so kind, could I have you come with me and investigate the alarm that was triggered first hand? I may need your expertise in tracking if things get out've hand and we HAVE been breached. I will, of course, have to quickly go to my lab and get some things, however."

Turning to Ginny he gave a nod to her as well.
"Miss Brauer - could you stay in and organize the defense teams if you'd be so kind? With myself being out in the thick of things, I'd not want anything in here to get out've hand in my absence. Not that it would, mind, but one can never be too cautious," he said plainly, then turned toward the others.

"Any questions before we depart?" he said, cheery again as the alarms behind him flashed and blared, not seeming to effect him much at all after his initial change in mannerism.
As the bus went about its routine stops, it had picked up quite a bit more people then usual. The majority of this influx seemed to come from the poorer areas of Tempest Falls. One stop in particular had a very bad series of pot-holes that jarred the buss from left to right with a muffled *KER-THUMP*. Immediately afterwards a man wearing a grey hooded jacket and worn-down jeans entered, prompting the buss to accelerate from its stopped position and continue on its route. the man had blondish brown stubble which was the only thing displayed to the world of his face. The rest of course was hidden behind the hood which was pulled down past his eyes. And with the forward tilt of the man's head, the resulting shadows that were cast hid everything else from view. This man took his seat across the Aisle from Nadia and directly behind the old lady. The man's hands clasped themselves firmly into some form of meditative or praying position as his shoulders shrugged upwards once. After several seconds, the shoulders slumped downwards as the man audibly exhaled a sigh and seemed to relax.

Around ten minutes would pass with no other passengers entering and very few exiting. It was strange, as if everyone was headed to the same outskirts of the city. The gentle 'whirring' sound of the bus's wheels along the ground, the cold air of the air-conditioned yet stale room in which they all sat, and the passing of pavement outside of their windows had a tranquil (albeit un-natural) effect on the passengers. Or at the very least, those who allowed the effects of this 'Highway Hypnosis' (or white-line fever) to claim them into a hazy state.

The peace was abruptly ended, however, as a man in the front of the bus stood up and shouted. "I can't take this anymore! Are all of you happy?!" The man's body language described distress as it twitched about, arms being thrown upwards and outwards. "You just go on living your lives like sheep! All the government does is sheer you of your dreams!" The bus driver being in the weird position of driving and looking back in short glances, called back to him "Sit down, pal. You can save your propaganda 'til after you're off-" But the joking tone was soon ended as the apparently distressed man pulled out a gun and aimed it at him. "Shut it! This ain't propaganda. This is your LIFE!" The other people on the bus, at this point, were a bit frantic to say the least. Some of them started to take out their cell phones to try and change the situation by calling the police, but unfortunately this 'madman' had the same possibility in his own thoughts. He shot the gun upwards, pointing it at the people who where not making eye contact. "Up here!" He pointed to his eyes with his free hand's middle and index fingers. "I see anyone on a cell phone, I'm pullin' the trigger, got it?!"

The man with the grey hooded jacket merely kept his head down. Strangely, in all of the ten minutes of peace, it didn't seem as though he had taken a breath. His shoulders, back, and chest had not moved one bit since he had sat down and exhaled. This lack of obedience did not go unnoticed as the madman took a few steps forwards, pointing the gun towards him and barked out a "HEY!". With no response, the man grit his teeth and stood just beside the old lady. "You no comprende'? I said eyes up." He waited a few seconds, but as he still had yet to get an answer, he cocked the gun and held it outwards, right against the hood of the jacket. "You think this is a game?!"
Remington sighed as he stood at the edge of the building, staring after Kang and Min, who had just leaped out. Remington had an issue, one he was trying to deflect until now.

He was horribly fearful of heights.

So as he looked out into what to him, looked like oblivion, and considered his situation, he began talking to himself.

"Well... Could always... Aim for the big guy... He might break my fall..." He muttered.

"Yeah but what if he's too solid, Might hurt worse." He retorted.

"Well there's a patch of grass, maybe they keep it watered and the ground will be soft." He reasoned.

"Well what if it's that bloody sod shit and it's sitting on reinforced concrete." Another retort.

"Oh Just jump already ya bloody sissy!" He said aloud.

Remington glance around, and then crossed himself, muttering a prayer before he kicked off the edge of the building, screaming all the way down. He flailed, and tried to grip at nothingness as he fell, instantly regretting his choice. A moment later, he hit the ground, impacting heavily, face down, he lay there with a groan before he rolled his broken body over and stared up at the sky.

"Brilliant idea mate... Jump already ya said... Fat lot of..." He felt his bones regenerating, and paused, a grin on his face, "Oh right, I regenerate. Blimey, that hurt though..." He finished before he wobbled to his feet, stepping over the Kang and Min. "Shall we wobble off now pals? I canne see a reason why they'd be lettin us squat on their front yard much longer, without tryin ta at least reclaim us a bit."

His question was more or less for his own benefit. He knew there was really not going to be a response. So he hefted the slug launcher, which, unknown to him, was now slightly damaged, enough it wouldn't fire very accurately, over his shoulder, and began to swagger away with a victorious look on his face.
Nadia was sleeping a light sleep, the bus rocking her. Her dream was so nice that she never wanted to wake up from it. She let out a groan of protest when a mans voice suddenly shouted out, already awake but eyes were still closed. This had to be one of those situations, just some stupid guy complaining about his life. She never understood why people started complaining about their lives. It bored her. The sound of gun hitting palm made her eyes pop open. That was an all too familiar sound. She watched with green eyes as the man turned a gun on the bus driver who had just tried to get the man to sit back down. What the hell? Was this guy for real?

He had explained that if he saw anyone with a cellphone that he would shoot them. She looked at him, assessing his features, memorizing them. Taking in anything that was note worthy to report to anyone who asked. Irritation washed over her as she realized that a thing like this always involved the police. But if she handled it herself maybe they could just skip that part, she wasn't in the mood.

She would either:

A) Disarm him and knock him out,

B) Disarm him and shoot him to immobilize him

C) Disarm him and Kill him

When the madman began focusing on a singular person it gave her an opening to choose whichever one she wanted. But before she could act she noticed that the bus driver had slipped out his cell and had it to his ear and was already talking in the receiver quietly. She looked at whoever it was that was distracting the madman so completely. It was a man sitting in his seat completely ignoring the situation. Okay, this guy was either invincible or just stupid. What person in their right mind would ignore a situation like this? Did he want to die? She knew that if things got a little too risky she could act, but she would have to wait for just the right moment.

She smiled a bit, a genuine smile for once in her natural life. Well, it wasn't that it didn't happen several times before, it just happened that she did it lot less than the average human. Though, Ohm understanding her pun was able to increase that rarity up just a tad bit. Well that and the fact he mentioned food...well more so the food part.

That was when the alarms started. And the orchestra of sirens and horns and all of the likes were starting to drive her insane. She came here for food, but she was introduced to alarms. ALARMS! She was here for the food.

Tatyana rose a brow a bit checking under one of the many pockets on her kevlar vest, and nodded to herself when she found what she was looking for. One of the four remaining magazines she had for her rifle. She knew that her sidearm was loaded in the holsters under her shirt, but Ohm didn't know that and she was ok with that.

She took the rifle and placed it on the table close to her, before pulling out the sidearm that was clearly on the holster on her side. She pulled out a magazine and showed Ohm the rubber bullets inside, before she thrust it in and returned it to its holster. Moving through the kitchen to the pantry, she gave a quick scrutiny of the kitchen before grabbing a banana, and another banana. Ok she grabbed 3 bananas, and used her power to moved back through the kitchen unseen and next to Ohm before appearing again.

She yawned a bit,"Ok first this is the second time today you're being breached, do better...second...." she held a banana out towards the he-man, he-ape that broke the cabinet,"Mister Gorilla want a banana?"
The man in the hoodie had not made a single movement. No breathing, no twitching or flinching, and not even a single head movement to indicate that he was anything but a statue. Of course the lack of motion didn't give the madman the same questions it would a normal person. By the look of things, the hooded man was either dead, or so far gone in fear that he just stiffened up to the likeness of having rigor-mortis. And worry would probably be the natural reaction. To the man with the gun, however, this was not seen in the same light. And with a twitch of his eye, he gripped his finger just a tad bit tighter on the trigger. "You cocky little..."

With an abrupt *P-KOW* the other side of the motionless man's hood bulged, making it seem as though the bullet had flown through his head. The jacket had a clear hole where the bullet entered into the 'shadowed' space belonging to the motionless hooded man. To everyone on the bus, it would seem as though he had been executed where he sat. "Anyone else brave enough to-" The madman turned mid-statement and paused at the sight of the bus driver having already called-in the events that were taking place. The madman started to raise the gun to a directed aim. From Nadia's position, she would see him displaying the ugliest frown a person could possibly twist their face into. The man's mouth opened to shout again but all that came out was a wailing, pitiful scream as he dropped to the floor in a kneeling position.

The hooded man, presumed dead, had snapped the madman's ankle with a subtle tap of his foot. Not only that, but this 'zombie' had now rose up, standing and pulled the hoodie back to reveal cold grey eyes, long blondish-brown hair, and a scowling face with the head of the bullet still intact on the side of his head as if it had just left the end of the revolver's barrel. The man on the ground turned the gun up at him and continued to unload shot after shot while sliding himself backwards along the aisle. Each time a small hole was formed as some sort of 'air' popped through the back of his jacket. The 'zombie' man sighed, ripping his hooded jacket off of himself in aggravation. The madman of course, seeing as how nothing was working ushered out the predictable insult that trended with those in shock of witnessing something that defied common sense. "Y-you're a monster! A FREAK!"

The now shirtless man frowned down at him. "And you ruined my jacket." About this time the tips of the bullets all fell from him, clattering on the floor in pristine condition as if they never made contact with a solid surface. He took a step forwards, showing some sort of strain or focus, stopping just between the madman's legs. "Not to mention, you turned your gun on a fellow human being..." The same cold stare as before pierced down at him as some of the other passengers on the bus started to grow even more disturbed at the sight of this apparently bullet-proof man. "Give me your wallet." He turned his sights up at the bus driver. "I want your wallet too. I saved you, after-all. Truth isn't free."

The madman threw his empty gun up at the man, bouncing it harmlessly off of his head and sticking the barrel into the roof of the bus, showing that no momentum was lost upon bouncing upwards. "Screw you, Genmut! I'm not handing my wallet over to some defect." The man's next phrase ended with him screeching as this 'zombie' man's foot tapped gently on the mangled ankle. "O-okay, okay!" He offered up an old ragged leather wallet with tears flooding out of his eyes as the tapping on his ankle continued. "Just stop!!"

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Shit! She was too late! She gasped and stood up in shock when the shot was fired straight into the mans head, ready to get rid of this madman for good. But then there was something strange happening. There wasn't any blood from the wound, which was the first thing that she noticed about it. Nothing on the window or on the side of the silent guy's face. The madman then looked up in time to see the bus driver on the phone with law enforcement no doubt, then proceeded to threaten him again and raised his firearm once more at the bus driver. The exchange was abruptly interrupted by the madman yowling in pain then falling in the isle to his knees. Nadia's eyes widened at this, surprised. Her eyes then went to the man who had been strangely still and silent, he was now standing. This was when Nadia realized exactly what was going on. He was a 'GenMut', like her.

The madman started shouting at the guy, calling him names because he couldn't grasp anything different than himself. He then fired more shots at the hooded figure, none of them taking any effect. The guy then began demanding wallets and talking about how the truth isn't free. This spiked Nadia's memory. She could remember seeing papers all over at one point talking about, "Unlawful Truth" this and that about a 'GenMut'. She crouched down and used her small pointer finger and thumb to pick up one of the bullets. Strange, they were still in shape. What exactly was this guy capable of? Her green eyes rose back to the guy who was now standing shirtless and untouched who had collected money from both the bus driver and the man who's ankle, she presumed, was now broken. She hadn't spotted how exactly that had happened.

It wasn't long before the sirens wailed loudly all around them. The passengers on the bus were talking about what had just happened. Some were more freaked out because of the 'GenMut' and some were more calm because the guy with the gun was now down. Red and blue lights flashed though the windows of the bus and the sirens wailed until they were abruptly cut off at arrival. Nadia looked out the window, her body tensing up, her chest squeezing. She hated when the police were around. She felt like a trapped animal, stuck on this bus. The police talked over the CB Radio about the situation. Of course they were being listened in on by others. An officer pulled out his firearm and walked up the steps to the bus to assess the situation. Nadia found herself backing up further and further towards the emergency exit at the back of the bus.
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"There's been a containment breach."

"So what? What's that gotta do with me anyway?"

"You were on premises. Were you not informed multiple times that there was a Red alert emergency status?"

"And what was I supposed to about it? If you hadn't realised, self-harm and suicide are two different things, separated only by a fine line of whether one derives pleasure from it. Getting myself pounded to dust by some Korean fuckwit and a Scottish Highloser doesn't sit within the territory of pleasure. Well, not in the current context of the wording, but--"

"This incident has caused a massive break out that may impede our company's progress. Agent Green, may I remind you about your contract?"

"Yeah? Look, I'd do anything for you guys, I'd melt those dickweeds into a puddle of flesh and bones that they should be for you, but you have to face the facts. If I went in there without the back-up from other Agents, who are all but M.I.A., you'd be one Agent less. And remember whose blood it is that gets rid of all those incriminating evidences. Probably the one with the highest acidic concentration. I'm just saying." A pause. "You saw how easy they wrecked the facility. Maximum security, uniquely designed cell to house subject, all destroyed. How's little old me going to compensate? Stand over there in a cute little police uniform, blow a whistle, demand he stop vandalising private property, cross my fingers and hope to whatever God of my own choosing that he'll listen to me? Maybe tell them they're under arrest on account of being too...mmm, irresistible...to exist? I'm sorry, Molly, not going to happen.

"Besides, isn't this supposed to be uh...what's his name...Black's job? He's the guy with the touch of death and whatever. On the scale of 1 to 10, 1 being useless as water off a duck's ass and 10 being most effective at fucking up a day in the life of a shitstick, he's at 11, ain't he? How come he ain't getting a lecture from you?"

"...Agent Green, stand by until further instructions. They will be conveyed to you through e-mail. That will be all."

There was a click as the line was abruptly cut off by the other end, followed shortly by the dead tone. She snapped the clamshell phone shut and slipped it into her pocket. She drew the curtains over her barred window, the metal grills coated especially to disallow her from melting them at will, and strode over to her table. After the incident with Agent Red, the wanktaint who defected, extra measures were made to ensure that the other Agents did not follow her exemplary behaviour. Like Green would anyway. Biting the hand that feeds it, that was what it was. Why the hell even sign up for the Agent program when you were planning on half-assing it anyway? People were complex beings. She wasn't saying she was simple, but a job half-assed is a job fucked up, as far as she was concerned. She dropped herself down on the chair by her desk, her hand wandering over to the letter opener stabbed into the woodwork of the desk. She hadn't had her fix yet. Now was a good time as any. She plucked the implement out of the desk and rolled up her sleeve. She took in a deep breath, and then pressed the edge of the opener onto her palm. Her skin split, and the blood began to flow. A chill ran up her spine, a euphoria unlike any other. She quivered and moaned, her face flushing a bright red as she drew the opener across the palm, slowly and deliberately. It was always a new feeling every time she did it, always another new world. It was so much better than just sitting around looking at pictures of half-nude men. She bit her lower lip, the knife continuing its path down her palm and onto her arm, where prevalent scars already existed prior. With every rivulet of blood, every inch of opened skin, she felt herself tingle with excitement. Her breath slowed to a heavy rhythm, her body heating up, her heart racing. How thrilling, how delicious, how enticing, how...seductive, the pain was. Nothing else came close to satisfying her urges, not even those cute gentlemen down at their cell blocks who ran out of her grasp just today.

She laid the knife aside, and clenched her fist, letting the blood drip onto the table and the floor, where the droplets sizzled, burning small craters onto the surfaces. She was sweating, but she wasn't entirely sure that her need for a change of underwear was because of sweat. Agent Green gave a low laugh, choked by a hiccup from the aftermath of her...'session'. She pushed her hair back and made sure her characteristic fringe was back over one eye before straightening up on her seat and reaching for the bandage at the side of her desk like one would reach for a packet of kleenex after they were done.
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The alarm sprang to life, squealing with abject rage over the wireless speakers, set throughout the manor. The sound set Ginny's teeth on edge, but she resisted clapping her hands over her ears, in favor of listening to Oswald's instructions. Frowning, she watched as Oswald took control, nodding when he turned his attention to her. A small part of her was surprised, pleasantly, that he would trust her with such a crucial role, but another part of her was a little terrified of the responsibility. Still, it needed to be done, and she knew the security measures as well as Oswald.

When Oswald had fallen quiet, the new recruit spoke up and Ginny's frown intensified. Irritating it might have been to hear it come from someone who had been on the premises less than a full thirty minutes, the woman... Tatyana, Oswald had called her, had a pretty valid point. Two breeches in one day... it wasn't exactly record breaking security.

Things would need to change, if they were going to be accepting new recruits as often as they had been, lately. They were a crucial aspect... possibly the only aspect in taking down the Syndicate, and if they were going to have people breaking in left and right, they were hardly going to accomplish much more than being taken apart brick by brick...

As Oswald and Tatyana prepared to meet the intruder head on, Ginny turned to Lucy and Sean, "...Most of the vulnerable areas will be covered, but we're a little short in the south wing. If you two cover this, I'll stay here in the kitchen and wait for Dr. Malkavich's instructions. If anyone gets inside, there's a strip on the back of your security card... pull the tape, then swipe it on any reader and it will put the compound on lockdown. No one... and I mean no one can get down into those labs, yeah?"

Giving them each a nod, she turned away, following in the wake of the other pair, making her way to the foyer, where she could communicate with the rest of the house through the intercom system, "Attention..." She started, after pressing the button, "We have a security breech at the front gate. All security personnel, to your positions until otherwise instructed."

Depressing the button, she looked to the door and sighed, "Here we go..."
Abigail sat in the passenger seat of the police car, her neatly ironed uniform slowly being drenched in her sweat. Out of all the officers she could have been saddled with, she got the one with the run down vehicle. Between the lack of a working air conditioner, the engine that screamed whenever someone turned it on, and the brakes that barely worked, it was a wonder the geezer was still alive.

Not that he was in good condition either, far from it. He looked as old as his car felt, with creases covering his face and the only specks of hair visible in his nose. He talked in a raspy, hard to understand tone, as if the mere act of speaking was going to deplete him of oxygen. All of this was nothing, however, to the smell. He smelled like a retirement home if it was inhabited entirely by skunks, if even that good. By the time Abigail learned that he had been born in 2004, over eighty years earlier, she was hardly shocked.

"You wondering where we're headed?" He asked, his raspy voice breaking the silence the two shared for almost fifteen minutes. Of course he would ask that, it was all he ever asked. And she always gave him the same response.

"Sure am!" She said, her voice sounding like a picture of peppiness. Of course she wasn't telling the truth. She didn't care at all about where the operator ordered him to go, it was never near where she needed to be. She was after other genmuts, people genetically altered when the city blacked out. Eventually one of them had to lead her to the rumored Haven, but they could only do that if her student officer job took her to an actual genmut.

"You'd better save the optimism for later," He said, obviously sounding concerned. "We've got a hostage situation on a bus downtown." He seemed grim, his usual cheery attitude completely gone. It was almost unnerving, hearing him sound actually afraid.

Abigail didn't say anything, not exactly knowing what to say. The cheery persona she had created would have obviously been speechless at an announcement like that, so even if she had something to say, she couldn't say it. For the time being she sat in the seat, waiting for them to arrive.

After several minutes of blaring sirens they arrived at their location, seemingly too late. If the half-celebration, half-panic of the bus was any indication, something happened that both terrified and relieved the passengers. "Keep talking using my CB, and wait here." The old man said, leaving her alone in the car. Why did he want her to use the CB? He had always used his hearing aids to speak to others, why would they switch to a CB when he was still alive and well?

Abigail didn't argue, deciding that reporting the situation was better for her to keep her cover than by ignoring his foolish request. She spoke into the CB, bringing up the situation and asking when backup would arrive. Apparently more officers were only a minute away.

Once he reached the bus, he pulled out his weapon and walked up the steps of the bus, silencing several of the hostages. Abigail watched the old man walk up the steps, looking like he was going to collapse with every step he took. Suddenly she saw movement near the back of the bus. A young woman, looking like she was silently trying to escape. She couldn't have been the shooter, so why would she leave?

As she watched the girl get closer and closer to the exit, more police vehicles showed up and officers jumped into action, preparing to help the geezer if he needed it. Why they wouldn't just rush in and back him up directly? Something was going on, something she didn't like.
The kitchen sure was busy today. One person came after the other. When Virginia- or Ginny, as she liked to be called had entered as well, Lucy gave her a smile, recognizing her. It was nice getting a bit of familiarity in this place. Dr. Malkavich - or Ohm, Lucy noted in her head - shook her hand, seemingly unfazed by her outburst. Looking down at their hands, she realized, her body was still covered in metal. Was she really the only one who had no idea how to control her power? Her eyes glanced over at the pretty newcomer, who had put her rifle down near her batter of eggs. Lucy felt a pang of jealousy at her aura of confidence and cocky attitude; she hated not being in control of herself. Luckily, her face heating up due to embarrassment couldn't be seen due to the metal shine of her face.

The last person to enter the kitchen was a tall, handsome man. Callahan, she noted in her mind. Was he new? She guessed his mutation pretty quickly as he ripped off the cabinet. Lucy tried to stifle a laugh, but failed a bit. The amusement from the scene made her feel more relaxed, and soon her body was rid of the metal surface and replaced with her own olive skin again. She breathed a sigh, still not used to the odd feeling of her body transforming. As soon as the sigh left her lips, alarms started ringing like mad. "What's happening?"

She could barely hear over the alarms sounding, the sound making her feel a bit anxious again. Ohm quickly delegated assignments for them though, and they mentioned words of 'Security Breaches'. The 'kitchen-group' seemed to disperse, as Ginny had turned to herself and Callahan with instructions. South wing. Labs. Don't let anyone in. Right. With wide eyes, she had turned to Callahan, staring at him. After a while, she shook her head, snapping herself out of it, forcing her body to move. "R-right, we should go right? Callahan, was it?" She turned from him, heading out from the kitchen as well, thinking he would follow along. "The south-wing.. Across the courtyard would be fastest..." The kitchen had a view of the courtyard, and the labs were across, closest to the cliff. Making her way there, she gave one last glance back at the kitchen door. I never finished my omelette...

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The shirtless man calling himself 'Truth' in the third person collected the money out of the wallets right in front of the old cop with no shame what-so-ever. He flipped the money around in his hands, though he didn't seem particularly happy while doing so. In fact, he looked almost intent on something; fixated, focused. He looked to the old cop with a sigh, pocketing the money as if nothing had happened and tossed the wallets back to the two people he had taken them from, not wanting anything to do with credit cards. "Listen, old man..." He said with a non-threatening widening of his stance. His hands went and completed the 'star-boy' pose he had begun with his feet, holding each arm outright. "None of these folk are in danger anymore. Truth saved them."

Whatever the old man tried to respond with, 'truth' would not bother to react. As the sound of multiple sirens grew closer, his sight slowly drifted backwards behind him and along the aisle until he found a set of feet shuffling near the back of the bus. Great. Someone's in my escape path. Oh well. I'll try not to frighten them too much, then. This thought faded, bringing him back to the situation at hand. "Old man, you tell your cop buddies outside that if they don't want to go to the hospital, you they will not pursue after me. This is my only warning to you.... and them." It was this time that he had turned, abruptly heading for the back of bus and grasped at the woman near the emergency exit. If his grasping of her was successful, he would hook his arm around her and bring her in front of him as to not allow her to get accidentally shot by the old man or by any of the police outside. His eyes twitched around to things outside of the windows of the bus, then back to the emergency door.

If she was in her proper place in front of him and off-centered slightly to his left, he would raise his right foot upwards and slam it against the emergency exit on the back of the bus. A bomb-like crash thundered through the air as the entire back of the bus, not just the emergency door, was ripped clean off and sent sailing far past the rural areas along the outskirts of the city. The twisting, tumbling hunk of metal just seemed to keep going as it was catapulted clear out of sight. He hopped down out of the back of the bus, scratching the back of his head. "Think I over-did it..." With a shrug, he looked to the woman as if he were contemplating something. "How do you feel about being a hostage? They're going to most likely open fire soon after the shock wears down... You'd be in danger if I left you in the open. And I also don't want them to continue chasing. If they know I have a hostage, they will likely leave me be. What'ya say?"

His vision scanned over all of the police cars that were now joined with the first one, counting in his head just how many were arriving. It was akin to a bee-hive that was struck. The swarm just seemed to keep growing. His eyes snapped over to the girl in the front of the first cop car that had arrived (the old one), slowly shaking his head as if to tell her 'don't even think about it'.

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Subject gurgled as it scurried away from the sizzling floor, its gelatinous mass leaving imprints on the floor as its acid burned away the first few centimeters of the floor, leaving a rather incrimination trail of where Subject was heading. Yet, even if the trail supported the fact that Subject was heading in a certain, particular place, it was actually the least true thing some could come up with. In all honesty, Subject was heading in the directions it hunger was leading it. The hunger had a particular feeling to it at the moment actually. Usually the feeling was like a giant rushing river, forcing Subject to go with the flow with its tsunami like influence. Yet, now, it was like someone had sharpened the effect, spinning into a fine needle that pierced it through it psyche.

As it turned every corner, Subject felt the piercing effect grow and grow, until it was surprised it didn't change. It had only changed one time before, only once, and that was when the Lab Humans had forgone it daily meals, pushing it to the edge of starvation. It had been a desperate time back then, memories of clawing at the invisible wall still heavy in it mind, yet, the worst thought was when the change had happened. It had started much like now, the hunger consuming it becoming fine like a needle, which then seemed to start tearing into the semblance of a conscious it had scraped up from the small recesses of its mental capabilities.

The pain had been atrocious, the burden of such a change causing it whole body, which at that point had already been worse for ware, to completely become unstable. it had spread as it puddle, becoming less like a thick glob of orange and more like a slight layer of light orange. That was when the change had begun. it could still feel the phantom pains of the procedure, even though it mental state at that point was only slightly better than brain dead. It was like the hunger had taken up the literal driving spot in it place, taking the wheel. It was all blank from there, but when it had gotten back, it had been completely content, it hunger not bothering it, yet the Lab Humans looked to be terrified.

Back to the present, Subject felt itself gurgle as the needle feeling became more precise, yet, this time it seemed to be doing something other than ripping. Subject stopped in its tracks suddenly as it felt the needle pierced its psyche, yet this time it had a more calming feeling accompanying it, like it was applying an anesthetic to the spot it wounded. Subject felt the needle pierced its psyche multiple times, yet this time each stroke seemed to enlighten her a tiny bit. It was was like-like, something she used to know, something-Sewing! Sewing! That was what the feeling felt like! It was like somebody was patching up a hole or something, the plethora of holes that were present in it mind never more prominent than they were now.

It was like somebody was trying to awaken something within it. Subject was about to dig deeper into the feeling, when it saw something that made the fine needle explode back into an uncontrollable mess. In the middle of another peirce, the explosion ripped another hole in her mind, undoing most of the work the rare time of calm had done to fix some of the major problems in its mind. Feeling wrathful, and in need of release, Subject leveled a rage filled glare, or its equivalent of a glare, at the sight that had made its mind fracture.

The group of Gun Humans flinched collectively as the beast they had been looking for gurgled at them in a really angry way, the sound reverberating through the hallway with its intensity. From what it could see, there was only about three of the Gun Humans, a suitable appeasement for its currently emotional state. Snaking over to them erratically, the impact the mental explosion had had on it making it wobbly, Subject coiled clumsily and jumped at the Gun Humans, the thin and needle like bullets passing through her skin like butter.

A second later, there was intense screaming echoing down all of the hallways, sounding like little girls, but they were tinged with the natural baritone of men.
The sound of something heavy and solid slamming into the ground snapped Min out of shock induced trance. She blinked a few times noticing that instead of a tall armored bug thing a dark haired boy stood and realized they were one in the same. The teen didn’t have much time to ponder on this as she looked over to the source of the loud sound and spotted the muscular older man lying on the ground in a human sized impression. He had jumped all of that way landing in such a way that would shatter most people’s bodies and yet he was able to stand. Though he did look rather worse for wear, it was clear the break out had taken its toll on all of them, not including any experimentation that had happened before hand.

There was a distant sound of panicked and angry voices providing a sharp reminder to Min that just because they were free from their cage didn’t mean they would remain free for long. She waited only long enough to make sure the third member of their group was okay to keep moving before following Remmy. Anxiety still knotted up her stomach but it was easier to manage her fears when there was fresh air and natural sunlight surrounding instead artificial shades of gray.

Min couldn’t help a small grin as they moved further away from her prison a flutter of excited tickled her chest. The fact that was free was almost unreal ah she finally got to see the outside world again. Though her excitement and happiness was dampened by the fact that 1) they were fugitive now, and possibly going to be hunted until they were dead or captured again. 2) Couldn’t go back home and 3) Had no food, supplies or even shelter. Any thoughts beyond the initial escape wasn’t really entertained because of the hopelessness of her situation. Now she wished she had given it more thought. Min glanced at the other two genmuts and figured the first thing they would need to find is a safe place to lay low and recover. She had the luck of being able to look like anyone and blend in the other two did not.

@Elegy @Kazanna
Nodding to the masked wonder, lucky that the man was able to at least be reasonable to understand that Sean had made an honest mistake, Sean went about his business. It was nice to know the man was rational, at least on the surface. Pouring some tea into his kettle, he took a sip. At the moment, he couldn’t ask for much more. Aside for some milk. All that kept the strong man from the beverage was a refrigerator door. One he was not willing to open in fear of breaking yet another kitchen appliance.

Leaning against the counter top with the kettle within reach, the man kept his dark cup of tea close to his face, allowing the steam to dance around his nostrils - warming his face in the process. Hues had scanned the different forms in the room momentarily, and had shut almost immediately before a voice rang through his ears. The comment had to be directed toward him. Gorilla? That was certainly a first.

The corner's of his lips curved upwards as his eyes opened to a woman who had been holding out a banana in his general direction.
"You take me for a gimp, don'cha?" He asked calmly, still smiling as a hand outreached to grasp the fruit from the woman's clutches. After setting down his cup, the same hand would begin removing the peel. That was when the alarms started ringing.

Immediately, Sean's expression returned to a neutral state. He had not said a word as the sounds ricocheted through the domain, rather he listened to what Ohm had to say. The operator's time to operate had come, after all! Afterwards, he turned to Ginny, whom had further relinquished some information as to what Sean should be doing directly.
Sticking me with a feek? I could get used to this place. Taking the first chomp of his banana, light eyes moved from the woman who had delegated his task to the woman with whom he was sharing the responsibility with.

She asked if they should get moving. At first, Sean did not reply; she had done the job of effectively eliminating the pause in conversation, so there was no need. Being the man's first day living on the grounds, he had not been fully aware of the fastest ways to get to his desired destinations. He would have to rely on Lucy to show him that. Sean certainly was not going to complain about it - after all, the view of the woman walking away was quite pleasurable to say the least.

"Aye. I ain't leavin' my banana, though."


Rolling his shoulders, Remington did a damage assessment of himself. His mutation was coming to the end of it's ability to keep him alive, and he knew it. As it reset the damage in his body, his muscles toned down, his bone structure rebuilt painfully, and he was rapidly becoming the normal an he usually was. He felt the added weight of all the ammunition in the bag he had. With a sigh, he checked the slug launcher over. While there was still three clean shells in it, the firing mechanism looked about ready to shatter. Remington pulled the shells out of it and dropped them in his ammunition bag, then cast the launcher aside. He'd find a use for the shells later, but the launcher was junk now.

He turned back to his new found companions and rolled his shoulders again, the stiffness of coming down from the mutations was slowly setting in, so he remarked, "I dunno if either of you know how ta use a gun, but I managed to get a nice bit O ammunition while I was makin my way out. Couple O nice side arms too." He raised one of the 9mm's as a reference. He offered it out, "Got two more, Anyone want one? Considerin were as close ta mates as could be found right now." He knew they needed to leave, but arming prior to leaving was a better idea, "Then we ought ta be skedaddlin, Ya know?" He said, hooking his thumb towards the edge of the complex. He didn't know, or care what lay beyond the gates there. He just knew he wanted to be gone before the retrieval teams showed up.

Kang did not respond to Remington's comical and painful fall, so engrossed was he in this new world of his. He was snapped out of his trance when Remington offered him and the woman firearms for defense. As Kang's anayltical mind was once more in the real world, he began thinking practically. Guard squads would be coming in immense numbers to nuetralize the group, and most likely pistols would do absolutely nothing. However, it did not hurt to have some self defense in any case. Kang's mind also began racing to find solutions to the huge dilemmas that lay on the group's heads. The group had no means of staying out of the sight of security, no means of obtaining shelter, no means of public activity, no means of food and water, and no means of reliable defense. Staying out of captivity would prove to be far more difficult than staying in. Unless some magical shelter took the group in, Kang predicted around a day and a half before the group was caught and put behind bars again.

Kang nodded and took a single side arm, holding it in his hand with a strange familiarity. He had never remembered holding and using a firearm, but the pistol felt oddly comfortable in his grip, and Kang could subtly feel that he understood how to use the pistol in the same way his martial arts naturally emerged when Kang became aggressive. It was as if these nuances had been drilled into Kang through countless repetitions; they were now essentially second hand instinct.

"I think I can use this, and most likely we will have to. Guard squads will be hauling ass to take us down, and unless we get the hell out we might as well kiss ourselves good bye. Which brings me to the point of our evasion from general danger. Obviously there's a massive load of surveillance that this organization or whatever can use to track us down and they might even have information on you guys to use. I know for certain that I'm practically invisible in terms of printed identity, but that doesn't guarantee you guys safety. So that forces us to seek shelter away from the sight of surveillance, and the optimal way would be down into the sewers. Might not appeal to anyone, but that's all I can think of. Oh yeah and we're gonna have to find some sort of permanent shelter where we can get food and water. Easy enough to break out, but staying out is the hard part now. Oh and by the way, I have a severe case of amnesia so I have almost zero practical knowledge."

Remington's shoulders rolled once more as he listened to Kang speak. When the man had finished, he stood still, for a long moment, his face as though etched from stone, it didn't move, not at all. Then, as though he'd suddenly woken up from a deep dream, Derrick Humanitas began to laugh hysterically. Tears formed in his eyes as he laughed like a bellowing giant. He slapped his leg repeatedly as he let forth his hysterical tirade of laughter towards Kang. He shook his head and sighed, wiping his eyes as he calmed down.

"Ah, Mate, Your a card, Ye really are. Quite as a mouse in a room full O tom cats, and then ye come out swingin!" He chuckled lightly and slid one of the pistols into the hem of what was left of his stretchy pants.

The white cloth was in tatters. So he stepped left to right on the cold ground, trying to keep circulation in his feet going. With a wave, Remington began walking towards the edge of the complex, "Exit's this a way. Sewers a good idea, we'll find town, and figger out where they've been keepin us. I've got no contacts anywhere in the good Ol red white and blue. So I'll have to make some." He said as he stepped away from them, "If'n ya want ta follow me, I know a thing or two bout goin ta ground though lad. Done a lot of that. The little miss there won't need us much once were out and about though."

Remington glanced back to Min, and made a face halfway between pity and jealousy, "She's probably got some sort O ability that'd let her blend in pretty easily, that just wouldn't do well in a fight, Otherwise she'd have used it during the tussle upstairs." He remarked casually, "Our powers are out on our sleeves mate, But that'n, We've yet to see what she can do, Might be handy though, havin' an unknown trump." He grinned and made his way up to the gate. It was still intact.

Remington had never liked fences, or gates, though he'd figured out a lot about how to jump them. With his mutation, it had become easier too, like a bad joke, "Oh Look, a fence, why don't I just jump like it's a video game and go flying over." He always thought to himself whenever he'd see them. So he set his legs, reinforcing them, his arms bulged oddly as his muscles reinforced, he crouched down, and braided his fingertips together, nodding to Kang, "Grab the girl, and take a run at me lad, It'll be like a springboard, I'll send ya for a whirl over the gate, then I'll join ye on the other side." Remington showed fatigue in his facial features, this was probably one his final stunts for the day. After this, he'd need to sleep, and eat a considerable amount before he'd be able to modify his body structure or regenerate again.
Min was a bit surprised when the dark haired boy spoke up, more so surprised he had spouted off nearly everything that had been going on in her head. The fact that he had amnesia was also a bit worrying but he seemed to be functioning well enough. The mention of not being able to contact her family did cause a stab of guilt. They were probably worried sick about her. She had been captured while walking home from school of all things, never made it home from an otherwise normal day of classes. She had hid her powers from them as to not give them more to worry about so they had no idea why she disappeared either. Unless the good scientist had contacted them and told them their daughter was a mutant. Part of her doubted that possibility.

She heard the more vocal on of the group speak up and looked over realizing they didn’t know much of anything about her. She had been silent for the most part. She noticed the gun that had been offered to her and passed on it as she has no knowledge of how to use it. The last thing they needed was for her to shoot herself or one of them by mistake. Min saw the look on the older man’s face and felt slightly bad for him. Both of them actually. Neither of them had any real way of hiding save for underground or out of sight. While her powers did allow her to blend in with the crowd the last thing she wanted was to be on her own. That thought alone terrified her. The teen had never been on her own and with no money or family to count on she wouldn’t last very long.

When the subject of her powers came up she spoke up for once her voice was soft and a bit shaky “I-I can shape shift… well… mimic other people…” She muttered as they reached the gate. She looked at it wondering how she could climb over it when the older man spoke up again. She watched his muscles readjust and wondering if it hurt him any to do that. Then she saw the tired look starting to show on his face and knew they needed to get into a hiding place as soon as possible.
After the reappearance of his 'companion' and the banana exchange that caused a brow raise from Ohm, the tall man shook his head and headed off at a brisk pace, making a note of the rubber rounds inside the woman's magazine. It was comforting that, in the event of an emergency, there wasn't the immediate jump to killing. He worried that would only make things worse for Tourniquet if they started spilling blood.

Reaching for the elevator button, he stopped and made way for the stairs, looking back to the woman following him.
"I've got to head to my lab quickly. There's an easier way out from there, but I need to outfit myself with a few augments before we jump right into things," he said with a laugh, moving quickly up the stairs. The male never seemed to run, but his long legs carried him at an almost inhuman pace - quickly taking him to the lab. Swiping a keycard, he held the door for Tatyana and then moved toward the back.

There was some rustling around and a metallic clanking, a his and the sound of something turning on - not unlike the powering sound of an old CRT monitor. When he reemerged, he was noticeably bulkier around his chest, shoulders and wrists. His comfortable looking shoes had been replaced with heavier looking boots and his hands were gloved in the black material of his mask.

He stretched a little and flexed an arm, a metal 'whip' lashing forward from his wrist and crackling with electricity. When he pulled back, it snapped back into the gauntlet on his right wrist, flattening and coiling back into a holder.
"Systems functioning normally!" he said, hardly hiding his excitement as he headed toward a wall and pressed his hand against it. A panel glowed softly and the wall slid up. "Quickly, follow me."

He moved forward, gesturing past the wall. "
There's a small lift that can take us down to the outside. If the breach is serious, this should give us the advantage. It's quite well hidden," he rambled, moving quickly down a rather plan corridor, lights popping on as they passed them.

Eventually arriving at the lift, Oswald typed in a complex series of numbers and it opened. Stepping in, he steeled himself and pressed a fist against the red button to lower the thing.
"I only ask that before we take aggressive action, we make SURE there is a proper issue. The last thing we need is bloodshed tainting Tourniquet's name this early and painting a target on our backs," he said, voicing his earlier concern as the lift took them down to the ground level.

The outside wall slid open, active camouflage flickering away, and Ohm stepped out into the outdoors facing the trees. Mechanical eyes adjusting to the lighting conditions, he turned back to Tatyana.
"Let's go and see what we're up against, shall we?"

Hardly able to end his sentence, Ohm stopped quickly as he stepped around the building's corner and saw a male walking toward the encampment. He was average looking enough, but Ohm realized that didn't quite mean anything anymore.
"Perhaps we should not have reacted with such urgency," he said plainly back to his female companion before turning to the male.

"Excuse me," he called out in a cheery, mechanical voice - his vocals distorted more by the extra amplification of his shout. "This is a private facility. Might I inquire as to your reasons for being here?" The question was not a harsh one, seeming more curious than hostile.
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When the man grabbed Nadia she didn't show any signs of fear, actually she seemed sort of....void. He backed them up to the emergency exit at the back of the bus, which was where Nadia had originally been heading to run for herself. Her green eyes watched as the shirtless man, who was now holding her against him, lifted his foot and kicked the door. The door protested then made a sharp snapping noise as it burst off of the hinges then went soaring through the air and tumbling across the asphalt until you could no long tell where it was anymore. Her brows twitched up in an impressed manor. She listened to him as he talked, asking her if she didn't mind being a hostage. Why would he choose her of all people to be the hostage? Oh right....he didn't know yet about her.

Green hues followed the mans gaze to a female ride along cop. She was assuming that she was the partner and apprentice of the old man who had entered the bus to check things out, and she was also pretty sure that the girl was the one who had called for back up. All of this was making Nadia sick to her stomach. Maybe she should start playing the part of a hostage because if she just acted like she didn't car then it wouldn't really work to their advantage. She turned and blinked up at the man his face now free from the hood that was now destroyed. Her expression went from one of calm and careless to one of fear and panic. She turned back to the police and began to shout like any normal human being would if they were the one to be taken as a hostage. She had to sell it at least.

Her voice rang out as she cried out and flailed around in the mans arms. "Help me! Help me, please!" She would shout over and over again, tears springing from the ducts of her eyes and rolling down her face. Her breathing turned erratic and she used her nails to clutch and scratch at the mans arms to try and free herself from him. This would do the trick right? Did she look like a hostage now? Internally she was rolling her eyes at herself. What a dramatic roll to play.

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Michael's head snapped towards the sound of the man's voice calling out. The tone was not hostile, but tone was misleading. He didn't want to risk delving into the mind of the man, incase that man had abilities of his own. Instead, he raised a hand in greeting. "Hi! I believe I may have stumbled upon this compound in search of something else. You see, I'm moving towards the sea, I believe if I get out of this country I might get away from this rather annoying group known as the Syndicate, they're rather rude. Do you know of them?" He had decided, based on the appearance of the man and his companion, that he was better off just being vaguely honest.

Meanwhile, he was telepathically searching for any negative thoughts directed towards himself. He hadn't found one yet when he came across thoughts of another person, originating from close to him, but in the opposite direction of the man and woman. He looked over there, but there was nothing, so he just ignored it, maybe he was picking up thoughts from underground, maybe there were more people down there.

He looked back at the man and started strolling over in the least threatening way possible. He held his hands out to the side. "So, I'm sure you have questions you'd like to ask me, and I have questions I'd love to ask you, but can we perhaps hurry up, I do have someone who I need to go see."


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