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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

(excuse the mediocrity..half awake)

She smiled, yet another genuine one, when the he-man took the banana. She wasn't quite sure how he took it, but either way, he made it seem like he was a good sport about it. Ohm directed her to follow, and so she did.

With the sidearm back in a holster, she cupped one of the bananas under her armpit as she began to peel the rest of one eating it on the way. He had said something but simply just nodded and responded with a muffled "mmhmmm" when they had made the way to the lab. She just observed, wasn't much else she could do, chewing the banana as she did.

When he had outfitted himself, she didn't seem to entertained or interested and only continued to follow him. She analyzed his punching in the keypad gently, this time paying an intensive attention to it, going over the numbers in her head. She stored them into her brain, and then went over the motions he made in her head. She'd need both in case it was a roaming complex series, but the series itself wasn't too complex. Well, to be fair, she had done this dance before in her line of undercover work.

She didn't realize she was lingering around the keypad until he said something about a lack of aggression,"yeah, right. No shooting. got it." She looked down as she moved her way onto the lift, beginning to peel the other banana keeping the former's peel under her armpit.

When the wall opened and they walked outside, she blinked when she spotted a sleek carbon fiber tri-rotar machine,"Ahh my drone...mama missed you. Stay here." She threw her banana peel at it before using her powers to flank around, eating on the last one in a bit of bliss as she went to scan the area. It would be foolish to assume he was alone, even he was, it'd be good to flank the newcomer.

She continued walking, closing her eyes until she tripped over something in a PUSH ..haha..jokes. This caused her to drop her banana, in favor of holding her hand out to catch her balance, and turning back to her visible self and looking at the newcomer,"Well hello there...can I shoot you now?"

Abigail hardly reacted when the supposed hostage began screaming. Her initial reaction gave away her true feelings, even from their short distance Abigail could tell the girl was acting. She was actually a decent actress, had Abigail not noticed her first reaction she would have most likely bought into the false look of terror on the girl's face.

She was far more interested, however, in the mysterious shirtless man. He had an incredible source of power, able to blast the entire back of the bus from the rest of the vehicle without showing any real effort. It didn't take her any longer than a second to realize that he was a genmut, just like her. She finally found one.

Her brain took steps to think of what to do in a situation such as this. The area was filling up with officers, with three vehicles already arrived and two more on the way. He was lucky in that the other cars were parking near the front of the bus, and only she was in a position to quickly arrest him. Despite this, there were only a few options, and none of them had definitely positive outcomes.

The first, and probably worst, option would be to eliminate all 5 officers at the scene. It would be a difficult fight, and the was no guarantee that they would kill them before reinforcements arrived. Even if they won that fight, they'd have to kill every witness, including the hostage. It would do almost nothing to make the other genmuts want to do business with them, but it would be the most immediate option.

The next, and arguably best, option, was to convince them to get in the old man's car and let her drive. The problem for that, however, was that nearly every police car could be tracked if stolen, and they wouldn't be able to communicate whatsoever in the vehicle since it would all be recorded.

Finally, she could cover them so they could escape without police interference. That wasn't remotely an option, as she would risk death for no gain at all.

She looked at the genmut as police headed towards the crash from the back of the bus, opened the back door of her car, and motioned for him to get in, not saying a word. She was his best chance at escape, and she had to hope he realized it.


The two of them walked side-by-side through the forest, with Michael leading Orion gently forward and the girl adjusting to the outside world. Now that she had woken up, she could recognize the world around her by the few sounds of the forest. Although the girl was too used to walking with her hands out and touched every object as she passed. Orion was doing well, until a tangled root decided to block her path- almost sending her falling on her face if Michael didn't catch her.

Orion smiled in his direction before continuing on his lead. Ever since they escaped the facility together, and maybe before then, Michael had always looked after Orion. It wasn't like she was helpless without him, but he certainly made her escape possible. Otherwise Orion would be stuck in that facility forever, tests being run on her everyday to find if she had a more useful power.

Except the few they did find was when they were trying to kill her.

The sounds of the ocean broke Orion out of her memories, the crashing of waves giving a good idea of the landscape. There was a sudden drop off to her immediate right, the beach and a building in front of her. Before she could continue with Michael towards the building, he turned back towards her and lead her further into the bush. The trees interrupted her perceptions, but she could still 'see' the shapes of the forest by the waves of ocean.

Michael put her hand on the foliage of the bush, making her slightly confused until he explained his prerogative. He wanted her to stay here. Orion frowned, was she so useless to him that she needed to stay in a bush? Before Michael left she felt that he was smiling, making her reluctantly frown crack in response.

Orion turned her face away, listening to the man make his way towards the general direction of where the building was. Once Michael was gone, she retraced her steps until she was closer to the ocean, keeping mindful to stay in the foliage. The sound of the ocean reverberated against her ears and she focused on her ears. With them she got a better layout of the land, but even more interesting she felt a figure coming back up the hill.

Was Michael already coming back for her? Orion careful manoeuvred back to the place he left her, trying to stay focused on the figure. It definitely wasn't Michael, the shape wasn't the same- but just as Orion figured that out, they spoke. She tensed up and turned towards the figure, hesitantly putting her hands up in response to what the woman said. Almost immediately her brain went into panic mode, trying to send a distress signal to Michael, who she hoped was listening.

"You do not need to shoot me..." Orion noted, unsure what the stranger was hoping to ask her that.

@AkuNoOkami @King Of Imagination
Grabbing the door leading out to the courtyard, Lucy Mae found it locked. She looked at it, a bit confused, before it occurred to her. Of course the doors would be locked during a security breach. She usually always took this route through the courtyard, finding the air outside nice, but having been living in Haven for a few weeks or so, she'd like to think, she could lead the way through the halls. "Right.. Uh, this way!" Turning from the door, she walked through the living-room, where she had sat only a few hours before, and headed to one of the many hallways, leading to the south-wing.

The walk to the lab was quiet, but she knew the Irish-sounding man was following closely behind. He had brought the banana, and seemed to be busy eating it quite relaxed. That was the opposite of what Lucy was feeling. Despite the weeks of quiet and what was supposed to feel like safety here in Haven, she couldn't lie to herself; Deep down, she had been worried. It was fear, that would come, late at night when she was alone mostly. A fear of her getting captured somehow, or even worse - her family. Don't be a wuss, Luce, it's probably just a.. squirrel running into a sensor outside. Right. She stopped walking and tuned her thoughts out, as they had reached the doors, leading to the laboratories. Having walked past here only a few times, she had no idea what was behind those doors, but she would guard it with... her life. Lucy gulped.

"So..." Her look lingered on the metal door for a while, before turning to Callahan. Small-talk would take the tension away, right? It's not like they could do much more than to keep guard. The hallways were void of people, and seemed kind of eerie. "I'm... Lucy, Lucy Mae Austin, by the way. I don't think we've met before. Are you new? Where are you from? I hope, you've got a good control of your powers there, what exactly are they again?" Letting out a nervous laugh, she shut herself up, ending her word-ramble. It's not like she was always this talkative, but she really wanted to know how well he could fight. She didn't know how to break it to him, that if they did get attacked, she would probably not be of much help.

Her slender fingers started smoothing down the edge of her running-shirt, and her eyes trailed down to his arms and torso. At least, he doesn't look weak. She was no light-weight herself; having been an athlete all her life, she had at least acquired toned, strong muscles and killer leg-muscles. Yeah, I'm not weak either... If we get attacked, I'll just kick them or... something.

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Of course, Sean had been following behind. Walking through the living room, the man would observe his whereabouts as the two traversed past. It was one of the rooms within the hideout which he had not had the pleasure of visiting yet, but it was certainly well set-up. The television was definitely suitable enough to watch fights on, that was for sure. Oh, how Sean was going to rake up Ohm’s bill with Pay-Per-View items…

All the hallways looked similar. If any burglar would have a chance of making it inside, without a proper layout plan of the place, there would probably be no way for that person to progress far without taking an exponential amount of time to do so. The alarms sounding off had not brought fear to the surface of Sean’s visage.

The idea of intruders had not scared him in the slightest. It might have been the fact that he was slightly overconfident and not intelligent or educated enough on the subject of various GenMuts, but his fists had never led him astray before. Over twenty years of success in bloodying people up led the man to think he was actually… Well, Superman.

When they had finally reached the lab, Sean had finished eating his banana. As the two stood there in a moment of pause, he searched about for a place to deposit the peel. No garbage cans, as far as he could see. The man was definitely not so partial as to litter, so he had to do what he felt was the best option given his situation.

He flattened the peel slightly and shoved it into his back pocket. When he finally deposited it, the shell of the former fruit had been slightly hanging out. It was almost guaranteed at this point that the strong man would forget about the fact that he put it in there. Five minutes after the small action, this prophecy would prove true.

The girl had certainly seemed nervous, but Sean did not particularly latch onto the detail as if it were important. The pause in statement, the slight stumbling of words and multiple questions painted the picture. As far as he could see, there would be no reason for her to feel intimidated by him in any way necessary. Her questions flooded over him quickly, but he picked apart each one rather than providing answers in the same way in which the inquisitive nature of her statements had been paced.

“Aye, we’ve not met. Beautiful name though, Lucy Mae! Matches ya quite well. M’name is Sean Callahan. I’m from Dubland, in Ireland. I just moved here, ‘bout a night ago. Gotta say, I ain’t the most… Attentive person in the world, y’know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout? But what I been blessed wit’ is easy to handle. I’ll puck a scanner straight in his shit first, I promise ya.”

The shirtless man had immediately taken his eyes off of the cop car to look around for an escape path where he wouldn't have to worry much about the 'hostage' he had. He was actually quite impressed, and a bit aggravated at the same time, as to how good her so-called struggling was in his grasp. But with a tightening of his arm ever so slightly (to him), he hefted her up and decided his only real way out without putting other civilians within the line of fire would be to cut straight through the middle of the police and possibly steal one of their cars. This realization came just before his sight rested on the police-woman who was... waving him in? He paused for a split second before shaking his head. "Must be a new recruit if they think waving me into the back to submit will work..." He sighed and pondered the possibility for a while, realizing that he could at least 'pretend' himself to have given up and allow this new 'hot-shot' of a woman to acquire a tiny bit of prestige on his behalf. "Looks like we're going for a ride."

As he started to walk over to the car, however, his generosity in his head had faltered. "Psssh. I'll just take them both. Cop and Car." And in that blink of an eye, the poor 'hot-shot' cop had went from hitting a possible jackpot to being at risk of losing it all; at least at an objective perspective. As he walked casually over towards her, he tapped his foot against other vehicles blocking the path which caused them to slide in each direction they were booted. The tires made an irritating high-pitched *ERR-ERR-ERR* sound as the rubber squealed against the pavement. "Get back, and nothing happens to the girl!"

As his order was given, the sound of gun-fire echoed outwards from one of the cops further behind. A single bullet appearing on the 'hostage's forehead. Her stomach had felt like it had been pinched extremely hard. The area having been one of the places that this shirtless man had made the most contact with. The skin seemed to 'pull' upwards against his palm through her shirt. And for a second, it would seem as though her breath had been stolen; A split second of paralysis. But surprisingly, the bullet remained stuck just on the surface of her skin. Unlike the 'miracle' before that had occurred with this shirtless man, she would end up with a rather red spot from friction of the bullet having first touched her. The little red dot not unlike the prayer-paint used in Buddhism. "Shit..." The shirtless man frowned at his 'hostage', pointing his finger at the police officer and ushered out a grunt. The air rippled in front of his finger and shortly after, the police officer responsible for the missed shot was blown off of his feet with a broken nose nearly thirty feet away (10~ish meters).

The missed shot and the curse beckoned in a few seconds of silence and shock, causing any other thoughts of being 'a hero' in the police force to dissipate immediately. The result was a ceasefire given via megaphone.

After the curse was released, he ended the silence and made a quick two steps, covering the distance between him and the police car that his sights were set upon. "Get in." His fingertip pointed at her like he did with the other officers. Of course this was a bluff, but anyone without proper information as to how his power worked would not realize that he had no more 'ammo' left since he had not accumulated any other kinetic energy since now and then. He gently pushed on his 'hostage' to get into the back seat as he raised his right foot, turned, and delivered a bizarre kick aimed at an awkward angle at the blacktop. the forward 'push-kick' caused the pavement to bunch up and create a very sharp and triangular wall which cut off the pursuit of cars on the other side. After which he wasted no time in moving to the passenger seat. "Police girl. Drive or I'm leaving you stranded." This order would no doubt cause the police officer to realize that instead of taking her up on an offer, he was instead trying to force her to be a hostage as well.

As her nails tried scratching at the man's arm she began to question why exactly she couldn't feel his skin beneath her nails. Any regular person would be all scratched up and bleeding and Nadia would have skin and blood under her nails by now. But she only felt as if her nails were gliding across the smoothest surface of ice. It was such a strange feeling. But despite her internal conflict of thoughts, Nadia kept up her acting.

As she was already looking at the female cop she saw when the woman beckoned to them. Nadia nearly lost her potential grammy award for best actress at this. The hell? Was there something she needed to know? Maybe a new regulation in the old book that she didn't know about? She couldn't be 100% positive but she was pretty sure that cops didn't beckon to suspects during these types of situations, or well any situation rather.

The man who had her as his hostage had also spotted this and she was surprised that he was taking the woman up. They began to head over and she could vaguely hear shouts of the other officers telling them to freeze and what not. This was when Nadia experienced a pain like no other. Suddenly it felt like her mid section was being sucker punched by a man with iron fists and super speed. She could feel it just under her last rib. She gasped in shock and pain as the usual effects of a gun shot claimed her. Her green eyes widened but now they released real tears of pain.

She was ushered to the cop car and told to get in. In her current state she was in no mood to complain. She curled herself into the back seat. Her eyes were stuck in a widened position, shock clear as day in her face. Finally, gathering herself a bit, she looked down at her torso. There wasn't any blood....? She gingerly plucked the hem of her shirt up with two fingers. There wasn't a wound at all! Her eyebrows rose in surprise. But why did it feel like there was a bullet lodged inside of her? She hissed in pain and winced when she twisted around to see the back side. And there it was. The proof. There was a bullet sized red mark on her skin. The way it felt she knew it would bruise up and that it was there to stay for a couple weeks.

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Abigail almost instinctively knew what the shirtless genmut would do, though she was impressed with his abilities prior to approaching her. He seemed to have some sort of telekinesis power, or something similar. It was incredibly powerful, and looked to have a fairly long range. If he wasn't going to at least mostly follow her plan she would have to find some way of exhausting him and overpowering him.

As he further approached, Abigail heard a gunshot go off. The hell? They shouldn't have been willing to shoot the hostage, that was against all protocol. "Hold fire, hold fire! I'm convincing the genmut to stand down and let the hostage go. I repeat, do not fire!" She made sure to sound as panicked as possible, as even the smartest recruit would be likely to break down. She heard the police respond via megaphone order not to fire, probably saving the hostage from further harm.

As soon as the genmut got within a few meters of her, Abigail saw his motives. He was adding her to his list of hostages, how clever. She entered the vehicle without an argument, making sure to seem as far from a threat as possible. As soon as he cut her off from the other vehicles and gave the order, she sped off, driving into a cramped one way alley on her way to the highway. Everything was proceeding better than planned, though she still needed to convince officers she was on their side.

While driving, she looked to the man in the passenger seat and held a finger to her lips, indicating that she needed him to be quiet. Keeping her cover was the main priority, though he still knew nothing about her and likely didn't trust her. Without another word to her companions, she spoke into her CB, "This is Abigail Jones, I am unharmed and alive, but the genmut is holding me hostage, along with the original hostage. He's telling me to say not to follow." Sounded fairly calm on the radio, not wanting to surprise her 'captor' too much with what she said, though she still sounded overwhelmed.

After that, she didn't say a word. Anything she said could be used as evidence against her by the hostage and the sound sensors. Though if it was just the hostage who saw it, they could say she was just in a panic and confused the Abigail with their captor in the heat of the moment. Evidence could be removed later, in that moment she needed him to know that they were on the same side, that she could be an excellent ally, for the information she needed.

Taking care not to slow the car as it entered the highway, Abigail forced her powers to become active, with her hands being where the new heat energy would be released. She felt her hands increase further and further in temperature, getting hotter than she'd ever seen before. Unlike everyone else, her powers didn't hurt her in any way, though she could still feel much of the heat as it coursed through her body. With both her hands off the steering wheel, Abigail placed her insanely hot hands on the steering wheel, causing it to 'squish' into a smaller form under her grasp. When that was done, she forced herself back to normal and continued driving, ignoring the damage she did. He needed to know, and she told him. It was now up to him to react.
The shirtless man squinted his eyes, watching the police girl shush him and proceed to act on her own. This was all very confusing, but he had seen much weirder things than this in the city's underbelly. After she was done talking, he looked back at his first 'hostage'. "...Figures. Being shot at is still scary no matter the powers." He looked back to the police girl. "Hey... You don't have any mental problems, do you?" This inquiry was quite abrupt, and it seemed like he had asked it as if it was a normal thing to say. "If you're some kind of crazy-" His thoughts trailed however as he witnessed something that was pretty shocking. Something he had not really seen before. Right before his eyes, the steering wheel comprised of both rubber and steel was warped and altered under her grasp.

"...-person." He blinked twice. "Huh. So that's a thing." He had a flutter of fear strike his heart but had remembered clearly about his own powers and calmed down. "Must be hard bein' a cop an' hunting your own, yeah?" He looked back at his first hostage. "Oh, right. You both probably know me as TRUTH. Kennithan, actually. For what it's worth. And thanks for the whole 'hostage' thing. I saved you, but I'll call it even." He corrected what they probably knew, letting them have his real name. It didn't matter to him what name he took, he had been called many things since acquiring his powers. And titles and his own name was in the minority to what he was usually called. But he did seem to still have 'business' on his mind. "And police girl... I owe you one favor for taking you hostage for real." He looked out ahead and around them as they drove past dumpsters, cars, and finally made it to the intersections leading to the highway.

"Take us out of the Suburbs. I'm ditching you two afterwards." His eyes slowly closed as he re-entered the same sort of position he had been in before. Sitting calmly with his hands clasped in some form of meditative or praying position with a his head forwards, he exhaled. After a series of inhales and exhales, he paused. "For both of your sakes, especially you police girl... I would recommend going about your normal lives after this. And when we meet again you can get that favor." And then, without any other hesitation, he would go silent and seem to go into some sort of focused state. He could still hear them and what they were saying, but his sole objective right now was to calming himself. But perhaps to anyone else, it would look like he was practicing some sort of religious gesture. Of course if he was continually bombarded with questions or something happened, he would have to break his pose and deal with it.
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Raising a brow, Oswald watched his female companion study her drone, then simply vanish. The male shrugged and made his way toward the newcomer - moving out've shouting distance so they could speak comfortably.

He listened to the other male, tilting his head slightly at his words, but waiting for him to finish. Even waiting for him to stride closer non-threateningly.
"Questions? Of course. Firstly, though, an introduction and explanation after I silence those violently screeching alarms," he said with a chuckle, removing his cellular device and sending a message to have the security systems reset and the alarms turned off. The piercing alerts ceased, but the lights inside the compound still flashed, letting others know that things were not in the clear just yet.

Pocketing the device, the male extended a gloved hand. "My name is Oswald Herbert Malkavich. I'm the owner of this compound and the founder of a small group called Tourniquet. I would share my thoughts on the Syndicate, but I fear it would end up with my going on a tirade about their practices and what they deem to be 'the greater good'," he said with a dry laugh, then waved a hand dismissively on the subject.

"I understand you've said you have someone to see and also mentioned getting out of the country," he began, frowning behind his mask as he thought on this. "I can only assume that means you are one of the 'GenMuts' that eluded them? And I do apologize for that term. It's become shrouded in such negativity in such a short time."

Realizing he'd gone off rambling, Ohm laughed and put up his hands apologetically. "Off topic. Sorry, sorry. Either way, if you'd be so inclined to stay for a visit at least, we have some rooms available if you're seeking shelter of a more stable variety. Tourniquet is a protected environment for those of a genetically evolved nature. Not only are we a shelter, but we seek to end organizations like the Syndicate."
Nadia looked at the guy as he talked. Asking her if she was a crazy person was a legitimate question considering her actions. But he paused in he speaking when the police girl began to do stomething, she couldn't tell what just yet until she placed her hands on the steering wheel and it went smaller in size. Nadias eyebrows rose. So she was a GenMut as well huh? What was a GetMut doing with the police?

The man revealed his name as Kennithan. She'd never head that name before but now she was sure that this guy was known as "Unlawfull Truth." The brown haired green eyed girl sat and listened in the backseat at Kennithan spoke. "Wait...you're going to drop us?" She finally spoke, completely american. "What do you mean drop up?" She was bit mad by now, her brows pulling down. "Look, I was just trying to go home."

She just wanted to go back the way they came, get on a new bus and go to wherever it was she was staying for the night. But now because of this guy that was all screwed up! She sat back against the seat and sighed. "This is just great." Normally Nadia wasn't full of attitude, but the situation called for it. She noticed the guy sitting weird again like he had been on the bus. As far as these two knew, Nadia was just some human hostage. But there wasn't really a way for her to just whip out her powers without cause.
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In the foyer, Ginny could monitor what was happening down by the front gates from behind the safety of tripled enforced bullet proof glass windows. Oswald would take the lift up from the labs, undoubtedly, which would give him access to the yard with the benefit of stealth, something that might not be a terrific advantage, but an advantage, nonetheless.

From her vantage point, Ginny could see the man approaching. He moved slowly, apprehensively, and as Oswald appeared, he paused, waiting as the older man approached him. She couldn't hear the conversation, and it was difficult to know Oswald's mood, given the lack of facial cues to go off of, but when he reached into his pocket and switched off the alarms, Ginny felt herself relax, the tension falling out of her shoulders as she heaved a soft, gentle sigh of relief.

The danger was not entirely over, however. There was too much risk in assumptions and if she knew Oswald at all, she knew he would exhaust every security measure possible, before allowing them to let their guard down. Still, they were all undoubtedly freaked out as it was, and the unknown wasn't going to make anything better. After everything they had been through, even the tiniest indication of a threat was devastating. This was their sanctuary and danger had no place there.

The conversation continued and after a moment, Ginny turned the knob and peeked her head out, just far enough that Oswald would be able to hear her.

"Dr. Malkavitch?...Should I give the all clear...?" She called down to him.
Michael, happy he had found the right place, smiled at this Oswald person. "Well, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for welcoming me to your compound. Yes, I do happen to be a Gen-" Suddenly, a loud scream resonated through his head. It was very clearly Orion's voice. Michael, not even considering how it would be recieved, reverted to talking in people's heads. He very quickly transmitted to Oswald and the girl that peeked her head out, "My friend is in danger I have to go help her." He dashed off in the direction of where he originally left her.

When he arrived at the bush, he found she wasn't there. He almost panicked, searching the ground for blood. He'd told her he'd come back for her, that he wanted to make sure things were safe, but he had left her in danger. After a moment he calmed down and thought about it. Orion would have wandered, probably back towards the beach. He tried to hook onto her thoughts, eventually finding them.

He followed her thoughts back to the beach, a distance from the compound, and saw there was another person there, giving her a slightly irritated glare. He walked over to Orion and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey. What did I tell you?"

@AkuNoOkami @Elle Joyner
Her gaze lifted from Callahan's torso to his face, as he had replied to all her questions. Her face couldn't hide the mild surprise. So he really had been listening... Part of her wasn't really expecting a reply, she knew she had been rambling to try and calm herself down a bit. Lucy opened her mouth to speak, but just as she did, the alarms that had been continuously blaring stopped. She had already gotten used to the sound of the alarms, so their sudden disappearance left a ringing in her ears, which could only be classified as uncomfortable. Rubbing her ears just slightly, she waited a bit, getting used to the quiet and already feeling the panic from before dissipate.

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself. " Lucy grinned at him, thanking him for the compliment. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you? It's good to know you're ready to fight, though, I don't see any scanners lying around..." The corner of her lips tugged into a playful smirk. The atmosphere of her words had changed drastically, feeling more relaxed now that the alarms were off. Doctor Ohm must have turned them off for some reason, right? Her initial assessment of Callahan seemed to be quite right, she noted in her mind; he seemed like a laid-back, outgoing type of guy, and his carefree attitude was rubbing off on her. After all, it had been a while, since she had even had a proper conversation with anyone.

Above the metal door, the lights were still flashing despite the alarms having been shut off. "Oh, we should probably stay guard," She told him, motioning to the lights. "Just in case, right?" The girl took a step back to lean against the wall, feeling her legs starting to get sore from her earlier run. She hadn't even taken a shower yet, and her thoughts went back to the beautiful omelette, she had wanted to make before getting interrupted. In an attempt to distract her hunger, she looked to the Irish lad. "I've only been here for a few weeks myself, so I guess I'm pretty new as well. It's nice though, and... well, safe. Plus they have a huge television, how could you complain, right?" Her smile got a little bit wider, as she noticed, the yellow peel peeking out from his pocket. "... Are you saving that for later, or do you just really like bananas?"

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When the alarms finally ceased singing the song of its people, Sean was more than relieved. Over long periods of time, it was the type of sound that could easily make a person mentally collapse. Well, if their will was weak enough. Sean was not of that same breed, but still, the fact remained that the alarm was annoying as shit. When Lucy offered a complement in reply to his statement, Sean played it off calmly.

“Got a lot of ‘em similar complements over the years, I ain’t gon’ lie to ya. Never seen it, m’self. Was taught to treat people wit' respect, growin' up. So... I just kinda stick ta it.” He nodded slightly in her direction, letting off a small smirk when she commented further. Licking his lips, his hues moved from the grounds of the hideout before them, to her general direction. Sean’s head was slightly cocked to the side. “Me neither.”

Nodding in agreement to the fact that there could still very well be a threat on-site, the man watched as Lucy backed up to lean against the wall. He turned his head back to its proper posture, forward. It was almost completely silent, it contrast to the previous spectacle of sound. There had been no sight of any intruders in their vicinity, which meant the lab was safe for the time being. Sean was happy about this.

“Oh, right! The peel!” The man began laughing, his hands moving to his stomach in response. “Ah, yes. I enjoy the entirety of a banana. I find the peel is of a quite slipp'ry texture, feels amazing down me throat!” Sean was absolutely abysmal when it came to displaying sarcasm. Amidst his laughing fit, it had certainly not come off as serious. How could it have? Especially when he, undoubtedly, looked like a damned fool throughout the duration.

When he was finally finished with his hysterics, the man shook his head. The notion of him actually saving the banana peel for a purpose other than disposing of it properly was certainly out of the question. Sean had more sense than to do anything otherwise. There was no doubt that he forgot about putting the peel in his pocket though. Can you believe it? Not like I mentioned that would happen, once before. Or anything.
“Nah. I ain’t 'bout'a litter where I sleep at, like some bloody wanker, feel me?”

Tatyana didn't look pleased. Well, she didn't really look anyway in particular BUT it was definitely her displeased face. She let out a soft sigh and rubbed her temple the way a parent would when a child had frustrated them,"You lot set off the alarms, no? Made me drop me banana, no? And yet, ya' sit here with your hands raised telling me I don't have to shoot you like YOU'RE THE DAMNED VICTIM."

The emphasis on her last few words had described even her, so she made a waving motion as she whispered 'woosah' to herself. She walked over to the dropped, half-eating banana and waved it in the air for a bit,"Ya see this? Ya see the dirt on it?" Her natural accent she had picked up from living in the south had started to shine through a bit,"Y'all come here and make me drop MY free food? And I'm pose ta' all the sudden believe you ain't the one I don't needs to be shootin'?" She waved the banana with each syllable of her word, before reaching it forward and using the flapping peels to slap it gently -and playfully- across the girl's face,"I guess that will suffice as punishment."

After that she offered a gentle smile before it vanished at the entrance of the new feller. He came to scold her for...something. Tot wasn't sure, but she knew a scolding hand on the shoulder followed by a 'what did I tell you' when she saw one. Of course he was a bit concerned clearly, but there was a loss banana today. Why wasn't he checking up on the banana!?

"Well 'scuse me mister 'I'm so rude', I rush up on other people's property and cause good bananas to fall and not even say sorry," she took a deep breath. That last sentence was a bit long winded and she was not breathing like a fat cat who ran to get the last slice of cake. Wait, that might be a little mean to fat kids, but this was a banana crisis.

She took the banana and slapped it gently across his face also,"And there is your punishment. Tatyana out!" and with that she dropped the banana as if she was dropping the mic and walked back towards the building,"So G with it. I know."
Shura said:
Min was a bit surprised when the dark haired boy spoke up, more so surprised he had spouted off nearly everything that had been going on in her head. The fact that he had amnesia was also a bit worrying but he seemed to be functioning well enough. The mention of not being able to contact her family did cause a stab of guilt. They were probably worried sick about her. She had been captured while walking home from school of all things, never made it home from an otherwise normal day of classes. She had hid her powers from them as to not give them more to worry about so they had no idea why she disappeared either. Unless the good scientist had contacted them and told them their daughter was a mutant. Part of her doubted that possibility.
She heard the more vocal on of the group speak up and looked over realizing they didn’t know much of anything about her. She had been silent for the most part. She noticed the gun that had been offered to her and passed on it as she has no knowledge of how to use it. The last thing they needed was for her to shoot herself or one of them by mistake. Min saw the look on the older man’s face and felt slightly bad for him. Both of them actually. Neither of them had any real way of hiding save for underground or out of sight. While her powers did allow her to blend in with the crowd the last thing she wanted was to be on her own. That thought alone terrified her. The teen had never been on her own and with no money or family to count on she wouldn’t last very long.

When the subject of her powers came up she spoke up for once her voice was soft and a bit shaky “I-I can shape shift… well… mimic other people…” She muttered as they reached the gate. She looked at it wondering how she could climb over it when the older man spoke up again. She watched his muscles readjust and wondering if it hurt him any to do that. Then she saw the tired look starting to show on his face and knew they needed to get into a hiding place as soon as possible.
Remington went quiet as Min spoke. He stared at her for a long time quietly, his features almost those of someone in shock. He was still crouched down, so when the shock hit him fully, he fell backwards, pointing at her with a shocked look on his face.

"You... You can speak!!" He said jokingly, though his voice would seem a bit more serious.

He'd stalled so long guards were coming out of the facility, beginning to move towards them with weapons raised, prepped for combat. Remington's face shifted rapidly, he went from the amused, shocked appearance, to one of boredom and annoyance.

"Right when we were gettin' ta know one another." he muttered irritably.

Remington stood up, and dusted himself off, he sighed and moved over to Min, his hand dropping onto her shoulder, "Just relax, this'll be over soon lass." He said calmly.

A moment later, his grip tightened, and he raised his hand with a flicking motion, releasing his grip as the flick reached the apex of it's motion. He'd thrown her, bodily into the air, in an arc, that would send her over the fence. He had however, thrown her that she would sail very high vertically.

His next motion was rapid, as though practiced, he shifted to Kang, and in the blink of an eye, lifted the man, and threw him bodily over the fence as well. He took a few steps back, then ran forward, and with a leaping jump, not only cleared the fence, but also caught Min and Kang in the air as he descended.

Remington Humanitas landed with a rotating skid that kicked up a trail of dust around him, he felt the bones in his feet fracture, his leg bones nearly breaking as well from the stress. He breathed a sigh of relief as he dropped Min and Kang on the ground, falling to his knees.

"That's... All ye get for today kids. Uncle Rem is worn out..." He murmured as his body canceled it's reinforcements and healed his injuries. He was fighting to remain conscious, struggling even, "We should find a place... To hide... Soon." They were in the external parking lot, he looked to Min and smiled lightly, his expression was slightly pained, "Find us a vehicle, if it's unlocked that'll be the best. I can hotwire it and get us out of here."

@Shura @Elegy
Before Oswald could reply to Michael, Ginny's voice rang across the outdoors and he blinked, mechanical eye-lenses whirring as he turned toward her. "Yes please!" he called back. "And please remember, for the next time while under lockdown, not to unseal any openings until given the full all clear!" It was less of a reprimand and more of a simple reminder, of course.

"Where were we? Ah yes, a pleasure to meet you as well, sir!" he replied, only to see the other's expression change to one of worry. The male's voice rang out in Ohm's mind, causing him to step back lightly at the sudden and unexpected intrusion, giving the other time enough to dash off before the masked man could ask any other question. "Erm... alright then."

Giving a light sigh, the man strode forward to follow him, walking briskly as he'd done before. When he arrived at the scene, he noticed Tatyana seeming to reprimand another, lightly thwap the girl with a banana peel, smile, then repeat the gesture and words toward the male.

For the first time in as long as he could remember, Oswald Malkavich was momentarily speechless.

When he finally found his voice, passing Tatyana with a shake of his head, he greeted BOTH newcomers again and apologized.
"I am unsure just what that was all about, but I give both my apology for my companions silliness in such a situation and another welcome to you and your companion," he said to the male and gave a nod toward the female. "Again, my name is Oswald Herbert Malkavich - or Ohm if you prefer - and you've both stumbled upon my base of operations for Tourniquet."

Nodding to the female again, he re-explained basically what the organization was about and offered his invitation again to stay.
"I'd mentioned this to your male companion before, but I suspect this is news to you. Now, if you would both care to join me, we can go inside and discuss things further?"

Min flushed lightly as the large man suddenly and expressed his surprise that she had a voice. Granted she hasn’t said much of anything in days let alone during the escape. On some level Min was surprised as well, it had been weeks since she heard her own voice, not augmented or changed in anyway, it almost seemed unfamiliar to even her. Min bit her lip lightly unsure how to respond to the man’s outburst, though it matter little since some of the guards were starting to catch up to the trio in their short pause. Min looked back to the Irish man as he looked at the guards annoyed half expecting him to attack them so when he grabbed her shoulder she jumped a little in surprise.

The young teen let out a surprised and fearful scream as she was suddenly thrown into the air. Her body flailed instinctively trying to grasp onto something but only finding air. Fear griped her heart and sense strongly sending her into another small panic attack and her hair spiraling into an array of colors with her eyes and skin not too far behind. When she was grabbed once more she clung to the man’s arm even after they landed.

Min panted softly appearing much like a frightened kitten clinging to its only life line. She came back to her sense when he spoke up again this time catching the name of the older behemoth. Rem, almost seemed to tranquil and calm a name for someone who found enjoyment in ripping apart guards. Still she managed to look up and see the pure exhaustion in his face, it was only a matter of time now before he would be completely unconscious and practically immovable if she was the one who had to do it.

Min nodded shakily before scanning over the parking lot before them spotting a few cars that all seemed much too small for what they needed. Still she ran from car to car testing doors to see if any had been unlocked. Six tries and she was feeling fairly hopeless until by some miracle one door opened. The car wasn’t terribly big or new but it got the owner to the lot safely and would be a decent care to escape in. She waved over to Rem and their amnesiac companion “Found one!” She called over.

@Elegy @Kazanna
Subject gurgled as it found itself stuck in a very annoying situation. While the Lab Humans from before and even the Gun Humans had almost been a too easy of a catch, this new prey that had made itself known was making itself very hard to eat. While Subject was very quick in short bursts of speed, her slime being able to act in the same way a rubber band worked, this Special Human was becoming a very difficult meal to chase down, yet, Subject couldn't help, but feel slightly enthralled by the chase, its hunger becoming its driver as it flitted from wall to wall, the way it bounced becoming more and more fluid as time went on, learning the intricate movements that made it go faster.

The unbelievable speed of the prey was rather disconcerting, but it ignored this, not caring how strange it was for prey to move this fast, and only went with what its mind was telling its to do. As of now, the Special Prey was running down the hallway, its form a blur as it sped through all multiple doors. Subject was right on its tail, not letting get out of sight. Subject was just waiting for the moment it would mess up, maybe trip, or even run into something. That was when it would strike and get a well deserved meal out of the little annoying meat sack.

On the other hand, Pasu Supido, the Genmut who was trying to escape Subject, was terrified out of his mind. He could feel the monster right behind him, getting closer and closer as his unkempt boyd started to give out on him. Ever since he had been gifted, or cursed, with the power of speed, his entire life seemed to go in a blur, and not in a good way. Eating tons of food, his entire being seemed to take everything at hypersonic amounts, yet the scientists hadn't figured that out yet. He had grown skinny, all skin and bone, as he was fed regular meals based on his body type. These meals did nothing to sate the hunger that had sprung up in his stomach, the feeling making him think that something had grown inside of him, something that had decided to eat him.

When he had been broken out, on account of another rampaging Genmut, he had immediately ran towards the Cafeteria Portion of the Facility, his body already giving out. He had been lucky the breakout had come soon, for ever since he had been put on an even stricter diet on account of one of his desperate escapes before the thing had even happened. Yet, he hadn't even been able to get to the cafeteria before he had been spotted by this orange monstrosity, obviously a fellow Genmut who had been effected in the head much more dramatically than any other that he had seen before.

Supido almost cried as the air resistance slipped off of his rapidly moving body, his specially dense skin sliced through the air, not being affected at all, but he refrained, knowing that losing any kind of helpful liquid, especially water, could be the end of his life. It was almost ironic, now that he thought about it, how eating something and being full was his one dream the entire time he had been kept inside that horrible cell, along with being free of course, but now it seemed he was going to be the means to an end for another, far more ravenous beast.

Supido tried to keep his feet steady as the strain of not eating took its toll, his sight wavering and threatening to be overtaken by the blackness that had made their home in the corners of his eyes. It pulsed threateningly, telling Supido that unless he got something to eat soon for his body to gain some sort of nutrients from, he was not going to make it much longer. He would usually be able to run faster than this, the memory of when he first got his power and was able to run through the streets like lightning, the only reason he was caught because he was identified and his family was captured and threatened.

Supido once again had the urge to cry as he thought of his family, and his little sister. When the officials had taken him from his home, he had promised her that he would be back, and that promise was what kept him going strong, not giving up. Yet, it seemed that he was never again going to see that red nosed face that spent too much time outside in the cold without a coat on, or those eyes that would always light up when he and his mother would light her candles. At the thought, Supido finally let his tears run, and that was when he messed up. His willpower frayed momentarily, Supido tripped and came crashing to the ground. Supido could only send out a prayer to any deity to keep his little sister safe, before the slime crashed onto his entire body, setting it aflame.

Subject gurgled as it finished off the rest of the annoying prey, its gurgles more than satisfied as it finally tasted the sweetness of the Special Human. Although, regardless of the feeling of victory, the prey hadn't been much in the way of sustenance, and seemed to be lacking all of the good stuff that made meals more enjoyable. Subject gurgled disappointedly as it started to skirt around, looking for more Humans to eat. However, as it turned a corner, Subject gurgled in curiosity as a memory inside the depths of its mind recognized a very weird sign on the side of a this doorless room. It looked to be like random shapes that she could somewhat name from her small amount of memory, something like a triangle with had a cir-circle on the tip of it.

On the sides and the bottom there were little rectanglish looking that looked somewhat similar to the circle. Going inside, its curiosity peaked by the how its mind had reacted to the symbol, Subject looked around the pure white room in silence, noticing that it had a lot of the things that her mind could only describe as very small rooms that seemed to have inefficient doors. The only sound being the ground underneath Subject that was sizzling and slowly eroding away.

Sliding forward, Subject stopped as it felt a small sucking feeling affecting a small portion of its puddle, one that seemed to be caused by gravity, with no artificial additives to be found. Backing up, Subject looked closely at the foot long hole in the ground, the sides of it still holding pieces of metallic grating that once covered it. Wondering where it might go, and not finding any other Humans very close around its vicinity, Subject compressed itself and dove into the hole, eager to find where it might lead to.
"You lot set off the alarms, no? Made me drop me banana, no? And yet, ya' sit here with your hands raised telling me I don't have to shoot you like YOU'RE THE DAMNED VICTIM."

Orion was thoroughly confused, raised hands hesitating in the air to drop or not. "What banana?" Orion starts there, knowing Michael had set off the alarms walking into the compound. It wasn't like he was planning on attacking, but sneaking in didn't seem like an innocent excuse. What it all had to do with a banana- Orion had no idea.

The woman started waving around, Orion could hear her limbs cutting through the air and the proximity of her figure as she approached. The only thing the girl could do was back slightly, surprised by what the stranger asked next. It was the first time someone had been unaware of her disability- she usually kept her eyes shut and open as they were, Orion's eyes were milky.

Before the chemical disaster that resulted in her becoming a GenMut in the first place, Orion usually walked with a cane and sunglasses. Was it really so different that she be mistaken as someone who could see? Before she could say anything about it, the woman actually reached out and hit her with the banana peel. The slightly wet innards of the peel hit her face gently, with the firm top of the peel actually snapping against her skin slightly.

It didn't hurt, but Orion was thoroughly confused as why she was hit by a banana peel, almost sure that was what it was by its smell. She was disoriented, to say the least, also having the alarms turn off that were initially triggered. It was suddenly more silent with the screeching alarms gone and she almost expected Michael before he laid her hand on her shoulder.

When he scolded her, Orion 'heard' another figure following him and carefully tried to back Michael away from whatever it was. Unfortunately, her friend was attacked before she could react- it was the strange girl again and judging from what she was saying, more banana problems.

Orion was feeling overwhelmed, having no chance to speak given the many interactions and havoc that was happening around her. Before she even came to realize where people were, they had already moved. Orion even backed off slightly from Michael when he was hit by the peel, suddenly being talked to by what she assumed was a male.

The one who had followed Michael was addressing them, apologizing for strange girl's behavior and explaining even they didn't know what it was about. Orion stood very still while listening to his words, careful to place everyone before taking a breath of relief. Their name was Oswald, or Ohm, and they mentioned something about 'Tourniquet'. What the hell was a Tourniquet?

Orion backed up a step, carefully going around a tree by letting her foot guide her, feeling for the base. It happened casually and she had done it enough times that it was almost graceful. However the girl's face was lost, "What is tourniquet?" she brushes the remnants of banana off her face, having felt them stuck there.

Despite Michael's presence Orion was still very tensed up, unsure of how to react at all to the chaotic events that just transpired. She only had half of an idea of what happened, and she wasn't really even sure where to start. Telling them she was blind seemed important, but it would also be out of nowhere, defending her actions to Michael was probably lost somewhere in the conversation and asking the weirdo about bananas was the least of her concerns. She was overwhelmed, and shying away to a place where she didn't have to react so soundly.

However, the robotic voice had invited them inside the building and the woman with the banana still had her gun. Michael should have been able to overpower them by now- unless this was a GenMut on the Syndicate's side. Maybe Orion was over thinking it, but she wasn't really sure what to think with all this information flying at her. If worse came to worse, the cliff side was facing the ocean and she had always done better in the water.

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With all the haste of a wounded elephant, Remington drug himself over to the car, and pushed his way past min. He pulled the steering columns electrical box open and began fiddling with the wires within seconds. It only took him a moment more before the vehicle was alive and running. He hit the door locks, and unlocked the entire thing. It was a stick shift, some kind of Ford. Remington blinked at it, muttering, "Ain't no Bentley, but this pony'll do just fine." The car was in fact, a Ford Mustang, an older model, from the 1970's. It wasn't restored much, but the engine roared to life.

Remington pulled himself out, and then ushered Kang in quickly, pushing the large man into the back seat. He motioned to the passenger seat, "Ye get shotgun, fer findin' it. Now get in!" He said to Min quickly.

He'd wait a moment, until she was in and the door was shut, and then he'd kick the car into reverse and pull them backwards like some kind of stunt driver. "Now ye get to see a trick that don't rely on me Mutation! I'm One Hell of a driver!" He kicked the car into first, and they tore out of the parking lot rapidly, he bashed through the clearance gate, and they sped down the road, free at last.

Remington sighed as they sped along, muttering, "Now let's find some place to hide... In the city... Somewhere no one's gonna look..." He looked to Min, "Where are we anyways... I got no idea lass..." His thick Scottish accent continued to ring through, even through his fatigue.


Min scrambled into the passenger seat and buckled her seat belt. She looked over at the quickly approaching guards until she heard the screeching of tires followed by an sharp force push her back into the seat as the car took off. Min sat back silently praying they would survive the escape as Rem sped through the parking lot and crashed through rough the gated. She let out a small squeak of surprise as they burst through the wooden gate joining into traffic and nearly hitting several cars. By the time they were traveling at a more civilian friendly pace Min was pressed back into her seat clutching the arm rest tightly. She slowly relaxed realizing they had made it out of the lab. Finally, she was free. A wide grin crossed her face as she slumped back into her seat all at once.

She looked over to Rem as he spoke up about needing a place to hide and realized he was right. The care could no doubt be tracked down, reported as stolen at the very least! She gnawed on her bottom lip trying to think of a place to hide. Then again it had been weeks possibly months since she was free. There was no telling how much the city had changed while she was imprisoned. Min stared out of the window seeing the same city she had grown up in but no longer as a home but rather a prison. It was a very terrifying feeling and saddening since the same building she would look upon in awe and wonder she now saw as over bearing monoliths filled with people who wanted her dead.

Min shook her head trying to snap out of her morbid thoughts and focused her mind on a safe location. "If we stay in this car they're just going to track it down and catch us. Probably have every cop looking for it. The sewers maybe? There's always the warehouse district, tones of abandoned buildings we could try to hide with in. If not maybe the slums? I don't know..." she muttered softly "It's been so long since I was in the city... I don't know where would really be safe anymore..."

@Kazanna @Elegy
Shuddering slightly, Remington drove on, muttering, "We find the town were near, we can find an industrial district and ditch the car, Then find one of those big factory like places that wash linen, get a change O' clothes. We can pawn the guns off..." He muttered, collecting plans in his head, "Then we can work our way into the slummier parts O' town. I can run a scam or two and get us enough green ta get us by for a bit, or maybe do better and find myself a contact or two that can set us up with somewhere to lay low."

To Remington, This was a normal part of life, he'd always been laying low, he used to be part of a mafia group in Scotland, he'd worked his way up from the ground level until he was part of the recognized family. When the former clan leader of the Mafia as it was recognized by the law enforcement there passed away suddenly, Remington found himself being forced to do things he had never done before, Kill people for nearly no reason, and even worse still, he'd been made to raise enforcement rates throughout the poorest areas until the clan was hated. He'd watched the clan he'd loved fall into ruin because of a single greedy young girl, and he'd been powerless to stop it.

Now, He had the power to survive nearly anything, he could regenerate almost any injury, from a gunshot wound, to the loss of a limb, it just required replacement enzymes and tissue materials. Meaning he could regenerate from eating healthy foods. In addition, his immune system was boosted, giving him a massive resistance to disease and sickness, as well as toxins and biological attacks. With the ability to reinforce and augment his physical form, Remington knew how to make himself unstoppable, and he was figuring out how to do it more efficiently and faster, every single day.

He looked to Min, and shrugged lightly, finally realizing she had spoken, and it wasn't just his addled brain playing tricks on him, "I'll find us a place lass, Don't Ya worry, Ol' Uncle Rem's still got a few tricks up his sleeve." He said with a warm smile as he kept driving.
Min looked over at the older man noting the warm smile and nodded slightly feeling a little better about their situation. She over heard his mutterings and wondered if he was experience with this kind of thing. She knew nothing about this man other than he was a genmut along side her and liked to kill guards. The later very much understandable given where they came from. Min glanced over to Rem wondering where he even came from, he wasn't born here so perhaps he was visiting or had lived in Tempest Falls for not very long? She wasn't sure nor was she sure this was the time to ask it.

Sighing softly min leaned back in her seat watching the scenery fly by as Rem made his way through traffic. The stress and strain from her anxiety was starting to wear on her making her feel tired. Though compared to the other two she escaped with, she had done little to nothing. For the most part she had just been around and pointed out a car. Then again she couldn't really fight, nor did she had some magnificent ability that gave her some kind of advantage. Over someone even with the slightest bit of martial arts training. She would have to find some other way of being useful, to do her part in ensuring they survived some how.

@Kazanna @Elegy

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