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Futuristic The Genesis Syndicate

Kang smiled ominously at his questioner, who was seated across him on a plain stainless steel table. Both stared each other with a reserved intensity, and both could immediately tell that nothing fruitful would ever come of this interrogation. Not only was Kang completely unwilling to reveal information about himself, the simple fact was that he could not even remember. It seemed that the lab and its workers soon realized this and questioning times became sparser. Kang was treated with very little security threat as he had made it quite clear that he did not intend to physically harm anyone nor did he indicate an unstable mental state. His ability was also unsuited for combat or harming others, which further emphasized Kang's harmlessness. The interrogator was still guarded by three armed men as Kang was more than capable of beating a man to death within seconds should he get the element of surprise, but even that would be a rare occurrence.

"So you refuse to answer. This concludes interrogation 78." said Kang's interrogator, a short and burly young man of around thirty with sharply defined features and a distinct stubble. The interrogator promptly walked out of the room along with his three guards. Kang sighed as the three foot thick reinforced titanium alloy door shut behind them.

Kang's cell was perhaps the most specialized and equipped out of all the inmates here, not because of his actual threat to the lab, but because he would easily be able to escape otherwise. The room had the ability to remove all oxygen, cause extreme vibrations to throw off senses, cause twelve underground walls to emerge to block Kang, create a zero gravity environment, fire several hundred kilograms worth of ammunition and explosive payload, and signal a red alert at the slightest disturbance on its walls.

Kang had only attempted one escape before, and he had almost succeeded. He was subdued when he was buried under several tons of debris to restrict all of his movements. But today would be different. He had noticed from feeling the mechanical vibrations of his enclosure that his room's security systems became inactive for five minutes every three days. The five minutes would be starting in five seconds. Kang had no time to lose here.



Kang stood up and began calmly walking towards the large door that held him inside.



Kang began to utilize his ability, whereupon his muscle mass became a vibrant purple hue and rapidly grew in total mass, causing Kang to grow to a height of eight and a half feet. Simultaneously his legs contorted before apparently snapping and then healing into jointed legs. His eyes and ears sunk into his head before completely disappearing and being replaced by purple flesh. Two large fleshy purple antennae sprouted from his scalp, granting him sensory information of his world. Two insectoid appendages erupted from Kang's shoulder blades, tapering off into clawed ends.


Dull golden armor with a distinct metallic luster emerged from all around Kang's now purple body as if they were emerging from under water. The armor covered every single inch of Kang's body aside from his joints to allow for movement. There were no gaps in the armor, no chinks or errors. It was even air-tight. To hurt Kang would be to force through the armor, which would be a nigh impossible task.


Kang placed his arms on the reinforced titanium alloy door that was three feet thick, and began to push by moving forward. The door dented and impressed upon itself before having its hinges ripped off. As the door clattered on the sterile ground, scientists fled in terror and confusion as to why the protocol for subduing Kang did not work, signalling a red alert across the section of the building. Kang could not see nor hear now, instead he felt the world around him through his antennae. Vibrations and minute temperature differences in the air were all processed and then converted into mental images that Kang could see, basically granting him sight but hearing would still be lost. Kang could not even speak now, as he had lost his vocal chords.

Kang walked slowly, almost lethargically, as if he was being weighed down by something, and indeed the armor that covered him weight almost a half-ton. The enhanced and increased purple muscle mass allowed Kang to carry the armor, but extremely slowly.

Kang could not hear anything,but he could "see" that the area around him was hued in a bright red as alerts blared. As expected, a guard force came to seize Kang. Kang was now walking in a straight hallway, but the guard squad was blocking his way at the other end. They were all armed with automatic rifles and grenades, but it seemed as if it was their first time ever dealing with something like Kang. New recruits likely.

Kang did not give one single care as he began to slowly walk forward towards them as if they did not exist. Kang "saw" several bright flashes - firearms being utilized. The volley of bullets directed at Kang pattered on his golden armor with no more threat as if they were raindrops upon a windshield.

Kang continued to walk, an inexorable force. His pace was slow but steady and resolute with an air of confidence, as if Kang believed that nothing could stop him. The squad unpinned their grenades and threw them at Kang. Kang sensed seven grenades roll beneath him, but Kang did not attempt to avoid them. Even if he tried he would not be able to escape from the blast radius as he was so slow. Seven consecutive explosions of concussive force erupted from underneath Kang, but this was a pitiful attempt to stop him. Kang was not impeded at all, and his slow pace had not changed or stopped. He emerged from the deep smoking crater around him completely unscathed, his metal exterior continuing to gleam with its dull, resolute glow.

The guard squad retreated, signalling for reinforcements most likely. Kang knew that escape was still practically impossible simply due to the fact that since he was so slow and harmless, the guards could just follow him until his ability ran out. This would take a day or two, but the lab and the guards had more than enough patience to wait that time. Basically nothing could hurt Kang, but Kang basically couldn't hurt anybody in turn.

So this time, Kang decided to go for a different method of escape. He sought the enclosures of those mutated that were in his vicinity, and began to pry open their enclosures with his enhanced strength. Through this method Kang would attempt to create a mass break out which would most likely fail anyway as the mutants would be dealt with extremely easily by the guards. Nevertheless it was worth a try. His progress was slow but at an unbroken pace, and he surmised that he would be able to free three or four mutants before reinforcements came.

It was like Deja-vu, again, or was it just this once?

Remington's eyes fluttered open. Low dose. Again. He wondered if they would ever learn. Today he decided to take a quieter route. He reinforced his body again, this time braiding every muscles in his form from head to toe, augmenting his power and elasticity greatly without augmenting his size, and broke the locks that held his binds in place rather then destroying the cabling. He grinned lightly as his feet hit the cold floor and the alarms set off instantly. "So that's how it works." he thought to himself as he rolled his right hand back. He'd reinforced his fists with several layers of bone, each more durable then the last. He slammed his fist into the position near the doors locks. The door itself was reinforced, the lock itself was even reinforced, the body of the lock was reinforced, but the tiny pins that ran the barrel, those were just normal brass, they shattered nicely as Remington's fist rammed into the reinforced metal plate repeatedly.

The door hung on it's hinges loosely and Remington took a step out, a grin on his face. He'd been prepared to scold the guards vehemently, to butcher them and to be in for yet another harrowing fight ending in him exhausted and unable to go on. But instead, he found nothing. He shrugged and closed the door behind himself.

"Looks like a new cell block, Me last one was at the end of a hall, wonder who got upgraded." He muttered curiously.

It was about then he heard the popping explosions of the grenades targeting Kang. This caught Remington's attention. Pops meant explosions behind reinforced doors, explosions meant other mutants were either being tested, or better yet, they were trying the same stunt he was. Remington's augmented body was very fast due to the reinforcements of his muscles, along with the augmentations, and his past life had bred him to be quite the monster when it came to speed and agility, despite his age. Remington put on a burst of speed that would make the Olympic runners blush in envy towards the door at the far end of the hall, he'd pulled his right fist back again, and plunged toward the door at a stunning pace, only to bounce off painfully, landing directly on his backside. He sat up, staring at the door with great animosity.

"Midsection doors stronger then the cell doors? What in the bloody 'ell?" He muttered as he noticed the sizeable dent in the surface of the door.

Remington stood up and stepped close to the door. He put his ear to it, and tapped it several times, listening for a hollow point. After a few attempts, he was rewarded with that hollow as a drum sound near the doors lock. It was the mechanism that locked the door shut's leeway space. He grinned, and pulled back his fist, and went to work. It took him five, very well aimed strikes to blow the door's metal plating apart and damage the lock enough for it to open. He watched as the door screeched open.

Finally, he was rewarded with guards to kill, There was a bunch of them, but they were facing the wrong way. So, Remington, despite what better judgment told him to do, crept close, quietly, and crouched next to one of the guards.

"So lads, what are we in for today?" He asked quietly.

Oddly enough, one of the guards replied, not even looking at him, "One of the subjects has escaped, were waiting him out at this juncture. He-" It was then the guard glanced at who he was speaking to.

Remington was in shock as the man turned and struck him across the face with his electric night stick. Remington wasn't sure if it hurt, or if it was the shock that did it, but he was truly stunned for a moment as the man stammered at him, "Ge-et back in y-your cell Subject!" Remington almost obliged him.


His fist shot out, and the man was nothing more then a pink mist and a pile of damaged body armor. The other guards had turned around at this point and were preparing to deal with Remington when they saw the display of ferocious strength. He snorted and dispatched several others before shouting down the hallway, "Oi, If anyone else is makin' a break for it, I'd be inclined ta Join ye! If there's any guards between us, Might not be as many now!" He could see a corner at one end of the hall he was standing in, but couldn't be sure if there were other guards at the end of it.

Kang continued his march, slowly trudging through the sea of bullet shells the guards had left before retreating. He was greeted by a surprise though when he sensed several prone bodies on the ground with no vital signals, an indication that the guards from before had been intercepted and killed. A lone heat signature stood out amid the drove of bodies, and Kang instinctively realized that this must be another mutant. Kang simply nodded towards the mutant at the other end and began walking forward again. His auditory senses were all gone and his vocal chords did not exist anymore, so Kang would not be able to communicate with this man at all. Kang simply mustered a thumbs up to indicate his gratitude towards the man for dispatching the guards. He hoped that the man would take his cue to escape with him by freeing more and more inmates to gain an advantage over the guards.

When Kang was right in front of the man, he immediately sensed a rapidly moving presence through vibrations within the controlled atmosphere of the facility. A speeding projectile. Kang immediately stepped forward in front of the man to intercept the projectile. It turned out to be a rocket propelled grenade, but that would not nearly be enough to damage Kang. The explosive erupted as it imploded upon Kang's armor. The impressive force of the explosion and the impact of the grenade was immediately moved downwards to the ground where Kang stood upon, creating several deep fractures around the ground Kang's feet were centered on. In this way Kang was almost immune to damage not because he resisted it, but because he simply redirected it as a form of negation. Another guard squad was here apparently, but small in number quite likely or else several more RPG's would have followed suite. Kang emerged from the smoking explosion without any damage upon himself. Kang pointed towards the location of the guards to signal that danger was coming, but Kang himself did not walk towards the guards. The man would already know by now that Kang could not fight anything with his extremely slow and languid pace; it was as if Kang was constantly in slow motion. Instead, Kang walked past the man and began to execute his escape plan. He walked over to a nearby cell right beside the hallway, and felt for its door. The door was quite a weak one, being simply a heavy steel door with bolt action locks. Obviously the person inside did not have any sort of special strength. Kang placed both his hands on the door and centered his balance. His two appendage arms on his back shot into the door above where his palms were, hooking themselves into the steel frame with their clawed ends for a solid grip. Kang then began to pull back with his monstrous strength, and the door soon broke off its hinges completely. Kang tossed the door to the side and walked towards the next cell to do the same.

Hopefully all the mutants would rally and cooperate, but Kang knew this might not be possible as there were quite a few mentally unstable ones around and Kang could not act as a leader here as he could not even speak to them let alone hear them out. However, Kang did not worry himself. He did not release these inmates so that they could gain freedom; he released them so that they could serve as distractions for Kang to reliably escape. If they escaped with him, then all the better for them, but Kang did not care if they succumbed to the overwhelming firepower of the guards. Even if the mutants did not cooperate, they would cause chaos and damage to the guards, which was what Kang was aiming for. In any case, Kang was now relying on the man he just met to cover for him against the guards.

Cover for Kang was exactly what Remington was doing, any debris, any formerguardsnowdeadbodies, any of their broken weapons became thrown implements, and Remington, useful as his old skills were, was beginning to piece together a couple of the guards weapons. When Kang had given him the thumbs up signal, Remington raised a brow but nodded to the large being. He'd figured out that Kang was deaf, trying to speak to him hadn't worked in the slightest, but Kang seemed to be intelligent, if physically slow. Remington's mind was brimming with ideas and plots. He'd recovered a full slug launcher at this point, the barrel from one, the body from another, and the canister loader from another, he'd refilled it, and was dropping guards like ducks in a barrel as they began to retreat.

After a moment, he took stock of what he'd recovered from the debris of the guards. Four handguns, the gunny sack of one of them quickly filled with spare clips and slugs for the launcher he'd recovered, a stun wand, a couple of gas masks, a shield and a bullet proof vest. He had little need of the armor, but it would allow him to focus on his strength rather then his durability. So he took one of the gas masks he'd recovered and moved in front of Kang, tapping it, and then putting it onto his face, then holding one out to the giant, he had adjusted the straps to fit the large beings cranium. He had no idea if Kang would be effected by the gas they had used on him, but the stuff was difficult to metabolize, even for Remington, and that meant something, because Remington could metabolize tranquilizer like it was sugar.

He'd wait for a reply from Kang, a hand signal, a motion, anything, before either replacing the mask in his bag, or helping the large being to don the cumbersome mask. Even if it did make it harder to see, or hear, the masks ability to block the nerve gas, or whatever they were using, was profound. He had no guarantee they wouldn't ramp up their doses now that there was more then one mutant loose in the facility, and he didn't feel like leaving the big, deaf giant to find out if the nerve gas worked on him or not.
Subject: 249 [Min Yi Qiang]

Eden Laboratories

Long blond hair, blue eyes, heart shaped face straight nose. Min focused on the picture in front of her picturing herself taking on the appearance morphing her body almost as if it were puddy.she could feel her skin start to burn slightly and her bones ache as he body rearranged its self to suit the new form better. The young Aisan girl shifted with in a few seconds into an a slightly older blond american girl not a trace of Mins original form left save for the fear reflected in her eyes when she looked up at the doctor. The older man marked several thing down on a clipboard glancing up at min every so often. The girl sat quietly trying no to focus on her exhaustion her how much pain she would be in later. One form wasn't bad neither was two or three. but shifting upwards of five or more always left lasting pains that would take a few days to recover.

The sound of more crashing and yelling could be heard from out side, it had been going on for a short while making it difficult to keep her focus, but she managed. The last thing she wanted was to be shocked or punished for not complying with the scientists orders. She bit her bottom lip lightly and focused on her breathing and remaining calm instead of the anxiety that was knotting up in her stomach and chest. She grip the arms of the chair a bit tighter to keep them from trembling as the sound just got louder. She continue to remind her self that she would be okay so long as she was 'good'. The ring of a phone broke her concentration sending her fraying nerves over the edge. A small panic squeak escaped her as the mask she was wearing dissolved and her form retracted back to her original one. The shift was jarring and painful but Min had gotten use to it. Several months of being asked to shift over and over again had made her sense dull to what used to be a painful process. Minor thing like hair or eyes didn't bother her much but shifting physical features and body frame was more involved.

Min kept her eyes shut tightly, head bowed and muscles tense as she expected some kind of back lash for her failure to hold the form. She tried to at the very least keep her breathing under control so she didn't pass out from hyperventilating again, or need to be sedated. The teen flinched at first contact but to her surprise she was being blinded again and the binds tiring her to the chair released. She listened past the throbbing of her own heart long enough to hear something about tests being postponed until one of the other subjects could be detained and studied properly. The she was grabbed by the same too guards once more and nearly dragged out of the room. She tripped over her self tying to keep up with the quick pace of the guards as rushed her two her cell. A hurricane of noise and voices swirled around her in a chaotic mass too difficult to understand. The most she could gather was that all guards were needed.

Before she knew it Min was shoved into her room and the door slammed behind her. She sighed heavily grateful for the break even if it did come at the cost of someone else and shuffled forward 5 paces until her knees met the edge over her cot. The blind fold didn't need to be on but she wasn't exactly motivated to remove it either. The cell was just like the rest of the lab, white, steel and sterile. She perfected the dark where she could at least pretend there was some color in her life still that wasn't shades of gray.


Min woke with a start as the scream of alarms went off waking her abruptly from her nap. Reflexively she opened her eyes and turned her head to look around, forgetting about the blind fold. A second later she felt very stupid. She sighed heavily and laid back rubbing her temples to ease her headache. More yelling and crashing could be heard from outside much closer than any other time. Were some of the genmuts trying to escape their cells? That couldn't end well for anyone and worse off put even more restrictions on every one else. Wonderful. Min curled up on her cot trying to ignore the sounds outside of her cell, trying not to give her self hope that she could get out of this hell.

A sharp bang startled the teen so badly she jumped out of bed crashing onto the floor with a painful thud. She groaned softly sitting up and holding the right side of her head as she sat up. There were several more bangs, each one resonating in her gut causing her fear to spike which each crash. Min curled up into a ball pressing her self against her cot and covered her head fearfully . There were two more bangs before the sound of metal creaking and giving way under the force and collapsing with a solid thud. Min held her breath expecting the worse but nothing came. She pulled down her blind fold and peeked up through a curtain of black hair at the door spotting some kind of strange greenish armored... thing slowly making his way down the hall.

Other genmuts were storming the halls, rejoicing in their escape. Min sat still a moment waiting for guards to storm in and take control. When the chaos passed her door and moved further down the hall she slowly got to her feet. Shuffling forward Min listened for any sign of guards before peeking though the door seeing nothing but a trail of destruction. She heard the sound of explosions near by and ducked back into her room fearfully waiting until it was over. It almost felt like some sort of war zone. As the sounds grew more distant she took several deep breaths and gathered up what was left of her courage before stepping out into the hall. She didn't see much of anything aside from bodies and rubble. The teen tried not to pay attention to the mangled corpses littering the hall as she hesitantly navigated the mess. Min spotted a discarded riffle on the ground looking more or less in tact. She had never shot a gun in or life or even knew how to past pointing and shooting but at the very least it would be a decent club. So she picked it up and started trying to navigate her way past the chaos, trying to avoid any guards.

The thought of shifting into one of the guards or scientist crossed her mind but doing so would most likely get her attacked by one of the other Genmuts, at least with the guards they wouldn't be trying to kill her. Min peeked around one of the corners spotting the same greenish armored thing and some miss-proportioned man near to it, other escapees no doubt but they looked far more capable than herself. She stuck where she was in case more guards showed up to take down the two of them.
Kang turned around as he sensed Remington approach him. The mutant inside the enclosure he had just busted open was apparently sleeping. Upon closer observation by sensing the breathing pattern and subtle movements of the mutant, Kang found that it had been subdued by some form of toxic agent. Kang knew that there were no guards to administer the poison inside the mutant's room, so he surmised that they were now pouring in some sort of gas to subdue the mutants through the vents that dotted the entire facility. Some of the mutants had begun to escape by themselves by breaking out of their enclosures, obviously waiting to show the full extent of their abilities when a time to escape arose. All of these mutants that had not relied on Kang to free them began to walk off in their own ways while celebrating under the blaring red alert signals. However this jubilant aura would be short lived.

Kang mentally cursed to himself as this would render any and all help he received to be useless now, especially if the guards were planning to gas the entire building section that he was in. Kang himself had no fear of the gas, as the only thing he needed in his current state was oxygen, which was extracted from the air around him while leaving out any other impurities. Kang breathed through his armor so to speak, which absorbed and filtered air to only receive oxygen. Kang could even breathe under water through this method as he did not actually inhale oxygen nor did he have any lungs in the regular sense. Kang quickly turned back around to his companion, whom he expected to begin to suffer from the symptoms of the gas, but he had apparently been prepared for such a situation and had donned a gas mask pilfered from the dead guards. He also offered one to Kang, but Kang shook his head slowly; there was no need.

In any case, anyone without a gas mask would probably be out within the next ten minutes, rendering Remington and Kang alone in this venture. Or so Kang thought. His antennae quivered as they picked up the distinct heat signature of a human being and the vibrations of footsteps. Judging by the nuances of the vibrations emitted from the footstep, the person was not likely a guard as he or she had less mass and concentrated weight as guards had with their trained physiques and armament. It was likely a mutant. Kang tapped Remington's shoulder with his left appendage arm, being careful so as to not harm Remington with the clawed end of the appendage, while pointing at the gas mask with his left hand. He then slowly directed his pointed hand towards the new person that had appeared in the hallway to signal that the gas mask was better used for the mutant that had just appeared.

Kang then began thinking rapidly. How could they escape? Remington was obviously an extremely experienced combatant and well versed in modern warfare with a mutation that was well suited to obliterating guards. The new person was an unknown factor as of now, but would likely join them once the gas mask was offered. Several droves of guards armed with a significant amount of payload would be coming soon as they already knew Kang was immune to the gas or basically anything else they threw at him.

They would probably seek to subdue Kang as they had done so before - by completely obliterating the floor beneath him and burying him under a massive amount of debris. To accomplish this, they would be coming with explosive payload, which did not hint well for his companions. The only way to escape would be to completely move out from the building in an instant, but they were on an upper floor. The idea then struck Kang; why not blow a hole on the outermost wall and then leap out from there? Kang could easily survive the jump, and so would Remington. The new person though, Kang did not know. Kang could climb down the building rock climber style by using his appendages to stick to the building to guarantee the person’s safety, but this would slow down progress. In any case, this plan seemed like the best option unless Remington or the other person had an idea of what to do.

Kang began to gesture to Remington. He pointed behind him back to the hallway where he came from and then pointed at the grenades and explosive weapons left by the guards. He made a gesture to suggest that Remington stockpile on grenades or explosives and then made a throwing gesture to suggest Remington throw them at the wall when they reached it. Then Kang motioned he and Remington jumping off the building by creating a mock person with his fingers and making the person fall off from high above to indicate the jump they would take. Kang then waited for Remington’s response to see if he understood what he was trying to get across and whether he agreed with it.
Watching Kang's motions was like watching an old puppet show. Remington would have thought himself being mocked if he didn't know better. He had his arms crossed over his chest and noted their new observer. But ask Kang continued his show, he paid close attention to the large beings movements. He glanced at the remaining explosives, and made a face. Much as he liked blowing things up, he knew the risks of doing so inside the facility. It would trigger the blast doors, and this, in turn, would trap them further, so he shook his head at Kang, and raised his fist, then pointed at the wall, hoping Kang would watch as Remington displayed his show of force. His fist not only slammed through the exterior layer of the wall, but also shattered the concrete on the other side. He'd done that with a single blow. So he pointed to the explosives, and shrugged, then waved his fist in front of Kang's face, denoting, that all he needed was to be standing when they got to the target, and he could literally bash his way out.

However, Remington did take a moment gather the explosives, before he motioned to their observer, "Comere, Quit yer Skulkin or yer likely ta get left behind." He was still holding the gas mask, adjusting it to what he figured the smaller person would need, "Yer gonna want one of these." He raised the mask up, it was still a bit stained with blood from it's former owner, but it would do the job needed. "That, or our mutual friend the Doctor and his cronies are going ta be playin with ya till ya expire, or worse." He finished, he'd stopped a few feet away from Min, holding out the mask towards her, "Not to be cliché, but come with me if ye be wantin ta live." He raised his mask with the back of his other hand, smiling warmly towards Min.
Min observed as the two other put on some kind of hand puppet show in the middle of the hall with alarms blaring and corpse around them. A strange site to say the least. She wasn't really sure what to make of it other than possibly they couldn't talk? Either way it wasn't something she was really expecting. She was so caught up in trying to figure it out she hasn't taken notice of the gas that was slowly starting to fill the war zone until she caught the scent of it and started to slip back into a panic. she pulled her shirt to cover her nose and mouth not knowing much else to do.

The skittish girl jumped when she heard one of the other genmuts call speak up. She looked over and realized the more human looking one was in fact talking to her. She really didn't know what to make of the guy other than he had killed a lot of guards and looked very pleased about it. The threat of possibly being stuck in the facility and experimented on until she died made Min freeze in place her legs refusing to move. It was a horrible time to lock up but couldn't really help it, she always had a vivid imagination so the though of what they could do terrified her. She snapped out of her thoughts when the bulky larger man approached her, then she was scared for a whole different reason. Min flinched slightly when she saw his hand move towards her bringing up her arms in some kind of pitiful defense. She quickly realized he was simply offering her a gas mask when the hand stop short of making any kind of contact. She looked up at the man meeting his eyes before accepting the gas mask and quickly pulling it on. Sadist or not he didn't show any aggression towards her and was possibly her only way out.

Kang's antennae quivered as they registered the force of Remington's blows and the damaged state of the wall. It was apparent that Remington had significant physical strength, enough to smash their way out when combined with Kang's own great strength. Remington it seemed, did not desire to risk teh danger of explosives when an easier alternative was apparent, and Kang agreed. Nodding, Kang noted his agreement with Remington and waited as Remington greeted the mutant, a woman it seemed by her movements.

When Remington equipped the woman with the gas mask, Kang began to move back towards his cell. Kang strongly guessed that his cell was at the end of the building because he had not been able to sense anything to his right aside from the six or so foot thick wall. Kang beckoned Remington and the woman to follow as he slowly began to move. The guards would be here any minute now, and it would be absurd to make his current companions follow Kang's almost slower than walking pace. He signaled for Remington to move past him by pointing straight forward. Remington would just need to walk forward for ten or so seconds before he would encounter the huge, specialized chamber that held Kang. Right beside this chamber would be a flat wall made of concrete instead of the titanium alloy that caged Kang.

Multiple quick footsteps became more and more apparent as the guards approached. Kang would also be able to hold these guards off by stalling them when they arrived, diverting attention from his companions whom the guards probably suspected were downed from the gas. Hopefully Remington would be able to safely escort the woman down the building.

The Subject was shook from its hazy memories as the ground underneath it shook. Awakened from its blissful nap, Subject rose from the puddle slowly as it observed the Lab Humans around it scurrying back and forth, seeming to be startled at something. Subject always had a problem with trying to figure what exactly it food providers were feeling, though it was learning slowly. They seemed to shake when they were scared, and they exuded a clear substance when scared. From what it had observed some humans went to the extreme and exuded the substance in high amount in the lower regions of their form, making a rapid change of color to follow.

There were also moments when they Lab Humans would get very red faced, and erratic with their movements, sometimes even hitting each other. There was one time it could remember that the strange red faced dance had prompted one of the Lab Humans to push a fellow Lab Human into her cell, quite purposefully. It wasn't long before one of the very giving Gun Humans pushed the original pusher into its cell. Obviously they were demoted from Lab Humans to Food Humans in Subject's eyes.

Subject's form slowly rose from the puddle, gradually taking an unstable, incomplete form that lacked a lower body, the lower form being substantial only through a puddle and thick strand of its slime that connected the upper body with the slime. Snaking over to the side of its cell display case, Subject watched the Lab Humans scurry around, and the Gun Humans look around, very alert looking. Subject's body jumped, its entire being momentarily jumping a variety of directions, creating a weird sight indeed, as a large crash was heard. Looking towards the sound, Subject gurgled in interest, its previous surprise forgotten, as it saw the gaping hole in the wall of the Outer Room. Inside the hall, was a strange human that it had never seen before. It had white garbs, but they were more insubstantial, and less official looking.

The Not-Lab Human seemed to be even more erratic than the doctors running around. Subject was surprised as the Not-Lab Human suddenly ran up to her cell and ran a fist into the cell, easily breaking it somehow. It was strange, it had tried many times to get the wall open, but it had never worked, so why was this Not-Lab Human so special. That must be what it was! A Special Human! Subject absently wondered if the Special Human would taste just as good as Food Humans. This thought quickly brought its body into a tense coil, before its body exploded into action, leaping through the air.

Striking the Special Human in the chest with its entire body, the Special Human gasped as it was tackled by Subject's gelatinous figure. Catching it by surprise, Subject quickly started eating away at the skin of the Special Human. Subject quickly covered the upper part of the Special Human, even regardless of its frantic movements and resistance. As it screamed, the flesh having been burnt off, showing off the inner make up of it, Subject spread to its entire body, even slipping inside the open mouth, and traveling into the food. In no time, Subject had finished off the Special/Food Human, its nutrients already flowing through her body and being absorbed on a cellular level.

Moving back into its default form, Subject looked around, but gurgled in disappointment as it realized all the Lab Humans had evacuated the room, along with the Gun Humans. However, this disappointment was tempered as it realized it was free! It could eat whatever it wanted to! Snaking over to the large hole in the room, Subject flowed out of it and into the pure white hallway. Subject gurgled as she saw many Lab Humans running her way, looking behind them, obviously running from some unseen danger. Subject had no care for this, however, and tensed as she once again coiled up in her self, launching her acidic body towards the small crowd of Lab/Food Humans.
Remington nearly rolled his eyes at the guards. He motioned Kang towards Min, and raised the firearm in his hands, "Nay Laddie, This is my area. Ye find the wall ye want knocked down, and I'll do my bit. But the guards and me, We got this special relationship." He loaded the slug canister launcher again, and spun the canister clicking it loudly into place, he had a look of genuine animosity in his eyes, "Dunno bout you lad." He looked to Kang, "But I need a few more Knicks on me belt before I exit." He looked to Min, and motioned towards Kang, "Stay behind the big feller. He's kind O' like a brick wall. Moves slow, but takes a wallop."

It was about then that he noticed the test subject that was devouring several of the lab scientists. He looked to Kang and pointed in the opposite direction, giving him the, "I got this." signal. He moved towards the mass of slime, that was apparently intelligent. He watched as it feasted upon the lab doctors. He kicked at one, nudging it's remains closer towards the oozing mass.

"Seem's Yer mutations gone and made a mess O' ya. Dunno what ye were in yer human life... But ye seem to be a bit beyond seein at this point." He remarked casually.

He now understood why the scientists had tested him with acid so many times. It was one of the few tests he simply didn't mind. They never could bombard him with enough acid to melt anything beyond the top layer of skin away. So as he stared at the oozing mass he was intrigued. This thing seemed to be able to manipulate itself into a mass that was able to dissolve human flesh and bone, but avoid stripping the floors of their calcium and turn them to powder.

"Must be a really smart transition..." He found himself muttering as he kept just a few inches away, not all that afraid of the mass. More he wanted to see if the thing could communicate.
Min quietly followed her new found allies figuring they had a better plan of escape than she would ever. When a new round of guards showed up she freaked out slightly and pressed her self against one of the walls wondering if she could shift into the form of a guard before she was spotted. Though before she could actually do anything it the blood thirsty stepped forward to challenge the guards. She wasn't sure how anyone could really want to go up against the guards but wasn't about to question it.

She heard the sound of screams and looked past the man seeing this strange orange goo suddenly consume a small squad of people. She cringed seeing the strange sunset orange blob start to break down the humans. Min's attention was brought back to their small group as she was told to stick by the armored guy to be safe. She just nodded wordlessly and followed the order making her way to the slow moving armored genmute. Despite the fact that they were doing well in standing against the facilities attempts thwart their escape she couldn't help but feel the longer they stuck around the less likely they were too escape. She tried fighting down her negative feelings and focused on not slowing the others down.
Although Michael was smiling, Orion did not believe it- that was one of the troubles with being blind, she had to accept everything as she felt it. It wasn't like he meant it in bad taste, he was just trying to alleviate her worries. Orion smiled back in reassurance before slipping on her shoes, listening carefully to Michael and the reverberations his voice made. The woman got up and took a few careful steps in his direction before food was put in her hands.

"Thank you for the water and the food" she ate the rabbit leg daintily, afraid of making herself messy despite the situation. Judging by the sounds in the camping area Michael was already packing up, letting her know that there were people nearby. With as much grace as she could, Orion finished up the rabbit before discarding the bones.

As Orion started her biscuit, Michael placed his hand in the small of her back to guide her along, something she was used to by now. Orion found very quickly she had to shed her inhibitions about touching people or being touched, it was just easier for her that way. Michael would have an easy time guiding her through the forest although she was a little wary on what they would find.

"More GenMuts...."
the woman was interested in the idea of finding others but if they stuck to the pack mentality wouldn't it be easy for them to grab everyone at once? Then again, the facility housed many different mutations and Orion's was one of the more useless ones. Although they certainly had fun trying to find them- she had scars all over her body from when they tested her for invulnerability.

@King Of Imagination
Subject halted its feast as it heard an irritating interruption break the blissful peace she had built up around her, the steady flow of nutrients not stopping as one of the heads of the Lab Human's float in its body, quickly being scraped of the skin that coated the skull. Subject cocked its head as it gazed at the Food Human, who seemed to be dressed just as the earlier one had been. Was this a Special Human? Those tasted delicious! Momentarily turn its head slowly towards the massive amounts of Lab Humans on the ground, Subject slowly considered which was better, the Lab Humans, which were grouped in many, or this one Special Human?

It would eat both eventually, but which to eat first? As Subject turned back to the Special Human, the head within her was now almost only a skeleton, and even that was being broken down, it noticed something else, there were two other Special Huma-No, only one, there was only one. Beside it stood a weird yellowish thing that looked absolutely delicious. Yet, the thing that got its attention was the Special Human, specifically, the two bulges it had on its chest that were made of delicious fat. They were delicious when they were normal, but with them being a Special Human, they must taste even better!

Subject finally made a decision as it tensed up, coiled into itself, and suddenly released the stored energy, leaped through the air and heading towards the direction of the Special Human and her Yellow Non-Human companion. It obviously wasn't able to make it in that short leap, and splattered onto the white cool floor, burning the ground with her acid, and instantly reforming and beginning a rapid descent towards its new prey.

Kang understood that Remington wanted to fight. Revenge was a sweet dish of course, but a risky one. For Kang, he did not feel any sort of resentment or ill against these scientists or even the government. His mind was too busy dealing with its emptiness. Kang's earliest memory was waking up fully armored after being infected with the chemical weapon, and he felt as if something valuable had been taken from him through the amnesia he suffered. A constant nagging feeling gnawed at his side, always telling him that something was gone but not ever telling what that something was. The memory wipe had also left Kang without any memories to recall to base judgement upon; he only felt a sense of deja vu occasionally and retained instincts that were impressed upon him. Kang did not even know why he was escaping. He knew nothing of the world outside except for faint wisps of memory that faded as soon as he tried to grasp at them. He simply felt that there was something he needed to do, and he instinctively knew that being cooped up in a lab would not allow him to accomplish his task.

Kang quickly refocused to the situation at hand and nodded at Remington to show his agreement. It was apparent that the woman was now going to follow Kang, which was a better idea as Kang could reliably take her down to ground level without much risk. Kang turned towards the woman and motioned her forward and towards the direction where the wall was. However, at that very moment, Kang felt wave like vibrations of energy rippling from a succession of areas that all led towards a rapid movement towards the woman beside Kang. It was obvious that something was targeting the woman, and Kang reacted immediately. His body would be too slow to intercept the thing, but there was a way around this. Kang's appendages emerging from his shoulder areas were actually quite fast and powerful, being made of condensed muscle mass and being covered only by a thin layer of armor. Kang's right appendage curled around the woman's right arm and pushed her forward in front of Kang. Simultaneously, Kang's left appendage curled up and prepared itself t strike at the thing when it came within distance if Remington did not intercept if first.

He'd been ignored.

Utterly Ignored.

Remington frowned, for the first time in his life, he was actually annoyed with being ignored. Most of the time it was a boon to be passed over. So as he watched the thing go sailing past. He dropped his slug launcher's safety off and aimed carefully at the center of the gelatinous mass. He muttered, "Sorry, but they're not on the menu." He pulled the trigger and the slug went flying with a "Thunk" Into the mass. He took several steps towards Kang and Min, regarding the mass with a scowl, "Ye need ta learn ta communicate ya gooey thing. Yer just a mass of muck until ye prove otherwise."

He was right next to the mass again, his slug launcher's barrel hung just above the thing's mass and he muttered, "Come on now ya Ooey Gooey one. Learn ta communicate or I'm gonna shoot ya from point blank. That won't be fun for either of us." He remarked to it.

Remington held his finger on the trigger. Unless the thing communicated, it was getting a one way ticket to splatsville. Courtesy of the heavy slug launcher in his hand. It may not hurt the thing much, but scattered, it would pose less of a threat to him. Hell at this point other then getting down his throat, the thing had little way of harming him, he could just regenerate through any damage it threw at him.

"So what's it to be ya hungry critter? Will ye learn ta talk, or are we going ta do this the hard way." He had little compassion for the thing. A great big pile of gooey hunger was all it seemed to be to him.
Min followed the armored genmut down the hall walking slightly ahead of it until it stopped. She wondered why they were stopping, nothing had exploded or fired. She looked back and spotted the orange goo starting to movie and coil. Her eyes widen as she realized that the goo was alive! Possibly another infected person like herself and the others. part of her felt bad for it unable to hold a solid form anymore. Could it even be considered human?

Her pondering were cut short when the orange blob suddenly sprung in her direction and started crawling towards her. Was it trying to eat her? Her eye eyes widen to the size of saucers when she realize the thing was probably going to eat her. Her sympathy quickly turned to panic she was about to run in the opposite direction until the armored man grabbed her arm and pulled her front of him. She was little more than a rag doll in his grasp, a very panicked rag doll. She pressed her self into the harden shell behind her trying to get as far away from the goo as possible. Even after the other genmut shot it she was still terrified of being eaten away by acid. The thought of it reminded her of tests done weeks before and she started to feel like her skin was burning.

Min hugged herself as she started to shake her nerves starting to reach their limit of how much stress she could take. She felt her skull start to tingle and new she was starting to loss form, her ability reacting to her emotions causing it to shift colors at random. She shut her eyes tightly and focused on her breathing trying to keep control of her self and now break down in the middle of their escape.
Subject lifted its head after the rude interruption of its path towards her food. As it lifted its head to attack once more, its entire being seeming to gurgle in anger, Subject halted it movements as it acknowledged the huge weapon pointed at its head. Absently looking away from the weapon ,it had seen plenty before, Subject continued on staring at the Squishy Special Human with the bulges, and felt the desire to attack the it once more. However, her attention was once more plastered to the weapon as the wielder talked to it explaining harshly what was going to happen.

It had been attacked by many weapons that looked like this, yet it was never this close to it before. The splattering he spoke of was also a problem. Subject sat there for a while, her mind slowly recognising the commands it was being given, it mouth slightly open and oozing out the orange slime that made up her insides. Communicate...Communicate. For some reason that sounded oddly like connected the word Talk, a word many of the Lab Humans had explained to it about, even performed.

At the time, she had never had any luck with the action, even when it was persuaded by the promise of food, no words would fall from its mouth, leaving it only the ability to gurgle. Yet, now, under the threat of being splattered, an action it would like to stay away from, a connection seemed to come together in the midst of electrical impulses that made up its mind and intelligence. Opening its mouth, the ooze flowing in little deadly driplets, Subject opened its mind slightly as it slowly formed the right vowels and consonants of the word that was most on her mind right now.

Turning over to where the Squishy Special Human was shaking, a sign of being scared apparently, Subject stopped as it became distracted by the weird color show its hair was putting on. Shaking its head, feeling the word slowly recede back into the depths of its mind, Subject looked directly at the Squishy Special Human, her speeches target obvious, and moaned out loudly, her pitch caused by inexperience.


Kang's sensitive antennae picked up on the creature's subduing by Remington. As soon as safety was confirmed Kang immediately turned back towards the wall without skipping a beat. He was calm and devoid of worries, a trait leftover from his previous and unknown lifestyle. As Kang trudged forward, he tapped the woman's back with his left appendage to signal her to follow. Kang continued to walk forward without waiting for the woman as he was too slow to afford this in any case. Remington was more than capable of pushing back guards for a significant amount of time, and even more so in the narrow passage of the hallway.

Kang eventually sensed that he was at his destination after a short time. A plain concrete wall, painted over with a depressing shade of grey, stood in front of him. Kang walked close up to it and placed both his hands on the wall. The two appendages on his back thrust out and hooked themselves into the concrete, shattering it effortlessly. Now that Kang's grip was foolproof, he began to push. The wall began to tremble before large cracks began forming from where his palms were. A second later, Kang's palms forcefully sunk into the concrete wall, two small craters forming around his palms as deep cracks struck out across the wall. Kang pushed his arms forward, causing them to pummel through the concrete wall through the now fractured and unstable structure. Kang was rewarded when his arms pushed out into the open air of the outside world. Kang then curled his fingers and pressed them on the concrete wall from the outside. He then began to pull back. The concrete wall creaked before its lower half shattered into several pieces of varying size and the force became too much for the wall.

Kang crouched down and swept off the shattered pieces of concrete with his arms and appendages, creating a relatively clean surface to move under to the outside. While Kang had to crouch, he doubted the woman had to follow suit as Kang's size was mainly the problem here. Kang then turned around and motioned towards the woman, kneeling down while facing away from the woman. He arched his armored back and outstretched his arms backwards to beckon the woman to come forward. The woman would have to latch onto Kang's back to survive this fall. Kang was planning on scaling the length of the building downwards, and judging by how long it took before the sound of the concrete debris shattering reached Kang, he judged the distance to be around three stories.

Min nearly fell back as the other man stepped back, her eyes still transfixed on the goo that had been stopped for the moment but looked like it still wanted after her. She looked over her shoulder getting enough control over herself to force her legs to move. She moved quickly wanting to get as far as she could away from the acidic creature. She hesitated slightly when she saw they were going into a cell, one slightly different then one she had been kept in. She glanced over her shoulder to see if they were followed grateful for not seeing the orange goo thing. Getting some distance between herself and everything that wanted her dead helped with her anxiety, though the mask she was wearing was making it hard to breath. She almost felt suffocated by it in her small anxiety attack. Only thing that kept her from yanking it off was the reminder that the air had been gassed.

Her attention was brought back to the armored guy when the wall finally crumbled and natural light filtered into the room, the first she had seen in months. She quickly shuffled over to the hole seeing that it was no trick they were really out side, well almost. She grinned slightly beneath her mask as a small flutter of home started in her stomach. They weren't out of the woods yet but they were close. She noticed the other guy kneel down and motion for her to get on his back and figured he was going to jump or something. While the thought of that was enough to make her sick, she didn't see any other way down by her self. She scrambled up onto his back figuring out away to hold on as best she could and shut her eyes tightly praying for the best.
Remington's foot fell in the strange goo creatures path. He still held the slug launcher, it had clicked another slug into place, and he had repositioned it over the creatures form. He put it in the visual path of the creature, blocking Min from it's view. He shifted so he was between them as well, crouching down to stare at the goo creature. He looked it over, piteously.

"Well, That's some progress I suppose, But no, Ye'll not be havin' Yer squishy target. Ye'd end her life, and that just aint fair when she's just now regainin her freedom." Remington said with a quiet sigh.

The Daylight reminded him that he was alive, and that this poor thing was a threat in the state it was in. He closed his eyes for a quiet moment and pulled the trigger again. The slug, at this close of range, would cause several explosions. The initial impact, the sound barrier breach, the massive explosion of force as it struck the floor after passing through the target, and the slugs explosion would send fragments in all directions.

"Back off Ye Gooey one. I'd rather not have ta tangle with ye. Acid hurts a bit, and I fear I'd have to find a quick way ta kill ya ta preserve myself." Remington stated quietly.

He'd already figured out that the creature wasn't going to be effected by the slugs beyond momentary shock. So he was going to try reason one last time before he retreated to rejoin the other two in their escape.
Subject gurgled once more, the act of Talking having taken a lot of its energy. To access its intelligence, Subject had to connect to many electrical impulses and microscopic neurons at once. That being said, it takes a lot of energy and nutrients for Subject to find the strength needed to make this connection, depleting its natural reserves. Now that it had used up the reserves it had been building in the effort of attempting to speak, Subject was back to being driven completely by the hunger, the feeling almost dragging its body into action without its permission.

Gurgling, Subject looked back at the weapon at its head, but the fear it had felt before, and the caution and hesitation that stemmed from that fear, was gone, replaced by a brazen confidence similar to the confidence gained by being consumed by the effects of Alcohol. With its dulled, underdeveloped mind, Subject had no chance in resisting the effects of such corrupting confidence, and was pulled into the darkness of it.

Looking, not at the weapon, but the Special Human, Subject only mildly noticed that the Yellow Non-Human was leaving with the Squishy Special Human. It no longer cared about taste, or amount, all it wanted was the closest source of food, and that was the Special Human right in front of it. It couldn't have picked a better choice either. With broad shoulders and an impressive build, Subject could easily connect the Special Human to being quite similar to the Gun Humans, a special breed it had never been able to eat before.

This thought only adding to the flame of its hunger, Subject's body tensed and coiled into itself, taking a bit longer with the absence of suitable amount of nutrients, before it released the reserved energy, and leapt towards the Special Human, doing something it had never done before. From the pit of slime that made up its throat, two clumps of dense slime vibrated together as Subject's body moved rapidly within itself, a by product of its need to feed. Subject opened its mouth as it flew, and from its slightly clumped together mouth came a cacophonous screeching noise, a wobbly congested undertone accompanying it.
Remington turned, almost a full sidestep. He'd reinforced his left arm with bone plating that had ruptured above the normal layer of muscles. His tissues released a healthy amount of bile across the damaged area and he kept it that way. So when the goo monster attacked, he raised his reinforced left arm and caught the creature mid dive with it. The gelatinous goo would impact his arm near his forearm and he would slam it into the near wall repeatedly, grunting with each bash.

"We don't. *Grunt* Try to. *Grunt* Eat. *Louder Grunt* Our Comrades. *Even louder Grunt* Just because. *Another loud grunt* Were hungry!" He said, thrusting his arm away from himself in a snapping motion, much like cleaning a sword after it's been used, hoping to send the goo flying.

Even if she did proceed to attempt to eat his arm, the bile would counteract much of the acidity to begin with, and his natural regeneration would kick in and prevent any further damage from becoming extensive. If anything, his muscles and tissues would rapidly learn to repel and resist her acids as his regeneration figured out how to counteract her attack bile.

Remington would wait until his body was rid of the thing before acting further.
Subject made gurgling and bubbling sounds as its body was repeatedly slammed into the wall, the air that became trapped in its slime being pushed out with intense pressure. Subject had never been touched like this before, at least, not by Food Humans before. However, this was a Special Human, so it must have something special about it. As it was thrown down the hallway, Subject felt irritation at having most of its body mass spread around, all of them in separate little bunched up groups.

Controlling them with its absolute consciousness, being helped out by the instinctive demand to be whole, the little groups of orange slime skirted towards one point, the entire group of them becoming one large mass. Usually it would take much longer, however, the parts weren't small enough and they were rather close to the meeting point.

Completely formed once more, Subject rose from the puddle, its upper body the only part formed, and gurgled, glaring at the Special Human, not that anyone could tell with its muddled expressions. In the midst of its hunger, a thought suddenly broke through the fog of hunger. No matter how much it tried, this Special Human was too tough, and it was to weak. It needed to feed on more easily acquirable prey.

Forgetting the Special Human, from this point ignoring anything he said or did, Subject looked at the pile of Lab Humans it had been stopped from finishing off. Seeing the food, and recognizing how easy it would be able to eat said food, Subject wasted no time in snaking its way over to it. As it made its way over to the pile, Subject coiled and jumped up into the air, landing onto the Lab Human pile with the grace of a Hippo doing a Cannonball. With her slime splattered over the pile of Lab Humans, Subject began the process of eating the unlucky morsels.

The tiniest bits of her slime dove for the ears of her food, making them scream, even in their half-dead state. Subject was actually surprised for a second. Usually food didn't stay alive this long. Uncaring of this new information, if anything it was a pleasant interruption, Subject divided itself into multiple parts, and started to stuff and pore itself into the countless holes of the Lab Humans, quickly silencing them. As a portion of Subject made its home in each of the Lab Humans, the bodies started to burn from the inside, the insides of the Lab Humans not even having the slight protection there skin gave them.

Quickly breaking down the various organs they had found themselves in, for example, the liver and the stomach, the slime started to grow inside each of the bodies, using the nutrients to reproduce its own microscopic flexible cells. On the outside, the bodies began sprouting orangish spots, almost like a disease. The spots became darker and darker, now very noticeable, before the spots exploded in little rivers of slime that rushed out, coating the unhappy floor. The new rivers quickly started to climb up the body they came from and coated the bodies, making sure they got all the nutrients that was present.
With a slight nod, Remington took a few steps back, away from the goo monster. He nodded at it several more times before he turned and ran down the hallway, towards where Min and Kane were. As though he'd just finished getting dressed, or was ready for his day, Remington carried the launcher over his shoulder as he jogged towards them.

"We ought ta make like a couple O' Coney and get the hell out O' here." He said, his thick Scottish accent burning through as he spoke.

Remington glanced below, frowning. It was a long way down. He glanced to Min, his facial features steady, he asked her, "Which would ye prefer lass, I have no idea how it's going ta affect me body to fall all that way. But big and buglike here seems ta be appropriate for a leap O Faith." He motioned to Kang. "Though, I can do me best to do the best I can ta get cha down safely."

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