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Fantasy The Forgotten Swordsmen

Jason look at her she was so beautiful than all the woman he have seen upon his adventure at hunting creatures around the world if only he could speak he could have talk right now as he look at her silently and a little numb as he wave at her.

Melody snap back as she notice that she hear a heart beating, was it him? That mean....She realize what she is doing, she start to scream and slap his face. She back away as she see a ghost, for a minute there she thought Jason is dead.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Jason look at her as she start to scream and slap him in the face as he sign and look at her opening his mouth his fangs can be seen as he write somethig saying. "Its u again? Are u alright?" He show her the note and his cheeks she slap was red but he dont mind it.he then stand up as he offer his hand to help her stand up

The moment she see a fang on his mouth she realize he is dead and thinking he is the rise of the living dead. Ignore the notes, she said, 'Get back!! You Corpse!!" She take out a pepper spray and spray him. She quickly get up and run away, leave her pick scarf behind with her name on "Melody"

Melody keep running, she don't know where but she heard to the deeper woods.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
(He was a vampire ahahah xD this is hillariouse)

Jason look at her as he wonder why she was screaming then start spraying at him again. Does it have to happen when ever they meet she would randomly attack him?. He then grab a water and place it in his eyes shackingly from the pain as he heard some shadows that was about to follow her and maybe towards his death so he take his blade and speed up to her as saw a demon and a shadow coming towards her. He speed up by his power and take out a white and grab her as it made a shield and a white aura explode around like smoke.as she sadow got cut up turning into pieces as the demon ran away. As he look a the woman she was halfway to the ground as he hold her back waste as his other hand was in the sky with a white aura in it.

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(I know that, but she dose not know that)

"I have to get out of here and find a way home...." She didn't notice that a shadow is folioing her until something in front of her and its a demon. "Kyaaa!!!!" She scream as she see something full a speed a attack the demon and the shadows. 'Wha--Wahhh!!" She got grab close and reveal that Jason is fighting and protect her. "Kyaaa!!!!!" She screamed again.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
(Yeh ahahah xD )

Jason look at her and let her go as he take a paper saying 'let me explain' he show it to her and try to calm her down and heard a rustling sound as he grab her and ran into the nearest pond and throw a white aurglass as the noise stop and it sound like its going away and Jason take a deep breath and look at her.

She is panting and scared as she see Jason writing down and she look at it. She look back at him. Then she hear a noise, thinking it was that thing again, she come close to him, hugging and then he throw something. Getting close, the smell of her perfume on her hair and shirt.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Jason look at her as he hug her back and pat her back as he cut the hug and write in the paper "youre safe now... what were u doing to me lately?" He show the paper and look at him.

"Huh?" She looked at the note and then slap his face again. " What do you mean I was doing to you? You crazy hunter!" Melody is back to herself as she push him away from her. Then dust herself from her clothes.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Jason look at him and agin she slap him "u were screaming when u saw me why?" He ask as she show her the paper and added "its the 2x u did slap me and 3x u sprey me in the eyes >( " he show her the paper.

She read it. "Well, first of all, a bunny show me that you dead by the tree, I check you're pluses and nothing, then you wake up alive like a rise of the zombie...so yes I did scream because I am scared that you are going to eat my brain...if you are, I'm gonna..." She is going to reach her pocket for a pepper spray but she didn't have it with her.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Jason look at her and write "the reason why i dont have a pulse is that im a Vampire" he show her the paper and silently sign "dont even peper spray me now it hurts u know." He show her the paper.

She read it and then notice the word vampire. Vampire? Where did I heard that before? Melody think and then remember the horror movies she saw about vampire. "KYAAAAAAAAA! Blood sucker!!!" She slap him again.

(lol sorry but this is too funny!)

@Astaroth Suzumiya
(I know right ahahah its sooo funny and interesting at the same time xD )

Jason look at her "please dont be afraid" he wrote to her as he got slap again that make 3x that she sis now as he look at her "stop slapping me" he saw her the paper and look at her.

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" Oh I should be, you going come drinking my blood. And I won't stop slapping you..." She give him a brave look at him. Just like what he wrote last night, a brave and beautiful woman.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Jason eyes flash red and glitter witch was odd for a vampire to happen and it only happen when they meet up who is rightouse on their love as she notice this. Jason shook his head and look at her as the sun shine in the sky she look like an Angle that fall into the sky...wait...the sun... the sun is...beautiful with her as he write something he ahoudnt ask to a woman "can i drink u a little?" He show her the paper.

She notice his eyes turn red, probably it a vampire thing. But she can't let her guard down.Then she see he is looking at her funny and write on something. She read it and slap him...again. "Go drink someone else!" She said as she stand and slowly walk away.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Jason sign silently and look around and place his gun in his bag as he write "when would u tell me?" He show it to her and he was walking backwards but there was a rock so he fell down with a thud as he sat down and look at her.

She read it as she said, " How about never, vampire hunter..." She said it as then he fell down and look at her. "I told you it not important to know a stranger name.....why would you care about my name?" She cross her arms.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Jason look at her and write something "well its becuz i wanted to know... we cant remain as stranger forever." He show her the paper and his stomack growl and place the paper to his face the thing is becuz he is a vampire he have cant blush sweat or anything that is watery inside a normal human being.

She look at the note. "What's that supposed to---" Then she hear a stomach growled and she look at him. "Oh, you're hungry....." She is think of what he going to drink...she knows he drink blood but...." Can you drink cows blood?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Jason write "its alright i have food in my bag." He said as he open his bag and bring out a plastick with blood inside as he bite the plastic and start dringking to the blood inside as he look at her and some of the blood drip down his lips most on sucking the blood he just hope she is alright with it.

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