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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

Ari became somewhat conscious and could hear and feel what was going on around her. She felt immense pain and winced as she tried to pull water towards herself. She felt it hit her fingertips and start to heal them but the pain on the rest of herself just made her lose consciousness again.
Severa had been coughing by the time that the smoke had been cleared, her lungs burned from the toxins as she glared toward the now changed air element. Feeling as if she were hacking up a lung the girl had fallen to her knees and tried to catch her breath, fighting in such heavy smoke was a bother. where the hell was their air element when they needed him/her?

Looking down at Ari she became surprised as the girl had winced and started to move, "Hey careful" she told her, watching as the water came up but it didn't last long, the girl lost conciousness again. "Damn it Ari" she went into another coughing fit, this time some blood had come up. She spit it out and glared toward the other two, anger filled her eyes. Sure she had just attempted to burn down their houses but she was still angry at them, logic, wasn't part of her way of thinking.
Felsha and Aeolius slowly waked towards the area where Serenity and Curtis were fighting each other. Felsha blasted a massive fire ball forward at Curtis but missed, she tired and again but still nothing would hit him. With each blast she could feel her body weakening but she was determined to hit him, she tried one last time and fell to her knees Aeolius along with her. "How are we going to defeat him" Felsha cringed in pain she still hadn't healed fully from the black smoke. She looked over at Aeolius who seemed to be in a lot of pain.
"Air...fire can't burn without it" Aeolius managed to say as he struggled to rise to his feet. He swayed a little but managed to keep both feet firmly plant on the ground. He didn't exactly know how he could muster enough strength to develop a vortex when he could barely stand as it. But he didn't have much of a choice.
"Aeolius no..." but before she could say another word she found herslef pushing herself off the ground. "I can try and absorb the flame that should at least help you" Felsha closed her eyes, blocked out all of the noises and focused all her energy on the fire she felt the power coming into her body. She was not going to fail like the last time.
((to be fair to Magician, no one interact in the battle scene. I'll be going akf, until her returns. Since, I'm left with nothing to do. Please carry on and have fun :) ))
Severa watched the others walk away and turned to Ari, frowning she leaned down and picked the woman up. Coughing some more as she struggled to get the two of them to the bank of the river that Ari used to travel there. It had taken a while to get there but she had set the girl down and collapsed herself, not passing out but allowing her body to relax, rid her lounges of the smoke and hopefully start breathing the fresh air once again.
Ari finally started to fully come to her senses and looked over, seeing Severa. "Are you okay? You shouldn't be coughing like that..... hehe maybe we should have just gone over to Curtis in the forest.." She tried to laugh but ended up coughing more than laughing. She pushed herself over to the river and sat up once she was in it. "Haha the water is soo nice now...." She started to heal herself slowly then started to heal Severa, almost blacking out but staying strong so she didn't. "Are they going to come looking for us? We should probably camp out or head back pretty soon here."
Jasper strolled through the area, his head lowered, a hood over his head. But he most definitely was not oblivious to the scene around him. He could feel the vibrations in the earth and therefore didn't need to see. If he wanted to, he could close his eyes and he'd be fine. He didn't dare though, mostly in case of air attacks. A particularly angry squirrel ran up from nowhere and leaped at him. With a flick of his wrist, he smacked the creature in mid-air with a pebble that flew up. The squirrel, now dazed, shook itself and then ran off, leaving Jasper alone again. That is, until he heard voices ahead.


Hi! ( ^ ^ ); So sorry I'm late! I hope no one minds me butting in..! *awkward chuckle* =P
Severa opened her eyes slightly and looked at Ari as she finally came to again and started speaking, "don't worry about my cough, it will pass with time" she chuckled slightly and shook her head. "Curtis can handle himself, he's tough and knows what he's doing. Besides, I only feel like I would get in his way" she coughed, lifting herself up from the ground to do so. Looking at Ari by the water she was grateful for the healing portion, sure she hated water but it wasn't too bad when it was healing her. "Thanks..." she muttered as the girl was done, her ears twitching at the sound around them people still screaming at the fires and various things happening in the village. "We...should probably head back soon..." she said slowly and looked around. "Ready?" she questioned, standing herself up "I don't think they will come looking for us..." she looked back for a moment, "too preoccupied"
Ari jumped up and smiled, "Lets go and save the chaos till tomorrow or until things calm down... It'll be like a sneak attack! Although we will have to go back to the village!" She starts the walk back and walks up and down the river bank until they are almost back.

Sorry for the long break <( O.o )
Severa nodded, "a sneak attack is a good idea, though I am sure after this that they will be ready for just about anything...Unless we get them before they are able to recover.." she mentined as they walked along. One moment she was walking, the next she was face first on the ground, tripping over a rather large rock that she didn't bother looking down at. One may have thought that being a neko she was nimble and had quick reflexes, during a fight maybe, but otherwise the girl was just as clumsy as any other. "Damn..should have saw that" she muttered and stood back up, dusting herself off and blushing with embarrassment.
Ari laughed and looked at Severa. "10 points for the finishing dismount!" She kept laughing but agreed. "Yeah, we should go back and attack now while they're weak."

I'll be home in 45 min :)
( xD ten points for dismount That made me laugh)

Severa growled slightly, "thanks" she muttered and glared playfully toward Ari. "Attack while they are weak yes, but it would also be foolish if they are standing guard and have high alert. They may still have adrenaline pumping through them. We have to do it at just the right moment when they finally decide to rest while they are weak. When they feel its 'safe'" she grinned devilishly and looked back ahead. "Hope that Curtis is doing alright..."
Ari's eyes lit up and she quickly started to say, "If I can use enough water you and Curtis could hit it with fire and make it a foggy smoke. No on will know anything different about it and we would be able to sneak in and out undetected!" She smiled and looked around. We need to find Curtis!
"Hmm? Make some fog? Make it seem like a natural occurrence?" Severa grinned at the girl's suggestion and nodded, "sounds like a pretty nifty plan to me" she agreed with the plan. It would be much easier going under the cover of fog, so long as their air elements didn't decide to push it away, "so what happens if their air elements decide to push the fog away?" she questioned, "unless we get our own to actually counteract it...but then they would know something was up..." she mentioned and sighed. "My head is starting to hurt" she muttered as she reached up and started to rub her temples.
Ari nodded, "That is a good point.... we can always retreat with to fog for a few feet to make it look real. Then just go after them..." She tried to think of ways to go over without being easily discovered by the airs. She started to randomly make water randomly swirl around them and then her eyes turned blue for just a second and the water froze into spears of ice, fell to the ground, and shattered. "Ooops.." She laughed a bit.
Jasper picked up the pace and brushed the hood from his eyes. Much better. His face was stained with dirt and such, and he smudged it when trying to wipe it off with his gloved hand. Suddenly, he froze. He felt the vibrations in the earth ahead. One or more persons were over there, not even a stone's throw away. The lad scrambled up a tree, after crating a quick staircase of rock to get up, to have a better look.


Someone please interact with me???? DX
Severa nodded, "yes I suppose that is possible" she watched as the girl played with the water and raised a brow. "you could have stabbed someone-" she stopped in her tracks as she heard something that sounded like rock scraping against itself. "Did you hear that?" her ears twitched trying to pinpoint the location of the sound. When she caught it she looked toward a tree not far off and raised a brow, growling slightly as she created a ball of fire and shot it toward the tree. "Can't hide for long" she didn't know who the stranger was but she wasn't going to be caught off guard.
The figures moved, then suddenly a ball of flame raged towards him. He leaped out of the tree and landed at its base, just in time. He peered back at the attacker, and then shot up the ground beneath them, hoping to make them fall. He hadn't even planned on attacking at all, but they did attack him first. It was only fair.


Sorry to interrupt the conversation...and be a whiny bother DX
"Looks like we can have our own fun!" Ari made a small cloud and sent it towards Japser, then once she thought it had reached him she let it hail and dissolve away into nothing again.
The boy swiped at the oncoming attack, before rolling to the next tree. He got up and then stamped his foot into the ground, sending a shockwave through the earth. Then he jerked his hands up, sending a hail of rocks down on his opponent. "Fire user, number one," he muttered to himself. "Number two..." He peeked out from around the tree. "...Water? Pretty sure. Too bad there's no air around; they'd be easy to take out."

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