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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

He looks behind him''You're more than welcome''. He looks forward, seeing a barrage of water, he pushes himself back with an air blast, and uses another air blast to throw the water back to her. He rolls on the ground and gets up. He looks at the water elemental and throws an tiny compressed air blast at her
Ari made little pieces of sharp ice, and sent them at Serenity. She then waited to see what their next move would be, keeping her eyes on Serenity the whole time.

Headed out, have great night everyone! :)
Nani was wandering throughout the forest, curious as to where the sounds of battle were coming from. She'd left her small hut from deep within the trees, and had been following the disturbance in the woods for about ten minutes now. Eventually, she had spotted the quarrel, and hid herself behind a pine tree. She covered up her footsteps with the sounds of wind, cautiously getting closer, attempting to find out the reason behind it.
He looks to the right, he senses other of his kind near him. He sees a girl, I had never seen her before, who is she?
Nani realizes she's been spotted, and stops covering up her footsteps. "Um... hello." She says, getting nearer to the battle scene. "Are you guys alright...? I mean... what's this all about...?" She asked, trying not to seem pushy or like she was some creepy girl wandering the woods.
He looks at the girl again What the hell does she think she's doing?! ''This isn't a place to talk girl! We're in a fight right now!'' He shouts at the girl. He gets back in his fighting stance.
Serenity looked at the air user. She threw a blast of ice at the boy air user. She was growing tired of this. "Leave you three of else." She shot out more ice. She threw up an ice wall and looked at the new girl. "Who are you?"
He, distracted by the girl, receives the blast on the body, he goes flying rolling trough the floor. He barely gets up coughing blood, he had landed right at his face when the hit got him.
"Leave!" Serenity shouted at the Lost. She melted her ice shield. She stood tall and held her head high. She looked every bit the leader she claimed to be. She had an imposing look on her face as she look at the little wisp on the ground. She knew she had hurt him.
"O-oh! Right!" She screeched, scurrying away and up to a tree branch, keeping away from the battle and hoping she'd be safe.
''You tried to hurt my friends, and now you make my mouth bleed and nose break.'' He screams, raises his hand and makes a fist with his hand. He tries to choke the water girl.
She stood shocked as she felt air leave her lungs. She scrambled to remover the invisible hands. She looked to the girl in the tree for help. She reached out a hand to the girl. "H-he..lp!" She tried to gather water to throw at him but the lack o air made it difficult.
I can't kill anyone right now, it's not in me, i don't even know her, it was a stupid idea of me to do this. He lets go of the girl. ''I don't want to kill anyone today, water girl''.
She gasped as the air rushed back into her lungs. She fell to the ground and coughed and took in huge gulps of air, she had never been take by surprise like that before.
Nani dropped from the tree, rushing over to Serenity, and kneeling to her side. "Are you alright? I saw you heal yourself... do you have it under control?" She asked, afraid that she might not be able to heal herself.
His vision starts to get blurry Heh, so wind girl goes help the one that almost smashs my face in. He starts taking very heavy steps backwards, he used almost all his energy trying to choke the girl, he passes out, falling flat to the ground
"No...Actual damage...was done.." She said in between breaths. "Had he crushed my windpipe...I'd be dead.." She looked at the girl air user. "Who are you little wisp?"
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"My name is Nani..." she began, but before she could finish, the boy had dropped to the ground. She gasped, before then rushing to his side. Realizing he was unconscious, she summoned gusts of wind to his side, hovering him above the ground. "Come to my home; I'll help you both there, and you may rest..." Nani said, hovering the boy in the direction of her hut.
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Serenity stood. "I think not. I've my own village to try to rebuild, thanks to this boy and his friends." She nodded in their general direction. 
(I'm going to head to bed, night! See you guys after the update tomorrow!))
"Oh... well then, what should I do with him..? Perhaps he doesn't wish to heal at my home...?" Nani asked, unsure of what to do.
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"I guess I'll be going then...? I mean, not that it wasn't fun fighting with you guys but I think you've got your own problems going on and don't need me hanging around." He caught sight of the boy on the ground. "Jeeze! Is he okay?" he cried, scampering over. "Do you want help?" he asked the girl beside him. "He a friend of yours?"
"No... I-I just saw them fighting, and then he fainted... I don't know what to do..." Nani replied, knowing that the only person she knew that could heal people was the girl he was just fighting with, but she was nowhere to be found.
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Jasper glanced around. "Um...I'm probably not the best person to ask, but...I learned a few tips and tricks from my grandmother...on healing and stuff. That girl would be better, but...nevermind, it's stupid." He shook his head, almost flipping his hood back.
"No, no... whatever it is, it would be helpful." She smiled, hoping that Jasper would somehow be able to help stop some of the wounds from bleeding... like she said, even if it were only a few, it would still help.
"Um..." he hesitated. "O-okay...if you're sure...I don't want to make it worse...." He crouched down beside the limp body, examining him. "We should move him, if we can. I think I heard you said you've got a place we can take him?"

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