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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

Ari tried to put a blob of water over herself but the force of the rocks made them fall through the water and hit her anyways. "Ow!" She ran over to a tree and hid behind it hoping to think for a moment. He knows where we are..... how can we get him? She ran out from behind the tree towards where she thought the earth boy was. After only a few steps she made a bubble out of water and hid behind another tree for protection.
Severa grinned toward Ari and gave a firm nod, jumping back as the ground came up to try and trip them. "Two against one isn't a very fair fight" she mentioned as she shot a ball of fire toward the tree that he had rolled behind. It wasn't that she didn't like fighting, no, quite the opposite. But the woman did have morals, though few and far between so she took a step back, putting her hands behind her back as she jumped and tried to avoid getting hit by the rocks. A few had managed to hit her head and shoulders though, making the girl hiss and take cover behind a tree. "He's all yours Ari" she grinned, taking a back seat in the fight unless she was needed for help.
Serenity shot water at Curtis and froze him where he stood. She ran towards the forest to put out the fires and help any survivors. "Hello, anyone around?" She called out to anyone. She ran towards sounds she head further on. She came upon the scene of an earth elemental battling Ari, and Severa. "two against one is unfair, even for you guys." She called to the two Lost. She did notice that Severa was hanging back allowing earth and water to battle.
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"You know, I agree," Jasper said, before opening a hole in the ground. He leaped inside, the dirt closing over him quickly, leaving no trace. He then shot back up out of the ground away from the trees and lifted his hands into the air. "So let's not fight. I'm not fighting. Who's fighting?" He smiled genuinely before flipping his cowl back over his head.
"Yeah... we weren't fighting, only just getting to know each other...." She walked towards Severa still watching in Jasper's direction. "She and I were only getting to know your friend here." She looked at Serenity and laughed, "Don't worry, we'll get to meet again soon enough."
Severa glanced toward Serenity and growled, her ears pinning back. Her eyes then darted toward Jasper and then Ari who had walked up to her, "nope not fighting at all.." she muttered stubbornly, actually enjoying watching the two go at it. "Why would we fight, we are just the lost ones right?" she didn't look very impressed "we could have a two on two" she whispered to Ari while leaning over some to make sure the girl heard her.
"Leave you two, and take Curtis with you. I left him to "Chill" out. If you catch my drift." She raised her eyebrow at the two. They would have fun thawing their leader out. "Are you ok?" She asked to the earth user, always keeping her eye on the Lost.
Ari chuckled a little, but the chuckle quickly turned into a concerned voice, "I mean... you would have to take her on because she was crazy enough to go after Curtis earlier and yeah.... that wasn't really fun, hence why I'm here with you now." She angled her head, "We could if you want but I call the earth guy, he doesn't seem quite as crazy." She raised her voice at Serenity, "Maybe.... maybe not!"
"So be it. If you want to fight...We'll fight. But expect me to go easy on you." She called water to her and gathered it up into a spear of water.
Severa raised a brow, "she is pretty crazy" she said back and looked toward Serenity, "I wouldn't trust her...and they call us the evil ones" she said and looked at the spear of water. "Hey hey hey, don't jump the gun here water bit-" she cut herself off, putting her hands up. "Look, just calm down my partner and I were just discussing a couple of things, no one's attacking you" she spoke calmly and rolled her eyes. Seeing Ari create the shield she sighed, "okay...okay..you get the crazy one though" she looked toward Jasper and made a ball of fire.
"Oh, um yeah." He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Sorry about all of that." He grinned sheepishly. "Am I the only earth user here?" he asked, looking around. "That's a shame. You guys seem okay though. I'm Jasper. You?" he smiled, taking a fighting stance. He stamped the ground, shooting a boulder up for fighting with.
Ari made a small stream of water start to spin around her, then froze it and sent it towards Jasper without saying anything beforehand. She melted the wall in front of herself and Severa and kept her eyes on Jasper but flicked them at Serenity to make sure she was safe for now.
"Serenity. And yes so far you are." She said to him. To the others she said, "You've made your choice then."
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Ray suddenly wakes up in the middle of all of this. He was thrown on the grass, near a tree. He hears noises, fire cracking and rocks moving. ''What the hell is happening?!!?'' He runs over the scene. He sees two girls on one side Oh, it's the water girl everyone talks about, she's on my side, so i think if i get in this i'll go with them He looks at the other side Water and earth eh? Not a good combination. He gives his self a push, with a pulse of air behind him, climbing on top of a tree and deciding on entering this situation or not.
Serenity felt the new comer. She looked up into the tree briefly and saw the air elemental. She didn't think she could handle two opponents at once. Jasper seemed capable enough.
Severa looked toward Serenity and then Ari as the water flew toward the water element. "Well thats inefficient, Okay, I'll take the crazy one" she nodded her head toward Jasper, "you can take the earth" she created a fire sword and looked at Serenity. "Come at me hmm? Lets see how good you really are" she grinned as she went running toward the water element without further notice, shooting fire as she went and then following through with the sword once she got close enough, trying to hit her in the side.
He notices the water elemental looking at him Hurt any of my people and i'll get out all the air of your lungs He closes his hands, squeezing it with a fist. He observes how the fire girl goes against the water one, trying to hit her with the sword, he starts to breathe heavily, still thinking very hardly on what to do
Serenity dodged and countered Severa with her spear. "You're going to have to be quicker than that, little flame." She gathered water around the spear and flung it at Severa.
Severa reached out, grabbing the spear as it had come close to hitting her, the sword had vanished for a moment. Her hands melted right through it though before she could do much more the water started to gather around the spear causing her to jump back and get hit with it. Coughing up some of the water she had managed to stay on her feet, soaked, the feline didn't look happy. Steam emitted from her body as it heated up to get rid of the water, "you're going to have to do better yourself" she hissed, the sword appearing again as she created a flaming vortex and sent it toward the water element.
The blow connected and Serenity flew backwards. She hadn't expected the little flame to react so quickly. She stood up slowly, and threw an ice spike at the fire element. She healed a small portion of the wound and focus herself again on the little flame.
He observes the situation, that ice spike is going for the fire girl's neck, if that hits, she'll die, i can't risk it He jumps down to the forest, he uses a blast a wind to push the spike far. He turns and sees the water element, he steps on the ground and leaves a full wave of wind against the water girl If this goes as planned, i'll blow her away and i'll have more time to think.
Serenity saw the wind come at her and froze a wall of water in front of her herself and Jasper, to protect the boy, just in case they decided to attack him to.
Severa froze as the air element came jumping down, she hadn't had much time to react to the spear of ice. In fact, if he hadn't blown it away it would have surly hit her. "Thanks.." she muttered nervously as she looked toward the wall of ice and shot a ball of fire toward it, "not going to just stand there behind a wall" she told Serenity.

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