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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

Felsha Tilted her head up towards Serenity "But... I need to.... help save the village" her voice was weak. "Is... Aeolius okay?" She was to weak to stay awake and drifted off to sleep.
Serenity felt Curtis' presence. She went to the edge of the forest and met him head on with a wall of water from the river following behind her. "Curtis, You've cause enough trouble today, Leave now, and live to fight another day, Or I will stomp out your flame, like a candle in the wind." She had no more patience for his almost childish games.
Curtis smirked as Serenity had the guts to walk up to him. "Do what you wish, but in the end we both know who will win this fight. I've had enough of you people being condescending here and it was about time that I stopped your attitudes, I just believed this was the way to react to it." After Curtis finished speaking he immediately snapped his right hand fingers as a large flame wall came from Serenity's left, something like this could hit her like a truck. "Try your water, I'll just evaporate it."
Felsha suddenly awoke from when she felt the presence of another fire sprite, she quickly moved to the window to see what was going on. Felsha saw a large burst fire heading towards Serenity. Felsha quickly gather just enough energy to blast Serenity out of the fire balls path
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Ari found Curtis and ran up to him. "Why aren't you waiting for anyone else to help you? You can't claim all the fame for yourself!" She looked around to see all the wreckage and shook her head. "Imagine if we had the rest of our team together? It would take half the time to destroy everything."
Serenity wrapped herself in water to negate some of the blows' damage. "I will not be defeated so easily Curtis." She said as she was thrown to the ground. She stood and sent a wall of water crashing into Curtis. The wall was tall enough to block some of the sun from view. She sent it hurdling at him as fast as it would go. It would be enough water the sink a small ship. And, put out a fire.
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Ari saw the wall and ducked behind the nearest tree wrapping her arms around it and making a smaller wave to protect herself from the force. She closed her eyes in order to be able to focus on holding on and wondered what was going to happen to Curtis. She felt the water from the wave hit and splash around and was shocked by all the power.
"I'm not as weak as you'd like to think." Serenity said as the wave crashed down on top of Curtis. She had saw his little water droplet run behind a tree. "Come out, come out. Let water drop." She called to Ari.
Ari peaked out behind the tree. "Can I trust you?" She slowly started to walk further out and and laughed. "We sure have caused a bit of damage!" She stopped laughing and looked directly into Serenity's eyes and put on a serious face. "What do you plan on doing now?"
"Leave..Or I will not hesitate to kill every last Lost soul in your army. I have people to help and heal." Her face was as hard as stone. She was not in a joking mood. "You've betrayed your element by siding with him, Water is meant to nourish, and grow. And to heal. Not to maim and destroy." Her words were biting and hard. She spit them at the water spirit like poison.
Severa had taken no part in the destruction of the forest, she had watched Curtis from the trees, keeping quiet and not bothering to interfere. He seemed to be doing a fine job on his own destroying the place why waste her own efforts in starting a fire? She watched as Ari walked out and started speaking with the 'good', a growl came from her mouth as she stood in the shadows. She walked out not too far from the discussion, keeping watch and ready to move if the 'good' tried to attack Ari. She didn't say anything though, figuring it wasn't her place as the two spoke about water.
"Who says that the path you chose is the true good? Perhaps you're the one who's been deceived the whole time?" She ran over to Curtis and grabbed his arm to retreat, if only temporary. She looked back at Serenity and gave her a menacing glance then walked away.
Curtis smirked as he neared Serenity. "Do you know what happens when water heats up past boiling point? It creates VERY hot steam. As the steam passes from the vapor to liquid state it condensates releasing an even hotter liquid. This will burn you, shall we test this science experiment?" As the wave hit Curtis he'd make an 'aura' of scorching hot fire surround him, any water that were to hit him would turn into steam, making the condensation fly outwards easily burning anything it touches. Curtis was not giving up, he continued walking towards Serenity, hot steam as well as hot liquid shooting out towards her as well as every other direction around him. With the 'bomb' still trailing behind him he'd aim to throw it over Serenity and at the village as the fake fuse would begin 'burning' on it, within the matter of four seconds it would be exploding. This fire ball had been trailing him since the start of the burning, meaning it is a very thick and powerful flame that would take a lot to put it out.
Serenity sighed. "You should have left Curtis. Do you know what a vortex is? It is a swirling mass of air that sucks everything up into it, Even with so much air around you, your little fire is helpless against the lose of oxygen. Then combine water, and you....fizzle...out." She said walking toward him to keep as much of the village safe as possible. "You've played your game to long, Curtis, I grow tired of your childish ways. I will put you out." She summoned a ball of water. "I can handle a little heat from my own water foolish boy." She threw the water at the "bomb" Though she knew it would not be enough to put it out. She would need someone's help. But she was the only water spirit the she knew of in the village. "Where's help when I need it.." She muttered.
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Ari had continued to walk back to their village without turning back.S She knew it was pointless to try and dissuade Curtis from causing mayhem as it was just his personality. She turned back and decided to wait on the edge of the forest for him when he finished his path of distruction.
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Aeolius wasn't sure how long he hand been out but he felt...different. The air around him felt weighed down and bit foggy like he was seeing through a thick mist. He slowly sat up and was surprised to find that his hair had turned a dark black.
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Sitting beside a great willow tree next to the crystal clear river sat a samurai and his tiger.

The tiger was busy swimming, enjoying the coolness and peace of the river. The samurai, sitting cross legged against the willow, was making it snow around the tree. The snow was softly comings down, piling around the borders.

The samurai smiled to himself and thought, "This is peace. This is where i can find my zen and replenish my soul."

The tiger walked out of the water and shook its fur splashing water all over the fallen snow.

The samurai watched the beautiful animal akin to a parent watching their child. Nothing but love shown in his eyes.

Suddenly though, a murder of crows burst from the oaks across the river, flying fast away from some unseen danger.

Hiela, the samurai's tiger, turned and gave a low deep growl.

"Come now Hiela, lets see what kind of mischief we can get into."

The samurai quickly placed the saddle on top of the tiger and with the grace only a water spirit posses, lept on top of the gigantic cat.

Using his powers, he rode the tiger above the water, towards whatever disturbance was being caused.
Severa grinned as the two interacted, turning her head while Ari seemed to be walking away, back toward their own village. Pausing she turned to catch up with the water element "hey, leaving the show already? It was about to get good" she pointed out with a sly grin. "Don't tell me you're going soft on us, Ari" she couldn't help but chuckle slightly as she walked beside the girl.
Curtis smirked, if she planned on reducing the Oxygen where he stood, the fire would only spread outwards which would help with increasing the amount of damage caused. Wildfires have a tendency to burn out of control, especially in such a lush forest like this where there's so much combustible vegetation. Curtis decided it was his time to go and sprinted backwards to the initial burn point, making haste, though the explosion that would be happening shortly thanks to the bomb would do well enough to increase the burn rate, and destruction. As some water doused the 'bomb' it decreased in size but it still showed to be counting down. The way Curtis had created the bomb, was for the fire to surround a ball of oxygen and begin to slowly burn through it, once the oxygen would run out it would explode outwards, so the fuse on the top was a time estimate of when the oxygen would run out. If the spirits don't stop it within the next few seconds it's going to explode causing massive damage and making the wildfire spread even faster.
Ari laughed. "No, I just don't feel like turning into a burnt crisp and I know that talking to Curtis will only encourage him to cause more mayhem..." She trailed off and stopped walking. "If you want to join in on the fun then I will go back with you but if people start getting hurt too badly you can't say that I didn't warn you." She stared into Severa's eyes and shrugged.
Felsha knew that she was to weak to even try and help Serneity, so she set off to find Aeolius. She gathered as little of her power that she had left and flew up out of the trees. Felsha flew over the tree tops searching for Aeolius but everything was to black to see from such a high Altitude, the only way to find him was to walk. "Aeolius!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She sent a trail of fire to find his exact location.
The samurai rode the tiger amongst the trees, all the while smelling burnt wood.

"Seems like we got a fire spirit Hiela. And an angry one at that."

The tiger snorted in response.

The samurai rode Hiela to the edge of the forest. In front of him was what looked like a battle raging.

And what looked like a fire bomb.

The samurai rode Hiela in the clearing, bringing with him a snow storm, quickly covering the ground and tree tops.

Focusing the snow, he solidified it, turned it into ice and worked on trying to case the fire bomb. Building layer upon layer over ice a few meters away from the bomb.

"Looks like yall need help."

Hiela roared.
Severa watched for a moment as the fire continued to blaze through the forest. "You hold a good point.." she didn't often get burned by fire unless it was by her own and because of her own stupidity. Her eyes seemed to brighten up as Ari said she would go back "really!? Lets go, he may have the forest but we can get their village" she mentioned with a sly grin and turned back around. She didn't seem concerned with people getting hurt too badly, besides, that's why the water element was there right? Heal people.

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