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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

Ari nodded and looked towards the river. "I accidentally wondered into their village when the fire started.... we can follow the river up then just hop through the forest, which is pretty burnt up by now, and after a small clearing the village is right there." She ran off and jumped into the river, making a small wave to carry both her and Severa over to the village. She smiled at the thought of not having to be too close to the fire and looked around for any other people who may appear.
Aeolius was still stunned at the unexpected color change when his ears perked at the sound of his name. He looked up and instantly spotted Felsha's floating figure a top the trees. "Ah Felsha!!" He called, lifting his hand to shift the winds to capture her attention. Instead black mist seemed to pour from his fingertips. It slowly drifted towards a near-by tree and just as the fog touched its surface, the plant began to whither and die. Aeolius immediately shifted it back, absorbing the mist once again. He stared in alarm at his hands and shook his head, shocked and confused.
Severa didn't like water, in fact she would have liked to stay as far away from it as possible, "you 'accidentally' walked into the village?" she raised a brow and shook her head. "Right..." she looked down at the water, "I think I'll just stick with the land, run along side...I would rather face the flames" she mentioned and started running along side Ari and her water wave. A sly grin came to her face as she burst through the flames toward the city. She had noticed the snow started coming down and glanced back for a moment to try and spot the cause, "damn.." she stopped in the village and created a ball of fire in her hand. "So long as Curtis can keep their attention" she grinned and looked over at Ari as she tossed the fire ball onto one of the houses, "we can destroy this place and still accomplish our goal"
Serenity looked at the man on the tiger. "Help would be great." She said as she tried to gather enough water to put out the bomb. She hurled the water at Curtis, causing it to sizzle and spread out towards the woods. "Help me dampen everything, if it's wet he can't ignite anything! Hopefully Aeolius and Ari can manage to keep the village safe..."
Felsha heard Aeolius voice and immediately head straight for him "are you okay! she said in a panic "your hair, its....Black, whats going on Aeolius" her voice was full of concern. What in the world was going on here. Felsha gestured her hand toward Aeolius to help him up. "We need to go back to village and make sure its safe"

"You got it sister."

The samurai clapped his hands loud enough for the snow build up on the trees to come crashing down.

Then, almost instantly, gigantic dark clouds covered our area. And it began to snow, furiously.

Snow cascaded down all over the land, coming up to Hiela's knees.

He kicked his heels into his Tiger and she lept on top of a large boulder near the tree line.

The samurai dropped from the Tiger's back and walked towards the edge of the boulder.

Snow was still pouring from the sky. And it was draining him, making his eyes vibrate and his knees start to go numb.

He surveyed the trees, realizing they needed to be damper to have any chance of controlling the fire from the bomb spreading.

The Samurai raised his arms to either side of him, they were shaking from the strain of using his powers.

His knees started shaking, he'd collapse soon if he didn't act quickly.

"Hiela, lend me your strength please. So we might save some souls. I need you my Love."

Hiela took a step forward and rested her forehead on the end of the samurais neck, connecting their souls.

The last thing the samurai saw before falling into blackness, was the snow from the ground rising, turning into ice, and encasing the trees.

"By the ocean, i hope that is enough." he thought.

Then, he fell into oblivion.
"No wait don't come near me!" Aeolius yelled, scrambling to his feet. As if noticing his little outburst he took a quick calming breath before forcing a reassuring smile on his face. "Lead the way, I'll be following close behind". He couldn't concern other's with his...'condition' now with so many other lives in danger.
Felsha looked confuse but didn't bother to ask "Okay follow me I know a quick and safe way back to the village" Felsha exclaimed. Flesha couldn't believe how horrible the forest had become the woods were she used to play were all dead. She peered backwards "Aeolius, are you sure you are okay, your hair is black and something about you feels different about you"
"No no I feel completely..." But before he could finish his sentence his vision turned monochrome. It was as if the all the colors of the world had disappeared, leaving a white and black canvas behind. Aeolius smile faltered. "fine..." He continued. This was one of the rare times where he lied yet unlike all the others...he didn't feel any remorse. In fact, he was starting to feel nothing at all.
Ari smiled and finally nodded her head. "Yeah.... I have a terrible sense of directions and I was scared of the fire." She jumped out of the water and ran to the tree line. "It's right here. Took long enough" She laughed
Felsha didn't believe him for a second"Aeolius you don't look good we need to find Serenity and fast your becoming whiter then a ghost, hope on my back we are going to fly" Felsah reached her hand put for Aeolius. "take it there's no way you can hurt me, I trust you" She tilted her head and gave a reassuring smile.
Aeolius looked at her hand with a blank stare before slowly putting his hand hers. Not a second later, the black mist from before began pour out of his hand. It slithered up Felsha's arms and turning her skin an unnatural sickly grey before turning black. But Aeolius didn't seem to notice or care as he he continued to stare into space.
Felsha was horrified by the black mist but she didn't care she needed to get him back to serenity and fast. She threw him over back and fly up into the sky. She could feel her skin changing and it hurt like hell but she was determined, she flew at top speed until she saw Serenity. She placed Aeolius on the ground, her skin seemed to be going to to normal but it was blistered "Serenity! Aeolius somethings wrong you need to come quick" She screamed at the top of her longs.
Severa nodded, "yea well, water elements aren't usually very attracted to fire...you know, the whole opposite thing. Don't understand why they insist opposites attract" she muttered and watched as Ari ran to the tree line. "What are you doing?" she looked at the people who were scrambling away from the burning house. They seemed pretty helpless, not even daring to look toward the woman as she grinned and tossed another ball of fire. "We are here to destroy the town, not hide behind trees" she chuckled with an evil grin.
Ari heard Felsha yell and turned to Severa. "We'd better hurry up, it sounds like someone has come back.... and if she's calling for help then there will be more people soon." She gathered water into an orb like shape and nodded. "Well let's get started while we can! You can lead the way," she smiled a bit.
Aeolius' eyes flashed a strange gold color before he abruptly stood up. "Like I said..." He began, an unnerving glint in his eyes "I'm fine". He started towards the village, the black smoke swirling and flexing around him like a snake. Aeolius felt okay, better in fact! He didn't have the constant feeling of worry about anyone or the others. Though he did feel this constant nagging in the back of his mind that was something was wrong. That something was wrong...with him. He brushed it aside though and continued down the smoke filled streets, not even sparing a glance at the injured civilians.
"Aeolius wai...." Felsha trailed off as she watched black smoke swirling around "What in the world has happned to him, I should follow him" she thought to herself. Felsha flew up and followed him through the village. She would stop every now and then to check and the injured villagers. "Serenity, somethings wrong with Aeolius, his hair has turned black and he has black smoke swirling around him" She told him through her mind.
Aeolius turned another corner to spotting two other members of the lost soul. One seemed to be a fire elementalist while the other was controlling water. "Ah found you" He mummered before flicking his hand upward causing the smoke to shift and change into a drill like shape of highly concentrated winds. Aeolius waved it forward, straight at the two. It was leaving behind a trail of extremely toxic air as it traveled like an arrow down the street. It hurt the others it landed on, causing further damage to the survivors but Aeolius seemed completely indifferent to it.
Ari only saw the smoke at the last minute out of the corner of her eye, it being to late to do anything about it. She fell to the ground and started to gag from the air. She tried to lie as low as she could to make the effects less severe but that did nothing, except make the pain worse from moving. She tried to heal herself but ended up passing out from being in such a panic and the toxin.
"One" Aeolius muttered but even as the girl fell to the floor unconscious, he didn't pull the mist back. Slowly grotesque patches of black skin littered the girl's limp body. He still didn't stop. At this rate if no body stopped him, Aeolius would end up killing the girl.
"Aeolius stop!" screamed Flesha "Your going to kill her, she hasn't done anything to us!! Felsha run up to Aeolius and grabbed his shoulder but when she touched his shoulder her hand began to burn quickly pulled back her hand. She stared at Aeolius in shock. "What are you doing, you're hurting me, and everything thing you touch" Felsha felt tears run down her face. Felsha tried to use her powers to stop him but nothing was working, so instead she ran forward and stood in front of the girl "If your are going to kill them your going to have to go through me first" Cried Felsha.
Severa had turned to burn down another house when she heard the strange voice of a man and turned around, her ears twitching on top her head. There was an air elemental, taking control of the toxic clouds that rose from the houses, from the flames of her own devices. "Ari!" she gasped, also coughing on the smoke before putting her arm to her face. Smoke was something the fire elemental was use to, creating a ball of flames she threw it toward the strange man and rushed to Ari's side. She couldn't say anything, she could hardly breath so that she wouldn't let any of the toxins into her own system. The girl passed out, Severa cursed at her luck and stood up, she couldn't stay there for long, not with the sicking patches of black growing on her body. Creating a spiral of flame she shot it toward the attacking enemy, trying to avoid breathing as she had done so but it was inevitable. The girl had to breath, so she did it in short bursts to avoid taking in too much of the substance at once. Another girl had seemed to come to their side, who she was she didn't know but she looked like one of 'them' someone who shouldn't be risking her life for one of the lost souls.
Aeolius eyes widened in shock as Felsha dove in front of the unconscious girl. He immediately controlled the toxic air away from her but it wouldn't move. "What why isn't..." He muttered in frustration when multiple balls of flame came hurtling his way. Aeolius didn't even have time to react yet a wall of the black mist seemed to collide with the on coming attacks, instantly dissipating them. More of the smoke converged on the figures, including Felsha with or without Aeolius control. "No!!" He yelled rushing forward but hadn't gotten more than a feet a head when the same painful coughs from the forest racked his body. More of the black liquid spurted from his mouth mixed with his own blood. Aeolius grit his teeth and unsteadily rose to his feet. "Enough..." He rasped, his eyes flashing blue once again. With obvious effort he was finally controlling the winds and pushed the black mist back. He trapped it in a swirling vortex of air before abruptly dispersing it. It was then that his hair finally turned back into its normal shade of white and his eyes were once again light blue. Aeolius went limp and fell to his knees in exhaustion.
Felsha's fell to her knees gasping for air, she began to cough up blood then it stop, she could breathe again. She took a few deep breaths and crawled over to Aeolius "Aeolius your hair its back to normal!" she cried as hugged him tightly to her chest. "You're okay" tears streamed down her face. Then she pushed herself onto her feet "We need to help Serenity" Felsha Wiped the tears from her face, helped Aeolius up and headed straight for Curtis.
Aeolius struggled to his feet and slightly leaned against Felsha for support. He turned his head to look at the unconscious and injured lost soul members behind him. He felt a pang of guilt for what he had done but there was no time for self pity now. Serenity needed their help.

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