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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

Serenity sensed the water spirit. "You might as well come out...I'm in no shape to fight." She sighed. If she simply wanted to talk...Perhaps they could do just that.
Ari sighed and approached Serenity, "You do know that you can't really keep getting into trouble like you've been? You're going to tire yourself out too much." She helped heal Serenity a bit then sat down. "You should trust your little.... 'friends' to help you out more."
She looked at her. "They were protecting the village and rescuing people, after you "Friends'" Little attack." She said to her, her voice hard.
Aeolius placed a comforting hand on Felsha's shoulder and grabbed her hands in his to prevent further damage. "Be still" He breathed, blowing a cold gentle wind through her cuts. He immediately turned when Serenity seemed address a new company. Feeling the air around him he realized it was one of the lost souls from before. He began to tense when she came forward but waited on Serenity's lead before taking any actions.
Ari laughed, "Yeah, but still! It was wrong for them to leave you... well, all by yourself. We at least travel in pairs so if something happens we won't be like you right now." She looked up and caught a slight glimpse of Aeolius and backed away a few feet. "Looks like everyone shows up after you get messed with, not very helpful to you."
"For your information, they left on my orders. My people are more important to me than anything, if that mean I end up like this every time...Then so be it." She stood up gracefully, her head held proudly. "They are worth dying for."
Aeolius opened his mouth to protest when an image of the black smoke and charred flesh filled his vision. A dark shadow passed across his face as he turned his head away in guilt. "I...I didn't intend for anyone to get hurt" He muttered, eyeing the fading injuries he had conflicted on the water spirit he honestly had no idea what had possessed him to be so ruthless. He gave a reluctant smile to Serenity's encouraging words but was still riddled with guilt.
Ari nodded and backed away more, "Well that's a good feeling to have about your people, but just don't die because of it." She saw Aeolius hesitate and tilted her head a bit, "What's wrong with him?". She then left and went back to her village.
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Aeolius watched her retreating figure and didn't blame her on being so cautious. He had long since lost his trust in himself after what he had done. He turned his attention back to Serenity but a lump had formed in his throat, preventing him to speak.
Serenity's shoulders sagged. The water girl had healed her, but not enough. She hadn't been ready to stand, but she had needed to prove a point. She leaned up against a tree and saw Aeolius. "My friend, you look better." She smiled at him.
"Of-ofcourse!" He exclaimed with a bit of a forced smile. "Are you sure your injuries have been fully healed?" He asked, turning towards Serenity but avoiding eye contact. Aeolius wasn't sure how long it would take until he could fully face her again.
"No, they haven't been heh, but a point had to be made." She looked at her friend closely. "Are you alright Aeolius?" She asked. She noticed he never meet her eyes. "Did something happen my friend?"
He looked up in concern when she announced that her wounds were still in fact unhealed, only to quickly look away when he met her gaze. "Whats more important is getting you and Felsha back to safety" He stated, acting a bit distant. He was going to inform her about what had recently transpired but not now, not here. Not when the shame seemed to weigh the words in the pit of his stomach.

(Brb, I have to go in a bit ^ ^)
Cyan said:
He looked up in concern when she announced that her wounds were still in fact unhealed, only to quickly look away when he met her gaze. "Whats more important is getting you and Felsha back to safety" He stated, acting a bit distant. He was going to inform her about what had recently transpired but not now, not here. Not when the shame seemed to weigh the words in the pit of his stomach.
(Brb, I have to go in a bit ^ ^)
Ok :)
Felsah giggled a bit, but she still was scared that she was going to hurt them. Felsha could feel the wind healing her cuts. "owww" she winced in pain but stayed strong, she could feel her body relaxing. The power in her body was still burning and she knew that in that moment she could kill anyone. Felsha pushed herself off the ground and ran after Ari "Ari stop come back her and face me" Felsha screamed at the top of her lungs and ran at full speed to catch up to Ari.
"Felsha! I expect better from one of my most trusted spirits. Calm yourself. Now!" Serenity barked at her. She did not like being harsh with Felsha, but this was not the time, nor the place.
Felsha ignored her request and continued running after Ari, no one could stop her now she wanted revenge. They destroyed her home and hurt her friends and she wasn't going to let them get away with it. As much as it hurt her to ignore Serenity it was the only way. "I'm sorry but I have to do this" she shouted back at Serenity. Tears filled her eyes but she wasn't going to stop. She could feel her fire soul taking over her mind was only set on killing the lost and nothing else.
Ari barely heard Felsha but she though it was just a bird or some sort of animal running about the forest. She didn't bother to turn around and just kept walking while playing with some water, weaving it through the grass and leaves.
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"You'll be no better them them! Felsha!" Serenity yelled after her, hoping that would bring her back. She knew it was harsh, to deny the girl her revenge, but Felsha was better that that.
Felsah stopped in her tracks, her mind was going 50 million directions, she needed to kill and get revenge but Serenity words kept swirling through her head. She closed her eyes and shut off her head "bu..t they they hurt my family and my home" She drew back her hand and shot an flaming arrow at Ari who was near the water.
"And now you dishonor both your family and you home." Serenity slowly made her way to Felsha. "Stop child. Before you do something you regret." She shot water at the arrow before it could hit Ari. "This isn't the way Felsha." Serenity looked sad. She did not want to see her family torn like this.
Ari heard the arrow fall and turned around. What was that? She looked around but after not seeing anything more than foliage she finally just kept walking back home.
Deep in the heart of the Dreadwood, a dark place full of twisted trees that lies within the Forest of Souls, there is a stirring. At the base of an old tree the color of dried bones, a small hole opens up between to roots. A loud, screaming wail rises up from the hole, echoing throughout the cavern that this tree resides in. An inky black pool flows up out of the hole, a twisted shadowy hand stretches out from the pool. As it grasps at the dirt around it to haul itself up, there is a terrible screech. The hand pulls and soon, a body extricates itself. I stand, taking in my surroundings. It has been so long...what woke me from the dreams of the damned? The tree's roots push dirt over the hole ominously before returning to their place. I look up at its black leaves and the dark red sores dripping sap the color of dried blood, staring out like congealed eyes. Yes, I know what woke me. I heard a call. Someone called to me. But not with words. They didn't know whose dream they reached out to. I smile slightly.

It seems there are fey in the Cormaich Danamchara again. I think to myself as I walk out of the cave.
Ari went down to the garden area and watered all the herbs and plants that looked like they could use extra assistance with growing. She then went down to the small lake behind the village and practiced her control over water, creating new tactics and different ways to protect herself, or others.

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