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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

Serenity listened closely. She could have sworn that she ha heard something that had sounded like a scream. She shook her head. That was impossible. The fires were put out and they were safe, for now. She began walking to her home. She walked slowly and watched her step very carefully.
He impulsed himself up, allowing him to observe almost all the area where he fought, with a quick glance he sees the water girl he had defended

Bingo. He gives himself another push, going to that directions, finally, for the first time, falling on his feet. ''Hey! I'm back, i almost die back there, had to see how you were''
Felsha watch the arrow as it just missed Ari her mind went crazy. "I need..." she paused Felsha fell to her knees and cried "I... I'm so sorry" she sobbed. "Serenity, please forgive me"
Ari turned towards Ray and smiled, "I'm good.. so far. Are you doing ok from earlier?" She laughed a bit "I guess we didn't meet off too well."
''Yeah, just broke my jaw, but another wind girl helped me. I'm ray'' He gives his hand to the girl. ''Oh well, how did you do? i'm quite beat up, i don't see any trace of fight in you''

Ari's eyes widened, "Oh my gosh! At least you're better now, that's crazy. I'm Ari." She smiled a bit before replying, "Yeah... I didn't fight a whole lot but I can just heal myself.... within reason, it does take a bit of concentration."
''Oh, i have heard that wind people can also do that, but honestly, i'm not in a ''healing'' side, i'm for of a fighter, concentrating in that stuff.'' He sees how she reacts, and he gives a big smile to her back. ''Oh well, what were you doing? Did i interrupt?''
"I was just messing around... I might as well train or do something in my free time, I hope I didn't interrupt anything you were doing?" She splashed him a bit with some water.
I walk through the Dreadwood, the Cormaich dae Scaithe, the Grove of Shadows. It's mostly unchanged, even though so many seasons have passed. I see something off to my left and walk over to it. It's the skeletal remains of some person, must've died a long time ago. There's not meat, and many of the bones are broken or missing. There's a half buried satchel near the corpse. I pick it up out of the dirt. Inside there's a circular piece of glass, a broken stylus, and a moldy old book. I hold my hand over the book, the mold recedes and disappears as the book restores itself. I continue to walk as I read through this old journal. It tells the tale of some poor fey that wandered into the wrong part of the woods. I chuckle a little. Good to know the world hasn't changed too much.
Felsha got up and followed Serenity back to the village "So whats are next move? she asked Serenity. All she could think about was the day she killed her parents. How she felt the fire soul take over her body. She watched as she burnt her mother to a crisp and still felt nothing. No pain, No sorrow and no guilt.
"Well, I'm in no shape to fight, I must heal and rest. And Curtis is no more, they will need a new leader." Something was stirring. She had a sense that something bigger than all of them was on it way. "Make sure all of the gates are closed and locked tight...No one leaves or enters without my permission, understood?'
He laughs. ''Ironic, since water almost kills me.'' He looks at her. ''I wasn't doing anything, i just had woke up earlier, i really hope anything serious happened.'' He sits down, by the tiny pool of water.
Severa glanced around as she had wondered away from Ari on her own, after the small fight with the other two in the town she had figured it would be best to lay low for a while and try to get her thoughts straight on what their next move might be. Sitting up in a tree the feline girl listened to the woods around her, taking in a deep breath and pondering. They could attack at dusk, try to bring the element of surprise but she had half expected them to be on guard. It would be rather foolish of the 'good' ones to not expect anything to happen, there was a constant battle between the two sides and the battle wasn't about to end any time soon. Sighing she ran a hand through her hair and shook her head "either way, we are going to have to do something soon..." she told herself and closed her eyes.
"Sorry!" She laughed and stopped splashing him. "You caught us in the middle of a poorly balanced fight. Maybe you'll be able to help us now more than what we've been trying." She started playing with the water again.
''Heh, water and earth couldn't have harmed you in that situation, that's like having two arms and a leg. I've fought before, i could have killed that water elemental, but it wasn't in me, murdering has been something I've done so much i don't think i need more. And, if you want me to help, i'll help.'' He stares at her. I honestly hope another of one of these people don't die, I've seen enough of my people die, now, even get frozen.
I step out of the woods onto a bluff. The trees of the Cormaich Danamchara stretching out beneath me. I look across the vast expanse of green to the distant mountains that enclose this valley. The sun is sinking, soon it will be night. A wide, malicious twist in my facial muscles stretches my lips to the sides. To call it a smile would be a gross mislabel. There's no mirth in that expression. It has been so long since I felt the cool of a real night. I look ahead. The power that called, it's out there. Wounded, unsure of itself, fearful. I can almost taste it on the wind. I jump off of the cliff, wings like a shadowy cloud lifting me into the air. Soon...
Ari nodded, "That'd be greatly appreciated!" She topped messing with the water and backed out of the water. After a few seconds of focusing on it, her eyes turn blue and the water starts to freeze into one sheet of ice.
''Oh, wow. I've heard of you, everyone always rumored that happened to your eyes, never believed it.'' Well, if you got up, i guess you want to keep going.'' Ray gets up, he spits on the ground, throwing blood. ''Where to?''
"Wherever you want to go I guess, I'm not sure... I know the other side is down a few people thanks to some.... recent events." She looked around the area wondering where they would go to.
''Well, i'm all ears.'' He says, while pondering around the area, waiting for her to respond. ''I don't know this place, i was just here, don't know how i ended here either.''
"Umm, we could go instigate while they are too weak to fight back! It's literally just down that river and through a small clearing and you're in their village." She looked over towards the forest, something feeling weird and out of place, but shook off the feeling.
''Heh, fight, alright.'' Let's go then.'' He starts shaking off, I'm quite tired. Got in a fight mid-sleep. But, let's get going no?'' He pushes himself over the directions she told him.
Felsha nodded "I will take account of all the people in the village" Felsha grabbed a pen and paper and left to count the villagers. "No one can leave this place" she told the villagers. Tears filled her eyes as she began counting how many people were dead, or lost there homes. After she was done counting the people and locking the gates she made her way back to her place. Her heart began to pound louder and louder by the second, "ahh no no no..." she mumbled. "my... my house! Felsha ran towards the ashes and rummaged through them trying to find anything that could be saved, but it was destroyed

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