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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

Severa's ears twitched as she felt a cold chill run down her spine, something wasn't right. Opening her eyes she sat up straight in the tree and glanced around, "Ari?" she questioned wondering if the girl had planned to sneak up and dump a ball of water on her as a joke. Yet she couldn't see the woman anywhere around her. "Hmm.." she looked up toward the setting sun, its brilliant colors lighting the sky with golds and pinks. Jumping down out of the tree she felt another cold chill run down, causing her tail to fluff up in anticipation. "I need to find the others" she hissed, her ears laying flat against her head as she started to walk in search of someone around that may have been on her side.
She started to jog towards the other village and looked around. Whoah... that fire caused a ton of damage and we're not even close to the biggest part yet! She sped up her jog into a run and kept looking around. After a few minutes she saw the village outline the horizon. "Almost there!"
Serenity laid down on her small bed. She felt the tears well up into her eyes. She had worked so hard to gain everything that had been destroyed. She felt the tears fall, she let them pour and it was healing to cry. She was able to get out all of her anger, her frustration, and her desperation.
Ray finally touches ground. Oh god, what happened? He looks at Ari. ''What happened here? Was it something yours?'' I really feel a lot of negative energy around here. ''What do we do now? Do we search for them?''
Ari shook her head, "I was here when it happened but I didn't directly cause it... he has departed from our service thanks to the 'good' people that we are fighting against. It wasn't that fun of a fight, it's actually how I found their village. I was running from the fire that Curtis had made and ended up in the village..." She looked back to the village and gave it a questioning glance, "Why is everything so empty looking? People should be out and about doing chores or at least something."
''I believe the reason there's no one is because they're probably all dead or suffering somewhere. But, i'm happy it isn't anything yours. Now i know the reason that dude got made a human ice cube. If i was anything of this place i would've made it much worse.'' He starts looking around. He sees a girl on a tree. ''I saved that girl's life. I'm going to go talk to her. Honestly don't know what she's doing there.''
She looked to where he mentioned. "Oh! Severa! Come down here, we're going to maybe cause a little trouble!" She made a small ball of water and sent it flying at Severa.
Severa heard the voices and looked down, she didn't have much time to react as the ball of water came flying at her and hit her in the face. Growling she glared down at Ari and shook her head free of the water, steam coming from her face to evaporate the rest. "Troubleee..." she trailed off looking at the one who was with Ari, "hmm, you're the air guy, the one who stopped the ice from slicing my neck open" she said bluntly and jumped down to the ground. Inspecting him for a moment before looking at Ari and nodded, "were we not suppose to make an attack plan?" her ears twitched again, she had looked off in the distance for a moment. "Do you guys sense that too?" she questioned, eyes turning back to the others as she got off topic. "Something's not right...and its not the 'good' that's causing it"
''Whatever it is, if it's bad i'll kill it. And yes, i'm the one who saved your life.'' He puts his hands in his pockets, looking at Ari, then at ''Severa''
She laughed at Severa getting hit with the water then put on a serious tone, "Yeah, something feels weird but I donn't know what it is. If something happens we could always camp out in their village... considering no one is really using all of it right now. Plus, they should be weak form the fight, even though it's been a few hours, but we should still have the upper hand.... we could always lock them up in their own village!" She laughed at the thought.
"What makes you so sure? Your cockiness reminds me of Curtis and his foolishness had been what killed him" she hissed, "I have already thanked you once for the gesture, but don't think that I will need it again" Severa didn't exactly like asking for help from people, especially ones that she didn't know very well and didn't trust. In truth, Ari and Curtis were the only ones she bothered to get close to and now that Curtis was gone Ari was the only one she trusted. Looking at the girl she sighed, "you would feel safe sleeping and resting in a village that contains our enemies? Ari, I figured you were smarter than that...They may not be using all of the village but they could still find us and kill us...though the idea of locking them up in their own village is interesting..." she muttered and thought for a moment, "how would you suggest we go about doing it? Put a large ice dome around it? Followed by a fire wall if they get past it? of course it would have to be far enough away..." her thoughts trailed off as she pondered the possibility.
He hears the fire girl's response. ''Should have let you die then, my cockiness? You'd be amazed at how much people I've killed. And i won't get killed by a simple water elemental who've i could have broken it's neck earlier. I think you need to learn some damn manners. I'm glad i helped you out tho, at least i saved someone that's grateful for helping them out and getting my self killed.'' His body starts letting out cold breezes of air, furious by the fire elemental's response.
"If we could convert the earth boy it would help, otherwise I have to clue how to trap them.... Really though! We could probably stay hidden well enough, and that's only if something 'really' bad happens. I just don't like the 'feel' of the air today, it's off. He's not as bad as Curtis though! He did save us...." Ari saw Ray start to loose his temper and put her hands on his arm. "It's not the time or the place for this."
Severa clenched her fists, a warm heat radiated off of them as the air element spoke of how many people he has killed, "I think you need to learn your damn place! DON'T even TALK to me about how many people YOU'VE KILLED!" she snapped, taking a step closer to him. Her eyes held anger, fire as she had clearly became aggravated, "don't you think WE have ALL killed enough people?! AND DON'T TELL ME I NEED MANNERS!" she snapped, flames coming from her mouth for a moment. Her ears had pinned back hard against her head, her tail fluffed out much like any other angry feline's would be as her hair stood up at the nape of her neck. "You're lucky I don't show you your place right now cretin" she growled and looked at Ari. "Lets just get the hell out of here" she turned around and started walking, with everything on her mind lately it obviously wasn't hard to piss off the ticking time bomb.
''Heh, seeing you fight, i don't think you'd be even close to harming me. Your flame is so weak, even i can use it against you. I won't fight against a friend of someone i know. Trust me, you wouldn't like fighting against me.'' He looks at ari. ''Go on, this little kitty will only end up with it's lungs exploded if she keeps up with this attitude. I'll look for other people.''
Ari started walking with Severa but kept facing Ray the whole time. She looked at him with a betrayed look and mouthed "sorry" to him. She turned around and tried to keep pace with Severa, "Hey.... I didn't mean for it to go like that."
Severa started to grind her teeth as she thought about the last words from the air element. She wasn't weak, she had a strong flame and would burn that precious hair off his little head any day. In fact, she would have fought him if Ari hadn't have been there, "you mean you didn't know the guy you were walking with was a complete prick?! He may have saved my life but his arrogance will end up getting him in trouble and he's going to end up dead." She did believe in an eye for an eye, if she were around and he was in trouble she would make an effort to help but only that once, after that effort he would be on his own.
"He was nice when I met him! We were just chillin out.... The tides turned so quick. Plus, when he was asking about Curtis, or his destruction, he didn't seem 'overly' happy." She left out the part about causing more damage. "I didn't expect you two to try and kill each other within 30 seconds of your first meeting."
He sighs. He looks at the girls. Shouldn't help people anymore. That's how i get rewarded. He goes to a tree, and sits under it, seeing the leaves, the sun. I won't hesitate to kill anymore either.
She shook her head, "well of course he was nice to YOU, you're a water element, everyone is nice to water elements" she hissed. "Who wouldn't be, there's a chance to be healed if they're nice to you..." she trailed off in annoyance, grumbling under her breath about his stupid 'cat' comment. "Yea well, maybe you should think more before you act" she said this in a very moody tone before stopping and sighing. "Look...I'm sorry...okay..." she looked at Ari, "I just..have a lot on my mind, and don't need any kind of prick telling me I need manners.." she didn't want Ari mad at her, not in a time like this.
"Maybe if we talk to him?" She looked around, "Look, at a time like this where no one has a clue what's going on we also can't just leave him out in the middle of pretty much nowhere by himself... especially if we don't want him to be like Curtis." She stopped walking, "You go home, I'm going to get him back... I'm grateful for all you've done so far, but I can't let someone's possible death be on my hands..." She turned back around and ran towards where they just were with Ray.
Severa didn't like the idea of talking to him, didn't like the idea of putting up with the air boy but Ari had insisted that he wasn't left alone. "Fine..." she grumbled and started to walk again, "meet me back at the base...its getting dark so hurry it up" were her parting words as she took off toward their own small hide away. It wasn't as nice as the 'good' ones had, no, but it worked. A few tents set up, some food rations, "if we could convince an earth..ugh, Curtis, why did you have to be such a fool?" she questioned herself and created a small fire in the centre of the small circle of tents.
She found Ray sitting under a tree and ran over to him. "Hey! It's getting dark and you should never be in the forest by yourself! Someone could hurt you... Let's go back home! We can talk on the way or once we're there..." She took his hand and pulled on it to make him stand up.
''I'll go just because of you, but if that person insults me again, i won't hesitate on leaving or even killing her. I can't believe how ungrateful she was.'' He says, while getting up and following Ari
"It's been a long past few days... and she's not very good at controlling her temper. She does control fire after all! Just don't let it go to your head, wait to let out some anger on the others, not your own please?" She was walking quickly at the thought of it almost being night. "Hurry up, I hate the dark, there are so many animals and things you can't see!"

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