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Fantasy The forest Of Souls. 2

Serenity wiped her eyes and sighed. "Enough tears, you silly girl.." She heaved herself up and left her tent. The sun was setting now, it was getting dark. "Nothing I can do about anything tonight." She went to the river and jumped into the water. It was cool and relaxing. She turned her head towards the gates. "I'd better double check." She walked around to each gate and secured the locks with ice. No one was getting in. She shifted around to feel the air. She wasn't happy with the feeling that was coming from the woods beyond her home. Something....Evil was out their. Something worse than Curtis...
''Ari, i'll follow you anywhere you go, but i hate when people underestimate me. I could be as well a hundred times worse than ''Curtis''. I'm much more strong than you think, don't think i'm a god, but can you stop treating me as a child? And it's not in me for her to let her give me all her anger. I mean, i made that comment to make you feel safe, not to make her go all crazy on me''. He says in a furious, serious yet smooth tone.
"Well, she took it the wrong way, and I don't think of you as a child...sorry for underestimating you too. I'd rather just get back before it's dark, okay? I really don't like being out at night." She started running seeing the sun almost fully set.
''Alright. Let's get going then. But, if you see i don't make much interaction with the fire elemental, don't ask me to do so please, i'd be uncomfortable to talk someone that insulted me that way.'' He starts running all out, using wind to increase his speed even more
"Fine." After a few minutes they got back to the camp and she rand over by the fire and collapsed, "Light! Ahhh, this is a relaxing feeling." She threw stuff into the fire to make it burn more then almsot went to sleep, "You'll have to claim a spot, but pretty much everything is open, see ya' in the morning!" She went into her tent and played with some water before falling asleep.
''Heh, alright then.'' He stretches, then looks at the fire girl. Can't fight with someone angry on my side. He goes to her. Walking very slowly, facing the ground. ''Look, Severa, i believe that's your name. I don't like when people don't appreciate what i do, i always want to get rewarded, a fault in me. If i said something harmful to you, i'm greatly sorry. I might stay here, and i don't wanna be knowing someone has an anger against me, alright? You seem like a nice person also. I'd like us to be friends.'' He opens his arms at Severa, expecting to hug her.
Severa watched as Ari showed up with her air friend but quickly shifted her gaze to the fire, keeping her mouth shut as the water element put some wood on her fire and spoke to the air boy. She had been sitting there the whole time, right by the fire, trying to hold her tongue and keep her comments to herself. "Night Ari" she muttered though she was sure the girl hadn't heard her. She didn't sleep as easily as her comrade, feeling that someone RELIABLE should watch after the camp while people slept, not trusting the air element to do the job properly. She may have been slightly fearful that he would try to suffocate her in her sleep as well, so when he started talking her ears popped up for a moment before pressing against her head again.

It took her a moment to actually look up at him and make some sort of eye contact, "its not that I didn't appreciate it" she growled, "I am tired of seeing people get killed because of their ruthlessness" not like she was one to talk. "After Curtis...never mind.." she shook her head "I accept your apology...I..." she growled and swallowed her pride some "yea I'm sorry too...Just don't let it happen again" she had grinned slightly though and laughed nervously at his offer on the hug. "Don't think we're that close yet, rookie" she mentioned still grinning, "get some sleep, I'll keep watch..."
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''Don't take it wrong. But i don't know why you people take my kind offers as a threat. My hug wasn't to show love or something, i wanted to know if we were cool. But, if it's that way, i think i'll hold up my kindness then. '' He sighs. Can't i do something kind without these guys thinking i want to harm them? He looks at Ari sleeping.''I'm not gonna sleep, i'm gonna watch over you guys. If you guys are so fearful about the dark energy coming and don't trust me on such a simple task i might as well tell you guys when ''it'' comes. Good night.''
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Severa huffed, "I did not take it as a threat, you, sir, need to stop jumping to conclusions" she muttered. She also glanced toward Ari and then back at him, "well I guess we will both be enjoying each other's company for the night then hmm? I do not plan on sleeping, not with the air about us...Don't take that offensively too, its a personal preference" she looked back toward the fire, bringing her legs up to her chest and watching it. Making figures in it as she pleased, the one she liked most was the dragon, it flew around, jumping up out of the fire itself before diving back in and vanishing.
''I'd say so. I guess you don't trust in me. But, i won't go to sleep either. And sorry for the ''conclusion''. If we could leave this all back.'' He lays down, seeing the stars, thinking about stupid stuff.
Severa growled again, "no, no I dont trust you. Throwing around trust to anyone you meet who's willing to help you is foolish. One moment they could be offering assistance the next they could be slitting your throat" she spoke honestly, bluntly. She had been betrayed before, perhaps that was why she didn't make 'friends' easily, trust was difficult even more so in situations like these. Taking a deep breath she tried to calm herself, trying not to let her short temper get the best of her. "Leave this all back? What do you mean by that?" she questioned, curiosity striking her face as she swallowed her anger.
''I mean it as starting a new page. Forget about everything, since i can't do anything physically to make you feel better. And if you don't trust me, well, that will affect you quite a bit when we're in a battle, that won't be soon, seeing that something is gonna happen.'' He looks at her. I don't know what to do now.
She looked confused for a moment before quickly staring back at the fire, her tail snapping behind her in her frustrated state. "I don't see how you think it's your responsibility to make me feel better, I feel just fine" she huffed "it will not affect me in battle. I have fought alone before..." why was she being so damn stubborn, he had saved her life, why couldn't she just accept that. Taking in a deep breath of air she brought her head up from resting on her knees, "okay.....okay.....clean slate.....You did save my life, once...and Ari seems to like you so...Anyway, we should probably make a plan for what's going to happen" she looked up at the beautiful night sky and smiled for a moment, "I have a feeling its not going to be good, what ever it is" she looked back at him, the smile gone.
He makes eye contact with her for a second, before snapping out of it. ''I honestly don't know what to do about what's going to come, and it's nice to know someone likes me. If whatever comes it will be bad, and we won't have other thing to do than fight.'' He sighs.
Severa ran a hand through her hair, stopping at her ears for a moment before lowering it, "yea well, Ari makes friends easily, far too easily if you ask me. Her trust is going to betray her some day..." she was going to do her best to protect the girl but there was only so much she could do. Staying quiet for a moment in thought she nodded, "we will have to fight it, unless it isn't coming for us...I...I had a strange dream..." she trailed off, rubbing her temples for a moment. "Never mind, its not important, just a dream anyway....What's your name?" she quickly changed topic, feeling it better to ask his name rather than to continue calling him rookie.
''I catched your name is Severa, and i'd think you'd notice it since I've been calling you that. Even if you don't trust me right now, i better make an introduction now, since i might be dead by tomorrow. I'm Ray, i'm a nice, sweet person. I'm quite hot-headed, as you've noticed.'' He looks at her again, waiting for a response. I honestly don't know if i'll become very fond of this person or get backstabbed by her. I'll trust on her.
She nodded, "you may very well be, death is inevitable, it is the time at which it happens that usually comes as a shock" she spoke formally. "Ray..." she gave another nod, "I suppose it is nice to meet you" she looked off toward the trees, her ears twitching as she picked up on a few sounds. Severa didn't know what else to talk about with the stranger, unsure of if she wanted to know more about him or not. It would almost be pointless to get to know someone who could possibly be dead within the next few days, he was strong, she had to hand that much to him but there was no telling what tomorrow could bring. More heartache wasn't something that the feline girl could handle, distance was the key.
''It's nice to meet you too, Severa. '' He keeps looking at the sky, pondering about what's gonna happen tomorrow.
As night fell, some of the villagers lighted lamps so they could see while they finished their work on repairing the town. After a few more hours, they too retired. Some whose homes were too badly damaged went to stay with friends. Aside from the night watchmen, the village was quiet, peaceful, trying to rest and recuperate from the trials of the day. I descended from the sky amidst a swath of burnt, dessicated trees. I walk through them, touching the charcoal bark, my feet drifting through the ash. Eventually, I reach what appears to be a sculpture of a man, made out of ice. I step closer to it, and that malicious baring of my teeth once again distorts my features when I realize what it is. I stretch out a hand, black, oily shadows drifting down to pool on the ground like mist, slowly flowing over the base of the frozen man. The crinkling, popping sound of cracking ice is like the intro to ballad (Please don't anyone say they heard the sound of the ice cracking. Please.). The shadows seep into the cracks. The ice sags, turns dirty and sloughs off the form like dead, rotten flesh. The rest of the oily dark mist is absorbed into the body, which stands up straight. It's skin is blackened and cracked, as though it were a burned corpse, blood having oozed between the cracks, and frozen there. It looks like something out of a nightmare. There's no hair on the deformed face, its lips are partially burnt off, its flesh melted and frozen into a sneer. Its eyes, two bright red burning pits sunk deep into dark hollows. It lifts up a crippled hand and straightens it, the bones cracking and reknitted by the power of my dark Seidr. It smiles, its teeth as white and shining as they were before this pathetic creature died. Coil of sick, willowy blue-purple flames dance along one arm, while the air cools and coalesces into fine crystals on the other.

"It has been a long time since I have had a Oerta Mrathe."

I say wryly.

"Come. We have much to do."
Ari woke up, not being able to sleep, and went out to the campfire to sit with Ray and Severa. She looked around and flinched at the cool breeze that must have started after the sun fully set. "What'cha guys doing up still? It's been a long day and I can't sleep so you all go to bed or at least take a nap. Go ahead, I'll keep watch!"
"I won't sleep. I heard some strange noises. And Severa won't sleep either. " He says, while still staring at Severa

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