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Realistic or Modern The Fab Five

That helps me out as well. Starting work back up again so I wont be posting until I get home which is around 6-7 pm EST.
I'm absolutely loving everyone's personalities. I can't wait for actual dialogue to really begin.

Photos in post are purely optional, right? I mean, I can float an image every once in a while, but I don't want to scour the vast ocean of google just to get the perfect image of Alden...though I do love his face.
AlwaysYours said:
LAWD. Everybody has the nice cars and I gave Jarrod an '05 Toyota...poor thing.
Dude, Azaiah's going to have an '05 Chevy Trailblazer. Old car buddies for life.
I keep thinking of all these sassy things for Darcy to say, but it's way too early in the plot to actually use them, haha.
I'm kinda thoroughly disappointed with the turnout. I mean, I know everyone has a life--things to do and people to see. But, this just feels like an entirely huge flop. Where is the dedication? Is it writer's block? Then, let's hunker down and try to figure out voices for our characters. But, not this. Not letting something die only TWO PAGES IN. It's a betrayal: to both yourself and the person you dreamed up for the cause. Just to be clear: I UNDERSTAND WE HAVE THINGS GOING ON. But to some of us(I can speak for only myself, but I know this is the same for someone else), this is not just an escape. It's the part of the day I look forward to because I not only get to hone my skills as a novelist. I get to partake in speaking with people I have something in common with. I get to watch a totally new story unfold before my eyes with rich, seemingly complex individuals involved in its plot.

Don't let the Fab Five die an undeserving death, folks.
Well, @AlwaysYours now you managed to make me guilty. And I might post now. I just need to close my video and open the site on the laptop. Careful process. Laptop crashes if I multi-task. Such a weak laptop. *kicks it* No, I'm sorry, baby. I didn't meant that.
Can't say I feel guilty about this. I've been posting and it makes no sense to post again after only two other posts.

If anything this could always be a reboot with other people.
Since I haven't posted in a while, and I have, in fact, ignored the thing (my vocabulary is not very wide XP), I think it makes sense I'm guilty. Can you blame me? I'm watching Once Upon a Time. xD Great show.
yesss can we please not let this roleplay die. I'm sure we all spent a lot of time into our characters and it would be a damn shame to let that go to waste. we were all so excited for this to start so let's try to keep that enthusiasm
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Last I checked, there was only one person after me to post, and I know AmoraAurora said to wait for at least three others to post. So that's why I haven't posted again.
I'm waiting for the fab five to get to school before I post with Aiden, otherwise I don't have much to write

maybe @Amora Aurora can post to have the girls show up?
I don't really feel all that guilty, considering I was the last one to post, and I've been waiting all week for school to be over so that I could. Anyway, I'm not as busy now. don't let this die guys!

Btw I've also updated my relationships, if anyone's interested. Correct me on anything if I'm wrong. :)

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