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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Mara followed in behind wondering what his plan was, she gave him an odd look "......are you going to steal?" She raised a brow at him.

@Ira et Tenebris
Damion stared at the food for a moment and looked away from it. He had already eaten, but his inner dragon was trying to get him to tear into the meat with sharp fangs and claws. Damion blinked a few times, his eyes changing between those of a reptile and a regular human. He finally snapped out of it and murmured,"I'm not hungry anymore..."

James stood out by his tree and watched it lightly rain. He sighed as he removed his shirt and carefully tied it to the tree to keep it from falling on him so hard. Now he REALLY looked like a centaur. He sighed and slowly laid below his rain catcher and began to rest, he was a bit cold but would put up with it for now.

Dysis would be thrown half conscious into the partially flooded cell. The door was shut but left unlocked, she was one of the more harmless experiments. She had arrived before most of the other's yet never got a chance to meet them because she had been experimented on 24/7. Giving a slight moan, Dysis slowly stood up with the support of a wall, the water coming up to her mid chest. There was a barred window near the top of the wall. Wading over somewhat sluggishly, Dysis looked up at the obstructed aperture. It was a good 5 feet from where she stood. She was exhaust yet curiosity got the best of her once again. Crouching down in the water, she forced the shift. Oh God it was painful, however a few moments later, Dysis now had the form of...well..an anticlimactic dragon. Only about a foot tall, the water was well above her head. Taking a deep breath she would use her wings to propel herself up out of the liquid and to the fenestra, using her paws to grasp the ledge Dysis would haul herself up onto the thin scaffold. Looking through the bars, she sees somewhat of a strange sight. Blinking once, then twice she continues to gaze around the cell next to hers. Quite baffled at what she had been seeing.

Ceil stops at a corner and begins to make a sign on card board. When he is finished he turns to hold the sign up. "Name any song and I will sing it." The sign said the human mocking bird.

Mara looked at the sign "wow, you sing?!" She said with a smile "hmmmm, well, what's your favourite song to sing?". She asked

@Ira et Tenebris
"Hmm~ good point" she said smiling "is their anything I can do to help?" She asked, looking at him. There probably wasn't but there was no harm in asking.

@Ira et Tenebris
Although Dr. Whitmore had turned out to be the only survivor, Zoa was deeply glad that she had managed to help at least one of the victims. In fact if she had not made it out of her cell, there would have been no survivors at all, nor a witness to document the escaped experiment.

It had been a while since the guard had "returned" her to her cell, and due to the fact that the scientists were still being being asked to stay away from the area as a precaution, Zoa found herself alone in her cell with time to spare. Walking calmly along thick roots, she relished the feeling of the soil beneath her feet, pitying those who preferred to wear shoes. Although her cell was much larger than many of her fellow experiments (due to it being a "reused" greenhouse/lab) it still wasn't long before she had reached the center of her home.

She gazed up at the glassy surface of the ceiling, where the fading beams of the sun were reflected in the same mirrors used to redirect them since the day she was put into the cell. Although there were 5 windows connected to other experiment's cells (3 on her level: one on each side of her rectangular cell, and 2 higher up on the floor above her), most of the cells connected to these windows were vacant, except for one in which two red eyes would sometimes peer out of. That one she usually had covered in vines.

However, there was one window in which Zoa would sometimes see a flicker of movement, but she never confirmed if there was an actual experiment inside.She thought of this as she prepared to harvest some of her plants grown specifically for the purpose of food production
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Kino sat in his cell, his head buried in his tail. He had just returned to his "room" with a bruise as big as a baseball on his arm. He was sobbing quietly into his fur, unknowingly loud enough to hear from the next cell over....
Dysis would drop down from the window into the water with a soft splash. About to shift back when she herd sobbing. Swimming over to the other wall of her cell, she flew up to the window. Her paws grabbing the edge, she hauled herself up and put her head through the bars. A young child, no more than 12 was sitting, weeping while there was a giant bruise upon his arm. Poor kid Dysis thought while she gazed upon the depressing sight.

Kino heard a soft splash then a slight scraping of metal on claws and looked up. He smiled through his tears when he saw Dysis. being fairly new here, he did not know what she was. He sniffed, then spoke: "hello there," he said quietly, untucking his tail from his hands. "What are you doing here?" He stood, wincing as the large bruise twinged with pain. He walked over and held out his hand to the small creature.
sitanomoto said:
Kino heard a soft splash then a slight scraping of metal on claws and looked up. He smiled through his tears when he saw Dysis. being fairly new here, he did not know what she was. He sniffed, then spoke: "hello there," he said quietly, untucking his tail from his hands. "What are you doing here?" He stood, wincing as the large bruise twinged with pain. He walked over and held out his hand to the small creature.
Dysis slithered through the bars with ease. Dropping into his hand, then jumping down to the floor. The form would shift and grow until Dysis was looking human once more. Gasping for air she'd stand and turn "Hello"
Kino jumped a little, but smiled. He wiped his face with his good arm to clear away the tears, and stepped closer.

Kolby jogged through the corridor, stopping at Kino's cell and walking to the bars. "Heya Kit," he said. "Hello Dysis."
Turning to the bars she would say a wary hello. Looking back to Kino she would ask the kid "what happened to your arm?" Using a soft and friendly tone as if she were talking to someone much younger than him. @sitanomoto

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