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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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  • Other (please specify)

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"Ah" she turned to him "I-Its nothing, it happens" she trailed off, looking at her hands "I'll be fine..."
She shook her head "I'm okay, we can keep going.." she replied, forcing a smile, she didn't think shed get weak this quickly, normally she's fine with an illusion or two.
She stared at him for a bit before frowning "o-okay, fine" she replied, taken aback by his reaction a bit.
"I-Its really not that bad though" she said, pouting as she walked towards him.
She tilted her head slightly "what's that supposed to me-" she became weak a third time. She shook her head, scolding to herself "Im sorry I ruined the day..."
Her cheeks turned a bit pink upon hearing his words. She looked at the ground, shuffling her feet "let's go then.."
She nodded slowly and hugged onto his arm. "I'm still sorry though" she muttered quietly.
"W-wha-" she blushed a little, not expecting to be lifted.
"Y-you didn't have to do that" she weakly protested, her hand gripping his shirt lightly as she looked back at the building.
She pouted "I could walk it!" She paused before smiling a bit "but thank you"

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