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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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  • Other (please specify)

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"Ah....this is bad" Mara thought allowed, she began backing away, if she were to find somewhere she could hide nearby, she could help out with her illusions...at least that was her theory.


@Ira et Tenebris
Ceil smiled he was itching for a fight. This is what he was made, no crafted for and every cell knew that. He was in his element waiting for the next strike.
The first thing Zoa noticed was the scientists. It only began when another one of their peers ran in, his white-coat flailing helplessly around him as he breathlessly whispered something urgent to the lead scientist of the group currently studying Zoa. On any other day Zoa could expect the lead scientist (Tyler, she had learned was his name) to continue his cool, distant personality, casually making notes and talking little. However after those few words from the panting scientist he seemed agitated, almost fearful of something, but it was only until he rounded up his research team and left in a hurry did Zoa really believe something was not right. She sat in her cell, more of a multipurpose greenhouse that served as a place for Zoa to grow plants (much of which the researchers used to make different drugs and medicines, as well as a food source) and for her to bask in the sun. Although the greenhouse was lit by countless sun rays, she never actually laid her eyes upon it; with series of countless cleverly placed mirrors, the greenhouse was bathed in sunlight at every angle. The sky was never visible except for a small patch of blue in the farthest mirror in the back corner of her cell.

Zoa looked at the sliding steel doors of her cell, and couldn't help but notice the sliver of white separating the two steel doors. Although this had happened many times during her long stay, and she knew perfectly well where the doorway lead, she never really had the motivation or need to actually exit through it. She thought back to the worried faces of the scientists and decided she wanted to help them. So with the help of a thicket of vines, Zoa pried open the twin doors and stepped out onto the cool white tiles of the corridor.
"Here goes nothing.." Mara mumbled, she felt like she needed to step in. Suddenly a huge creature appeared in between kuro and ciel. It let out an almighty roar. It wasn't real of course, but it was well crafted and could fool anyone.


(Just to give an idea)

"Run!" She shouted to ciel.

@Ira et Tenebris

@Verdas (you can join in again if you're still in)
"Yup, I've had a lot of practice" she smiled, "the guards didn't care much for my monsters though" he smile turned into a mischievous one as she giggled.

@Ira et Tenebris
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"I bet... I never had a chance to experiment on the guards. They had me sealed off" He frowned for a split second " I could hear all of you but i couldn't do anything"
"...huh...that must have been awful.." she frowned, she was sperated from the rest too, but probably not as bad as ciel. And where she was, she could sometimes hear screaming, who knows what ciel could hear.

@Ira et Tenebris
"Cause I would love to see all the different stores and stuff and id like to see as many places as I can!" She said clapping her hands and smiling.

@Ira et Tenebris
Reaching down, Zoa let some of the vines coil around her arm before stepped out into the corridor, the white tiles cool against her bare feet.Looking down the hallway, she caught a glimpse of a group of security guards run past her hallway, some carrying guns and others with what appeared to be flame-throwers.

Striding down the corridor she caught a familiar yet foreign scent, much like iron but thick and pungent. Despite the warning, she could not help but feel a lurch in her heart (something that she had not felt for a very long time) as she entered the new corridor and beheld the gruesome scene. Sprawled out across the hallway like lifeless dolls were the broken remains of a few scientists, a group of three lay before her, each with deep gashes on their necks or backs. Collecting in pools beneath the corpses and splattered upon the walls, the blood of the victims created a sharp contrast to the stark walls and floor. The trail of gore and bloody paw prints continued down the hallway the way the guards had run.

Sadness flickered in her eyes as she gazed at the bodies, despairing at the fact she was unable to help these people. She would have stood there, mourning the loss of these people, if she had not heard the ragged breathing coming from the corpses of the trio of scientists.

Dr. Edmund Whitmore was his name, his identification card bloodied to the point that the blood was obscuring his name completely. Papers were scattered around him, soaking up the growing pool of red as he slumped against the wall. Across his chest were three slashes, the deepest stretching down his rib cage, each oozing dark blood onto his torn lab coat. Unfortunately he appeared to be the only one breathing.

His eyes were glazed, staring dully into the distance, and he seemed not to notice the experiment as she knelt down beside him, nor feel the vines that slowly crept from Zoa's arms to coil around his wounds. It was only when thin filaments began to sprout from the vines, intertwining with one another to create a delicate layer that rooted itself in the torn flesh, did he stir with a pained groan.

Deeply concentrating, Zoa did not see the surprise and disbelief in the scientist's gaze as his eyes regained focus and looked at his wounds in fascination as his flesh continued to be knit together by the pale fibers. Neither did she see the guard escorting a group of emergency doctors, pull out a taser as he spotted her, ready to subdue the escaped experiment and return her to her cell. However, the weakly raised hand of Dr. Whitmore made the guard think better of it.

Zoa had just finished when the guard roughly gripped her by the arm as the emergency crew lifted Whitmore onto a stretcher and hurried to the Medical ward. Although the guard escorted her back to her cell at gunpoint, it wasn't needed for she willingly walked back to the lush greenery of her home

(welp, that'll be good for a bit :3)
Looking at Ciel's expression made her have some realisation. "But if course,...the forest is nice too" '....Damn, I keep forgetting about his hearing...' she thought to herself, if she were to be honest, it wasn't really the sites she was looking for, she just wanted somewhere safe to rest without being detected or recaptured, with all these illusions and little rest, she was pushing her body to its limits, that last illusion took whatever energy she had left to conjure up. "I-its up to you really..." she looked at the ground as she walked along, slightly behind him.

@Ira et Tenebris
"The city sounds nice. Maybe live somewhat normally" He says smiling knowing that she guessed his intentions. "It would be harder for them to track me anyway" The thought of them just releasing him still lingered in the back of his mind. " We're almost there, I can hear the traffic"
"Probably not, our normal is far from the typical norm" He chuckles before realizing that he was blushing which in turn makes him blush more

She noticed his face reddening and tilted her head slightly "Ah, right" she giggled. "You walk really fast, you know that?" She was still trying to keep up.

@Ira et Tenebris
"Huh? No way!" She said pouting at him. "I walk at a re-" she let out a gasp, she almost walked straight to the edge of the cliff. "...W-woah" she seemed a bit flustered at her mistake.

@Ira et Tenebris
Her eyes widened the city lights reflecting in them as she clapped her hands. "Its so pretty!" She was excited to see the sights, and to get somewhere to sleep.

@Ira et Tenebris

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