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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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(There wasn't much activity last night. If you were last in the 1000 then you missed a bit. Anyway the scientist left the experiments presence and now there is a major power outage and all the experiments are forced to live outside. They have minimal rations and have no clue when they can get back to the lab. Also they have a food shortage.))
"Why don't you be quiet, I'm more wolf than you'll ever be, clearly with you lack of instincts and self control. It doesn't matter about getting a good kill. If we take out all the healthy ones it will only inbreed disease and other bullshit within the remaining healthy ones. Go after the weak ones if you really want to fucking hunt a deer. One; you won't get kicked in the fucking leg and bleed all over the place to attract those other predators, two; it will keep one less weaker deer from breeding weakness back into the herd. Which in hunting the stronger ones you just make it worse on yourselves because what are you going to do when the deer are easy to hunt. So easy that the other predators get to them before you and wipe them all out? At least the other predators know to go after the weak ones to keep the herd healthy and thriving to provide food for all instead of being incompetent, selfish little fucks like yourselves. You gonna move on to the rabbits next or the other large animals and do the same thing? Get some common fucking sense in your heads. You're both pathetic excuses for wolves." He snorted in disdain. "You're not wolves at all... You're feral dogs parading as wolves when you have absolutely no fucking clue how the wild works... Get that deer cured. If I catch another healthy one dead though and with your scents on it you can be sure I'll have my teeth so far into your necks your heads will just pop right off like the head of a broken doll."

He turned and grabbed Max's arm, pulling him along toward the treeline. "Come on. I don't have much control over Eyulf anymore and I might need you to knock him out if he's too...fucked up in the head. You think I'm pissed...for how shy Eyulf is this little shit is a fire. A tiny flickering ember one moment but as soon as something trips him he's a raging inferno ready to devour and destroy anything in his path. Hell of a lot more physically violent than me too." he said, already twitching as he tried to keep control over their body, low warped growls rumbling from him every so often, occasionally sounding like a glitching audio file and paired with his twitching he did seem similar to a glitch file. His pupils dilated to the point where it nearly blocked out his entire irises.
Max waved at Penance and Arya as he was being dragged of. "Sorry about his rudeness! He is just grumpy!" He yelled at them before catching up to Aza'zel. "Knock you out? It get's that bad?" He asked as his arm that wasn't being held onto glitched. "I can do it, but I got to warn you I'm made up of electricity so your fur is going to have a field day." He joked as his arm became physical.
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Peaceswore said:
Max waved at Penance and Arya as he was being dragged of. "Sorry about his rudeness! He is just grumpy!" He yelled at them before catching up to Aza'zel. "Knock you out? It get's that bad?" He asked as his arm that wasn't being held onto glitched. "I can do it, but I got to warn you I'm made up of electricity so your fur is going to have a field day." He joked as his arm became physical.
"Grumpy? More like PMSing but eh, I don't mind." She would call after him, continuing she would say "And real wolves don't have anger issues buddy."
StoneWolf18 said:
"Grumpy? More like PMSing but eh, I don't mind." She would call after him, continuing she would say "And real wolves don't have anger issues buddy."
A smirk forming on her face she would conclude with "oh, I'll be sure to kill off and the whole herd, and if you ever come near me with those rabid jaws of yours I'll make sure to be sleeping in your pelt that nigh." With that she would lay back onto the tree. Once Max dragged him out of ear shot she would look to Mik "Next time he goes all bitchy make sure to roast him for me,"
"Eh. Eyulf won't care about his fur. I just don't want him killing anyone today, not without me at least and he can't be co-conscious with me if he's this pissed." Aza'zel grunted, finally stopping once they were a decent ways into the forest surrounding the facility. "Prepare yourself, I don't know what Eyulf will do..."

His body suddenly jerked, eyes opening wide and glitched out like a magnet on a computer screen, pupil shape warped before basically turning to static in appearance. He parted his jaws and the sound that escaped his throat was probably the most unnerving thing anyone had ever heard. Like metal tearing, a wolf's howl, and the scream of a very pissed off woman, all of that warped and glitching occasionally. The sound echoed through the woods all the way back to the facility, birds flying off into the air and countless animals went into hiding, knowing this sound came from something that should be kept away from. His fur bristled wildly as he dropped down onto all fours, snarling as frothy saliva bubbled from between his teeth. His eyes stopped glitching out once the sound stopped, turning blueish white before his eyes rolled back into the correct positions in their sockets irises having turned black somehow and his pupils were now the color his irises previously were.

"They have no respect for anything... Those who don't respect their food and the life that it gave up to provide them with sustenance deserve to die themselves and will feel the wrath of the lives they disrespected in limbo... Let their consciousnesses be torn asunder by their own stupidity."

A strange grin slipped onto his lips, cold and hungry but not for any food, no he was hungry for justice and order. He turned to stare at Max with those unnerving eyes of his and chuckled, "They talk big but let's see how they take the punishments for their arrogance." He didn't seem quite as sane as earlier but there was truth to his words. "If they are left to live they will destroy us all. Weed out the weak to preserve the strength and they are the weakest of us." he hissed, his stomach and chest making an odd movement before he opened his jaws toward the ground and the frothing saliva was replaced by a strange black slime that oozed out from between his teeth. Internal decay. His unstable state was already taking a toll on his body but rage fueled the beast within and somehow even the ooze of the internal decay.
"Sorry about this. But after that speech I have to do this." Max said with a sad smile He then turned into electricity and moved behind him. "This is going to hurt." He muttered before placing his hand on his back and sending a power electric shock. He was carful not to stop his heart but he made sure he was unconscious.
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StoneWolf18 said:
A smirk forming on her face she would conclude with "oh, I'll be sure to kill off and the whole herd, and if you ever come near me with those rabid jaws of yours I'll make sure to be sleeping in your pelt that nigh." With that she would lay back onto the tree. Once Max dragged him out of ear shot she would look to Mik "Next time he goes all bitchy make sure to roast him for me,"
"Heh yeah sounds to me like he's needs his ass kicked." He said in annoyance "tell me how to kill something how bout i kill you?" He grumbled
Penance said:
"Heh yeah sounds to me like he's needs his ass kicked." He said in annoyance "tell me how to kill something how bout i kill you?" He grumbled
"Meh. He's sort of cute in a bipolar way"
[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]"Meh. He's sort of cute in a bipolar way"

"Really? To each his own i guess." He chuckled
Eyulf was about to whip around and try to bite Max but the shock got to him first and, despite it sending most of his muscles into involuntary fits, effectively knocked him out. That black slime kept oozing out of his mouth though and it did look a bit disturbing, bubbling when he exhaled and making a rather disgusting wet sucking sound when he inhaled. His eyes remained open for a minute while they did that strange glitching thing then rolled back into their normal state then closed, muscles relaxing.

The tar-like substance that practically bled from his mouth eventually slowed to a basic trickle, coughing out a lot of the bitter substance in his unconscious state until most of it was gone except a slight drip from the corner of his mouth.

It seemed like quite a while but his body ended up slipping into its original human form. He appeared just as tall as his wolfdog form, a bit slimmer though but that was expected of someone who didn't eat much more than what was needed to survive. His hair was a near white blond with black fading in the middle-back and his general appearance seemed slightly feminine with that gentle face of his and his slimmer than the average male waist and slightly larger hips. If he tried he really could pass as female. He retained his teeth and claws in his human form which was a bit odd but being an unstable one couldn't expect anything from him really.
"Oh good, I was worried for a second that I stopped your heart." Max said as he scratched the back of his head. "Anyway, are you ok? What's that black stuff?" He asked as he sat on the floor acting as if he didn't just see the man standing in front of him go insane.
Ryan layed in the grass glaring at the sky, the clouds looked grey and with what he's practically made of don't go well with that, he sighed and threw his hands to his side carelessly turning his head to the left and staring at the two wild experiments and the other fire experiment.
LunaCrosby said:
Ryan layed in the grass glaring at the sky, the clouds looked grey and with what he's practically made of don't go well with that, he sighed and threw his hands to his side carelessly turning his head to the left and staring at the two wild experiments and the other fire experiment.
Mik walked over to Ryan and sat next to him carefully "Hello"
Ryan watched her walk over and turned over to his stomach "hey, it sucms that this had to happen when it looks like a storm might come, or just some rain" he said pointing at the clouds "and is it just me or does that cloud look like a rabbit?" He asked curiously
Would glance over to Mik as she sat down next to Ryan. Sighing she would shift a bit, the pain in her leg reduced to a dull throb. She didn't mind the wound, it is what caused it that worried her. Having no idea how it would affect her Arya would frown. 'How could I have been so stupid?' She asked herself. 'I knew the vials were there, why wasn't I more careful?' Unknowing of the answer she would close her eyes, exhausted she would slowly drift off into the depths of sleep.
LunaCrosby said:
Ryan watched her walk over and turned over to his stomach "hey, it sucms that this had to happen when it looks like a storm might come, or just some rain" he said pointing at the clouds "and is it just me or does that cloud look like a rabbit?" He asked curiously
She hesitantly scooted closer, "I hate storms, they drown me out and yes that does look like a rabbit"
He watched her scoot over "you don't have to be scared to get close, I'm not gonna hurt you" he said before smiling "or is there someone you like?" He asked curiously as he threw some sticks together and made a fire.
LunaCrosby said:
He watched her scoot over "you don't have to be scared to get close, I'm not gonna hurt you" he said before smiling "or is there someone you like?" He asked curiously as he threw some sticks together and made a fire.
Mik stuck her hands directly in the fire and rubbed them together " Well-no, its just there is always some problem or some reason why we all have to be against each other" She looked up at him, Mik's eyes glowing gold " Anything you want to get off your back?"


LunaCrosby said:
He watched her scoot over "you don't have to be scared to get close, I'm not gonna hurt you" he said before smiling "or is there someone you like?" He asked curiously as he threw some sticks together and made a fire.
Mik yawned loudly. Burying herself next to Ryan she yawned again. "Wake me when somebody dies" (gtg)
"Well, when the experiment was done on meI managed to escape, I met this girl that took care of me and we hooked up, I found her cheating on me and killed the guy, it scared her because my whole body turned into fire and she called the scientists y'know, that's how I got here, and I regret killing the guy because I cared about her" he said scratching the back of his neck and looking away.
StoneWolf18 said:
Would glance over to Mik as she sat down next to Ryan. Sighing she would shift a bit, the pain in her leg reduced to a dull throb. She didn't mind the wound, it is what caused it that worried her. Having no idea how it would affect her Arya would frown. 'How could I have been so stupid?' She asked herself. 'I knew the vials were there, why wasn't I more careful?' Unknowing of the answer she would close her eyes, exhausted she would slowly drift off into the depths of sleep.
Penace was watching mik flirt with another guy "geez she sure is friendly huh?" He said but when he looked over arya was asleep. 'Hmph guess she's tired after what happened' he thought then sighed 'there's gotta be something i can do about that...oh well i guess i'll sleep on it.' He then sat down and leaned against the tree with his arms crossed and fell asleep
Ryan looked at the two wolf experiments, he sparked a small fire near them so they'd stay warm, Ryan layed himself down swell next to milk and dozed off humming a short song that calmed him.
Since Eyulf was still unconscious he wouldn't be able to reply to Max's question.

It was a good twenty minutes before he woke up and when he did he felt like he'd been hit by a truck and when he tried to sit up he ended up keeling over and throwing up more of that thick black goo into the grass. He stared down blankly at the slime before grunting, "Looks like I'm going to have to get a new body soon...or they're going to have to get me new organs...or do the weird thing again..." He started poking various places on his back and stomach, wincing every so often or groaning before reaching a conclusion. "Stomach lining decaying, left kidney fully decayed, gallbladder too, bottom pair of ribs, aaaaand...that's it so far... Ugh. Such a mess..." he muttered, coughing harshly and spat out more black liquid. "Oh, so that's why that hurts. I can live for a while longer without one lung. Going to have tainted blood for a while though, gonna need to flush it out somehow..." he murred, puffing his cheeks out slightly as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, looking over to Max and gave a half hearted grin. "Thanks. I probably would have made an even bigger mess if you'd let me go."

He rubbed his sore neck and back, the skin where Max had electrocuted him was pretty burnt but it would heal (maybe). Eyulf managed to get to his feet and kept an arm wrapped around his stomach, trying to catch his breath. "Better head back to the others. I can smell a storm coming and we need to get them to shelter."
"Are you going to be okay? You sound like a deadman walking." Max asked a bit worried for his new...friend? He then glanced at the sky and nodded in agreement about finding shelter. He stood up and walked to Eyulf. "If you need help walking just lean on my shoulder." He said as he stood next to Eyulf.
"I'll be fine for now but thanks... This...this happens a lot. They didn't give my my morning dose of meds though to help stabilise my body so it's just hitting harder than normal." he explained as they walked back toward the gathering area.

"Maybe I'll sneak in later and get my meds. They can't keep me from them. They know I'll basically decay to nothing if I don't get them in my system and I don't exactly want to be put in a suspended animation thing again. That liquid hurts my lungs when I cough it out."

Eventually he did opt for leaning against Max's shoulder, worn out from the whole ordeal and he needed to wash the sticky black stuff off him, his chin, neck, and chest covered in it along with his hands and part of his forearms. It was disgusting. He never understood one thing though, why did it smell like oil sometimes?

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