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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Penance said:
Penance dragged the deer over to her and set it down by her. "Are you sure you dont need anything?" He asked
"No, not really. It wont start to effect me for eh give or take an hour, and the bruise in my leg appears to be healing. For now lets just Field dress this deer."
StoneWolf18 said:
"No, not really. It wont start to effect me for eh give or take an hour, and the bruise in my leg appears to be healing. For now lets just Field dress this deer."
"Heh alright" he then started skinning the deer with his claws
Penance said:
"Heh alright" he then started skinning the deer with his claws
Watching him carefully she would exclaim "Stop! Don't puncture the stomach, all those fumes will make you vomit. Also, we are skinning it later, for now just take care of all internal organs."
Penance said:
Penance looked at her "do you wanna do it then?" He chuckled
Sighing she would shift her position and her her claws to carefully skin from the bottom up. Then would begin to remove the entrails and other organs. Finishing she would say "Ok, now we need to find a way to tie it to that tree, to drain it of all fluids."
Penance looked around and found some rope laying "got it" he then tied the deer to the tree to let the liquids drip out
Penance said:
Penance looked around and found some rope laying "got it" he then tied the deer to the tree to let the liquids drip out
"That'll take a bit, once its done we can finish with the meat and pelt." She ended with a dry cough. Rolling her eyes she would say "I'm fine, do go throwing me into the ocean"
StoneWolf18 said:
"That'll take a bit, once its done we can finish with the meat and pelt." She ended with a dry cough. Rolling her eyes she would say "I'm fine, do go throwing me into the ocean"
"Haha dont worry i wont...yet" penance laughed
StoneWolf18 said:
Sighing she would lay back onto the tree, growing slightly tired. "Were's Mik anyway?" Arya would ask
"Yeah where is her and her 'buddy'?" He said looking around
Penance said:
"Yeah where is her and her 'buddy'?" He said looking around
Mik rushed into the field "Have any of you seen Dari-ohhhhhhh, should I leave you alone?" Turning around, she winks at Penance
[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]Mik rushed into the field "Have any of you seen Dari-ohhhhhhh, should I leave you alone?" Turning around, she winks at Penance

"Not now Mik." Arya would reply, clearly exhausted.
[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]Her gaze sobers " Damn, are you okay ?" gliding over to Arya, she gestures toward her leg " Let me see it"

Glancing to Penance she would sigh, "The deer kicked me where i was storing the vials ok?" She would hiss through her teeth. "Keep quite about it"
StoneWolf18 said:
Glancing to Penance she would sigh, "The deer kicked me where i was storing the vials ok?" She would hiss through her teeth. "Keep quite about it"
Mik visually shuddered " You'll turn into a feesh?, Can I tell Darius, maybe he'll figure something out"
Crawler was having a bad day, which was saying quite a bit considering his day to day schedule whenever he wasn't with Alexia. The massive roach man was covered up in his wings tighter than usual, leaning against a tree at the edge of the clearing the majority of Experiments were gathered in. Some conversed in small or large groups, several of those groups had already split off to begin breaking off from the rest to begin scouring the island for food. There were still more and more experiments filing out of the labs, though the flow had steadied a bit over time.

As Crawler looked over the crowd, he wondered just how long the rations that several of the experiments had squirreled away would last. He wasn't the only experiment who could go long periods of time without food, so he wasn't surprised by the appearance of bags and packs full of food some had.

But he refused to be hopeful, he kept tabs on the eating habits roost experiments who ate at the cafeteria. Not even including the ones who ate at their cells, Crawler knew they'd have trouble if they were out here for too long.

The Cafeteria was almost always fully stocked, even the occasional brawl or prank pulled by experiments couldn't keep the place from being restocked within three hours and honestly? He wasn't surprised.

The eating habits of some of these experiments were borderline gluttonous, pounds upon pounds of cooked beef going into just one Shark toothed Experiment. Gallons of water for the Sand Walker. A bushel full of fresh fruit and vegetables for the forest nymphs, though they may be able to make do with the leaves for a while.

These were some high maintenance Experiments, and Crawler knew that once they let Experiment 10 out and about their problems will pretty much multiply. Either by him hunting all of their sources of meet, or by going after them.

Crawler paused at that thought, actually... he'll probably hunt us either way when he's done with the wildlife. Crawler sighed, he just had to hope that the lab gets fixed up before they started eating each other.

He stood away from the tree, might as well find some cave or something to hunker down in. He glanced down at the ground and smiled at the many roaches the crawled through the grass. With them spreading into the forest as well, he began slowly trudging into the shrubbery.
Aza'zel let go of Max with a cold smirk, lightly ruffling his hair before he froze, sniffing the air and soon enough the two wolves passed with a deer. The female was injured and there was a strange chemical scent to her. He was pissed about the deer though and followed after them, hackles raised underneath his hoodie as he snapped, "What in the hell were you two thinking going after large prey so soon? And healthy strong ones at that? Are you two dense? God! With being wolves you'd think you'd have some fucking common sense or instincts for that matter!" The demon in wolf' shoddy was clearly pissed, almost as pissed as the original Eyulf tucked safely away inside his mind. At least Aza'zel had some restraint physically other than snapping at the male simply out of his own raw instincts of this current body. He stared down at the female and in that aggressive tone of his he snarled, "And you seem like the smarter of the two so I'm guessing you're the one who went after the buck in the first place..." He sneered in disgust. "You don't even deserve to be called wolves, you're more dog than Eyulf is and he's 28% Husky for fuck's sake! Hell! You shouldn't have even been hunting game anyways! We've got plenty of stashed meat here to last us a good week or two, and without proper refrigeration or salts to keep this meat fresh or cure it it'll go rancid in a few days if the local insects don't get to it first! What were you two thinking?"

He suddenly shook his head before pulling his hoodie off which was getting quite annoying and with it off and his fur all puffed up it showed just how massive he was with his year round winter coat. His tail was raised in aggressive dominance, angry but an alpha no less it seemed. "You're both lucky I'm still in control of this fucking body... Eyulf would not be as calm as I am and you can see I'm fucking pissed as it is, just imagine how furious he'd be."
Penance just stared at the wolf trying to figure out whether to be angered or confused. "Why does it matter what we hunt?" He said
Max followed Aza'zel and saw the deer that the two had killed which caused him to facepalm. "Really guys? Why are you already hunting? We have quite a bit of food. This is just going to be wasted, not to mention you shouldn't have killed this one." Max said with a sigh, unaware he just repeated everything Aza'zel had said (though with fewer words and more exasperation). "And you shouldn't hunt just yet, 'cause what happens when we really do need food? If we feast now we won't eat later."
[QUOTE="Memios Bonavich]Aza'zel let go of Max with a cold smirk, lightly ruffling his hair before he froze, sniffing the air and soon enough the two wolves passed with a deer. The female was injured and there was a strange chemical scent to her. He was pissed about the deer though and followed after them, hackles raised underneath his hoodie as he snapped, "What in the hell were you two thinking going after large prey so soon? And healthy strong ones at that? Are you two dense? God! With being wolves you'd think you'd have some fucking common sense or instincts for that matter!" The demon in wolf' shoddy was clearly pissed, almost as pissed as the original Eyulf tucked safely away inside his mind. At least Aza'zel had some restraint physically other than snapping at the male simply out of his own raw instincts of this current body. He stared down at the female and in that aggressive tone of his he snarled, "And you seem like the smarter of the two so I'm guessing you're the one who went after the buck in the first place..." He sneered in disgust. "You don't even deserve to be called wolves, you're more dog than Eyulf is and he's 28% Husky for fuck's sake! Hell! You shouldn't have even been hunting game anyways! We've got plenty of stashed meat here to last us a good week or two, and without proper refrigeration or salts to keep this meat fresh or cure it it'll go rancid in a few days if the local insects don't get to it first! What were you two thinking?"
He suddenly shook his head before pulling his hoodie off which was getting quite annoying and with it off and his fur all puffed up it showed just how massive he was with his year round winter coat. His tail was raised in aggressive dominance, angry but an alpha no less it seemed. "You're both lucky I'm still in control of this fucking body... Eyulf would not be as calm as I am and you can see I'm fucking pissed as it is, just imagine how furious he'd be."

Exhausted she would reply "Look dog boy, I don't need your shit right now. Be a good little puppy and go back to your dog house, ok?"
Without opening her eyes she would continue. "We can just get human torch over here to boil the water off then use the salt from that to cure the meat." Glaring at dog boy she would continue "besides we aren't the only predators on this island. We might haven't gotten a kill like this if we have waited."

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