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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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LunaCrosby said:
"As we passed them I saw they didn't bring it..." he says shrugging before digging into his pocket and pulling out a sand which and giving it to her "I was saving it for later but you can have it" he says while holding it out to her
Mik smiles at him " Thanks.. Oh and bout that girl , their are plenty of fish in the sea ,hopefully some won't try to kill you"
StoneWolf18 said:
"You will, I'm not covered in fur."
"Oh yeah, lucky." Eventually they arrived where the whistling came from. "Oh great its the judge mental wolf." He said
Penance said:
"Oh yeah, lucky." Eventually they arrived where the whistling came from. "Oh great its the judge mental wolf." He said
With a smirk she would say "Eh, just let him know that the deer is currently rotting. We didn't bother curing the meat." Glancing to Penance she would hope that he'll play along.
LunaCrosby said:
"Yeah but remember? Were Kinda stuck in this area so its likely a girls gonna try to kill me" he joked
She laughed Akawrdly knowing it wasnt really a joke "I won't, well I hope I won't "
He remained laying in the water for a few minutes, eventually sitting up as his meds took effect to hack out the rest of the black ooze that was still in his lungs that were slowly healing. "Fucking body...doesn't want to cooperate unless I inject nasty chemicals into it... Bullshit." he grunted before laying back down in the water. Eventually he heard the others approaching and spoke up, "There's a cave about twenty meters to the north, no animals have taken resident in it besides a few cave swallows but they shouldn't bother you. It isn't too big but it's big enough for a temporary shelter. Those who can't come in contact with large amounts of water hold higher importance than those who can survive getting rained on so they get the drier parts of the cave. I'll be searching for or making a better shelter while you all take cover from the storm, make sure you don't forget any of your belongings and get going, especially those fire elementals, can't risk having you guys get wet."

He rolled over onto his belly in the water, resting his head on his arms, reaching up to run a hand through his messy pale blond hair. "As for the wolves, despite how much I dislike you for your earlier idiocy, you're on patrol duty until it starts raining. Keep the others safe and don't let them get hurt or anything, I'm sure you can handle that without fucking something up. I'll deal with the deer, I can smell the scent on you still and you clearly haven't dealt with it."

He stood up, shaking himself dry and looked down at his pants, pockets full of water and tiny fish. He carefully wiggled his hands into his pockets and turned them inside out, dumping the fish back into the river where they belonged before stepping onto the drier part of the bank. He looked to Max and asked, "Are you able to stay out in the rain without any problems? I'm going to need your help finding a few items if you can."
Ryan look over at him "I can make a fire to keep everyone warm" he volunteered looking at mik "and I think she can help too... if its okay with her" he said aswell
LunaCrosby said:
Ryan look over at him "I can make a fire to keep everyone warm" he volunteered looking at mik "and I think she can help too... if its okay with her" he said aswell
" it's fine "
The whistling managed to draw Crawler's attention. So, with a bit of reluctance, he had left the hiding spot he had set up in to follow it. He somewhat trusted the roaches to keep the place partially clean while he was gone. Wrapped up in his wings once more, the massive man roach began a trek in the direction of the noise.

During his walk, he had taken notice of quite a few things actually. Besides the telltale sign of oncoming train Crawler noted that this particular area of the wild was devoid of small creatures. Signs of regular animals occasionally, partially decomposed droppings or faded markings. Not a single lizard, or a squirrel for that matter. Insects sure, but the small animals seemed to be horrific limited, especially in a form of ecosystem.

When Crawler had arrived, he had stayed off to the side as others arrived. Then an experiment who was already there started giving orders and info about the cave they were grouping around. Ah, so this was a conversation about living conditions. Crawler had no need, even if he lost the way to his little haven he should be fine in rain unless it was positively flooded.

But since there was still time in the day, and no rush to be anywhere, Crawler decided to stay. But he stayed off to the side and out of the way. Giving a small chuckle, he prepared to just stay there in the background comfortably.
Max smiled up at Eyulf and nodded. "Yeah I can stay out. Actually I would prefer to. Maybe it's a lightning storm. I heard of those but never seen one." He said with a grin as he thought about all the electricity that was up for grabs.
Peaceswore said:
Max smiled up at Eyulf and nodded. "Yeah I can stay out. Actually I would prefer to. Maybe it's a lightning storm. I heard of those but never seen one." He said with a grin as he thought about all the electricity that was up for grabs.
Mik nudged Max " that sounds awesome " glancing over at Eyulf " would you like me to do something ?" All Mik wanted as to not be treated like a frail child.
Penance said:
"I dont like this guy." He whispered to arya "who does he think he is ordering us around?"
"Eh, lets go check this cave" She would say, being sure to stay clear of the river she would walk a ways until Arya would spot the opening. Chrouching down she would crawl inside. The floor was a mix of sand and dirt, easy to dig more room. "Hey penance, mind doing a little digging?"
StoneWolf18 said:
"Eh, lets go check this cave" She would say, being sure to stay clear of the river she would walk a ways until Arya would spot the opening. Chrouching down she would crawl inside. The floor was a mix of sand and dirt, easy to dig more room. "Hey penance, mind doing a little digging?"
"Yeah yeah im going" he said as he crouched down. He started digging through the dirt to make more room. When he finished he stood up and shook the dirt out of his fur "taadaa"
Penance said:
"Yeah yeah im going" he said as he crouched down. He started digging through the dirt to make more room. When he finished he stood up and shook the dirt out of his fur "taadaa"
Moving the loose dirt and sand away they were left with a nice, deep cave. "Great. A lot more room then before." Standing she would crawl outside "Now, Wanna get that deer? Ill gather some Firewood"
StoneWolf18 said:
Moving the loose dirt and sand away they were left with a nice, deep cave. "Great. A lot more room then before." Standing she would crawl outside "Now, Wanna get that deer? Ill gather some Firewood"
"Finally i get to eat that thing" he said as he started towards where the deer was
"That would be wonderful if you could, they're going to need the heat. Thank you for the offer, Hun." he gave a cheerful smile to the fire weilder, already taking a liking to him. He was smart. "Yes, Mik can help you if that is what you wish so long as that's what she wants as well. When you two are done would you mind making a few torches for nightfall? I know there are some of us who don't have night vision or produce their own light." He smiled at the pair, clearly much more kind to them than he was the wolf pair.

"Alright, now to deal with that deer. I don't exactly trust those two not to snack while they're cleaning the carcass. Plus they have more important work to do than deal with meat right now." he sighed before heading in the direction of the original clearing to gather the deer up to deal with it.
Penance had arrived at the clearing where they had put the deer. He untied it from the tree and threw it over his shoulder. "Since when did i become arrand dog?" He said as he started walking back to the cave
"Yeah I can do that as well" he said while begening to walk then stopped "you wanna help still?" He asked milk waiting for her answer
LunaCrosby said:
"Yeah I can do that as well" he said while begening to walk then stopped "you wanna help still?" He asked milk waiting for her answer
" Yeah, lets go !' She jogged up to meet him.
Ryan began to walk beside her "we should pick up sticks for the fire and the torches" he said beginning to pick up sticks, some were thicker than the others "and we should use the thick ones for torches" he said again before pausing, he felt like he was controlling her "do you have any ideas?" He asked hoping he didn't make her mad by being a little bossy.
LunaCrosby said:
Ryan began to walk beside her "we should pick up sticks for the fire and the torches" he said beginning to pick up sticks, some were thicker than the others "and we should use the thick ones for torches" he said again before pausing, he felt like he was controlling her "do you have any ideas?" He asked hoping he didn't make her mad by being a little bossy.
Mik sucked on her lip and thought deeply, her opinion was usually overshadowed. " We should be a bit careful since our body heat will already increase the temperature inside the cave, for light we have Max and if one of us have a dream where we ignite and actually do, we could hurt someone. Maybe get some water in case ?"

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