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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Eyulf set his makeshift bag down in the grass and kneeled down, sniffing hard at the ground as he tried to analyse the scents of the animals that had passed through this area. There wasn't much, a rabbit or two, a few mice, the scent of a stray deer was stale but at least one had been through here so he knew there was the faint promise of a good meal in the future for him to retrieve for the rest of the residents or at least the ones who ate meat. There were some wild strawberry plants about twenty meters out that he could harvest for them later.

For someone who hated being social and was generally terrified of being around other people he seemed to care about them quite a bit, so concerned about taking care of them that he was completely forgetting that no one would probably recognize him due to his previous elusiveness. He picked up the bag again and trudged off toward the patch of wild strawberries. He stared down at the soft red berries for a minute, counting the green ones and the ones that were still ripening. There were enough red ones for everyone it seemed, maybe even a few extra that could be given to those who needed more food for energy purposes. He kneeled down and started picking some, carefully putting them in his pocket before making his way back to where the others had congregated. He wanted to approach them to give them the berries but he froze about ten meters away, tail tucking between his legs as his anxiety acted up, ears laying back under his hood which he slowly reached up and pulled it down to attempt to cover his muzzle. So many thoughts were running through his head right now and he wasn't sure what to do...
Max turned to electricity and went to his room he grabbed a small sack he had made in his spare time and stuffed it with a bunch of batteries he had hidden in his room. After he got some other stuff he couldn't live with out (his prank book) he left and went outside. He wasn't paying attention and walked into a wolf experiment. 'How many wolf experiments are there?' "Sorry. Haha I wasn't watching were I was going." He said with a grin to the guy.

@Memios Bonavich
Alexia snapped from her trance once Damion stated they should be leaving and followed him, still blushing deeply from the previous conversation. When they reached outside, she finally managed to find the nerve to speak again; "Y-you always demand the attention Ashley" joked the girl, a light smile on her face as she said it, though inside she somewhat frowned.
James continued to lay down until he watched Max come out with some weird, he had no idea what it was for but right now he'd have to focus on food and water. The centaur stood up and began to trot around to look for a nearby pond or stream where he could get a clean source of water.

Damion chuckled at Alexia's joke and said,"She sure does." He then let his wings spread for a moment and said,"There has to be a place to set up shop at around here somewhere...Any ideas?"

Digit walked out and watched as Max bumped into a random experiment. Digit sighed, but took out his handheld and began to type away as he began to walk north.
Eyulf lat out a rather silly but adorable. Squeak of surprise, giving Max a shaky grin as he quickly backed up a few feet. "H-Hey, it's alright man, I wasn't exactly paying attention either." he replied, peeking out from under his hood but he kept his gold eyes shut so Max would only see his blue eye. Wolves didn't have blue eyes so if Max saw the blue maybe he'd think he had more husky DNA than wolf. He did act more like a dog than a wolf when he wasn't in one of his volatile moods.

His ears perked up and he reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the strawberries and handed it to Max as he said softly, "Here, I found these and I wanted to hand them out to everyone... You're the first one..." He glanced toward the others, biting his tongue rather hard, drawing a little bit of blood. "Wish I had the guts to actually pass them out without freezing up..." he muttered.
Max smiled and took the berries. "So you are one of the shy experiments. Are you another wolf experiment or a different type of canine?" He asked with a grin. "Also if you want I can easily pass those berries around for you." He said as he took a bite of his.

@Memios Bonavich
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Digit looked at his device and said,"Oh thank goodness!" He waved over at Max and yelled,"Hey! I can find us food on here!" He then walked over to Max and the other experiment and said,"I finally got this thing to work. With this, I can track the vital signs of animals."
Max sighed. "We haven't even been out for a full hour and you guys are making it seem like we will starve to death. But no problem being prepared." He said with a shrug. "So how many eatable animals are on this island?"
Digit typed for a moment and said,"I found about six different animals....all together, maybe a little over a hundred...not that many large animals." He then typed a little more and said,"Wait...I just got a reading." He pointed his device upward and said,"It must be big...It has to be."
"I'm...I'm...a mix but I tend to act more like a dog so it just like people to think I'm a dog. 28% husky actually but it fluctuates.

At Max's statement he smiled brightly and said, "That would be wonderful if you would, Hun." He reached into his pocket to get some strawberries to hand to Max but Digit called over and Eyulf couldn't help his nervous tic, a small squeak like he'd made when Max had scared him. His ears laid back again, his gold eye opening slightly as Digit came over and he moved slightly closer to Max, seeming to have formed a slight attachment to him already as he grew more comfortable with his presence.

"I caught the scent of deer, but it was weak so there's probably a small herd around here somewhere. Could be the large animal you'd picking up on your thingy." he said shyly, dipping his nose down and pressed his chin to his chest.
Max smirked and took the strawberries he then at the speed of electricity gave everyone an even amount before returning to the two. He stood in front of Eyulf, for some reason already liking the guy. "So the biggest thing we got is a deer? That won't last long at all." He said calmly to the two.
"Well...that depends really. Wolves natural instinct is to weed out the sick and weak animals to protect the strength of their surrounding animals so despite what they take they give back in the long run so it keeps them from breeding sickness and makes the herd stronger and able to have more but they also keep the herd at a stable rate so they don't over graze and fuck over the rest of the ecosystem... Sooooo if we have as many wolves as you say... One deer can feed at least six so that knocks that out and if they have any self control they'll give meat to those who need it more first rather than hoarding it for themselves."

He blinked in surprise at how much he'd just spoken, never having spoke more than a sentance or two at a time.
Max listened and nodded. "I have a bunch of batteries so I'll be fine for a good amount of time. We can get some bird and other smaller animals. Honestly with our powers it should be easy to hunt. Also good job saying more than three sentences in one go." He said with a grin.
"Thanks." It was hard to tell with all that fur of his but he was blushing (it would have been easier to tell if he had his hood down since the tips of his ears turn pinkish). "I've got a car battery I stashed out here if you run out of juice from your batteries. It would be best for us to stick to small animals for now, there are plenty of mice to keep most of us satisfied for a while. Rabbit could last us a good...Mmm...possibly a month or two if we're out here that long, depending on the health of the rabbits on this island and what their breeding patterns are... There's a TON of edible plants too so that's a major bonus! Dandelion, blackberry bushes, wild strawberries, apple trees, pear trees, cherry trees, peach trees but the peaches are a bit sour in this climate. Better in a slightly warmer one. God...how the hell do I know all this?"

He was having a bit of trouble comprehending his own abilities. It appeared his psychic tendencies were just syncing up with his biological surroundings.
Max shrugged and smile. "Hey it's useful, though I don't think we would be here that long. I find it rather nice. I've been banned from going outside for over ten years so I find this awesome." He said happily. "Though I do have to wonder what safety measures did they take this time?"
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"They had to let me out at least once a week. I get bad cabin fever if I can't and last time I got antsy...well...let's just say they had to hire a few new staff members because the others quit out of frustration." he said, giving a bashful grin.

"Safety precautions?" He cocked his head in confusion. He didn't know of any safety precautions set up by the facility's staff. He set his bag of food down before kneeling down and pressed his nose into the grass again, sniffing as he had earlier.

"Do you mean like fences or something? Cause those can be metal or chemical." he inquired.
Alexia thought about the question as Damion stretched out his wings a little, she looked around a little trying to find a good spot. She saw a couple of trees growing in the general area of each other and pointed over there, "H-how about o-over t-t-there." replied the shy cat girl, "Th-Thee trees c-could help shade us during the day and protect us from rain if it comes" explained Alexia, thinking that would be a good idea.
Damion smiled and said,"Percect...now we need to figure out a steady food source." He then looked up at the sky and said,"I think I can catch some of those birds if I'm quick enough."

Digit said,"Well at least we have a steady supply, that's good." He then looked around and said,"Now we just have to find shelter, shouldn't be too hard." He then took out his handheld out and began to type away.
Alexia nodded before walking up to the trees, it looked like apple trees' were a common thing on this island. "I-I could probably collect s-s-some a-apples D-Damion" replied the girl sheepishly, wondering if the dragon boy would even eat the apples. If she remembered correctly dragons ate meat, not vegetables.
Damion said,"I'm only eating those if I have to." He then continued to look around and saw James, he chuckled and said,"I wonder if he's worried about being turned into horse meat?" He chuckled and said,"I'm sure there's some kind of decent meat source around here somewhere."
"O-Ok" replied Alexia before she turned in the direction that Damion was facing, hearing his comment made her pout a little.

"I hope he doesn't become a meal" stated Alexia shyly, she didn't wanna se anyone get hurt; even if she didn't know them.
Sothena smiled as she helped distribute the trays while James rested up. She had to act like her wings were still broken but...She dreaded physical examinations since they could see past her facade of her wings being broken and....She shook her head slightly, banishing the depressing thoughts. She was going to escape with Mari and Tats. She was going to be free, but they had to be carefully planned out in case her wings being healed was fixed was found out.
Sighing she would remove the outfit. "Well take care of this later." she would whisper to Mik before going to the cafeteria and obtaining her rations. Walking out side she would be greeted with the sent of wolf, and it wasn't Penance. Scanning the fields Arya would spot him talking to Max and Digit. Walking over she would ignore the two "Ah a new wolf experiment?"
(Sorry i been gone) penance followed arya outside and saw the new wolf experiment "well well arya it seems there are more of us." He aaid grinning

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