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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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Damion said,"Well, at least you got the short side of the stick. I got dragon genes shot into me, now I may not seem it; but I'm kinda becoming a dragon...mentally. If things happen, the gene practically takes over me and forces me to act out like a wild animal and rip into people like fresh meat." He sighed and said,"Oh well, that's how things are."
Tats and Mari both nodded in approval, the secret was safe as long as no one talked about it outside this old room; built at the very beginning of the dark times. "We should start saving non-perishable foods for when the time comes" stated Tats, now thinking ahead to what they will need to survive outside.

Alexia nodded her head, some what scared at the boys statement.
"W-W-well ye-yeah b-but" the cat girl scooted closer to Damion and poked him in the shoulder, "You g-get to fly and look really cool with those wings. All I can do is act like a useless cat and sometimes use telekinesis" continued Alexia, trying to cheer the boy up.
Federoff said:
Tats and Mari both nodded in approval, the secret was safe as long as no one talked about it outside this old room; built at the very beginning of the dark times. "We should start saving non-perishable foods for when the time comes" stated Tats, now thinking ahead to what they will need to survive outside.
Alexia nodded her head, some what scared at the boys statement.
"W-W-well ye-yeah b-but" the cat girl scooted closer to Damion and poked him in the shoulder, "You g-get to fly and look really cool with those wings. All I can do is act like a useless cat and sometimes use telekinesis" continued Alexia, trying to cheer the boy up.
Sothena nodded as well. She knew the outside would be judgmental to them at first but its better than staying here with all the experiments that could tear her apart or the scientists that could try to dissect her. She could bring all her weapons with her as well, if she was able to bring them all.

She went to the kitchen, knowing that she had missed quite a few sessions of handing food out already and it would be highly suspicion of her to not show up to hand out food.
Tats and Mari followed the girl outside and to the cafeteria; if someone would ask where they have been Tats would just say that she was helping with Mari and no other questions would be asked. Mari had her stuffed giraffe in he rh ands like always, playing with it as they came into the kitchen.
James had finally finished plowing the fields and threw off his harness with a thud. He sighed and walked into the cafeteria, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. He was already getting ready to go and take the food once again, but saw Sothena. He sighed and said,"Look who decided to come in and do their job."

Damion smiled and said,"You do have a point, but controlling these is a lot harder than it looks." He then made his wings lightly flutter and chuckled. He then said,"So, you're basically a cat in a human body; that sounds like a idea you'd see in a book."
Sothena scowled at James. It wasn't her fault she missed so many days of not handing food out, she was getting her wings ready for escape.

"I was helping Tats with Mari. She wanted someone to play with other than Tats and since I'm among the only ones nice enough to her, I volunteered. Does that help?"

She said with her eagle vision activating in her anger, causing her eyes to glow slightly.
Alexias' eyes widened when Damion fluttered his wings a bit, somewhat being entranced by them due to her cat genes and how she was about them. "Whoaaa" gasped Alexia, all that she managed to do.

Tats walked up to stand next to Sothena, looking directly at James as he came to a stop.
"Do not start something James" stated Tats as Mari simply played with Larry the giraffe.
James only rolled his eyes and said,"Whatever." He then said,"You know what, forget it." He threw some trays onto his back, still lightly sweating, and began to do the rounds. He then came back and murmured to himself,"Why is it always me?" The centaur huffed and tried to rest for a moment before he'd have to go and pick up the plate.
"Not your fault James. I just missed too many days, I'm a bit crabby because of my wings in pain."

Sothena said with a smile before getting some trays as well.

"Let me help. It the least I can do for being late."
After being in a trance-like state for a good few minutes, Alexia shook herself back to reality, smiling extremely shyly as she realized what had happened. "H-H-Hey D-D-Damion? A-are w-w-we friends?" asked Alexia with very little confidence in her question, sounding as if a no would crush her spirits.
James simply tried to rest and said,"Good, please do so." He hoped that he would never have to go through this much work ever again, especially running around with trays on his back (Do you know how hard it is to balance those things?).

Damion jokingly pondered to himself for a moment and said,"I don't see what's wrong with being friends with a cat." He smiled before patting the girl on the head and said,"Well, it's time to head back to home sweet cell." He then stood up and began to walk back to his cell.
Alexia smiled back before the boy patted her on the head, her meowing like a little cat when he did so. When he started to walk away to his cell ,i t was bitter sorrow, true she would have liked to talk with the boy longer but she needed to calm herself down. She hugged Ashley before speaking to her in a animal tongue,

"I can't believe it I made a new friend! And it was Damion!"

"Ach not so tight, I wanna sleep"

*Gasp* "Oh sorry about that Ashley"

The two talked back and forth for a little before she decided to get up and carry Ashley over to her own cell, tired from today. She had so much to talk to Crawler about next time she saw him, Oh how proud he will be of me! thought Alexia as she walked to her cell with a smile on her face, something she didn't do when walking to and fro by herself.

(I bet)
The lights in the lab began to flash, slowly dimming. All of a sudden, the lights went blank. Everything that ran off of electricity went off almost instantly. Then, a intercom turned on and said,"The lab has run out of power, we are currently speaking to you all using emergency power. The lab will not be able to return back to its normal energy readings for a while, so for the time being all experiments please report to the cafeteria to receive your last food rations. After that, please report outside...this shall be your new homes for a while."

Digit, James, and Damion and quickly walked out from their cells and towards the cafeteria to receive their rations. All they got were some dried apple slices, beef jerky, and a small water bottle. Damion quickly asked the person handing out the rations,"Is this all we're getting!?" The person only nodded and said,"We have to give equal amounts to everyone, so this is all anyone is getting; after everyone gets their final rations we'll be completely out of food...you're going to have to find your own food somehow after this." All three of the experiments stood in the cafeteria, pondering how'd they get through this.
Groaning she would look around "where is he?" She hissed through her teeth. She wanted to continue with the prank but Darius was no where in sight. Watching the lights shut off she would being to grow annoyed, looking to Mik she would mutter something about wanting to finish this.

Max listened to the announcement and freaked out a bit. 'I didn't cause the power outage did I? No...I've taken way more before. So what caused it?' He wondered as he stood up. "We should get going." He said to Ryan before heading out. "You got to be joking. What happened to all the food in the cupboards?" He asked, the person just shooed him off which ticked Max even more. 'Luckily I'm already full on electricity and food. Not to mention I know how to survive without food for awhile. How is everyone else going to react?' He wondered as he took a seat next to Digit.
Eyulf groaned at the sound of the intercom and made his way out of his cell, easily able to navigate in the dark/dim halls, to the cafeteria. He reached up and ran his massive paw through his bangs, snorting softly at how messy his hair was, needing a good brushing all over actually. His tail whipped behind him as he went to receive his rations, not exactly complaining since he actually had a stash of jerky and dried apples back in his cell which he retrieved before going outside with the others. His stash was kept in a massive bag he'd made out of a few old hoodies of his. Having wolf DNA had its perks, being able to gorge on massive amounts of food or fast for months if needed. He pulled up his hood to hide most of his face (though his muzzle poked out). None of the others here would know him, that was for sure, he'd kept to himself mostly, out of sight never socialising, spending most of his time in his cell when he wasn't retrieving food. Most of his rations he'd received he'd not eaten and just kind of stashed it away, knowing this day would come sooner or later. Others would need it more than him when the time came.

He glanced around the area at the others (anyone who was already outside) and tucked today's rations into his pocket of his current hoodie, quietly munching away at a small bit of jerky to keep himself calm, his uneasiness over social interaction was starting to bug him, halfway hoping no one would notice the awkward wolfdog thing...
Tats and Mari walked into the cafeteria with Sothena to collect their rations, explaining to Mari that they would have to save as much of the food as they could, that food would be sparse for now. Mari nodded in understanding, before playing with her giraffe once more like a little kid she was. Tats sighed as he figured that they would have to fend for themselves, he could probably hunt with a few of the other experiments; he could make them make-shift spears for fishing.

Alexia walked out of her cell, bringing both Ashley and a bag filled with cat supplies, toys, etc with her. After receiving her rations, she put them neatly into one of the empty pockets of her bag to save for later, knowing she would need them later as she was not hungry right now. She tried to look around for Crawler but did not seem him anywhere yet, perhaps he had not yet arrived? She continued to look around until she caught Damion pondering about something, presumably what they would do in order to survive. Most likely, people would have to hunt for food over the next few days. Aleixa blushed a bit realizing that she was staring directly at Damion and shook herself before walking up to the boy shyly,
"H-H-Hi D-Damion" greeted the girl shyly, Ashley following right behind her.
Damion looked at Alexia and said,"Oh, hey. This is ridiculous, forcing us to survive like animals."

Digit looked over and Max and silently slid his handheld device back into his pocket. He then said,"This isn't right, there's a low probability that every last experiment will return." He then gave Max a glare that basically said 'don't you even consider teaming up with me and secretly using me as a battery to keep yourself replenished'.
Max looked over at digit confused. "What? I wasn't panning anything! I swear!" He said as he raised his hands in defense. "And what is with the low probability? It shouldn't take to long to restore power...hopefully." He said muttering the last part.
Alexia sheepishly nodded her head in agreement with Damions' statement, it was ridiculous to force people to survive like animals; though, its not like they had any choice in the say. "Y-Y-Y-Yes i-it is" replied Alexia, now staring down at the ground. Ashley was brushing up against Damions' foot, demanding to be pet; just like a typical cat.
Damion chuckled and picked up Ashley and putting her on his head, after petting her of course. He then scratched behind her ear and said,"Be careful up there." He the smiled and said,"Oh well, I think hunting might be a bit fun...you never know."

Digit simply sighed and said,"Max, this is a two story lab...the three main generators practically blew up...It's going to take a lot of time to repair them." He sighed once more and rested on his palm. He then said,"At least some of us have a bit of a advantage...there's that dragon kid...the centaur...I'm sure 10 would have a field day....those wolves would have it off the easiest." He then mumbled,"Probably eat other people when they get the chance."
Alexia eyed Ashley jealously, her cat genes kicking in.

Don't you wish you could have this? meowed the cat teasingly towards Alexia, her being the only one able to understand feline language.

Sh-Sh-Shut up! replied the girl in cat tongue, now blushing heavily at Ashleys' comment, unsure of what to do now.

You should say something before he thinks you weird meowed the cat back as she enjoyed being pet, quickly making hope of his head.

Alexia was completely frozen up, blushing heavily at what Ashley and her just talked about, glad that Damion would not be able to understand their back and forth meowing. Her eyes were not at the ground, staring deeply.
"Wow your positivity is impressive." He muttered. "Can you also use electricity as an alternate food source?" He asked calmly.
Digit shook his head and said,"No, I don't function like that." He then quickly added,"However, I don't need a electronic in order to use electricity." He then looked around for a moment and said,"I think it's time to go out..." He then stood up, took out his handheld and began to walk towards the door.

Damion watched as the two meowed back and forth. He then said,"Hold on tight.." and stood up with Ashley still on his head. He then said,"I think they're making us leave now.." He then made his way to the door.

James laid outside, laying under a small apple tree. There were a few apple on it, so he'd most likely be able to eat from that for a while. He smiled at his discovery and quietly took a apple and began to munch it.

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