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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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  • random beatings

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"Understood, however I believe we should release the three before we let them do whatever." Alexa told Jaren when she entered the surveillance room. "It makes things more intresting." @Ninja God
"You remind me of a...friend."He said letting his arm sag back down to the side. Tuning his head back to the boy a string popped and cotton was now spilling out of his neck. "Dont worry this happens alot." He said pulling a needle out of his arm and slowly fixing his neck. Head dangling a bit "So what is considered... fun here."
Dympna nodded. "Oh. Was this friend nice?" She asked the strange boy. Dympna tried not to jump when a string popped from his neck but somewhat failed. "Sorry for jumping." She murmured.

Darius paused. "Well, not much. Unless you have an adventurous sort of mind." He grinned. "I hope you like to play tricks on the guards here. It's one of the best parts here. Though every once in a while, a break out might happen."
Plague Doctor's teeth sank into his own lip as the Subject's teeth tore into his leg, he paused for a moment and raised his bonesaw ony for a jerk of the subject's head to send him to the floor. With the vice-like grip not even declining for a second and the wild thrashing of the subject not giving him a chance to get a clean cut with the saw, Plague Doctor began bashing away at the subjectt with his free foot. Plague Doctor felt the force of the Subject's teeth start puttng pressure on the bone and he grunted loudly in an attempt to keep a roar of agony bottled in before sending the toe of his shoe careening into the subject's exposed eye.

Walking along the halls a rookie guard was getting his first assignment as a replacement for a team chaperoning one of the scientists. His handler was of a much more routine category, having done this kind of thing dozens of times.

"Witch Doctor's in there with Fido right now," the Veteran stated as he gestured toward the cell door with his cigarette "All we're supposed to do is stand on either side of it and act intimidating."

The Veteran portrayed this by standing to one side of the door and leaning against the wall wiithout a care in the world, completely ignoring the sounds of a violent struggle. The Rookie, however, was much less quick to dismiss.

"Shouldn't we be getting in there?" he asked as he akwardly took his place on the other side of the door.

"Nah," The Veteran stated as he took a long drag from his cigarette "First thing you learn working here is that the Doctors aren't your every day prep shool pansies. That guy's probably doing fine."

Plague Doctor hissed as he felt the bones in his leg snapping, "Screw it!!!" his mind screamed at him violently before he tossed the bonesaw away and whipped out the laser pointer once again, he didn't care if he fried the damn's thing's brain, this was NOT continuing!

Apparently, that pain was enough to cloud Plague Doctor's more educated thoughts, since he failed to account for a crucial factor when he enacted his attempted electrocution. Once the net had resumed applying its horrific electricity to the subject, the energy shot through the specimen's body, traveled along it's teeth, then breached the torn rubber element of his outfit directly into his leg. This lead to both Doctor and subject flailing violently as their bodies were wracked with electricity. As Plague Doctor's limbs shook sporadically, the laser pointer followed his hand as it was still firmly gripped by him. The net followed mindlessly, spastically slinging itself to and fro, leaving scorch marks all over the place.

The Rookie watched the sporadic lights flashing through the door of the room, glancing from the light it made on the opposing wall to the other guard who just nonchalantly lit himself another cigarette. Finally, the Veteran grew tired of the Rookie's paranoid-looking face and barked "Calm down will ya?!?"

"Just look at what is happening!" The Rookie shot back as he gestured towards the door

"We've dealt with electrical beings before" the Veteran said with a roll of hs eyes "Calm your tits Rookie."

"Isn't this one supposed to be a Wolf-Man or something?"

"Huh, electric werewolves," the Veteran pondered "Didn't think our boys were orignial enough for that-"

The Veteran was interrupted by the sound of a large flash before the room went dark again. The Rookie glared at the Veteran, who sighed before conceding "Fine, but if nothing's wrong in there you owe me half of your pay-check."​

The moment they opened the door, the Veteran cursed at the realization that he wasn't getting his extra money. Plague Doctor's one legged form seemed to have been thrown into the wall, and the Subject's eye and mouth had suffered horribly through the ordeal though the heavy breathing indicated he was alive.

"Dear God," the Rookie said as he held a hand to his mouth

"I know," the Veteran stated before divulging in some victorious fist-pumping "THIS IS GOLD!!!"

The Rookie looked on in horrified confusion as the Veteran raced in while pulling his field camera from his utility belt. He tossed it to the Rookie, who fumbled with it a bit, before knelling down next to Plague Doctor's downed form. He then struck a mighty pose as the Rookie looked on with the expression of a child who just walked in on her father molesting the family cat.

"The hell is this?!?" he asked

"What's it look like wise guy, I'm cementing this moment in history." the Veteran stated before pointing at Plague Doctor "This guy right here? Laced my meals with parasite eggs for four weeks. Now? I ain't letting this go kid."

"We need to get him up to the medical wing pronto!" The Rookie yelled

"Look," the Veteran said as he held a hand up "earlier today I helped burn seven bodies and one of them was my brother you follow me? I need this Rookie!"

The Rookie sighed before taking the picture, and when the Veteran saw it he chuckled "Awesome, now go pick up the Plague man's stuff."

And so, while the Veteran began dragging the unconcious form of the Doctor out, the Rookie made haste to gather the pieces of the overloaded electrcity net and Plague Doctor's other tools, giving the Subject a wide berth lest he regain his strength suddenly and attack.

He grabbed the laser pointer pen last and ran out before stopping to slam the door shut and locking it.

"Seriously," The Veteran chuckled as he lugged the Plague Doctor along "jut as idiotic as those wittle animals."

The Rookie stayed silent as they reached a service elevator after some time, after The Veteran used his keycard before hauling Plague Doctor in. Soon the three were heading up away from the experiment holding areas.

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Getting bored she strolled away from Ryan. She wondered where Darius was, maybe he had something minorly interesting to say.

(( @Wings Indulge my boredom))
Wings said:
(Come hither and find us!" ;)
(( Stop playing hard to get xD ))

Mik looked around for Darius, searching everywhere, She wanted to tell him about Ryan and how he was like her. Finally seeing him, Mik ran towards him, wondering what type of response she would get. He could smile at her and pull her up in a hug , he could not remember her at all or worse he could ignore her.
Jarnes nodded and then released the remaining experiments. "Get the two wolves to a nurse or something." he said feeling satisfied leaning back in his chair

"Very" he said and then replaced the needle back into the arm. He nodded his head at the girl; then acknowledged Darius. "I am adventurous." he said.
[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue](( Stop playing hard to get xD ))
Mik looked around for Darius, searching everywhere, She wanted to tell him about Ryan and how he was like her. Finally seeing him, Mik ran towards him, wondering what type of response she would get. He could smile at her and pull her up in a hug , he could not remember her at all or worse he could ignore her.

Darius was a little startled when Mik ran at him and hugged him. He picked her up in a hug back. "Hey, we've you been? I was just about to go looking for you." He smiled. Darius wanted to kiss her head but not in front of the two people.

[QUOTE="Ninja God]Jarnes nodded and then released the remaining experiments. "Get the two wolves to a nurse or something." he said feeling satisfied leaning back in his chair
"Very" he said and then replaced the needle back into the arm. He nodded his head at the girl; then acknowledged Darius. "I am adventurous." he said.

"Oh, well that's nice. I'm glad you had a friend." Dympna smiled at him. Arnold was nice and she liked him as a friend.

Darius grinned. "Well, that means we have another rascal to add to the bunch. If you really want to explore, go at night. Not many people are up." He said flicking his tail.
Zaffre Blue]Mik smiled at him . " I met the most amazing guy!" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5032-wings/ said:
"Oh really?" Darius raised an eyebrow. I wonder who she could be talking about though? He wondered while waiting for her to answer. Maybe we have another transfer.
Wings said:
"Oh really?" Darius raised an eyebrow. I wonder who she could be talking about though? He wondered while waiting for her to answer. Maybe we have another transfer.
She talked very fast "his name is Ryan and he's a fire experiment just like me" She hoped Darius didn't get jealous " I shook his hand the I ignited but he did too and it was perfect!!"
Arya would be awoken by the sound of scrapping metal. Blinking her eyes open she would slowly sit up to find that her cell door had been opened by a few guards. "A wheelchair? Crutches? Anything?" she would call after them. With no response she would sigh. "This ll be fun" Arya would mutter as she would lean on the wall for support. Grabbing the bottle of pills, shoving them into her pocket she would shuffle along the wall, making it to the door she would be exhausted from the effort it took. 'Damn' Arya would think to herself 'how is think going to work?'
"Release the prisoners in captivity and get that girl a prostetic leg. We have interfered with the experiments enough. Once she is done being treated I want all guards to leave the experiment quarters asap." Alexa ordered before going to take a nap.

As soon as her orders where issued guards opened up the three cells. They threw Max back into his electric blue prison. And took the two other experiments to get medical attention.
[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]She talked very fast "his name is Ryan and he's a fire experiment just like me" She hoped Darius didn't get jealous " I shook his hand the I ignited but he did too and it was perfect!!"

"Another fire experiment huh? That's cool." He nodded trying not to feel jealous. Wait, what is that feeling I'm feeling? It cant be jealousy can it? Nope. Not jealous. He thought, just a tad bit jealous.
Ryan started heading back to his cell, seeing a boy get tossed into a cell near his he stopped by once the guard left, "so what kind if experiment are you, power wise." He asked a bit curious.
Wings said:
"Another fire experiment huh? That's cool." He nodded trying not to feel jealous. Wait, what is that feeling I'm feeling? It cant be jealousy can it? Nope. Not jealous. He thought, just a tad bit jealous.
"He's really cool, Do you want to meet him?"
[QUOTE="Zaffre Blue]"He's really cool, Do you want to meet him?"

Darius shrugged. "Sure." If it made Mik happy, then he would be willing to go meet the new experiment. Darius' tail twitched a little.
Max eyes opened as soon as he was in his old cell, he was out. Without even apologizing he bowled over the new guy as he looked for a light. When he found one he smirked happily and placed his hands onto it and began to absorb. In a matter of seconds the lab had a complete black out. "Haha That was great!" He said as he happily stretched electricity dancing off of him in a satisfied way. He then walked back to his cell and saw a boy on the floor. "Um...the beds are nicer you know." Max said as he lend a hand to help the fallen boy up. "I'm experiment 666 aka Max. Incase you couldn't figure it out my experiment is electricity." He said happily.
Wings said:
Darius shrugged. "Sure." If it made Mik happy, then he would be willing to go meet the new experiment. Darius' tail twitched a little.
Mik noticed how tense he was. She didn't want to make him upset. " We could always go hang out in my cell ?"
GrieveWriter said:
Plague Doctor's teeth sank into his own lip as the Subject's teeth tore into his leg, he paused for a moment and raised his bonesaw ony for a jerk of the subject's head to send him to the floor. With the vice-like grip not even declining for a second and the wild thrashing of the subject not giving him a chance to get a clean cut with the saw, Plague Doctor began bashing away at the subjectt with his free foot. Plague Doctor felt the force of the Subject's teeth start puttng pressure on the bone and he grunted loudly in an attempt to keep a roar of agony bottled in before sending the toe of his shoe careening into the subject's exposed eye.
Walking along the halls a rookie guard was getting his first assignment as a replacement for a team chaperoning one of the scientists. His handler was of a much more routine category, having done this kind of thing dozens of times.

"Witch Doctor's in there with Fido right now," the Veteran stated as he gestured toward the cell door with his cigarette "All we're supposed to do is stand on either side of it and act intimidating."

The Veteran portrayed this by standing to one side of the door and leaning against the wall wiithout a care in the world, completely ignoring the sounds of a violent struggle. The Rookie, however, was much less quick to dismiss.

"Shouldn't we be getting in there?" he asked as he akwardly took his place on the other side of the door.

"Nah," The Veteran stated as he took a long drag from his cigarette "First thing you learn working here is that the Doctors aren't your every day prep shool pansies. That guy's probably doing fine."

Plague Doctor hissed as he felt the bones in his leg snapping, "Screw it!!!" his mind screamed at him violently before he tossed the bonesaw away and whipped out the laser pointer once again, he didn't care if he fried the damn's thing's brain, this was NOT continuing!

Apparently, that pain was enough to cloud Plague Doctor's more educated thoughts, since he failed to account for a crucial factor when he enacted his attempted electrocution. Once the net had resumed applying its horrific electricity to the subject, the energy shot through the specimen's body, traveled along it's teeth, then breached the torn rubber element of his outfit directly into his leg. This lead to both Doctor and subject flailing violently as their bodies were wracked with electricity. As Plague Doctor's limbs shook sporadically, the laser pointer followed his hand as it was still firmly gripped by him. The net followed mindlessly, spastically slinging itself to and fro, leaving scorch marks all over the place.

The Rookie watched the sporadic lights flashing through the door of the room, glancing from the light it made on the opposing wall to the other guard who just nonchalantly lit himself another cigarette. Finally, the Veteran grew tired of the Rookie's paranoid-looking face and barked "Calm down will ya?!?"

"Just look at what is happening!" The Rookie shot back as he gestured towards the door

"We've dealt with electrical beings before" the Veteran said with a roll of hs eyes "Calm your tits Rookie."

"Isn't this one supposed to be a Wolf-Man or something?"

"Huh, electric werewolves," the Veteran pondered "Didn't think our boys were orignial enough for that-"

The Veteran was interrupted by the sound of a large flash before the room went dark again. The Rookie glared at the Veteran, who sighed before conceding "Fine, but if nothing's wrong in there you owe me half of your pay-check."​

The moment they opened the door, the Veteran cursed at the realization that he wasn't getting his extra money. Plague Doctor's one legged form seemed to have been thrown into the wall, and the Subject's eye and mouth had suffered horribly through the ordeal though the heavy breathing indicated he was alive.

"Dear God," the Rookie said as he held a hand to his mouth

"I know," the Veteran stated before divulging in some victorious fist-pumping "THIS IS GOLD!!!"

The Rookie looked on in horrified confusion as the Veteran raced in while pulling his field camera from his utility belt. He tossed it to the Rookie, who fumbled with it a bit, before knelling down next to Plague Doctor's downed form. He then struck a mighty pose as the Rookie looked on with the expression of a child who just walked in on her father molesting the family cat.

"The hell is this?!?" he asked

"What's it look like wise guy, I'm cementing this moment in history." the Veteran stated before pointing at Plague Doctor "This guy right here? Laced my meals with parasite eggs for four weeks. Now? I ain't letting this go kid."

"We need to get him up to the medical wing pronto!" The Rookie yelled

"Look," the Veteran said as he held a hand up "earlier today I helped burn seven bodies and one of them was my brother you follow me? I need this Rookie!"

The Rookie sighed before taking the picture, and when the Veteran saw it he chuckled "Awesome, now go pick up the Plague man's stuff."

And so, while the Veteran began dragging the unconcious form of the Doctor out, the Rookie made haste to gather the pieces of the overloaded electrcity net and Plague Doctor's other tools, giving the Subject a wide berth lest he regain his strength suddenly and attack.

He grabbed the laser pointer pen last and ran out before stopping to slam the door shut and locking it.

"Seriously," The Veteran chuckled as he lugged the Plague Doctor along "jut as idiotic as those wittle animals."

The Rookie stayed silent as they reached a service elevator after some time, after The Veteran used his keycard before hauling Plague Doctor in. Soon the three were heading up away from the experiment holding areas.

(Reeeaaally sorry guys i didnt see him post it) as they dragges the doc out penance sigh in relief. He looked around his body "sweet everythings still there." He climbed up on his bed to relax. (Again really sorry)

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